America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Someone once said: "It's Not the Nature of the Evidence; It's the Seriousness of the Charge."

I think we can all agree that this is wrong.

Buzzfeed is standing behind their story, which Mueller's team's statement doesn't entirely refute.
Danoff, This is Buzzfeed. Clickbait Buzzfeed. Really? Maybe you need to take a step back for a moment.
I don't really feel sorry for the people being furloughed.
I saw a few lines at food banks for the furloughed workers. It's funny to me seeing them, they have enough money for new Mercedes, Porsches and wanna be monster trucks. They can afford that and their nice houses but can't afford food? That ain't my problem you can't manage money!
I was out of work for a month, worked for a tree service for a few weeks that disappeared when payday came around(my lawyer is dealing with that) and today is literally my first week back to work. I haven't seen a check in over 2 months(I won't see one for another 2 weeks) and I still have money for food, my lawyer, ciggs etc...
I'm pretty sure they make about as much as me if not more.
Thing is you don't see me driving a car I can't afford or a house I can't afford if I miss work for a period of time.
I've also worked at poorly managed companies where I'd have to wait an entire pay period to get my check from the previous pay period cause they didn't have money(it was nice getting a months pay in a lump sum!). I look at them as wanna be entitled rich people who can't afford the life they live.
Cry me a river...
As far as the impeachment BS, I roll my eyes. Buzzfeed, seriously!:lol:
Y'all forget they(not Buzz...) wanted to impeach him before he even took the seat.:rolleyes: #witchhunt
I'm looking forward to Trumps presser about the shutdown and wall that should happen in a few days if I'm correct.
I'm also enjoying watching everyone get all excited about Trump possibly getting impeached for the umpteenth time! You wanna talk about a waste of government resources and money! There ya go son!
All they are doing is pissing off his loyal supporters. The same ones y'all think are idiots! I look at them as idiots, idiots on the brink of orgasm every time they think they finally got him and poof it's nothing.
Just let him finish his term, stop wasting money on dumb investigations, stop calling people who voted for him every name in the book and don't have Hillary on the ballot and they might actually win. Even though I won't be voting blue for a good while. You don't call people names and expect a vote. Shows who the true idiots are!

PS: Have fun with Pence, a true Republican if you impeached Trump!!!

I actually do feel sorry for the ones furloughed. I think perhaps you forget that people with a mortgage have less money stowed away for a rainy day. I also dont think the majority of federal workers that are furloughed dont own a mercedes or porsche. You cant always reflect your own responsible use of money on others. I too have enough money saved to help me through at least 6 months of no income. But you cant expect for example single mothers with a single income and children to have saved up that much or people who have a sick familymember etc. You are assuming a lot here. Where are you receiving this information?

I think you also overestimate the supposed hatred towards Trump. I dont think it is because liberals hate Trump. It is just that he is making a mockery of the title and is clearly unfit for office. The sheer amount of staff that have left and complained about him should already be enough evidence. I always say you are only as good as your worst employee.

Like others here it is amazing how a lying, scamming, narcistic reality tv star can actually be voted as POTUS. I always thought it was reserved for the very best of what the USA has to offer. And Trump has made a laughing stock out of the seat. Take a few steps back and you realise it is like Trump's whitehouse is one big Reality show. And yes MSM are guilty of playing their part, but its Trump that is producing the hell out of it.

As for the Russia investigation. It is clear for the neutral viewer that he is guilty. So many highplaced people in his campaign have had shady dealings with russians and lied about it. The only reason Trump isnt yet indicted is because he is protected by his title. (he cant be forced to be interrogated) The goalpost has been shifted so many times I lost count. First it was "no collusion", then "if there was it wouldnt be a crime" and now "I dont know if some in my campaign had dealings with Russia, but I did not". He did the same with the wall. He promised on national TV for thousands of live and millions of tv viewers, that he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it.

Would you still support Trump if there is 100% proof that Trump had dealings with russia and lied about it over and over.
I look at them as wanna be entitled rich people who can't afford the life they live.
That woudl not make them rich.

Its also interesting to know that you are aware of the personal circumstances of over half a million people to be able to make such a sweeping statement (and that's without getting into the utter lack of empathy such a stance requires).

Just let him finish his term, stop wasting money on dumb investigations, stop calling people who voted for him every name in the book and don't have Hillary on the ballot and they might actually win. Even though I won't be voting blue for a good while. You don't call people names and expect a vote. Shows who the true idiots are!
Umm. The investigation isn't a waste of money on two fronts.

The first is that its resulted in a large number of indictments and convictions, which is kind of the point of investigations (making it far from dumb or a witchhunt).

The second is that while Trump has said that the investigate has cost $40 million, his own governments figures disagree, its actually around $28 million. However that needs to be balanced with the fact that Manafort alone forfeit cash and real estate valued at around $42 to $46 million.

So the investigation is actually currently running at a profit of over $18 million.
That woudl not make them rich.

Its also interesting to know that you are aware of the personal circumstances of over half a million people to be able to make such a sweeping statement (and that's without getting into the utter lack of empathy such a stance requires).

Umm. The investigation isn't a waste of money on two fronts.

The first is that its resulted in a large number of indictments and convictions, which is kind of the point of investigations (making it far from dumb or a witchhunt).

The second is that while Trump has said that the investigate has cost $40 million, his own governments figures disagree, its actually around $28 million. However that needs to be balanced with the fact that Manafort alone forfeit cash and real estate valued at around $42 to $46 million.

So the investigation is actually currently running at a profit of over $18 million.

I have this feeling a lot more people will go down for the crimes of Trump, with him eventually going scottfree. If you look at the conviction of Cohen it is essentially Trump (allegedly) directing him that caused his world to crumble.
Danoff, This is Buzzfeed. Clickbait Buzzfeed. Really? Maybe you need to take a step back for a moment.

Buzzfeed News, while part of Buzzfeed, is not the same as the clickbait side. The News side actually works to do journalism. I would guess the revenue generated from the clickbait side helps pay for them to be able to do that.
Buzzfeed News
Oh, well that's very different.

Say, aren't those the same 'journalists' that broke the 'news' ten days before the inauguration, that Trump hired hookers to pee on a bed in Moscow?

Yeah, those guys do a bang up job.
Oh, well that's very different.

Say, aren't those the same 'journalists' that broke the 'news' ten days before the inauguration, that Trump hired hookers to pee on a bed in Moscow?

Yeah, those guys do a bang up job.
They didnt "break the news." They reported on the Steele Dossier. Which hasnt been verified one way or the other to date.
I think perhaps you forget that people with a mortgage have less money stowed away for a rainy day.
Really? I pay over $1100 a month rent.(2 bed 2 bath) My friends who are paying for their houses pay $650-$800 a month. I also have to pay renters insurance, water and trash. My friends who live in apartments don't pay as much as I do lol. So I disagree. I'd love a house, I was talking to someone on my route, he pays $675 a month for a 3 bed 2 1/2 bath house. Sadly my credit is still too low and our $55K isn't enough income for a car or a house with our credit scores. Go figure...

Would you still support Trump if there is 100% proof that Trump had dealings with russia and lied about it over and over.
Yes, depending on the "dealings". There has been so much speculation from the pee tapes to a Trump tower that was never built. I'll wait but I'm not holding my breath.

The ones driving new Porsches probably aren't the ones at food banks.
My eyes are still good, I know what I saw, I don't need glasses yet thank you very much! ;)
My eyes are still good, I know what I saw, I don't need glasses yet thank you very much! ;)

You saw new Porsches and Mercedes in the parking lot? Or you saw people getting out of new Porsches and Mercedes, go into the food bank, and come back out with supplies that was definitely for them rather than other more unfortunate members of their extended family or circle of acquaintances?

You haven't been exactly clear about what you saw to come to your conclusions, but I don't think that anything you could have seen at "a few lines at food banks" is justification for belittling all furloughed workers. Maybe some are overpaid and can't manage their money. I'd be shocked if some weren't, because that seems like normal human behaviour. It sucks but it's true, we've all met at least one person who is overpaid, underqualified, blows all their money on junk, does everything wrong and still the sun shines out their :censored:hole. The randomness in the universe is unfair and it is annoying.

You're welcome to belittle people losing their opportunities for work and earnings all you like though. It just seems a little like sour grapes to anyone who looks at your status history. It's not a zero sum game, man.
This reminds me of when someone sees a seemingly able bodied person in a handicapped space and just assumes they're just being lazy even though they may be picking up someone legitimately handicapped or have a non-visible handicap.

Granted there are certainly people who abuse food shelves (my mom for example), but that doesn't mean someone with a nice car is doing that. They could be donating food, giving a poor person a ride or even volunteering.
other more unfortunate members of their extended family or circle of acquaintances
Considering they had to show a government employee ID, I'd say it's a safe bet they were picking it up for themselves.
It just seems a little like sour grapes to anyone who looks at your status history.
It might be. At least the ones working are going to get paid. Since you read my status and I'm sure you read my post where I said I got screwed out of my pay. I wasn't mad about not working, I quit the job I'm at now(again) cause I was tired of working 6 days a week and wanted a break. Even if my lawyer can't find the tree company I learned a lot and even cut down my first tree(110')!
It was more of a rant.
Regardless my status has nothing to do with thier situation, the ones working will get paid.
I'm actually curious how much the government is saving not having the nonessential workers that aren't working.
What is mind-boggling to me is that someone as openly corrupt, narcissistic, devious & weirdly inarticulate & stupid as Trump could have convinced such a big chunk of the American public to vote for him. Regardless of what happens from here on, I will never recover from the disillusionment. I fully accept that people have differing political opinions, but that people would be so taken in by someone as obviously a terrible person as Trump ... that's a tough pill to swallow.

It's a lot easier to say that now then it was to say that immediately after the election. It wasn't just Trump, Trumping his way to the President's seat. It's a complex set of circumstances and events, that allowed him even the opportunity.

And I think one of the biggest factor, among others, is that the field of candidates was so large at the beginning, there needed to be somebody that could differentiate themselves from the rest. Trump happened to be the perfect man for that.

And another major factor is that he was able to anchor himself into about 30% of Republicans early on, which gave him a massive advantage over everybody else. And he successfully channeled that group's frustrations into a super simple, vague platform, based around a handful of catchphrases that meant very little in actuality.

And the fact that the entire media villainized Trump really didn't help things either. Rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

And it's what the Democratic party did too. From day one, Hillary would be the Democratic nominee, and the party would do whatever they could to get her to that spot. That really didn't look too good, and I think it helped to mobilize some more support against her.

And Hillary was really easy to be made into a villain. In the eyes of core Trump voters, probably all Democrats are evil, but there was specifically something with Hillary that made even some moderates think twice about voting for her.

And if the Russians helped him, well, that can't be forgotten either. No matter how major or minor their actions were.

And while we're at it we can't forget all the Facebook stuff and the customized ads for people either. Because that probably played a surprisingly major role, since people were being fed garbage, and absorbed it like a sponge.

I think at any other moment in time, Hillary v. Trump, Hillary would win 990/1000. But for whatever reason, 2015/16 was the perfect time.

The other one is the Russia investigation. These are the same people who pronounced Clinton guilty as sin for moment number one - and who still stand by accusations of murder (I'm not looking to weigh in on that, just saying that they're quick to convict). But the Russia thing is just a liberal media conspiracy to stop their guy. He couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, he's their guy. There's no way their guy could have done something bad. Hillary? Lock her up. Trump? As innocent and saintly as they come. Bill? Lock him up. Impeach! Obama? Kenyan. Trump? pure as the driven snow.

I think there's atleast one legitimate reason for this.

From day one, even with very scarce evidence, the liberal media in particular has been saying that there's a major link between Trump and Russia. And I think that's still ingrained into people, that this whole thing is a witch hunt and its fabricated. Little do they know there's some legitimate evidence now, and certainly more than there was in 2016. But that's when they stopped listening.

A Catholic high school in Kentucky is facing social media backlash after videos posted online appeared to show an elderly Indigenous protester being mocked at a rally in Washington, D.C.

Is this what the Trump whitehouse means by patriot?
More fake news.

The kids were in DC for an anti-abortion march. They went to Lincoln Memorial to wait for their busses to pick them up.

The kids were standing there when the Native Americans walked into the middle of their group with the drums. There are a bunch of videos posted on Twitter of the event.

I am new to Twitter, so I am not sure how to embed a tweet. This guy explains it, but it is a little hard to see the Twitter videos. I have seen them.

I am not starting this video from the beginning. You can watch the whole video if you want, but my point is made in about four minutes. I don't know the poster, and he is not someone I would subscribe to. But he does show that the narrative put out by the press is false. The kids did nothing wrong, and they certainly weren't mocking this native american veteran.

This was written by one of the kids to a local TV station.

(from Twitter)

More fake news.

The kids were in DC for an anti-abortion march. They went to Lincoln Memorial to wait for their busses to pick them up.

The kids were standing there when the Native Americans walked into the middle of their group with the drums. There are a bunch of videos posted on Twitter of the event.

I am new to Twitter, so I am not sure how to embed a tweet. This guy explains it, but it is a little hard to see the Twitter videos. I have seen them.

I am not starting this video from the beginning. You can watch the whole video if you want, but my point is made in about four minutes. I don't know the poster, and he is not someone I would subscribe to. But he does show that the narrative put out by the press is false. The kids did nothing wrong, and they certainly weren't mocking this native american veteran.

This was written by one of the kids to a local TV station.

(from Twitter)


Lets fact check the fact check.

Your quoted piece doesn't mention that the the Phillips and the others were on an annual, pre-scheduled march, which goes to the Lincoln Memorial (to honour Native American veterans), as such they didn't force a way through the kids. Its more accurate to say they kids didn't move out of the way.

Nor is it true to claim that 'build the wall' wasn't shouted repeatedly (and attempt to claim as it wasn't a chant it doesn't count are poor semantics at best).

I've also watched the videos (which as they don't hyperlink was a pain in the ass) and to conflate what is clearly an utterly different group (the African Americans) with the Native American group is both absurd and deeply disturbing. Nor do they (as they claim) show the start, in fact they all show less of the start than the ones in the media have show! What they instead do is cut to a group of African Americans (who once again as it seems to need repeating given the sources) who are quite clearly separate to the Native American march and are ranting (in a quite unhinged manner) about a totally different agenda.

I have to ask, did you actually watch the videos linked to in that twitter post?

Now you also really should have done a bit of background check on the rather unpleasant individual you posted a video from, not only does it repeat the exact same errors as the twitter post above, but also comes from a source with some quite clear beliefs in racial conspiracy theories, as best his very alt-right, but from his content I would suggest a lot further right.

Overall its a difficult situation, but its certainly not a bunch of innocent kids being harassed by the nasty man that the above sources attempt to paint it, as such countering 'fake news' with more 'fake news' doesn't do a lot to convince me at all.
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Your quoted piece doesn't mention that the the Phillips and the others were on an annual, pre-scheduled march, which goes to the Lincoln Memorial (to honour Native American veterans), as such they didn't force a way through the kids. Its more accurate to say they kids didn't move out of the way.
There is plenty of room. The kids were waiting there for the bus as instructed. The Native Americans could have chosen any route to get past the kids. They stopped and drummed in the kids face. And then lied and said the kids surrounded them.
Nor is it true to claim that 'build the wall' wasn't shouted repeatedly (and attempt to claim as it wasn't a chant it doesn't count are poor semantics at best).
I saw no evidence of this. If it was, show me. I have not seen anyone shout "Build the wall" in any of the videos. They were told "to go back to Europe" because they were white.

I've also watched the videos (which as they don;t hyperlink was a pain in the ass) and to conflate what is clearly an utterly different group (the African Americans) with the Native American group is both absurd and deeply disturbing.
I didn't watch the videos from the image of the email. Not gonna type all that. I started the video I posted after the black anti-gay preachers part, I didn't think it was relevant.

Now you also really should have done a bit of background check on the rather unpleasant individual you posted a video from, not only does it repeat the exact same errors as the twitter post above, but also comes from a source with some quite clear beliefs in racial conspiracy theories, as best his very alt-right, but from his content I would suggest a lot further right.
I said I don't know the poster. But he makes my point from where I start the video up until a few minutes into the video. That is why I added the disclaimer to the video.

Overall its a difficult situation, but its certainly not a bunch of innocent kids being harassed by the nasty man that the above sources attempt to paint it, as such countering 'fake news' with more 'fake news' doesn't do a lot to convince me at all.
What exactly did the kids do wrong? The main kid just stands there trying not to laugh. Again the only taunting I hear is from someone off camera telling the white kids to go back to Europe.

These kids have been demonized in front of the entire world. What in the hell did they do to deserve that? They did nothing wrong.

Finally the busses arrive, and the kids chant "let's go home" as they run away to the busses
There is plenty of room. The kids were waiting there for the bus as instructed. The Native Americans could have chosen any route to get past the kids. They stopped and drummed in the kids face. And then lied and said the kids surrounded them.
Then watch the videos of the kids being approached they give no ground and the videos of them all around them.

I saw no evidence of this. If it was, show me. I have not seen anyone shout "Build the wall" in any of the videos. They were told "to go back to Europe" because they were white.

Its said repeatedly in this video.

I didn't watch the videos from the image of the email. Not gonna type all that.
And yet you cite it as proof?

I started the video I posted after the black anti-gay preachers part, I didn't think it was relevant.
The poster quite clearly attempted to link the two groups, as did you twitter post. That they are clearly different groups that your sources are attempting to conflate is acutely relevant to the honest and clear bias of your sources on this matter.

I said I don't know the poster. But he makes my point from where I start the video up until a few minutes into the video. That is why I added the disclaimer to the video.
A disclaimer doesn't change the tone of the view, the attempts to link two utterly different groups, or the nature of your source.

What exactly did the kids do wrong? The main kid just stands there trying not to laugh. Again the only taunting I hear is from someone off camera telling the white kids to go back to Europe.

These kids have been demonized in front of the entire world. What in the hell did they do to deserve that? They did nothing wrong.
What could they have done?

Not shouted 'build the wall', not surrounded them, not obstructed them, just a few basic niceties.

It seems that the kids (and you) seem to forget that freedom of speech (they are free to shout 'build the wall' and freedom of consequences are not the same thing.

It's also turning out to be quite the institute for this kind of behaviour.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1086787337860743169&ref_url=

However I'm sure some will dismiss it as boys being boys. :banghead:
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Really? I pay over $1100 a month rent.(2 bed 2 bath) My friends who are paying for their houses pay $650-$800 a month. I also have to pay renters insurance, water and trash. My friends who live in apartments don't pay as much as I do lol. So I disagree. I'd love a house, I was talking to someone on my route, he pays $675 a month for a 3 bed 2 1/2 bath house. Sadly my credit is still too low and our $55K isn't enough income for a car or a house with our credit scores. Go figure...

Yes, depending on the "dealings". There has been so much speculation from the pee tapes to a Trump tower that was never built. I'll wait but I'm not holding my breath.

My eyes are still good, I know what I saw, I don't need glasses yet thank you very much! ;)

Renting and being a homeowner with a mortgage have different financial burdens. If you cant make rent you owe your contract (If 1 year remaining) "only" 13.200. Dont underestimate the burden a mortgage can have. Missing a fewpayments on a mortgage have far more consequences then missing a few payments on rent.
Renting and being a homeowner with a mortgage have different financial burdens. If you cant make rent you owe your contract (If 1 year remaining) "only" 13.200. Dont underestimate the burden a mortgage can have. Missing a few payments on a mortgage have far more consequences then missing a few payments on rent.
Again I have to disagree. I'm not underestimating the burden of buying a house. They are pretty much signing their life over(20-30 years).
I want to own a house one day but that's another subject.
I think you underestimate renting an apartment. Thankfully I've never missed a payment in my life. If I don't pay them by the 5th, I still have to pay said month, I have to pay the next month ahead of time and $400 to stop the eviction process. Roughly $2700.
I don't think a mortgage holder gets raped like that for missing 1 payment.(feel free to correct me)
My point was a mortgage is less per month than leasing an apartment.
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Missing a fewpayments on a mortgage have far more consequences then missing a few payments on rent.

Typically in the U.S. banks will hold off as long as possible before starting the foreclosure process if you have a good payment record. Landlords on the other hand typically start the eviction process right after the first missed payment irregardless of how good you've been at paying on time in the past.
Again I have to disagree. I'm not underestimating the burden of buying a house. They are pretty much signing their life over(20-30 years).
I want to own a house one day but that's another subject.
I think you underestimate renting an apartment. Thankfully I've never missed a payment in my life. If I don't pay them by the 5th, I still have to pay said month, I have to pay the next month ahead of time and $400 to stop the eviction process. Roughly $2700.
I don't think a mortgage holder gets raped like that for missing 1 payment.(feel free to correct me)
My point was a mortgage is less per month than leasing an apartment.

Typically in the U.S. banks will hold off as long as possible before starting the foreclosure process if you have a good payment record. Landlords on the other hand typically start the eviction process right after the first missed payment irregardless of how good you've been at paying on time in the past.

I think it differs very much with my country. It is almost impossible to evict someone in the Netherlands, even though they havent paid rent in months. They are protected by law. But you still will owe the rent (with interest). I own my apartment, but to be honest renting has more advantages. A mortgage will way heavily especially if you bought your home at the wrong moment and its hard to sell without a significant loss.
My eyes are still good, I know what I saw, I don't need glasses yet thank you very much! ;)

You saw a million people!?! Or you saw one person, made some assumptions, and then made sweeping generalizations to dehumanize that group so that you could feel good about your choices. You never answered my question about whether the federal government should be have like a shady company that is going under... because that was the suggestion you made.

I'm actually curious how much the government is saving not having the nonessential workers that aren't working.

It doesn't work like that. A government shutdown results extra expense for the same service. It's not a substitute for small government. It's not just back pay for workers who are staying home either, it's also lost revenue for businesses that are still on the hook to comply with regulations, yet can't get the authority they need right now to continue producing. Even if you think, for example, that we shouldn't need the TSA. Right now, you need the TSA to get on a plane. Requiring the TSA and not having them is not the same thing as not requiring them. It's a really important distinction.

It's a lot easier to say that now then it was to say that immediately after the election. It wasn't just Trump, Trumping his way to the President's seat. It's a complex set of circumstances and events, that allowed him even the opportunity.

Even if that's true (and I don't think that's true), it's still impressive how many people are sticking with him.

I think there's atleast one legitimate reason for this.
From day one, even with very scarce evidence, the liberal media in particular has been saying that there's a major link between Trump and Russia. And I think that's still ingrained into people, that this whole thing is a witch hunt and its fabricated. Little do they know there's some legitimate evidence now, and certainly more than there was in 2016. But that's when they stopped listening.

To an extent, the same was true of Clinton and Nixon. The accusations feel like conspiracy theories until, at some point, the evidence mounts enough to seem legit. I don't know why anyone (except law enforcement and the judiciary) presumes Trump innocent. I didn't presume him to be innocent of underhanded nonsense much like he's accused of back when he was on "The Apprentice". I didn't presume him innocent of this kind of stuff when he was a "Real Estate Mogul". Trump has always been this guy. We're not talking about Bill Cosby here. We're talking about OJ Simpson. Your gut told you the answer the whole time.

* In the case of OJ, I'm speaking of after the accusations of murder, not while he was playing college ball.
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Much of Trump's populist agenda is understood by his slogans, "Make America Great Again" and "America First".

It may be time to examine The Shutdown as a deliberate, active economic plan - a great, final and triumphal plan to "Drain the Swamp", another of his slogans. We know for sure the government will not get funded and reopened as normal anytime soon. It may well go for years, or even forever. Really. This could amount to what we might call a fascist, nationalist, capitalist and patriarchal consolidation of the American government. He does not need to build a wall. He does not need to declare a national emergency. He's already doing what he wants most. Permanent layoffs are the next step. Maybe Trump has maneuvered the Democrats into a trap.

- Permanently reduce or destroy "massive, bloated, unnecessary government" in all but absolutely essential respects
- ditto the central bank
- ditto unsustainable government debt
- ditto the strength of the deep state
- ditto socialist democracy
From day one, even with very scarce evidence, the liberal media in particular has been saying that there's a major link between Trump and Russia. And I think that's still ingrained into people, that this whole thing is a witch hunt and its fabricated. Little do they know there's some legitimate evidence now, and certainly more than there was in 2016. But that's when they stopped listening.

The problem with Trump is that he litterally started lying from day one. Lying about the crowd size and the weather and he set the tone for the media to come. From the start the media and the left were perplexed by how someone could keep lying even when confronted with obvious evidence about unimportant things. He kept lying and thats why the media is having trouble with covering Trump. And he only added oil to the fire and provoking the media by repeatedly calling them Fake news and the enemy of the people. To my opinion the media have actually been quite mild. There just is no way to know what he is going to do or if he is telling the truth.

As for the Russia investigation, it just seems Trump is doing everything what a guilty person would do.

Much of Trump's populist agenda is understood by his slogans, "Make America Great Again" and "America First".

It may be time to examine The Shutdown as a deliberate, active economic plan - a great, final and triumphal plan to "Drain the Swamp", another of his slogans. We know for sure the government will not get funded and reopened as normal anytime soon. It may well go for years, or even forever. Really. This could amount to what we might call a fascist, nationalist, capitalist and patriarchal consolidation of the American government. He does not need to build a wall. He does not need to declare a national emergency. He's already doing what he wants most. Permanent layoffs are the next step. Maybe Trump has maneuvered the Democrats into a trap.

- Permanently reduce or destroy "massive, bloated, unnecessary government" in all but absolutely essential respects
- ditto the central bank
- ditto unsustainable government debt
- ditto the strength of the deep state
- ditto socialist democracy

Trump only thinks about Trump. I 100% believe he never meant what he promised during election. They were just means to an end. Just necessary lies to become President and stroke his ego. He doesnt believe what he says at all and probably thinks that people who believe his lies are dumb. This is a person who genuinly thinks that cheating and deceiving people is being smart.
Much of Trump's populist agenda is understood by his slogans, "Make America Great Again" and "America First".

It may be time to examine The Shutdown as a deliberate, active economic plan - a great, final and triumphal plan to "Drain the Swamp", another of his slogans. We know for sure the government will not get funded and reopened as normal anytime soon. It may well go for years, or even forever. Really. This could amount to what we might call a fascist, nationalist, capitalist and patriarchal consolidation of the American government. He does not need to build a wall. He does not need to declare a national emergency. He's already doing what he wants most. Permanent layoffs are the next step. Maybe Trump has maneuvered the Democrats into a trap.

- Permanently reduce or destroy "massive, bloated, unnecessary government" in all but absolutely essential respects
- ditto the central bank
- ditto unsustainable government debt
- ditto the strength of the deep state
- ditto socialist democracy
He's not that smart, it's not going to destroy socialist democracy (likely quite the opposite), many of the inargably essential part of government are suffering. It's a temper tantrum that he doesn't want to back down from and the longer he carries on the less popular he will be and the more damage he will do to the GOP.

Edited to add: The deep state! Really, it will be Qanon next.
...the longer he carries on the less popular he will be and the more damage he will do to the GOP.
The longer he carries on the more federal judges he will appoint, and the more Supreme Court justices he will nominate. And the more government employees he will RIF. The GOP likes this. A lot. They will prop him up in the courts and in the Senate. The central theme of the GOP for many decades has been smaller government, maimed and dispirited. They are getting what they want.
The longer he carries on the more federal judges he will appoint, and the more Supreme Court justices he will nominate. And the more government employees he will RIF. The GOP likes this. A lot. They will prop him up in the courts and in the Senate. The central theme of the GOP for many decades has been smaller government, maimed and dispirited. They are getting what they want.

That is one thing the GOP are doing smart. Trying to keep a united front. That is what their voters love. If you look at the liberals they are all over the place. The GOP loves that the moderates are now "battling" with the Soc.democrats in their party. Exactly what went wrong with the democrats, when Bernie was running against Hillary in the Primaries.

edit: and in part handed Trump his victory.

Is it accurate to say that democrats are relatively more likely to criticize their own people, then a republican criticise their own? It happens on both sides but perhaps one a lot more than the other?
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The longer he carries on the more federal judges he will appoint, and the more Supreme Court justices he will nominate. And the more government employees he will RIF. The GOP likes this. A lot. They will prop him up in the courts and in the Senate. The central theme of the GOP for many decades has been smaller government, maimed and dispirited. They are getting what they want.
Not if they can't keep it, and to keep it they need independents to vote for them.

Based on the gallup polls his approval amound independent voters has fallen from a steady 38 to 39 percent, to 31 since the shutdown.