I don't really feel sorry for the people being furloughed.
I saw a few lines at food banks for the furloughed workers. It's funny to me seeing them, they have enough money for new Mercedes, Porsches and wanna be monster trucks. They can afford that and their nice houses but can't afford food? That ain't my problem you can't manage money!
I was out of work for a month, worked for a tree service for a few weeks that disappeared when payday came around(my lawyer is dealing with that) and today is literally my first week back to work. I haven't seen a check in over 2 months(I won't see one for another 2 weeks) and I still have money for food, my lawyer, ciggs etc...
I'm pretty sure they make about as much as me if not more.
Thing is you don't see me driving a car I can't afford or a house I can't afford if I miss work for a period of time.
I've also worked at poorly managed companies where I'd have to wait an entire pay period to get my check from the previous pay period cause they didn't have money(it was nice getting a months pay in a lump sum!). I look at them as wanna be entitled rich people who can't afford the life they live.
Cry me a river...
As far as the impeachment BS, I roll my eyes. Buzzfeed, seriously!

Y'all forget they(not Buzz...) wanted to impeach him before he even took the seat.

I'm looking forward to Trumps presser about the shutdown and wall that should happen in a few days if I'm correct.
I'm also enjoying watching everyone get all excited about Trump possibly getting impeached for the umpteenth time! You wanna talk about a waste of government resources and money! There ya go son!
All they are doing is pissing off his loyal supporters. The same ones y'all think are idiots! I look at them as idiots, idiots on the brink of orgasm every time they think they finally got him and poof it's nothing.
Just let him finish his term, stop wasting money on dumb investigations, stop calling people who voted for him every name in the book and don't have Hillary on the ballot and they might actually win. Even though I won't be voting blue for a good while. You don't call people names and expect a vote. Shows who the true idiots are!
PS: Have fun with Pence, a true Republican if you impeached Trump!!!