I for one don't like the social classes and believe we should go to a world where everyone has a comparable standard of living.
That takes a lot of guns.
Also.it would matter as in which family your born sets the life you can live that's not equality of oppertunity. Or is that not what ypu aim for?
No I don't aim for equalizing anything, except treatment under the law.
How would you preserve the lives of those people. Either explain or admit you'd be ok with them having to die and stopping them at gunpoint when they turn to alm that could save them, crime.
I'm not a utilitarian. My goal is not to maximize the number of people alive. If it were, sure, let's ban cars and knives and pools and soda. But I think that there are things that are worth more than human life.
If I can't (or won't) save someone's life morally... what would you have me do? I'm ok with them dying if I can't save them. I do what I can. Have you ever considered why your forced charity stops at the border? Are you willing to point a gun at me to save people starving in Africa? Will you continue to point a gun at anyone with any capability to help until there is nothing left and the world is level? Why do we permit starvation in Africa? I have an answer, do you?
But this is utopia... the fact is those people will die without medication. Solce the issue in a manner you'd be ok with, without letting them die because of their disease. If not your idea's are just as immoral as you find taxes to be, if not more.
I'm immoral because I can't save them without using violence against innocent people? That's impressive. I'm ok with people dying if I can't or won't save them. You seem to have an issue with it, though, and seem to think that you can morally use force against innocent people to achieve that end. I'm not sure why you think that's the case.
I wouldn't want a system that needs charity. I live in a society, and an ethical society doesn't let it's peers die out of greed.
As I have already explained to you, all they have is charity. Its what you advocate and what I advocate. In your "system", they rely on the charity of those with guns to use those guns against innocent people to provide for their well-being. In my "system" they rely on people to help them directly. If you're not willing to help them yourself, why would you think you can force others to do it?
This is bs and you know it...
I'm done with the argument that it's at gunpoint while you gladly ignore the fact that if one cooperates and isn't an asshole no one has to be threatened to do anything while your ideaq do threatheb the lives of people.
Yes blame the victim. If they just did what they were told, we wouldn't have to shoot them.
I won't stand for the double standard there.
If the one in need commits a 'crime' to stay alive you'd be forcing him.into jail at gunpoint.
You'd be willing to force someone to jail at gunpoint for saving his own life.
Not for saving his life, for his lack of recognition of human rights in his chosen avenue.
I'd be willing to do that for people not willing to save lives.
Which makes you immoral. You'd violate the rights of others for your own preferred ends. I'd prefer that you didn't mess with other people and helped people yourself if you want to help them. Doesn't that sound like a moral solution to you? Use guns to get what you want from others - immoral. If you want something to happen, go do it - moral.
All the talk of nobility is all straight up utopian crap as this wouldn't happen.
I guess I just dream of living in a world where people recognize that they can't force others to their own ends. You may saaaaaay I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one...
It it where so people wouldn't have millions in the bank while others starve.
It doesn't hurt anybody for someone to have millions in the bank. It's not
causing people to starve. They're not doing anything wrong by having provided for themselves comfortably. It's
you who are making a judgment. And your judgment is that you see someone you want to help, you see someone you can steal from, and you have a gun and are willing to use it. Instead, go use your voice - to reason with the folks who have the means to help and persuade them to help voluntarily. That would be a moral response. Another moral response would be to go use your hands to help someone in need.
Not forgetting you never explain what you do with a person that couldn't get charity, again what would you do with that person? How would you solve the issue?
I explained that. It's your turn... what do you do if you run out of people willing to use guns to get what they want? How do you help the person then. What if nobody is willing to point a gun to extract charity? Then what? How do you help people?
Agreed, wht I don't agree with is ypur limited view of rights that leave little to no place for anything other than property rights.
I leave no room for using force against innocent people.