America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec


These store owners should be armed.

There was one yesterday that I can't link because of language where a guy in Rochester rolled up in his Durango SRT, drove up the sidewalk next to his shop, grabbed a shotgun out of the back seat and started firing in the air.
They told them repeatedly to get inside and just stood there with their phones. That's just dumb and they have no excuse. I would have said "you got it", saluted to show respect, and walked inside. Might also say "Be safe out there"
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Destroying property is bad (with perhaps some exceptions, such as racist monuments), attacking innocent people is cowardly, but ultimately I'm still on the side of the protesters. The police are doing as much to escalate things as anyone else, and some of the crap they've been filmed doing over the course of these protests is far more revolting than some punks giving an innocent business owner a few lumps on the head in addition to property damage. That said, those guys absolutely are punks and business owners are well within their right to exercise self-defense.

This is a pretty good video that sums up my stance on the matter:

Imagine if she would’ve just stayed inside her house and listened...
Seriously? You've got places springing curfews on people a few minutes before the time that the curfew starts, if not a few minutes after. People aren't goddamn soothsayers.

And even if she was intentionally violating curfew, sorry, but it still doesn't justify the police's actions. Are you also gonna defend the police shooting at people who are clearly identifying themselves as press, in one instance permanently blinding a photographer in her left eye?
"A few lumps on the head"? Downplaying the 🤬 that the worst of the thugs are dishing out sounds pretty cowardly too.

Not everyone out on the streets deserves support. Some are simply bottom feeders only looking out for themselves who've found a perfect excuse to commit violent theft in broad daylight. Must be some kind of a wet fantasy for them.
What. the. actual. ****. America?

edit: Whatever the crack is with police brutality and institutional racism over there... there is NO justification for turning on each other like this. It is moronic. All this **** we hear about the constitution and what it does to protect you from the government... yet when the going gets tough you just **** each other over. I know it's not everybody, and I'm sure the vast majority are fully law-abiding... but you've got some serious ******* issues to work on as a society.
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"A few lumps on the head"? Downplaying the 🤬 that the worst of the thugs are dishing out sounds pretty cowardly too.

Not everyone out on the streets deserves support.
Downplaying? Okay, fair, "viciously assaulting an innocent business owner".


Still pales in comparison to some of the crap the cops are pulling.
There was one yesterday that I can't link because of language where a guy in Rochester rolled up in his Durango SRT, drove up the sidewalk next to his shop, grabbed a shotgun out of the back seat and started firing in the air.
I imagine the looters ended up scurrying like cockroaches?
Still pales in comparison to some of the crap the cops are pulling.
Does it now? Both of the extremes have been displaying some truly indefensible behavior. It's pretty impossible to look at the cops as sole perpetrators while looters display this capability to turn into completely feral animals in large groups, with somehow even less self control than your average baton-happy cop.
Designating ANTIFA as a terrorist organization may be premature, as it's not at all clear what thorough investigation of the complexities of the protests/riots will reveal in time. And doing so will do nothing but increase polarization and ease the way for more extreme positions to be taken by all sides. We seem to be eager to bring matters to a head right away in lieu of letting them simmer any longer. The anger and distress built up by the pandemic lockdown may be released in a flood of emotion and violence sooner rather than later.
Fascism has arrived in full force.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't standing on your front porch considered (from a legal stand point) to be sitting within your own home? Maybe not the smartest idea to say ignore orders from the National Guard, but as far as I can tell, there's no justification for them to be fired at.

Of course, I suspect that very few if any law enforcement end up being held accountable for all the ******** that's happening.
Fascist President says antifascist organization is bad. Is anyone really surprised?

And before I get post-quoted, yes, the American chapter of Antifa does have a violence problem and I as a leftist even acknowledge it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't standing on your front porch considered (from a legal stand point) to be sitting within your own home? Maybe not the smartest idea to say ignore orders from the National Guard, but as far as I can tell, there's no justification for them to be fired at.

Of course, I suspect that very few if any law enforcement end up being held accountable for all the ******** that's happening.
No, it's within your property. They said get inside. It's pretty simple.
Imagine if she would’ve just stayed inside her house and listened...
Hot take right there.

Here's one: "Imagine if law enforcement officers exercised better judgement..."

...say, by not assuming the white lady wearing an off-white sun dress and carrying a grocery bag was going to whip out a plastic bag of Golden Delicious apples and a bottle of Febreze (purely hypothetical; I don't actually know what she bought) with which to respectively beat and blind them. know...not kneel on somebody's neck for eight minutes and forty-six ****ing seconds. There's a reason it isn't standard protocol for securing a suspect.

I mean...what's that grocery store even doing open before the curfew starts anyway?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't standing on your front porch considered (from a legal stand point) to be sitting within your own home? Maybe not the smartest idea to say ignore orders from the National Guard, but as far as I can tell, there's no justification for them to be fired at.

Of course, I suspect that very few if any law enforcement end up being held accountable for all the ******** that's happening.

Supposedly some people were running into random porches claiming they lived there, so they were treating anyone even a step outside as a protestor (I don’t agree with it, that’s just what they said during one of the press conferences).

Having said that, the fact it was an upper level balcony should have been a giveaway they weren’t just squatting on a random porch.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't standing on your front porch considered (from a legal stand point) to be sitting within your own home? Maybe not the smartest idea to say ignore orders from the National Guard, but as far as I can tell, there's no justification for them to be fired at.

Of course, I suspect that very few if any law enforcement end up being held accountable for all the ******** that's happening.

You are correct.

No, it's within your property. They said get inside. It's pretty simple.

According to the MN Department of Public Safety, you are allowed to be outside on your property during curfew.

Can I be outside my house (on my property) after 8 p.m. and before 6 a.m.?
Imagine if she would’ve just stayed inside her house and listened...

I wonder how much overlap there is between people saying “they should listen” and those complaining about the coronavirus-related lockdown orders.

And, for reference, the curfew FAQ has this to say about being outdoors on your own property:

There's always a tweet.

I mean...

*And how odd that Trump would employ that particular fallacy ("if you don't like America,leave") when he didn't leave during Obama's presidency, instead opting to criticize Obama so frequently over Twitter that there's now an old Trump tweet to illustrate his hypocrisy in light of a crazy number of present situations; it's similar to the way there's always a Simpsons clip or quote.


I'm actually kind of pissed right now. In part because I haven't been fully informed myself, having only just learned precisely how long Chauvin was kneeling on George, but I'm livid over how long it actually was.

I propose a little exercise. Find a means by which to cause sustained discomfort to yourself ***without doing actual physical harm*** (straight-arming a heavy book, for example) and set a timer for eight minutes and forty-six seconds. Get a sense of just how slowly time passes when you're under such duress. Then imagine that duress is someone kneeling on your neck.

To be clear, I by no means condone anything beyond peaceful protest and I find many of the acts being perpetrated absolutely despicable.
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