America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Seriously? You've got places springing curfews on people a few minutes before the time that the curfew starts, if not a few minutes after. People aren't goddamn soothsayers.
Yeah, seriously... They are the authority and you don’t disobey the orders given. What did she ****ing think was going to happen to her? Why does she think that she’s free to do what she wants? And regardless of when the order came out, seeing 20+ law enforcement officers walk down the street ordering people to stay inside should be enough for anyone to get the message.
Yeah, seriously... They are the authority and you don’t disobey the orders given. What did she ****ing think was going to happen to her? Why does she think that she’s free to do what she wants? And regardless of when the order came out, seeing 20+ law enforcement officers walk down the street ordering people to stay inside should be enough for anyone to get the message.

Because as far as the law is concerned, she can?
Not entirely accurate, since curfew is the law, but I'm pretty sure I have a sense of where your head is at and I agree with you broadly.
Common sense would be go inside for a couple minutes while they pass then go back out.
Individual humans are not perfect at decision making, especially under times of stress.
This includes those humans who have the unenviable task of trying to maintain order when violent mobs are roaming the streets destroying things setting them on fire and looting businesses.
Doesn’t surprise me that idiot sat there dumbfounded.
People have no common sense.
The world isn't the ideal place you believe it to be on paper.
So that completely justifies here getting shot at?

No one is questioning that this isn't exactly the smartest decision on the self-preservation front, but you're setting a pretty disturbing precedent if you still think this kind of action from government/law-enforcement is acceptable.
No one is questioning that this isn't exactly the smartest decision on the self-preservation front, but you're setting a pretty disturbing precedent if you still think this kind of action from government/law-enforcement is acceptable.
What precedent are we talking about here exactly? Citizens resisting orders by law enforcement or law enforcement carrying out what they're ordered to do?

It's not rocket science. If you're told to do something you do it.
The huge mistake made here by many is blaming all members of a group for the actions of a few.
It works both ways.
You can’t blame all because of one.
Holds just as true for law enforcement as it does black brown white and red people rich people poor people homeless people, any group of people.
Destroying property is bad (with perhaps some exceptions, such as racist monuments), attacking innocent people is cowardly, but ultimately I'm still on the side of the protesters.
Thankfully, the bold & the underline remain 2 different groups. Plenty of videos on Reddit this morning from black Americans condemning, showcasing, confronting & running off looters.
I imagine the looters ended up scurrying like cockroaches?
Very quickly. Commenters say guy probably shot off 2 rounds of birdshot into the air.
I don't think she/they were in the wrong, but there's also a bunch of angry men running and shouting to get back inside. Outcome was predictable.
Outcome was only so predictable because of how **** our law enforcement is, which is what caused the dam to break and start this flood of protests in the first place.
The huge mistake made here by many is blaming all members of a group for the actions of a few.
It works both ways.
You can’t blame all because of one.
Holds just as true for law enforcement as it does black brown white and red people rich people poor people homeless people, any group of people.

Outcome was only so predictable because of how **** our law enforcement is, which is what caused the dam to break and start this flood of protests in the first place.
More fine policework
Did the cops warn her before giving her a faceful of paintball or did they just let loose? I don't see how she was supposed to be in the wrong if she was returning home from shopping. People need to eat.
Although I’m not fully on board with ACAB mentality, the good cops certainly aren’t pouring out of the woodwork to condemn the bad apples (of which there are more than just “a few”)...
The huge mistake made here by many is blaming all members of a group for the actions of a few.
It works both ways.
You can’t blame all because of one.
Holds just as true for law enforcement as it does black brown white and red people rich people poor people homeless people, any group of people.

Although I’m not fully on board with ACAB mentality, the good cops certainly aren’t pouring out of the woodwork to condemn the bad apples (of which there are more than just “a few”)...
Common sense would be go inside for a couple minutes while they pass then go back out.
Common sense would be for law enforcement officers to not enforce laws that aren't actually laws at all.

"In your home" for the purpose of curfew likely isn't the same "in your home" for the purpose of a plague of locusts. In the former, being on your porch is permissible by law.

Common sense would be for law enforcement officers to not shoot people for obeying the law.
Common sense would be go inside for a couple minutes while they pass then go back out.
Individual humans are not perfect at decision making, especially under times of stress.
This includes those humans who have the unenviable task of trying to maintain order when violent mobs are roaming the streets destroying things setting them on fire and looting businesses.
Doesn’t surprise me that idiot sat there dumbfounded.
People have no common sense.

Bud, this is what I said.
It all seems bad now but if a proper sentence isn't carried out on the Police officer when it goes to court, no doubt its going to be much worse.
Not that you're suggesting anything but, but I'd like to emphasize "proper".
Not that you're suggesting anything but, but I'd like to emphasize "proper".
Something that acknowledges that the officer did place his knee on the neck of another human for longer then they are expected to live for.
Was this really necessary? He's an old man with a stick.

Not justifying, but an observation here. Out-of-line cop shoves old man down, another officer sees him & moves toward to help. Only then does out-of-line cop help the situation he caused. Helper cop seems like the person needed on the other side of the police line with the protesters.
The federal officers are responsible for protecting federal buildings across the country. You will often see them outside courthouses and other government buildings. They are an arm of the Department of Homeland Security.
This has a really nasty potential to make the govt. response worse. The protesters are the only ones who lose here with this.