America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Good god! Red Bull for breakfast? I've never understood how Red Bull could sponsor so many sporting events, as I've known anyone to drink the stuff. You have opened my eyes Joey. :boggled:

Ya I buy it by the case and some days will drink 3 or 4 of them. It's not even to wake me up either, it's just so I don't get a massive headache. Thankfully, I gave up drinking the sugared stuff back in college so I will only drink sugar-free stuff now. I tried the Bang energy drinks which have 300mg of caffeine in them but they gave me the worst heartburn I could imagine so I passed on those. I'll stick with the 114mg of caffeine in a 12oz Red Bull.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call addiction.
Ya I buy it by the case and some days will drink 3 or 4 of them. It's not even to wake me up either, it's just so I don't get a massive headache. Thankfully, I gave up drinking the sugared stuff back in college so I will only drink sugar-free stuff now. I tried the Bang energy drinks which have 300mg of caffeine in them but they gave me the worst heartburn I could imagine so I passed on those. I'll stick with the 114mg of caffeine in a 12oz Red Bull.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call addiction.
Its insane how addictive caffeine is. I have a cup of coffee every morning. If I miss that cup by 4 my head is pounding. I can't imagine what it might feel like if I drank a pot or two's worth of caffeine. That said. Have you tried surviving past a day or two? For me, the next day I'm generally good.
That's strange, I thought everybody here said they liked Detroit so far. I know I do. Nobody's put it down unless I'm missing something.
I was largely joking (hence the smiley), but it ranks lower on my list of American pizzas than a Chicago or a New England white with clams. The bread to topping ratio isn't particularly favorable as far as I'm concerned.

Any of the several members here who bleated on and on about Benghazi wanna weigh in on this one? Seems like this is a considerably worse mishandling of a situation involving American lives. (I, of course, won’t be holding my breath.)

Fat chance.

Neck is too much work for too little meat.
No arguments here; they're not the way to go for eating meat. But the little meat they have on them is so rich. Dark meat comes from the muscles that do the most work, and consider what a chicken does all day; they're rarely not pecking at the ground. That richness does very special things for a chicken stock, particular if you give the necks and backs a good, hard roast before they end up in the water.
I was largely joking (hence the smiley), but it ranks lower on my list of American pizzas than a Chicago or a New England white with clams. The bread to topping ratio isn't particularly favorable as far as I'm concerned.
I wish New England White was available anywhere outside the US. If it is then Google doesn't know about it. Guess those clams don't travel.
*Writes down note to look for chicken neck recipes at a later date*

As far as the breakfast discussion, if I'm gonna be working/generally busy I usually go for either cereal, or a protein bar, fruit, and depending on my level of awakedness (probably not a word), water, or I'll make a stop for an energy drink or some coffee.

On my free days, it's pretty much anything goes. My local grocer has a gourmet-ish bread (whose name I can't remember) that's basically two steps away from being cake. A recent favorite of mine has been to turn that into french toast (minus adding sugar or cinnamon, as the bread has plenty of that in it by default). That, some turkey sausage and some water will have me set for a while.
Funny you should bring that up. I was just thinking about Pepe's & Sal's pizzas from New Haven. It's really kind of unique as it has a bit of a charcoaly flavour due to being cooked in a coalfired oven (rather than wood). I've never actually tried their clam pizza though. Used to have to line up for a long time to get in to either of them, though now they have several locations.

Good pizza is hard to come by - the dough is the most important part & very few pizza places outside of Italy seem to get it right. During this Covid shutdown we made pizza dough at home & had a great outcome ... once. Frustratingly we have not managed to duplicate the initial success subsequently. :indiff:
I wish I knew why the west coast (Bay Area in particular if you think about the large Italian immigrant community) does not have any pizza variety of its own. At least not that I know of - am I missing something?
The new American Gothic
Marco’s Pizza
Have the figured out how to keep the cheese on the pizza yet?

You know, I watched this:

I realize that I don't eat breakfast very often. If I do its very simple...maybe toast and jam. If I do want a breakfast, I typically go for something like an egg sandwich. I'm absolutely a morning person...but I'm not typically hungry in the morning. What do you folks, Americans in particular, do for breakfast?

Eggs, meat, toast.

But besides dipping toast in my overeasy eggs, I also have an obsession with making twice as much toast as I need and then slathering the rest with jelly. And also eating two bowls of cereal instead of one. And also making homemade "cinnamon toast" which is literally just buttered toast covered with sugar and cinnamon.

I've got some pretty unhealth breakfast habits that I need to cut back on lol.
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I think the distraction is good.
I've never had a Carolina dog before, but anything with slaw and chili on it can't be bad.

Here in Utah, we have an unnamed style of hot dog that was popularized by a place called "Sportz Dog" along arguably "J. Dawgs" could've done it too. Basically, it's a split hot dog served on a Utah scone (aka semi-sweet flatbread) with a slice of pickle, onions, banana peppers, jalapenos, and "secret sauce" which is more or less fry sauce. It's not very good and the sweet, spicy, salty, and vinegary taste is not exactly appealing since they don't work well together in whatever balance they're in. I assume like most Utah food, you have to be Mormon to appreciate it.

And now I'm making hot dogs for dinner tonight.

In Seattle, we have a something called a Seattle Dog, and the distinguishing feature of it, for some reason, is the liberal use of cream cheese and topped with grilled onions.


I'm all about Chicago deep dish pizza. To me, the bread is a vessel in order to eat the sauce, cheese and toppings, so why wouldn't I prefer the style that loads up on the latter?


Thanks, I learned something new today, I'll need to find a way to give this a try.


I usually skip food for breakfast and just opt for black coffee. With all these studies coming out now saying that "intermittent fasting" is good for you, I tell myself that skipping breakfast is following that routine and hence I'm doing good for me.

If I do eat food, I prefer breakfast to be savory. Eggs, bacon, sausage, omlettes, hash, benedicts if eating a Western style breakfast. If eating Eastern style, I love a bowl of noodle soup or congee or even a small rice dish.
Thank god for the second amendment.

I wonder whether pointing guns threateningly at unarmed citizens (and your wife) is quite what the founding fathers had in mind when drafting the second amendment. Seems to me that that wouldn't quite be in the spirit of the first amendment's recognition of the right to protest.
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^I wonder whether pointing guns threateningly at unarmed citizens (and your wife) is quite what the founding fathers had in mind when drafting the second amendment. Seems to me that that wouldn't quite be in the spirit of the first amendment's recognition of the right to protest.

They were on private property.
Let's be real here. This is the same scared racism as the dog walking lady in the park that called the cops saying a black man was threatening her.
because they are defending their property and have no idea what this group of people will do!

The protesters weren't on their property and you can't brandish a firearm at someone who isn't a threat. If the person or persons are actively a threat, then you have every right to defend yourself. But going by the videos that have been posted, the protesters weren't a threat to those particular people's home and weren't even engaging with them prior to them coming out with their weapons. I believe you certainly have a right to own a gun and to defend your property, but you can't be offensive about it, you have to be defensive.

They don’t have the right to be on someone's private property.

That doesn't make it legal to brandish a firearm though. Simply being on someone's property (and I'm not sure the protesters were on their property) isn't causation to brandish a weapon. If that was the case, it'd be legal to point a gun at door-to-door salesmen/missionaries.

Their attorney states they had zero weapons as the protestors went by, they got their guns because two “protestors” were acting aggressively and making aggressive statements. Via attorney the two people they were worried about were white.
Another jump to conclusions before we get the facts. (If that is really what happened)

I had to laugh at this bit:

They are properly trained with the weapons you see in the photos, Watkins said.

Those people are so poorly trained with firearms it's not even funny. Horrible trigger discipline, horrible defensive stance, and horrible grip on the weapon.