America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
No, seriously. If Charles Booker doesn't win the Kentucky Democratic primary, the future of democracy in this country is screwed.

Wow, big statement. Not at all supported by the rest of the post. You've picked a candidate you like, and are determined that if they don't win it's a fake election. Sounds like Trump to be honest. Maybe voter suppression is happening, it's worthy of investigation. But violence is not the automatic recourse, claiming that democracy is dead is also not warranted. And maybe just investigate your own particular assumptions here.
Wow, big statement. Not at all supported by the rest of the post. You've picked a candidate you like, and are determined that if they don't win it's a fake election. Sounds like Trump to be honest. Maybe voter suppression is happening, it's worthy of investigation. But violence is not the automatic recourse, claiming that democracy is dead is also not warranted. And maybe just investigate your own particular assumptions here.
I’m not advocating for violence. All I said was that protests will be inevitable if Booker loses, for the same reason why people protested George Floyd’s death. Because there is blatant, race-based injustice.
If a democrat, or your guy, don’t win it’s the end of the world? Lol
Ya’ll probably should start with getting Ole man Mitch and the current Gov out of Lexington.
I know it sounds like a loaded statement to make but we simply can’t have McConnell in office any longer. Especially since Biden is slated to win, and he has already made it clear he will veto any bill proposed by the Democrats granted he is still the majority leader.
For a more optimistic turn of events, progressive candidate Jamaal Bowman has defeated longtime establishment candidate Eliot Engel in the NY 16th district primary. Big news for the progressive movement.
This is one of the most scandalous cases of voter suppression in the US in recent years. Over 90% of Kentucky's polling locations are closed for this election. The entire city of Louisville (a majority Black area) has ONE polling location. That's it, just one.

Dude, I posted about this on Monday. And you accuse the rest of us of not paying attention... :lol:

Now back to pizza and pasta :lol:
Would you really have this woman imprisoned for her preposterous views?

No, not really, and psych wards can be used for assessment in any case and don't necessarily imply imprisonment. If I had meant that in my misplaced attempt at humour then it would only have been echoing her own requests for arbitrary imprisonment for Deep State actors like Bill Gates. And Satan.
No, not really, and psych wards can be used for assessment in any case and don't necessarily imply imprisonment. If I had meant that in my misplaced attempt at humour then it would only have been echoing her own requests for arbitrary imprisonment for Deep State actors like Bill Gates. And Satan.
Crazies on both sides. WEAR A MASK!

Man. I am a little behind here. Blah blah politics blah blah. Back to pizza. Detroit deep dish is thee best. New York style is just greasy cheese on greasy cardboard like "crust". Just rots the gut. Something like Jets 4 corner square deep dish is amazing.
These days I am beginning to branch out as far as pizza toppings, but my typical personal go to toppings are pepperoni, bacon, jalapenos and pineapple. Basically a spicy Hawaiian, but with bacon because i hate ham.
A couple of life times ago I worked for a pizza joint called Aldo's. Just a small "mom and pop" pizza and rib joint. The owner and his wife would make a lot of stuff by hand. All veggies were freshly chopped every morning, fresh made dough, sauces, cheese dip, breadsticks. Good ingredients and the pizza was amazing for it. We used a particular brand of Italian sausage that I wish more places would use. Instead of the usual "crumbles" that are more just little sausage marbles, this was actual sausage crumbles. We had a spicy Italian that is still to this day my absolute favorite pizza. Sadly I'll likely never have it again as Aldo's went out of business during the financial crisis in 2008. I have yet to have a pizza as good as we used to make there.
Now, to weigh in on the breadstick... they are like pizza fries man. They go along to complement a pizza, not replace it. Have 2 sticks to go between slices. Along with some good garlic cream cheese dip.... mmmmmmm.
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I feel like if our next president campaigned on building a wall along the Ohio River I'd probably vote for it. Talk about keeping undesirables out.

Back to pizza. Detroit deep dish is thee best.
Dude I totally agree. It doesn't get enough respect nationally. Chicago pizza is basically lasagna and unless you go to some boutique joint in NYC, the classic spots always serve slices so big and greasy you might as well just make a sandwich.

Here in Dayton we've got a local chain called Marion's that has a fairly unique style. It's a thin crust but not a super crisp cracker-like crust, and uses ground sausage instead of chunks. I've been in love with it my whole life. It's known for dine-in with beer on tap, an oddly comfortable Italian courtyard interior theme, and doesn't actually offer delivery which has annoyed Daytonians for decades.

EDIT: Just ordered me some, couldn't help it.
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I feel like if our next president campaigned on building a wall along the Ohio River I'd probably vote for it. Talk about keeping undesirables out.
What's wrong with West Virginians? I guess if you want to keep Ohio free of toothlessness and inbreeding, maybe.
I like a good garlic soaked crust on a multi cheese pizza.
You know... I hate to say it... but I really like dominos hand tossed crust with garlic butter slathered all over it. Their pizza itself is so so. But the hand tossed crust, all bubbly, crunchy and all garlic buttery.

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