America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I'm really sorry you have such a pessimistic view of America and Britain. But dang, let it go. I could whine all day long about how slavery ruined my life. But that would be living in the past, something you seem to enjoy Jack.

Or you could open your eyes, find out what's actually going on in the world (and what has gone on in the past) and get some perspective.

I'm not a pessimist on any level, you could , however, accuse me of being a realist (perhaps).

Anyway, all I was doing was answering a question posed by yourself. If you don't like my answer then fine, but your continued arrogance is further evidence of why America is viewed so negatively by some.
Or you could open your eyes, find out what's actually going on in the world (and what has gone on in the past) and get some perspective.

I'm not a pessimist on any level, you could , however, accuse me of being a realist (perhaps).

Anyway, all I was doing was answering a question posed by yourself. If you don't like my answer then fine, but your continued arrogance is further evidence of why America is viewed so negatively by some.

Check this bud. I'm not talking foriegn policy. I'm not talking econmic standards. I'm talking about waving the American flag in America. That's it.

Your answer is that it's a symbol of oppression and exploitation. My point is that if you are IN America and you think it's oppresive and exploitative you have three choices. Do what you can do to make it better, get out or stop whining. That's what I'm talking about. Now if you're in Europe or Asia somewhere and the American flag drives you nuts, that's fine. But don't come over to this country, be under protection that you didn't pay for, enjoy the freedoms and liberties that you can take for granted and then get mad when someone flies the flag. That is what I'm talking about Jack.

BTW, I like your signature;)
Check this bud. I'm not talking foriegn policy. I'm not talking econmic standards. I'm talking about waving the American flag in America. That's it.

Your answer is that it's a symbol of oppression and exploitation. My point is that if you are IN America and you think it's oppresive and exploitative you have three choices. Do what you can do to make it better, get out or stop whining. That's what I'm talking about. Now if you're in Europe or Asia somewhere and the American flag drives you nuts, that's fine. But don't come over to this country, be under protection that you didn't pay for, enjoy the freedoms and liberties that you can take for granted and then get mad when someone flies the flag. That is what I'm talking about Jack.

BTW, I like your signature;)

These people didn't come for those reasons, they are economic migrants.
Why? Because America has made it impossible for them to make a living for themselves in their own country.

That is why they're annoyed by the flag and yes it does have to do with foreign policy and economic standards.
These people didn't come for those reasons, they are economic migrants.
Why? Because America has made it impossible for them to make a living for themselves in their own country.

That is why they're annoyed by the flag and yes it does have to do with foreign policy and economic standards.

I find myself thinking of Danoff's posts:
Do dee do, oh look there are some people with money to steal, let's take their natural resources and go get fat and laugh back in America - because that's what we evil Americans do.

Yep, we're all evil Americans looking to steal and destroy everyone else.
No, most Americans are just ignorant of what's going on rather than intrinsically evil.

Example - Coke

Example - Nike

Ok, let's just say for a second that all these things are 100% true. I know that some probably are.

That's not the government, that's private industry.
No, most Americans are just ignorant of what's going on rather than intrinsically evil.

...wait, what does ignorant mean again? Can you post the definition again, I can't figure out how to use the back button to go find it.

I am just a stupid American after all.

Why? Because America has made it impossible for them to make a living for themselves in their own country.

You mean in Thailand over there in Europe? Or... wait... is Europe in Africa? I thought Africa was a city in Texas. I guess I don't really care as long as I have my french fries and weigh over 500 lbs.

Look, if they don't like their country we should just bomb it right? I mean isn't that the solution to everything - that's what Americans do!


If only life was that simple for everyone. Maybe if America gave back the money and resources it has taken from other countries the inhabitants of those, afore mentioned, countries wouldn't feel the need to migrate to America?

Did you mean to say if only the dictatorships these people live under would stop stealing their money? As far as I know American companies go over to these countries and give people JOBS so they can EARN MONEY and get OUT OF POVERTY. Perhaps people come to America because we have OPPORTUNITIES over here that their rulers don't give them. Did you realize that things you call sweat shops are often considered FANTASTIC by the people who live near them and actually get paid and can buy food and medicine?

America doesn't steal resources, we're just so good at producing, and innovating that we actually have MONEY to buy more resources than any other country. You should be ashamed that your country doesn't have a strong enough economy to buy more than it's share of resources as well. I would expect the economic powerhouse of the world to be able to afford more than its share...

But every time we purchase oil or food or coffee or cocaine or whatever it is that we buy over here - it's a voluntary choice on the part of the seller to exchange their goods for our money.

Think about that for a little while - voluntary. Here, I'll help you out:

vol·un·tar·y adj.
1. Done or undertaken of one's own free will
Did you mean to say if only the dictatorships these people live under would stop stealing their money? As far as I know American companies go over to these countries and give people JOBS so they can EARN MONEY and get OUT OF POVERTY. Perhaps people come to America because we have OPPORTUNITIES over here that their rulers don't give them. Did you realize that things you call sweat shops are often considered FANTASTIC by the people who live near them and actually get paid and can buy food and medicine?

America doesn't steal resources, we're just so good at producing, and innovating that we actually have MONEY to buy more resources than any other country. You should be ashamed that your country doesn't have a strong enough economy to buy more than it's share of resources as well. I would expect the economic powerhouse of the world to be able to afford more than its share...

But every time we purchase oil or food or coffee or cocaine or whatever it is that we buy over here - it's a voluntary choice on the part of the seller to exchange their goods for our money.

Think about that for a little while - voluntary. Here, I'll help you out:

vol·un·tar·y adj.
1. Done or undertaken of one's own free will

I think you've just proved my point.

Thank you very much. :cheers:
Danoff I must say that it's nice to be on the same side as you on a debate for once.

Good points about the exploitation of other countries. For us to deny that exploitation exists is ignorant. But it's not on the level or happening in the fashion that Jack is saying.
Good points about the exploitation of other countries.

Thanks. 👍

For us to deny that exploitation exists is ignorant. But it's not on the level or happening in the fashion that Jack is saying.

What is exploitation? Does offering paid jobs to locals who can choose whether to work at those jobs count as exploitation? Does freely exchanging money for natural resources count as exploitation? Does improving the overall standard of living in some third world country count as exploitation?

That's what the US does.

Jack, thanks for the conspiracy theory links.
Workers of the world UNITE ! :) dang gum I just about wet my pants ? We got us a real live commie here ...I thought they went extinct ...dammm do I miss 'em bless their poor hungry hearts..all us mean 'ol capitalist dogs using up all the worlds resourses and hamburgers.."ol Che is turnin over in his grave with the way the good 'ol commies are goin on these days..its all a CIA / coke / nike conspiracy ...just like the good 'ol days ! welcome back comerade !
That avatar is such an eyesore, so bright red.


This one is even better...


I think I'll place an order.
What is exploitation? Does offering paid jobs to locals who can choose whether to work at those jobs count as exploitation? Does freely exchanging money for natural resources count as exploitation? Does improving the overall standard of living in some third world country count as exploitation?

That's what the US does.

That isn't exploitation but it isn't a valid description of what goes on either.

People can choose to work in unsafe conditions and for very low wages or they can choose to starve.
The free exchange of money for natural resources doesn't exist either, America pay bottom dollar to people who risk their lives (and many do die) on a daily basis. The mines are owned by American companies so the profits don't go back to the local economy.
As for improving the overall standard of living? I'd be very interested in seeing what corporate responsibilty these companies have, if any.

What happens may not be technically illegal, but that doesn't stop the actions of these companies, and governments, from being immoral and unethical.
Pttth, lame picture.

If the roles were reversed, would the Democrats complain about the Electoral College? I wonder what Kofi is talking about in that picture, maybe something with the Oil for Food scam?
That isn't exploitation but it isn't a valid description of what goes on either.

People can choose to work in unsafe conditions and for very low wages or they can choose to starve.
The free exchange of money for natural resources doesn't exist either, America pay bottom dollar to people who risk their lives (and many do die) on a daily basis. The mines are owned by American companies so the profits don't go back to the local economy.
As for improving the overall standard of living? I'd be very interested in seeing what corporate responsibilty these companies have, if any.

What happens may not be technically illegal, but that doesn't stop the actions of these companies, and governments, from being immoral and unethical.

So tell us all how you would see things done.
As to the picture..its 4 to 5 years out of date...unless you decided to ignore the last election.
So tell us all how you would see things done.
As to the picture..its 4 to 5 years out of date...unless you decided to ignore the last election.

I would like to see things done ethically but there's no need to get into to detail on that in this thread. All I was doing was giving my answer to Swift's question, which was: Why are people offended by the US flag?

As to the picture, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the 2004 election decided by one state?
NOPE . Look at the results ..Bush got over 50 % of the popular vote , making any use of the electorial system as a joke moot. Of course the system is in effect in all presidential elections but the popular vote was in Bushes favor so that joke is stupid in the context of this past election.
NOPE . Look at the results ..Bush got over 50 % of the popular vote , making any use of the electorial system as a joke moot. Of course the system is in effect in all presidential elections but the popular vote was in Bushes favor so that joke is stupid in the context of this past election.

Fair enough, but it's still funny.
All I was doing was giving my answer to Swift's question, which was: Why are people offended by the US flag?

Just so you know. My question was why would people in America be offended by the US Flag?

As I've said before, if your in another nation the more power to you. But if you live and work in this country and are offended by the flag, that's ludicrous(I've used that word a lot lately :dopey: )
Just so you know. My question was why would people in America be offended by the US Flag?

As I've said before, if your in another nation the more power to you. But if you live and work in this country and are offended by the flag, that's ludicrous(I've used that word a lot lately :dopey: )

And my answer incorporated that. (Apart from your new found love of the word 'ludicrous')
And my answer incorporated that.

Hmm...Ok. I don't see it but alright.

Also, thank you for mocking Danoff, myself and all of America with you signature.
People can choose to work in unsafe conditions and for very low wages or they can choose to starve.
The free exchange of money for natural resources doesn't exist either, America pay bottom dollar to people who risk their lives (and many do die) on a daily basis.

That's how a market works, you pay as little as you can - and it isn't America, it's American companies.

The mines are owned by American companies so the profits don't go back to the local economy.

The salary does.

As for improving the overall standard of living? I'd be very interested in seeing what corporate responsibilty these companies have, if any.

The money that these companies pay to their employees provides them with a higher standard of living. No corporate responsibility required.

What happens may not be technically illegal, but that doesn't stop the actions of these companies, and governments, from being immoral and unethical.

Some people are immoral and unethical. Some people who own companies are immoral and break laws - they should be put in jail. But just because people make low wages doesn't mean they're being treated badly - they're happy to work for low wages rather than face the alternative - because it improves their lifestyle.

Edit: By the way, thanks for putting that quote in your sig. I hope that lots of people read it and think about it.
i dont mock anyone because they're british, if i saw someone waving a british flag down my street, i would think they are a little strange though, it's their right to do that...yet the people in the revolutionary war fought, bled, and died for our country just so we could have simple freedoms like the bill of rights...which some countries dont have. what are the people now fighting in iraq over? giving iraq the simple freedoms that we may have...

i also have a problem with a monarchy, i dont agree with it, but that doesnt mean yer any better or worse than us, yet you can keep bashing our country
your tone of voice jackthehat is basically saying "you americans suck and we british people are much better and higher than you"

thats a real nice way to represent your country 👍

by the way...Matthew 7:1,
Judge not, that ye be not judged.

That's how a market works, you pay as little as you can - and it isn't America, it's American companies.

And the American Government has never been involved? I'd research that if I was you - try United Fruit Company as a starting point

The salary does.

And I'm sure it makes soooo much difference...

The money that these companies pay to their employees provides them with a higher standard of living. No corporate responsibility required.

That's a very inhumanitarian view to take, American companies know these workers are exploited yet they choose to ignore this in favour of cheap labour.

Some people are immoral and unethical. Some people who own companies are immoral and break laws - they should be put in jail. But just because people make low wages doesn't mean they're being treated badly - they're happy to work for low wages rather than face the alternative - because it improves their lifestyle.

They work for low wages to survive, I doubt whether they're very grateful for being exploited.

Edit: By the way, thanks for putting that quote in your sig. I hope that lots of people read it and think about it.

I'm sure they will, and if they're like me they'll probably laugh and then shake their heads.