America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
If we follow this through to a worst-case-scenario (and I wish Trump the Human a recovery, incidentally), how does it work? As I understand it the order of Presidential Succession remains intact until the election result is called, but then what? If Trump is no longer alive then his nominated VP running-mate is president? Is there a mechanism for starting a new off-cycle election?
If we follow this through to a worst-case-scenario (and I wish Trump the Human a recovery, incidentally), how does it work? As I understand it the order of Presidential Succession remains intact until the election result is called, but then what? If Trump is no longer alive then his nominated VP running-mate is president? Is there a mechanism for starting a new off-cycle election?

Donald Jr with Eric as VP.
...You know, I find this news of Trump getting CoVid19 rather worrisome.

He's the POTUS so without a doubt he'd get the bestest care available and he'd be able to beat it without too much problem. Imagine how much more belligerent he'd get with it afterwards. He's already rather loose with his application with the masks, so I can already see him come out and say, "Oh hey look at me, I beat it so can you."

And his ever devout Trumpsters who also happen to be avid CoVid deniers will now have even more 'ammunition' in their arguments.

On a side note, what do the white supremacist groups make out of Trump's son-in-law being Jewish? And by extension, Ivanka being a Jew, too? I thought those Nazi wannabes were rather averse to anything Jewish-related? How do they still call Trump their boss? Or are they like those Christian evangelists who endorse Trump because he's the 'better' alternative or some such?
Has it been confirmed by independent sources that Trump indeed has been tested positive for Covid-19, or do we only have his tweet to go by?
Has it been confirmed by independent sources that Trump indeed has been tested positive for Covid-19, or do we only have his tweet to go by?
They are doing contact tracing all around the people he's met with over the past few days, so I'm going to say it's confirmed.
Since Trump loves to spit out conspiracy theories as long as they benefit him, I’m gonna throw one out there. This is all a hoax and he’s just saying it to say “See, COVID isn’t so bad at all. I was right all along, it’s just a flu. Democrats are lying to you guys!”
Since Trump loves to spit out conspiracy theories as long as they benefit him, I’m gonna throw one out there. This is all a hoax and he’s just saying it to say “See, COVID isn’t so bad at all. I was right all along, it’s just a flu. Democrats are lying to you guys!”
When I first heard this news, the first thing I thought was "He's behind in the polls."
They are doing contact tracing all around the people he's met with over the past few days, so I'm going to say it's confirmed.
I'm a little hesitant believing anything that concerns Trump these days (like forever). Doing the contact tracing might be a natural response to his tweet. I'd still like to see a conformation by someone not connected to the White House.
He's the POTUS so without a doubt he'd get the bestest care available and he'd be able to beat it without too much problem.

You'd think, but Boris Johnson got pretty hammered by it and he's neither as old, as fat, or of as low an income. Trump hits all the major risk factors, so even with the world's best care I wouldn't necessarily assume that he'll come out of it unscathed.
You didn't answer my question. I understand why at the formation of the United States the various "unequal" states might have agreed to share political power at the federal level - it was a necessary expediency to bring the states together as a nation. Also, at that time the physical & even cultural separation between the states would have been more significant than it is now & power at the federal level might have seemed much less important than it does today. However ... by the time Wyoming became a state, surely the larger established states would have been well aware that creating a new state with its pair of senators would dilute their own power? Concern for the relative political influence of each state was obviously a consideration even at the founding of the United States, as something like the Three Fifths Compromise makes clear. The events leading up to the Civil War also indicate that the balance of power between the various states was considered an important issue. So ... how is it that multiple states were added to the United States without the changes to the balance of power becoming a contentious issue for the existing states?

For comparison: in Canada, Quebec has never signed on to the new constitution & Charter of Rights because it has been unwilling to surrender what it regarded as part of its "special status" within confederation. In Canada, the individual provinces - which are "unequal" in population in a similar way to the states - have a degree of autonomous political power (although less so than in the US), but at the end of the day the representatives elected to the national parliament are elected by popular vote & the federal senate (which is not elected) has virtually no power.

The Oliver video talks about adding DC and Puerto Rico to the states in the union. I don't think NY would get up in arms. I don't know if populous states have ever gotten upset about the makeup of the Senate, but it wouldn't do them much good as the composition of the senate is what it is. Honestly I don't know the answer to your question.

This is blocked in my country. Is it September the 27th's edition S07E24?



So Donald and Melania are both presumably contagious in this gif. Potential infectees include Ivanka, Jr., Jared, Tiffany, and of course Biden.
I'm iffy on whether Trump actually has it or not. He probably does, but it's totally in his wheelhouse to say he does when he doesn't, then use that to say he made it through without any issues and that it really is a harmless virus.

Still, if he truly does have it, I do hope he has a speedy recovery. I hate the man, but after seeing what COVID can do to people, I don't think I would wish that on my worst enemy.
You'd think, but Boris Johnson got pretty hammered by it and he's neither as old, as fat, or of as low an income. Trump hits all the major risk factors, so even with the world's best care I wouldn't necessarily assume that he'll come out of it unscathed.

...You have a point, but as far as I can tell, all the world leaders who did contract CoVid seems to have emerged from the ordeal none the worse for wear so at this point I have to assume that Trump will be more or less fine.

He was detected early so I'm pretty sure the White House physicians are closely monitoring him to make sure he doesn't suffer (as much)...

While typing this reply, a sudden thought occurred to me. Since Trump will be... locked in his bedroom for the next two weeks or so, what will he do to pass his extra free time? Well, freer than usual, since he surely can't golf and can't attend as many meetings anymore.

More time spent in Twitter's deep, dark depths? Will we get another covfefe moment, I wonder?
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While typing this reply, a sudden thought occurred to me. Since Trump will be... locked in his bedroom for the next two weeks or so, what will he do to pass his extra free time?

Presumably not appearing at a debate.
I seriously doubt he's lying, it wouldn't win him any favours. It's an idea he could probably think of himself but he'd need to get Melania, his campaign team, and presumably his team of medical staff on board with it as well. If it got out he made it up it could well cost him the election.
This is Slate reporting this, but they appear to be referencing stories from the NYT & the Washington Post claiming the White House knew Trump had likely been exposed to Hicks' infection & still traveled instead of taking precaution.
The New York Times reports Trump advisers knew it was likely that Hicks had contracted the coronavirus Wednesday when she publicly began exhibiting symptoms during a presidential campaign trip to Duluth, Minnesota. After the rally, Hicks reportedly quarantined for the return flight to Washington on Air Force One, and on Thursday, a test officially confirmed what senior White House officials already believed to be the case. The White House, however, hoped it could keep Hicks’ diagnosis from becoming public, Trump aides told the Times. It’s hard to overstate how closely Hicks works with the president and how intertwined their days reportedly are. Instead of taking precautions to protect those around him, however, Trump basically did nothing different. Instead of laying low, he traveled; instead of isolating, he met with people at campaign events; instead of protecting those around him, he knowingly risked spreading the virus further.
After White House officials learned of Hicks’s symptoms, Trump and his entourage flew Thursday to New Jersey, where he attended a fundraiser at his golf club in Bedminster and delivered a speech. Trump was in close contact with dozens of other people, including campaign supporters, at a roundtable event.

The president did not wear a mask Thursday, including at the events at his golf course and on the plane, officials said. He was tested after he returned to the White House, but he also appeared on Sean Hannity’s TV show from the residence by telephone.
Sen. Mike Lee has tested positive as well. This week he met with both Mitt Romney and with Judge Amy Barrett as well, meaning they both could be at risk.

It wouldn't be a good thing if COVID ran through our entire government because statistically, more than one person would end up dead and several more would end up hospitalized. With things like the COVID bill and the Supreme Court confirmation on the line, this is not an ideal time for Congress to do even less than they normally do. Plus, this could throw all kinds of wrenches into the upcoming election.

I honestly have no idea what happens if an incumbent, who's up for reelection, dies or is otherwise incapacitated. It's not like there are Vice Congresspeople to take over.