America - The Official Thread

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Do Tesla dealerships count?
I'm betting that given their subterranean approval levels in Germany,
Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg may be closer to being seized as the means of production than simply razed to the ground.
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I guess between Trumpr's call with Putin and the astronauts landing. Both those dudes will say they're saving America.

Success criteria can be set however anyone wants it to be....

You can be standing right next to a huge pile of garbage and stinkin dead corpses and claim you have done good deeds according to your own standard to be the best in the world... That's exactly what Hitler did, in his mind he was saving the world...

It is all relative, but of course in idiot trump mind, he doesn't care about what happens to you and me... As long as he is winning at life in his absolute terms ...

Edit: the reason we are where we are is because of all the idiots of maga trumpet who cannot see beyond their own nose, and so they are starting to regret their choice....

I am laughing my @$$ off because I saw it coming, I am above well off enough to weather the consequences, but those poor fools of Maga, they won't last long.... They did it to themselves and to all of us... It all on them.
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We'll if this is/isn't surprising... America could lose it's status as a democracy!

My favourite section;

"The report adds an important caveat: this year's version does not including events in 2025, meaning it does not cover the start of Donald Trump's latest presidential term.

But it refers to ongoing events in the U.S. as unprecedented, mentioning Trump pardoning 1,500 criminals who supported him; firing independent agency watchdogs without process; purging apolitical police and military brass; ignoring laws; and his unilaterally deleting federal programs, and even a whole organization, created by U.S. Congress.

In the last few days alone, Trump has smashed past several new milestones.

He's just called his predecessor's pardons void and vacated. He gave a bitterly partisan speech at the Department of Justice, demanding the prosecution of the media and certain adversaries. He threatened numerous universities with sanctions. He invoked a 227-year-old war measures law during peacetime — for the first time ever — to deport accused gang members without due process. And, most importantly, when that deportation plan wound up in court, he may have — although it's still in dispute — defied a court order, cracking the ultimate constitutional safeguard."

Make America Not A Democracy Again!

It is unbelievable how things are becoming

There is an absolute truth ...
Then there are truth deniers....

So now we are going to cater to truth deniers ???
Idiots ruling??
Next thing you know, we will have two versions of maps:
Regular and flat earth maps.... I am now genuinely curious how the flat earth people will draw their maps....

Let's see them built a map...
They talk and criticize so much, but when comes to actually think things through it, they literally will fall off the face of the earth...

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Do Tesla dealerships count?
A Brief History of Sparks that Caused Global War:

WW1: Austrian archduke assassined by Serbian nationalists seeking independence. European empires (with heads of states largely from the same few families) high on the illusion of their own superiority decides this will be a good time to launch operation Napoleon 2.0 and conquer Europe.

WW2: Failed art student seeking revenge for himself (by implementing the new and improved Napoleon 2.0.1 - what could possibly go wrong THIS time - scheme) defies the ultimatum set by Great Britain to stop invading and annexing their neighbours.

WW3: Decadent and failed meme-wannabe's car dealership gets vandalised. Serial sex offender serving time in the White House (for reasons that nobody ever quite understood) responds by nuking Greenland and promptly denying it ever happened by stating that he can't believe he would ever do something like that. In the confusion and turmoil China invades Russia and Europe tries to not cheer too much about that. India and Pakistan, watching all the madness around them, says **** it, we might as well...