America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Do Tesla dealerships count?
I'm betting that given their subterranean approval levels in Germany,
Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg may be closer to being seized as the means of production than simply razed to the ground.
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I guess between Trumpr's call with Putin and the astronauts landing. Both those dudes will say they're saving America.

Success criteria can be set however anyone wants it to be....

You can be standing right next to a huge pile of garbage and stinkin dead corpses and claim you have done good deeds according to your own standard to be the best in the world... That's exactly what Hitler did, in his mind he was saving the world...

It is all relative, but of course in idiot trump mind, he doesn't care about what happens to you and me... As long as he is winning at life in his absolute terms ...

Edit: the reason we are where we are is because of all the idiots of maga trumpet who cannot see beyond their own nose, and so they are starting to regret their choice....

I am laughing my @$$ off because I saw it coming, I am above well off enough to weather the consequences, but those poor fools of Maga, they won't last long.... They did it to themselves and to all of us... It all on them.
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Well if this is/isn't surprising... America could lose it's status as a democracy!

My favourite section;

"The report adds an important caveat: this year's version does not including events in 2025, meaning it does not cover the start of Donald Trump's latest presidential term.

But it refers to ongoing events in the U.S. as unprecedented, mentioning Trump pardoning 1,500 criminals who supported him; firing independent agency watchdogs without process; purging apolitical police and military brass; ignoring laws; and his unilaterally deleting federal programs, and even a whole organization, created by U.S. Congress.

In the last few days alone, Trump has smashed past several new milestones.

He's just called his predecessor's pardons void and vacated. He gave a bitterly partisan speech at the Department of Justice, demanding the prosecution of the media and certain adversaries. He threatened numerous universities with sanctions. He invoked a 227-year-old war measures law during peacetime — for the first time ever — to deport accused gang members without due process. And, most importantly, when that deportation plan wound up in court, he may have — although it's still in dispute — defied a court order, cracking the ultimate constitutional safeguard."

Make America Not A Democracy Again!
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It is unbelievable how things are becoming

There is an absolute truth ...
Then there are truth deniers....

So now we are going to cater to truth deniers ???
Idiots ruling??
Next thing you know, we will have two versions of maps:
Regular and flat earth maps.... I am now genuinely curious how the flat earth people will draw their maps....

Let's see them built a map...
They talk and criticize so much, but when comes to actually think things through it, they literally will fall off the face of the earth...

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Do Tesla dealerships count?
A Brief History of Sparks that Caused Global War:

WW1: Austrian archduke assassined by Serbian nationalists seeking independence. European empires (with heads of states largely from the same few families) high on the illusion of their own superiority decides this will be a good time to launch operation Napoleon 2.0 and conquer Europe.

WW2: Failed art student seeking revenge for himself (by implementing the new and improved Napoleon 2.0.1 - what could possibly go wrong THIS time - scheme) defies the ultimatum set by Great Britain to stop invading and annexing their neighbours.

WW3: Decadent and failed meme-wannabe's car dealership gets vandalised. Serial sex offender serving time in the White House (for reasons that nobody ever quite understood) responds by nuking Greenland and promptly denying it ever happened by stating that he can't believe he would ever do something like that. In the confusion and turmoil China invades Russia and Europe tries to not cheer too much about that. India and Pakistan, watching all the madness around them, says **** it, we might as well...
Well then it seems Elon is fighting by himself, because as you know, every republican rep/senator voted against the shutdown. Ultimately, what Trump wants is the "line to go up". A government shutdown would do the opposite, especially considering the tumbling stock market and impending recession. So it's pretty clear why Trump and the GOP oppose the shutdown even if it would allow Musk to further exploit DOGE.

Both outcomes would still lead to some level DOGE cuts anyway, so why cave to Republicans? Trump already has massive power to reshape the federal bureaucracy. The Supreme Court has shown itself to be practically toothless when it comes to restraining him, even when he wasn't President.

Also, DOGE itself isn't even the central issue anymore. It's already unpopular and Trump is quietly scaling it back because the public hates it. Trump, rifting with Elon, explicitly stated that he wants departments themselves, not DOGE, in charge of layoffs. The real problem is Congress failing to act as an effective check on presidential power. A shutdown would force this constitutional issue to the forefront.
How long did you spend trying to answer this question and apparently coming up with nothing? I thought of a reason in 5 seconds - because it makes better press.
Every Dem voted for the shutdown because it was the right thing to do, and they legitimately thought it would pass, as opposed to Schumer flip-flopping. Why would it make any sense, for a party already known for being fragmented, for the house to vote one way but not the senate? It's painfully obvious to any observer that this shows a party without conviction. But please tell me how more about the majority of elected Democrats are on team Musk.

It's also noteworthy that the largest federal employee union also supports the shutdown over the CR. Are they also on team Musk?

That depends on what gets done during the shutdown. I'm not sure how much you really considered the argument Schumer put forth.

This is garbled. You're misunderstanding my own position and using that misunderstanding as a basis for claiming Schumer is doing something that it can't really be argued Schumer is doing. Schumer's not appeasing fascists, at least not according to his statements. He's preventing what he sees as greater control for fascists. And it was my statement that his career is probably ending, not his.
I read Schumer's justification and watched his CNN interview before I made my original post. I'm well aware of his argument. At best, he's plain wrong. At worst, it's controlled opposition.
This response of yours is not really honest. I think you knew you were mashing up two different things to get to a different point. It's not something I want to spend much responding to other than to say that this kind of argument is a waste.
Well I'm sorry you feel that way, but you're wrong. You seem to overestimate Schumer's accountability to the electorate and the nation in general. If he cared this much, then he would step down. It's not "dehumanizing" to suggest that an elected official could have ulterior motives behind what they are doing- they are to be held to much higher standards than the average Joe just by the very nature of their job.
I agree with most of that. Pelosi was the right person for the moment 5 years ago.
Correct. Despite my grievances with Pelosi, she is significantly more competent than Jeffries or Schumer, not a close call at all. Her rebuke to Schumer was spot-on.
No argument.
Politics today is in large part a popularity contest. Schumer is as unpopular as he could get. Do you really think that this is good for Democrats down the line and their chances in the future?
Yes but... Schumer is part of the team, and literal opposition to everything just because is it republican is counterproductive. For example, as much as I hate RFK Jr., he is doing a couple of things that are beneficial.
Actually yes, I'll just go ahead and say it. The GOP is straight up evil, and literally everything they are pushing for is making the lives of anyone who is not the ultra-rich worse (and especially LGBT, immigrants, and POC). We're quite far removed the Bill Clinton era where bipartisanship was the norm and the two parties, despite pushing for opposing policies, still believed in the same fundamental values (democracy, egalitarianism, free markets, common-sense solutions). Anything that harms Trump is good. Call it heartless if you want, but the times call for ruthlessness. We need Reconstruction-level energy from the Dems. Sure, it's not about going out of your way to oppose literally everything the GOP does, it's about having actual, vigorous opposition to fascism in the bigger picture.

I know you won't generally agree with AOC on the minutiae of economic policy, but it’s hard to deny that she is the most visible democrat that appears committed to the values that the party should be committed to: fighting for the interests of everyday people over big businesses and billionaires, standing up to fascists and democratic backsliding, communicating plainly and openly with voters of all ages but especially young people, being willing to cut pragmatic deals with people that disagree with you when it’s mutually beneficial but knowing when to cut bait and stand strong when it isn’t, and being consistent, authentic and believable in all of the above

Stop trying to eviscerate people that you don't know you should be eviscerating. Schumer is done anyway. Direct your ire at the republicans and Elon.
It's interesting that, despite calling me out numerous times in past exchanges for devolving issues into a zero-sum game, you're making this into a zero-sum game yourself. No, the more I criticize Democrats doesn't make me more supportive/complicit towards the GOP and Elon. Perhaps you missed my post from a month ago:

I would say that out of anyone active in this subforum, @dylansan and I are the most vocal about criticizing the Democratic Party where we see shortcomings, from a progressive left perspective. And it’s great to see that nearly everyone active in this forum can see Trump/Musk/the GOP for the draconian fascists that they are and do a great job of calling them out. So to be honest, yes, it may come across that I criticize democrats more often than republicans. Largely because there are comparatively few members on this sub forum who do so, even as many agree with these criticisms. Just by virtue of very openly being a progressive left Democrat should make it self evident that not only am I opposed to the GOP and all of the draconian fascistic policies and rhetoric it endorses, but it is a much bigger enemy than even the most milquetoast neoliberal corporatist Dems. So no, I do not feel the need to accompany or preempt every criticism I make of the Democrats with an equal (or worse) criticism of the GOP. It’s like saying that any Democrat who would like to criticize Israel’s genocide in Gaza must begin with “well of course Israel has its right to defend itself and I denounce Hamas” before getting to the actual criticism. It begins to quickly get very redundant. And of course, my criticism of the Democrats stem from the fact that I vote for them and would like to see the party not only embrace my own ideals but have a better chance of winning in the future.

I’ll finish responding to the rest of your post when I get the chance, just have been busy, I didn’t forget
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I know double-posting can be frowned upon but it's apropos in this case. Schumer, for the last eight years has "clung to the belief that Republicans would expel Trump", with him saying in a 2023 interview "Here’s my hope … after this election, when the Republican party expels the turd of Donald Trump, it will go back to being the old Republican party"

After the first Trump term, after the first impeachment, after the second impeachment, after Trump's dominance in the 2024 GOP primary...Schumer still held on to the belief most of us clung onto back in 2015. Such a grave miscalculation should immediately disqualify him from party leadership. This guy is 8 years behind the majority of the country. We all know Trump is going no where. We've known it for a while.

Well if anyone wanted to disturb the old deranged orange one or his pack of boot lickers. Just play this loud…

Well then it seems Elon is fighting by himself, because as you know, every republican rep/senator voted against the shutdown.
I don't think that congress and the executive are quite aligned on this.
Ultimately, what Trump wants is the "line to go up". A government shutdown would do the opposite, especially considering the tumbling stock market and impending recession. So it's pretty clear why Trump and the GOP oppose the shutdown even if it would allow Musk to further exploit DOGE.
I dunno about that. I think Trump is more interested in gutting feds and replacing them with loyalists than the market.
Both outcomes would still lead to some level DOGE cuts anyway, so why cave to Republicans? Trump already has massive power to reshape the federal bureaucracy.
It's not going as well for him as I think everyone expected. I see the point that a shutdown creates a massive excuse and ability to accelerate layoffs, and forces departments to put targets on the heads of many feds. It's basically a straight line from a shutdown to massive haphazard reductions.

I don't know how much you're paying attention to what federal employees do or what happens when they get gutted. But you definitely want an organized RIF (which is what's coming) managed through the departments rather than a haphazard chainsaw during a shutdown. At least from the perspective of keeping things working. If you're hoping for pain, sure, let's do the shutdown. And I do see that argument, which is why I said I wasn't sure Schumer was right.

Here's a good walkthrough of federal employee contributions.

Language Warning

Every Dem voted for the shutdown because it was the right thing to do, and they legitimately thought it would pass, as opposed to Schumer flip-flopping.
This is just your assumption based on what you brought to the conversation rather than what's actually happening. It makes for much better press to shut down the government and "fight" than to make any kind of concession. You can't sit there and tell me that every democrat who voted one way thought it was the right thing to do and was making a principled stand, and simultaneously say that every democrat who voted the other way is automatically corrupt.
It's also noteworthy that the largest federal employee union also supports the shutdown over the CR. Are they also on team Musk?
Do they have a good understanding of what the republicans planed for a shutdown? I'm not sure they do. Schumer was on the same side until he realized that.
Actually yes, I'll just go ahead and say it. The GOP is straight up evil, and literally everything they are pushing for is making the lives of anyone who is not the ultra-rich worse (and especially LGBT, immigrants, and POC).
Too broad brush for me.

Elon is a literal Nazi. Trump idolizes Nazis. So it's not like you're totally off base. But there are still things that republicans want that I also want. Even Trump occasionally does those things. Declassifying the Epstein data for example was a good thing.

I'm not playing teams. Even when one side is throwing out 99% horrible ideas, I'm still noticing the 1% good. Even when one side is throwing out 80% good ideas, I'm still noticing the 20%.
Anything that harms Trump is good.
I get the sentiment but I won't go that far. Regardless, I'm not sure a government shutdown would have harmed him, or that he'd have rooted against it. I think he was in a win win.
It's interesting that, despite calling me out numerous times in past exchanges for devolving issues into a zero-sum game, you're making this into a zero-sum game yourself. No, the more I criticize Democrats doesn't make me more supportive/complicit towards the GOP and Elon. Perhaps you missed my post from a month ago:
Democrats are so bad at teaming up. It's not a zero-sum fallacy, it's just not running a purity test on allies.
Here's an interesting story on the "Immigration Crackdown".

Sickening to think, a country which was once seen as safe place to visit, in the space of 3 months has become somewhat of a no go zone even with all the correct paperwork.

Personally I wouldn’t visit the US until Don is gone.