An apology to all future generations: Sorry we used up your oil...

  • Thread starter Zardoz
Sure, we have used fuels in the same way our ancestors used the first tools, funny thing is that they didn't use all the rocks.

we havent used all the oil

anyway, you have completely missed the point...never mind.

Wait for it....Wait for it...Wait...Aaaaaand...there it is! :

Senator calls for gasoline price-fix probe

Politicians: You can set your watch by them.

(Danoff, would you please call this guy and explain a few things to him about simple economics?)
Sure, we have used fuels in the same way our ancestors used the first tools, funny thing is that they didn't use all the rocks.

That doesn't matter - we don't make tools out of stone anymore anyway. That whole "advancement" thing.
Politicians: You can set your watch by them.

(Danoff, would you please call this guy and explain a few things to him about simple economics?)

That was scary. For a second there I thought the senator was going to suggest that the government fix the price of gasoline - which, as well all know, would be a complete dissaster.

It's funny, though, that everyone expects that big oil companies are the ones that set the price when the price is mostly determined by futures traders. Plus, environmentalists should LOVE the price going up.
Oh, yeah, I'm just pumped about this:

You should be if you actually believe all that stuff you say about global warming. If you think that fossil fuels cause all of today's weather problems, then you should be all for overpriced fossil fuels as it will incentivize conservation and new technologies.
You should be if you actually believe all that stuff you say about global warming. If you think that fossil fuels cause all of today's weather problems, then you should be all for overpriced fossil fuels as it will incentivize conservation and new technologies.

Oh, you're right, of course, but we all know what sort of economic effects this is going to have. Many people are feeling it already, and the really bad stuff hasn't even started yet.

It will, though:

I like how Zardoz has 100% completely failed to reply to anything having to do with the process of Thermal Depolymerization, he just continues "ZOMG WE'RE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OIL AND WE'LL ALL DIE. WE'RE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMEEEEDDDDD!" repeatedly in every post.
Well, cut off the cable, eating out so often and buying the more expensive brand name foods and that will easily compensate for gas money. It's annoying and expensive, but it's not 6$ a gallon. At least, not yet:nervous:
Ghost C
I like how Zardoz has 100% completely failed to reply to anything having to do with the process of Thermal Depolymerization
What does that have to do with anything?
Oil breaks through record $75

No telling where we're going from here, or how fast we'll get there. All bets are off.

"...Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries were set to meet informally in Qatar on the sidelines of discussions between energy consumers and producers.

But several OPEC ministers have said there is little more the group can do to bring down high prices as it is already pumping at near full capacity."



From CNN -

CNBC was saying it had nothing to do with supply as much as refining capabilities. In fact, they had some consumer expert saying how supplies were fine but switching to new additives and increasing demand for the upcoming summer were hiking the prices. Apparently the oil is sitting in tankers waiting to be refined.
We're finally feeling the crunch here... Saudi light crude is now going up, too... Our prices are going up... a wee bit.

C'mon... I can afford this **** until it hits UK levels... bring it on! :lol:

Ghost C
I like how Zardoz has 100% completely failed to reply to anything having to do with the process of Thermal Depolymerization, he just continues "ZOMG WE'RE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OIL AND WE'LL ALL DIE. WE'RE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMEEEEDDDDD!" repeatedly in every post.

Well, maybe you ought post something about it. It hasn't been mentioned in this thread lately. And when Zardoz posts "ZOMG WE'RE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OIL AND WE'LL ALL DIE. WE'RE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMEEEEDDDDD!" , he usually provides a link. :lol:

Looks too good to be true, and I'm not sure what their efficiency level and sale price will be in the future as waste starts becoming a commodity. It would be nice if independent outsiders can confirm that this process works and is economical. The company is very secretive about the process.

I seem to remember hearing something about a US waste disposal facility using bacteria to process and break down waste (incinerator fashion, without the incinerator). Don't remember if this produced useful gases, but it still sticks out in my mind. Anyone know about this?
I thought this was bad:


Then I saw this:


And this:


CNBC was saying it had nothing to do with supply as much as refining capabilities. In fact, they had some consumer expert saying how supplies were fine but switching to new additives and increasing demand for the upcoming summer were hiking the prices. Apparently the oil is sitting in tankers waiting to be refined.

Maybe, but this guy has another theory. Click on his EIA link, scroll down to "Imports", and look at what's been happening. He may be onto something:

What the mainstream media are not telling you about the run up in oil prices

You think the energy trading boys aren't paying attention to this?

(Oh, s**t! Almost forgot:

So, it turns out that TDP will convert our landfill and agricultural waste into the same products which are currently produced from fossil oil. All of our existing equipment can be powered in the same way and landfill will be eliminated.
So let's put big piles of garbage out in the sun!! 💡

You can't make oil from trash. Methanol (one-carbon "chain"), yes, crude oil (20-carbon chains), no.
...the guy in your avatar...
Smilin' Mahmoud, the Iranian people's choice for president. They elected him fair and square...

...dood at the service station...
Some random guy in the Los Angeles Times' picture.

That 76 station price was a stunner. That's not in Beverly Hills. That's just someplace in L.A.
looks a bit like serpico that 'evil' pressie

read that What the.. article. Yep, PO has already happened & Big Companies along with Big Government will now go bananas over hedging & hoarding. As mentioned already in this thread Airlines will have to do some contango thing if they want to survive, i posted a link a couple of pages back about India's plans to stockpile middle eastern oil bigtime, then there's China..

Also, have been trying to get a stat on a comparo Iraqi Oil before/after the invasion. It appears that this 'liberation' has not exactly boosted things in terms of production. My prediction is early 2007 for some v.bitter headlining of this topic.
@kylenhat: like I said, too good to be true. But I'm all for meth-powered cars. :lol: @Zardoz:
Whatever comes next, I'm betting on $100 oil before yearend.
If imports are going down despite increased summer demand, then something definitely is going on.
[repliesthreadtitle]Oh gosh, thanks[/reply]

[sarcasm]You're welcome.[/sarcasm]


Here's a fun map. Right-click anywhere for gory details.

USA National Gas Temperature Map

Is California a Red State, or what?

If you're morbid-minded, you can watch that site this week, and this one as well:

World Indices

Third from the bottom is "Crude Oil Futures". Opened the week at $75.21. Let's hope it drops.


Editorial in Newsday:

Brace for $100-a-barrel oil - and the sacrifices required to put in place a national policy for energy alternatives

"...This will continue to be a slow, rolling crisis that needs a combination of savvy management, creative ideas about alternatives and, above all, the political will to frame a sustainable energy policy and demand sacrifices to implement it. That's the more intractable shortage."

Tell us about it...
So let's put big piles of garbage out in the sun!! 💡

You can't make oil from trash. Methanol (one-carbon "chain"), yes, crude oil (20-carbon chains), no.
That site gave a very dumbed down definition to try and explain it. They are getting more than just oil from it and then they are only currently getting an excellent turn around for oil when using turkey offal from a Butterball Turkey plant. They are using animal bits to make oil, much like how it works in nature only faster.

Besides that it is still all in the experimental stages. It could be a bust.