Annoying Social Habits of people you've met

  • Thread starter L_Hamilton
I forgot one. Ironically it's the one that caused me to post in the first place.

I realize that cell phones are a part of life, but if you can afford a $200 - 500 cell phone, can you not also buy a damn bluetooth earpiece?
The cheapest one is about $30 at Wal-Mart and compatible with just about every phone made.
If one more person talking on their phone (holding it up to the driver's side window ear) nearly runs me into the median because their hand was blocking their view of my car...:grumpy:

If you think people look stupid talking on a bluetooth in the grocery or walking down the street, just use it in your car. You'll be able to see me passing on the left, right or where-ever and refrain from drifting into my lane!!!
Just plainly stupid people. It annoys me so much, I'd say it was indescribable. They do the most silly or plain dumb thing and even if you tell them that it's a stupid idea they still go along with it. They simply do not accept that they are wrong and you are right. You know the type.
- fat people who are 'ok' with how they look, and i dont mean just anyone slightly porky i mean the clinically obese ones who dont care at all about their health, it might be easier to ignore reality but its still not good

Why do you care?
I hate when people go on and on about global warming, even when we have only reached 100 degrees F about 4 times the whole summer. The rest has been colder than usual for the time of year.
Also, when ice sickles stop appearing from the ceiling of my front porch during the winter, (note my location) I'll start believing in the possibility of global warming.
Remember, Dan, everyone has to conform to society.

That's a pretty bigoted post by stumpydino.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion about something or someone. I don't enjoy seeing obese people either but I don't go up to them and say "Hey, you're massively overweight go kill yourself." It's their life/body whatever.
im not a fan of people eating themselves to death but your right, good health is an evil and unnecessary silly little conformity

Yes, because that is clearly what I was saying.

You know, some people enjoy food. Like some people enjoy cigarettes. Like some people enjoy alcohol. I think people who smoke are idiots, doesn't mean I am repulsed by them.

Seriously, the vanity of you two is shocking.
I hate customers who walk slowly down the middle of aisles and are completely unaware of anyone walking behing them.

And yes, fat people are the worst because it's harder to get round them, plus those of extreme obesity (but still capable of walking) tend to waddle slightly which increases the width required for them to walk comfortably. Add this to the large bag of doritoes they will carry and they can easily reach an aisle-blocking 3m wide.
I hate customers who walk slowly down the middle of aisles and are completely unaware of anyone walking behing them.

Which brings me on to another point, people who walk slowly on narrow footpaths who block everyone behind waiting to get past. They never move out of the way either. You always end up passing them on the nature strips and then end up stepping on dog crap because of their ignorance. This also applies to people who are walking the opposite way.
dawdlers are the worst lol

people eating food in shop before theyv even bought it, then dump the packet and remains on the counter. is there that much of a rush to gobble up sharpish?
and its never quietly done either lol *choomp cham cham smack slurp burrp cham* lovely

total misunderstanding of what busy means, my mum regards herself busy playing solitaire but me trying to get things sorted for a deadline, design work everywhere iv surely got plenty spare time to wash her car, run small errands etc

doing things, going places just to say they have without the slightest bit of genuine interest then constantly bringing it up and wearing the merch to 'prove' how much
another at uni, goes to a festival, hates the music and the atmosphere but knew it was 'cool' and for the last 2 years worn the entrance tag thing and the tshirt :odd:

people being difficult for the sake of just being a darn pain. set out to disrupt anything they can, regardless of what happens, they will have a problem. an example i recently heard, a guy owning large amount of land littered with old cars threatening to destroy whatever anyone is interested in, even though money offered! the mind boggles...
Yes, because that is clearly what I was saying.

You know, some people enjoy food. Like some people enjoy cigarettes. Like some people enjoy alcohol. I think people who smoke are idiots, doesn't mean I am repulsed by them.

Seriously, the vanity of you two is shocking.

Obese people should be seen in the same light as alcoholics and junkies - they're all a drain on resources, healthcare and society.
Obese people should be seen in the same light as alcoholics and junkies - they're all a drain on resources, healthcare and society.

I can kinda see resources and health care, but a drain on society?
The effect those groups have on society as a whole are things such as support - obese people who can't work force others to provide monetary support through various taxes to provide them with care and amenties for what is a largely self inflicted disability. It's the same as chavs who instead of working and contributing to society, they instead go on the dole, pop out a few kids for child benefit (and no doubt those kids will probably end up doing the same after they've grown up), get a flat screen tv with sky to watch big brother on and live a cushy life without lifiting a finger while others work endlessly to achieve even a fraction of security and comfort those freeloaders have.
Yes, because that is clearly what I was saying.

You know, some people enjoy food. Like some people enjoy cigarettes. Like some people enjoy alcohol. I think people who smoke are idiots, doesn't mean I am repulsed by them.

Seriously, the vanity of you two is shocking.

Of you two? You basically just reiterated what I said! :dunce:
The effect those groups have on society as a whole are things such as support - obese people who can't work force others to provide monetary support through various taxes to provide them with care and amenties for what is a largely self inflicted disability. It's the same as chavs who instead of working and contributing to society, they instead go on the dole, pop out a few kids for child benefit (and no doubt those kids will probably end up doing the same after they've grown up), get a flat screen tv with sky to watch big brother on and live a cushy life without lifiting a finger while others work endlessly to achieve even a fraction of security and comfort those freeloaders have.

That's morbidly obese people and just plain lazy people.

Not saying you do, but I just hope you don't see an overweight person on the street and immediately assume they're lazy and a drain on everyone else just because of their weight.

Edit: Could I get people who are going to comment on overweight people to be specific on who they're talking about. Because IMO people 5-80lb overweight don't have to fall in a negative category just because of their weight. It's the overweight people you see on the news being lifted out of their house via a crane that fall into places like F1GTR mentioned. IMO.
The effect those groups have on society as a whole are things such as support - obese people who can't work force others to provide monetary support through various taxes to provide them with care and amenties for what is a largely self inflicted disability. It's the same as chavs who instead of working and contributing to society, they instead go on the dole, pop out a few kids for child benefit (and no doubt those kids will probably end up doing the same after they've grown up), get a flat screen tv with sky to watch big brother on and live a cushy life without lifiting a finger while others work endlessly to achieve even a fraction of security and comfort those freeloaders have.

So, under your reasoning, we should immediately banish all welfare and government support for the poor just because some abuse the system. Not all people on welfare are lazy scumbags who do nothing but exploit their government paycheck; likewise, not all obese people are lazy, unmotivated human beings who force others to take care of them.

Don't generalize an entire group just because there are a few bad apples. This has been stated a couple of times earlier in this thread.
Happened to me today. It was drizzling and people blocked the whole sidewalk to the entrance to Sam's(Massive store). I mean, these people don't want to get a little wet? I mean the guy behind us was saying out loud exactly what I was thinking.
I don't enjoy seeing obese people either but I don't go up to them and say "Hey, you're massively overweight go kill yourself." It's their life/body whatever.

I think people who smoke are idiots, doesn't mean I am repulsed by them.

So basically the same damn thing. I have a right to say anything I like but it's not like I make it open to them and say I hate looking at them. So please think about what you say before you accuse someone of something I really don't appreciate it. It'd be different if I did go a make it clear to people like that how I feel. I'd probably kill myself with guilt if I did. The people i'm talking about are very overweight like so overweight they are disabled because of their weight. Granted some have no control over it but some just let themselves go.
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So, under your reasoning, we should immediately banish all welfare and government support for the poor just because some abuse the system. Not all people on welfare are lazy scumbags who do nothing but exploit their government paycheck; likewise, not all obese people are lazy, unmotivated human beings who force others to take care of them.

Don't generalize an entire group just because there are a few bad apples. This has been stated a couple of times earlier in this thread.

Don't put words in my mouth. Where did I say that we should banish all support? Benefits do help - they especially helped my parents when I was born, the difference is they worked damn hard to the point they weren't dependent on other's fruits. Governments should not be handing out things like that like confetti - they should go to people who actually need them, especially those willing to work their way out of their current state. The problem is that many don't; I see that everyday walking down the street. You'd be surprised at how many people in council estates apparently living on bread and water can afford a PS3, HDTV and a cable subscription.
sister of a mate has 2 kids, living off benefits, got more than my dads annual salary. sounds pretty cushty to me. another example, girl told a friend that as soon as she had his child she wanted rid of him so she could get more :odd: there are the genuinely poor, homeless people and then there are those that plan to exploit benefits to the max and have it easy.

and another greedy thing, people that sue over stupid things, like the guy i saw in the news recently who sued his boss because he fell off a stepladder and claimed he wasnt 'trained' for it. or the woman who sued a department store because she fell over her own child. there was an agency waiter who sued my boss because he was asked to carry a few chairs and it gave him 'back pain' months later. its laughable but they succeed and get a fortune. :ouch:

Edit: Could I get people who are going to comment on overweight people to be specific on who they're talking about.

i did. and ignorance of that kicked off the whining
- People who don't respect me for not drinking alcohol:

Not respecting me is maybe exagorated, but it's my choice to stay of the alcohol. I can't tolerate people who keep nagging all day long if I'm joining their parties. Obviously, I can't since I don't drink. (Yes, I can go without drinking, but then you've never heard of Norwegian parties...) Next thing you know, they call you a "sissy" for not drinking...what the hell? In my opinion, alcohol is just as bad as cigarettes or drugs, it destroys you, and I don't think it even tastes good! So I think it's my own goddamn choice to stay with water, milk, and juice. (Mmmmm, tropical FTW!)
sister of a mate has 2 kids, living off benefits, got more than my dads annual salary. sounds pretty cushty to me. another example, girl told a friend that as soon as she had his child she wanted rid of him so she could get more :odd: there are the genuinely poor, homeless people and then there are those that plan to exploit benefits to the max and have it easy.

I've heard that people who live off the dole often work 'illegally' or just do simple unofficial odd jobs to get the extra cash. They usually end up earning more than a proper worker in the end. It's simply too unfair towards real workers who dedicate their time to work for a measly sum. I too agree with F1GTR.
- People who don't respect me for not drinking alcohol

i hear ya, being at uni the home of actual social conformity im told its incredibly uncool to not get totally plastered every night :rolleyes:
i dont like alcohol taste, its too bland. interesting flavour drinks ftw! 👍
- People who don't respect me for not drinking alcohol:

Not respecting me is maybe exagorated, but it's my choice to stay of the alcohol. I can't tolerate people who keep nagging all day long if I'm joining their parties. Obviously, I can't since I don't drink. (Yes, I can go without drinking, but then you've never heard of Norwegian parties...) Next thing you know, they call you a "sissy" for not drinking...what the hell? In my opinion, alcohol is just as bad as cigarettes or drugs, it destroys you, and I don't think it even tastes good! So I think it's my own goddamn choice to stay with water, milk, and juice. (Mmmmm, tropical FTW!)
I have a friend who is "tee-total" (Saying for not drinking alcohol) and I won't deny that I do harass him abit to come out and socialize. I don't do it with the intention that he will feel pressurised to consume alcohol but because he doesn't socialize outside of his girlfriend and football.

Many people only drink alcohol as it makes them "more fun" (though often depressingly boring) so to go out on a night and have just as much fun sober is a personal challenge to myself, and one I've achieved many a time.
come out and socialize.

This is exactly what I'm pointing at, because that is exactly what my friends say. To that, I say "Uhh, wut?" Drinking alcohol to get social is utter rubbish in my opinion. I cannot understand why people can not have fun without alcohol?

And that's the problem here in Norway, all of the parties are at dorms, where people do nothing but drinking theirselves to sleep. I've been drunk once, I made a fool out of myself, I did things I can't even remember (Which led to a near break-up between me and my girlfriend, apparently I phoned her when I was drunk...). I just cannot stand the emotions that you don't have in hand when you're drunk. That party was last year, December. Since then, I haven't touched a single drop of alcohol. (Besides the "Passoa" thing my cousin asked me to taste, which was crap)

No thanks, when I want to be sosial, I'd rather take a couple of mates out on bowling night, screw them drinking parties and their failing attempts to be cool.
I absolutely agree with you Bram.
I also hate that people automatically presume that you want a beer, just because you're a guy.
I drank 1 beer in my entire young life, didn't like the taste and haven't drunk one since.

Even my dad mocks it once in a while when we're having a family party.