Are you a fatass?

  • Thread starter milefile
I havent checked lately to see how big I am im in the range of 6 feet and 6'2 and im about 185 pounds but I have a slightly bigger frame than the average person...I guess thats ok.

My grilfriend says shes always fat :odd:...thats the only flaw about her that pisses me off.
Originally posted by xAkirax2004
My grilfriend says shes always fat :odd:...thats the only flaw about her that pisses me off.

Theyonly say that so they can hear someone say that they are not.

A chubby girl told me once, "I'm so fat." I just looked at her silently.
Originally posted by Sage
Good ****in' ****, that's a ****load of calories!

Even at your height and activity level, that seems like too much, considering that a person with a moderately active lifestyle should take in 2000 a day. 11000 is just insane. :eek:

very active actually. i got water polo for 2 1/2 hours a day, on top of my daily workout (200 crunches, 100 push-ps, and 100 pull-ups) and i have a dog that is hypractive. i wake up at 06:30 and go to bed at 23:00 and somedays when i have time i go to the beach. 10,000- 11,000 calories is about right.
I don't think that I'm a fatass but I know that I could sure drop about 10 pounds. I am 15 years old, I'm 5'6, and I weigh 160Lbs. I need to lose weight.
Some women would call me hefty, others would be jealous. Hell, some have called me top heavy. :eek: :D Yes, I do carry a bit of saline around with me. ;)

I'm 5'8" (tall chick) and weigh about 130lbs.

I work out about an hour a day and I'm pretty athletic. :drool: I have to stay in shape, but luckily It's not that hard. Just watch what I eat (small portions, and easy on the carbs.), no booze, or junkfood/soda. :lol:

I see guys and girls everynight that need to just get up and move. If they simply moved around and broke a sweat once a day, they'd be in such better shape. Granted it's not the be all end all of life to be overweight, but at least try to be active.

To be honest, it's the availability of food in the US that is the problem. I can hit at least three fast food joints on my way home and two of them are open 24/7. 1800 calories at 3am isn't good. Then we get the coffee shops and doughnuts for breakfast. I think 2 fried eggs and a side of bacon is healthier than an extra large coffee with cream and sugar and two doughnuts. :lol:
This is the truth...

I, for one, would have to be talking to a hard-of-hearing blind man in order to be thought "fat". I am 5'7" approximately and weigh around 125lbs with clothes and fully stocked pockets (includes pocket change, 2 hacki-sacks, multiple sheets of paper, a foosball, a wallet, a yoyo, glasses case, wallet, keys, and a tube of blistex). You can imagine how much that stuff separately weighs (and the thing is that I don't eat right, and I don't really work out that much; it's crazy!)
OK, this seems a bit farfetched, but I'm considered obese.

Apparently for me to meet the Average weight for people my age and height, I would have to drop 45lbs. And considering I've just lost 20lbs in teh last month, I've got a long way to go.

I'd be curious to see what other people have scored on this BMI index. My score was a 32.3. A month ago it was 35.3

Apparently I'm either overweight or maginally overweight at 199 lbs and 6'1". Which is funny because people have commented that I look like I weigh 185 and that they don't see how I could loose any more.

I saw a diagram next to one of these calculators once. It was a cartoon of a fat guy next to a cartoon of a muscular type. They would have the same BMI. Obviously BMI doesn't say much.
My score is 18, putting me between the 13th and 16th percentiles for my age group.

As milefile has pointed out, they do waver quite a bit based on muscle mass. Theoretically, the best test of your fitness is to take into consideration a plethora of tests, including BMI, that fat-pinching test, measuring your waist-to-thigh ratio, blah blah blah, but realistically BMI is the easiest, and if you don't have an overly muscular frame, it's fairly accurate. If you have a thin frame, the calculator will usually inform you that you're underweight, and with buffer frames, it'll correspond to overweight.

I just realized how badly I structured that paragraph.
I'm not a fatarse. I'm SLIGHTLY un-sixpacked around the middle, but my arms are skinny and I could do to put on about 10 pounds of muscle.
I could do with losing some belly and gaining some muscle. I've modified my diet over the last year, and have noticed a positive effect because of it. I've cut out most junk food, dropped a large amount of alcohol, and simply started eating smaller portions.

I should probably do some exercise, but I can't be bothered.
its not easy man.. shame that alcohol is fattening.. i just dont let anything get out of control and have been fine.. and let me tell you i love pizza, but have never been over weight.. it's all about control..

what do you all think of this low carb diet, aitkens? what are you not allowed exactly? sugar??? ect?
A fundamental principle for the Atkins diet is "If it had a parent, it's on the menu." that includes most dairy items (cheese, milk, eggs...)

Less than 50 grams of Carbs per day is what you're looking for.

Yes, it does work. In fact, this study opened a number of eyes:

yes, if you're strict about what you eat, you will lose weight. The problem I've always had is that I drop 20-25 lbs quick then plateau. I then have to jump start the process through exercise and a blast of Carbs for two days, then back to the Low carb diet.

I've surpassed my goal of losing 30 lbs by the end of October. Now I've decided I could stand to lose about ten more, but haven't put a strict time frame on it. I can't see any point in changing my diet and amount of excercise much, so inevitably it'll just happen. I know people who lose some weight and then go back to constantly stuffing their faces and quit excercising... stupid. But now that there's not much fat left it's harder to get rid of it. When I first started I was losing a pound a day. No more. I've also recently been doing more toning excecises and a little less cardio/fat burning excercise. Finally I'm in good shape, probably better than I have ever been. It's a good feeling. Of course I wonder why I didn't do it sooner. Some of my co-workers are envious. For three years I've listened to them talk about jogging and excercise equipment and they are all as chubby as they were three years ago. Then one day I decide to get in shape and two and a half months later I've lost more weight then all of them combined in three years. It's funny how this one woman insinuates that I am somehow unhealthy, even subtlely suggesting I have an eating disorder in that office-type sideways comment thingy. So entertaining.
Ever since starving myself every winter for wrestling season years on end, I've recently (last 3 years) had a very hard time gaining or losing weight.

I'm not active in the least bit anymore,.. and I eat like a sow,.. yet I hold firm at 180.
ramadan begins sunday or monday :'(...i cant go 2 hours w/out food...much less sunrise to sunset.

ah well... i eat steak 2nite :D
Originally posted by emad
ramadan begins sunday or monday :'(...i cant go 2 hours w/out food...much less sunrise to sunset.

ah well... i eat steak 2nite :D

the month of Ramadan (27th Oct -
25th Nov)

most young muslims will have a real pig out on the 26th with sweets, chips and soft drinks.....

as for the topic, i dont consider myself over weight but i do know that my bmi indicates that i am 3-4 pounds heavier than i should be, its not a health worry....i dont exersice as much as i used to i still play football (soccer) and ride my bike and turbo trainer a few times a week but i am now in th 30's and dont have the metabolism of a 21 year old....things will slow down and we will put weight on gradually....(thats my excuse):)

also any healthy activities i do durin the week gets negated at the weekends....when i drink copious amounts of alcohol....

man i drink too much...if i stopped that i would probably be a proper weight....
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
I could do with losing some belly and gaining some muscle.

almost every man on the planet thinks this way, including me....all women think there too fat but it just a big con in my opinion.....we dont all need to have the body of an athlete, unless we are an athlete...

i am happy with my wife says i am chunky but not over weight....and thats okay by me...
You mean like Bud Light or Miller Light. Only they are not "good". I think the terms "good" and "light beer" are mutually exclusive. I've had one pint since July.
Well based on weight from before, the whole generation has increased in body fat... some less noticable than others coz we tend to maintain by workin out or what not... : P
I can't blame the people, I can't blame the food, I can't blame society, I can only blame my temptation...
why'd it have to taste so good.....
yes milefile , but like you say some GOOD ones.. is bud lite and things not just alcohol content that is less? I'm talking about the same alcohol content but less fat..
its the sugar and simple carbs that are reduced in a lite beer...

typically a lager that is lower in sugar is higher in alcohol, such as a pilsner for this instance, sugar is used up in the brewing process and turned into alcohol and you dont drink all this harmful carbs when you have a beer therefore reducing your beer gut....

but in a lite beer i think the sugars are removed after the beer is manufacured....thats why they are tasteless and gassy...

so although its a lite beer, it usually retains its alcoholic content....which is good my my book....*bbuuurrrpppp* :)

*hic hic*

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