Are you faster with the PSVR2?

  • Thread starter yoclem11
Other factors that may make you drive slower in VR than flat screen is the unintentional desire to rest your arm on the door to enjoy the sun (and perserved warmth) when driving an open seater in the sun.

Only for the illiusion to be ruined when your elbow discovers the door is not really there! :D :D
😀👍 exactly i want to rest m arm on the window. It’s amazing just to drive in VR.
All of that is true and I understand your point.
In my case I still prefer the inmersion of VR recognizing that Im giving that handicap.

Yes, Iam faster with VR and I no longer can hit an apex on a flat screen :lol:

I wish I could do that. I do enjoy driving in VR, there really is no other comparable way to race when it comes to immersion. I’m hopeful that PD will add the full HUD option at some point in time, but I won’t hold my breath lol. And to be fair, I’m not that much slower in VR, couple of tenths a lap at best, depending on the car/track combo.
really crossing fingers for an update this November in line with the PS5 Pro intro so that we have full HUD customization option both on screen and in VR2...

that is way overdue.... i should be able to aligned my on-screen HUD however we want...
I wish I could do that. I do enjoy driving in VR, there really is no other comparable way to race when it comes to immersion. I’m hopeful that PD will add the full HUD option at some point in time, but I won’t hold my breath lol. And to be fair, I’m not that much slower in VR, couple of tenths a lap at best, depending on the car/track combo.
One interesting thing is that professional simulators, the ones used by pro race drivers, don't use VR.

Maybe because VR is not yet wide spread....
Give it some times and VR will easily take over screens..

He best describes it:

Balance pov

Great perspective from a professional sim racer and coach:

Coming from a guy who has one of the best triple screen setup:

His crazy 3 screens setup:

Short and sweet

VR comparo?
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Yes I am faster and more consistent in VR.

PSVR2 with Trophy rig, Logitech Pro wheel, two Buttkickers and Simhub… It’s actually scary how immersive it becomes.



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I doubt one is faster in VR in long haul, but one is definetely more aware of the surroundings and placement on track relative to other cars around you. This can help in many racing situations. And maybe make you more successful in racing even if you are not faster. I find myself anticipating and dodging some questionable moves better in VR.

There is definely some weird decisions forced with on-screen menus when in psvr2 GT7. We really would need customizable hud for VR. No splits front/back and the radar is often too far to the side. Then again you can easily turn your head to check around you, but that doesnt help with the blind spots. Blindspot warning indicators at the very edge of the fov would be sweet.

There is also quite big differences between cars in vr in-car view. For example in BMW M6 GT3 you sit so far back that the sense of speed is non-existent.
I am 100% faster in VR. Once acclimated I was able to use real world experience and tie it in with what VR allows and my brain fills in the rest. Brake markers in 2D need to be specifically referenced whereas in VR after a couple laps those braking parts become a feeling. In VR you can thoroughly look far ahead and find your braking/entry/apex/exit points as you drive, whereas in 2D they're just pixels on a screen.

There is a definite loss without deltas and lap times, but they ultimately don't matter at all when it comes to maximizing pace.

As far as car views some of them do suck, but they're all adjustable. You can re-orient yourself into a comfortable position no matter the vehicle (for example, the FD RX7 starts with my head in the roof!). It can be annoying, especially in something like a TT with frequent resets, but it's not the end of the world.
While I do understand the realism aspect of the no Hud thing, racing is about gaining every advantage that you can. And driving around blind(info wise) is literally just giving up time and info to your opponents, so until I get full Hud I just refuse to race in a proper race with less info than every other car on track.
Realism or not, there should be a way to get deltas in VR. It's just not "fair" when 2D players have it and we don't. Even if it were something like in iRacing where your "team" lets you know the data or that a car is beside you, but it should be super easy for PD to put simple numbers on the screen. I can't think of a good excuse as to why they haven't yet.

But, like I said above, the deltas don't really mean anything. Your pace is your pace, and seeing the numbers isn't going to improve driving habits or lap times. The info gives more data, but has nothing to do with being faster. Radar gives an idea of close cars so we're not totally blind to our surroundings, and you can also look around you in most cars that don't have super tight cockpits or aggressive head protection in the seat.
One interesting thing is that professional simulators, the ones used by pro race drivers, don't use VR.

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But very many of them do. I listen to a few automotive/race oriented podcasts and this comes up every so often. Many people simply can not tolerate VR, and it simply isn't an option for them, so screens it is. For those that can tolerate VR it is a great option, especially when weighed against the size, cost, and space required for the setups some race teams use.

You posted a pic of a pretty normal home-style setup which works great for a lot of people, but most race teams are using HUGE linear curved wrap-around screens and even partially spherical projection setups to better replicate 3 dimensional vision at a cost of hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Not to mention 7-way hydraulic suspended movement rigs with Dallara chassis monocoques bolted to them. Serious stuff.

But a good VR setup can still do things no screen can, like depth and a feel for the world around you, so there will always be a place for it with people that can handle it. And as VR keeps getting better I think we'll be seeing more and more teams utilizing them for their drivers.
I wish I could do that. I do enjoy driving in VR, there really is no other comparable way to race when it comes to immersion. I’m hopeful that PD will add the full HUD option at some point in time, but I won’t hold my breath lol. And to be fair, I’m not that much slower in VR, couple of tenths a lap at best, depending on the car/track combo.
Realism or not, there should be a way to get deltas in VR. It's just not "fair" when 2D players have it and we don't. Even if it were something like in iRacing where your "team" lets you know the data or that a car is beside you, but it should be super easy for PD to put simple numbers on the screen. I can't think of a good excuse as to why they haven't yet.

I wish they would atleast make the screens in modern racecars scrollable with multible pages, so we could use those in VR for splits and other information.

One other thing that annoys me especially on banked circuits is that you are not allowed to adjust the % how much your view moves / tilts with the car. It feels unnatural that your view stays horizontal when the car tilts. "Snap axis to vehicle" would also work as an option. In a car your body and spine/ neck is tied to the seat so they tilt and bounce with the car. That should be atleast an option - even though it could well give more motion sickness.
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