Are you faster with the PSVR2?

  • Thread starter yoclem11
Hi everyone!

Question towards PSVR2 users! I frequently play GT7 with PSVR2, but I do all my ranked race without it, only on TV. What are your thoughts / experiences? Are you faster with it or on TV?
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Well I am getting out of practice with flat screen, but when I have run both I am consistently faster in VR now. But, if I put the effort in, I would bet my flat screen would be equivalent.

It's ultimately what you get used to. For me, now I'm VR I'm not going back..
Well I am getting out of practice with flat screen, but when I have run both I am consistently faster in VR now. But, if I put the effort in, I would bet my flat screen would be equivalent.

It's ultimately what you get used to. For me, now I'm VR I'm not going back..
I see! At the beginning I spent a lot of time on VR and I didn't want to go back, but the biggest problem with it is that it's not practical when you want to look at your phone between the races x)

I will try to train and make a race with it next week, but I'm afraid of racing close to other drivers, on flat screen I see easily where I am so I don't bump them. In VR it's more difficult to look at others, or to look at the radar!
I see! At the beginning I spent a lot of time on VR and I didn't want to go back, but the biggest problem with it is that it's not practical when you want to look at your phone between the races x)

I will try to train and make a race with it next week, but I'm afraid of racing close to other drivers, on flat screen I see easily where I am so I don't bump them. In VR it's more difficult to look at others, or to look at the radar!
I doubt one is faster in VR in long haul, but one is definetely more aware of the surroundings and placement on track relative to other cars around you. This can help in many racing situations. And maybe make you more successful in racing even if you are not faster. I find myself anticipating and dodging some questionable moves better in VR.

There is definely some weird decisions forced with on-screen menus when in psvr2 GT7. We really would need customizable hud for VR. No splits front/back and the radar is often too far to the side. Then again you can easily turn your head to check around you, but that doesnt help with the blind spots. Blindspot warning indicators at the very edge of the fov would be sweet.

There is also quite big differences between cars in vr in-car view. For example in BMW M6 GT3 you sit so far back that the sense of speed is non-existent.
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I would have stated the opposite, I find it is easier to look around in VR than on flatscreen. But in VR I am in the cockpit and I can turn my head to watch on my side, while on flatscreen I use bumper cam so I have no way to see cars on my side.
Yeah I see what you mean. I play with the hood cam so I can see a little, but most importantly I find it easier to just have a look at the radar. Maybe it's a question of habits! I have to start racing in VR again, maybe it will change my mind

There is definely some weird decisions forced with on-screen menus when in psvr2 GT7. We really would need customizable hud for VR. No splits front/back and the radar is often too far to the side. Then again you can easily turn your head to check around you, but that doesnt help with the blind spots. Blindspot warning indicators at the very edge of the fov would be sweet.
You said everything!! I forgot about the splits... I constantly have an eye on it, so on VR it makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Despite all that, I really love playing in VR! I just wondered which method was faster :) I like having everyone's feedbacks!
I would echo what the others have said.

For competitive racing the lack of splits is annoying. This REALLY needs to be added to the HUD as an option. I haven't been racing sport much recently but when I started with VR I started with a whole new account and raced accepting that where ever I ended up was where I am meant to be, so I worry less about looking at stats on screen (cause you can't) and focus more on driving. Currently I am high B (and was still climbing - but slowing) in the last races I did whereas my old main account was mid A. Realistically I think I am on the border of B and A for natural talent and anything more requires a lot of work. Where VR is more difficult is that strategy races are more challenging. You don't know when others are pitting and such like.

Some cars are horrible to drive in VR and others are great. It had certainly changed my view of which cars I prefer to drive now. Similarly, some cars I found difficult to drive on flatscreen are now easier in VR, particularly high powered rear drive cars. I find it easier to detect when the backend is breaking loose and how to catch it now as you can see some of the motion visually through the cockpit. In bumper cam I always found that difficult.

As for using your phone. I found that when doing sport races, I would immediately take off the headset between races. It allows your eyes time to focus on different objects reducing fatigue. If you get a better strap, like the GlobularCluster, then taking the headset off and putting it back on and hitting that visual sweet spot is easy.
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I would echo what the others have said.

For competitive racing the lack of splits is annoying. This REALLY needs to be added to the HUD as an option. I haven't been racing sport much recently but when I started with VR I started with a whole new account and raced accepting that where ever I ended up was where I am meant to be, so I worry less about looking at stats on screen (cause you can't) and focus more on driving. Currently I am high B (and was still climbing - but slowing) in the last races I did whereas my old main account was mid A. Realistically I think I am on the border of B and A for natural talent and anything more requires a lot of work. Where VR is more difficult is that strategy races are more challenging. You don't know when others are pitting and such like.

Some cars are horrible to drive in VR and others are great. It had certainly changed my view of which cars I prefer to drive now. Similarly, some cars I found difficult to drive on flatscreen are now easier in VR, particularly high powered rear drive cars. I find it easier to detect when the backend is breaking loose and how to catch it now as you can see some of the motion visually through the cockpit. In bumper cam I always found that difficult.

As for using your phone. I found that when doing sport races, I would immediately take off the headset between races. It allows your eyes time to focus on different objects reducing fatigue. If you get a better strap, like the GlobularCluster, then taking the headset off and putting it back on and hitting that visual sweet spot is easy.
Thanks for your complete feedback!

I see what you mean. VR is more precise and intuitive, more natural, but you have less stats. When you choose between VR and flat screen, you make a choice between driving feeling and racing statistics. Some are faster with one, some are faster with the other I guess!

I didn't know about the GlobularCluster! I will consider buying one in the coming months. Thanks!

And for the phone, I think I'll try taking the headset off as soon as I can between the races, like you do.
Salut a tous ;)

due to limited amount of time with GT7, i choose to experience it the better way despite the minor cons and incoveniences, but i find the immersion with VR the right way to play and enjoy GT7. i wish the resolution is better like the 4k tv, but i still would choose VR over screen.

just the other day, i find myself being faster in the cockpit with VR than playing with the controller... as a human you adapt fast.
if i were to plays days over days with the controller, i can be faster than VR, but that's adaptation.

Right now i much prefer to play with VR, and i get faster times faster.
I just cannot play more than 1.5h (anynore than 45min and my eyes are strained), but then i usually do not have that much times to play with GT7 on a daily basis anyways, so that limitation is moot.

If you have a cockpit, wheel, pedal, shifter setup, i would say, you might as well get the VR, it is totally worth it, and you can jump back and fortth with screen or with the controller.

playing with a controller is just a stop gap when you have no choices, still enjoyable, but not the right way. I might sound elitist, sorry about it, but it is true...
I have been playing video games with a controller since the late 80s and until now still... I have been playing GT since 1999 with a controller until i got my cockpit in 2010, but even then i was still playing with the controller over 50% of the time...

But since VR2 came out, i would say i am playing on VR 85-90% of the times now, i dont even bother, or want to play with the controller.
I dont forget where i came from, but why would i still walk with crutches when i can run....

As far as not looking at my phone, well, we are already addicted to our smart phones, for 1.5h of our days, i think it is good that we let go of the phone for a moment no ;)

a bonne entendeur ;)
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