Ariel Castro Sentenced to Life +1000 Years

  • Thread starter a6m5
So you would like to see prison inmates forced to work? Or in other words, slavery. Wat.

I believe slavery originally was for people that didn't do anything wrong in the first place. While I'm against slavery, I am for it under circumstances that they put themselves in that position, like criminals. You have every right to be free etc, but if you screw up and effectively give up your right, then you should be put to work instead of sitting there in a cell. That way they are productive in society rather than taking up space in a 6x6 block of concrete.

Like I said, if your going to be dumb enough to go to jail, when you get there you should have to do something productive other than sitting in a cell. Almost like community service but under watch or something.

Considering that their freedom and rights have already been taken away by simply being in prison it does make a certain amount of sense for them to be doing something useful, if done correctly then it could be quite useful for rehabilitation.

I also agree with this.
So you would like to see prison inmates forced to work? Or in other words, slavery. Wat.
Is it slavery to be forced to pay for the damages you caused, also for room & board? Would that make us willing, or volunteer slaves?
I think with people like him they shouldn't be killed for what they did, or just locked up for life.

They should be studied to try and find out what might make people become like him. I'm not sure what, if any technology can be used, but I'm sure there is some, CT scan etc... I don't know what technology is available to study brain activity, genetic make up, a persons psychology.
(Of course they shouldn't be allowed to live a normal life with this, when not being studied they should still be imprisoned)

Killing him stops any possibility of him ever committing another crime again, but only pleases people with an "eye for an eye" attitude.
Locking him up for the rest of his days in a small cell hopping he has a bad time every time he goes to the showers costs lots of money and doesn't really achieve anything other than knowing he is suffering.

Though doing these studies would most probably cost a lot more than the other two options at least there is a possibility something could be gained from it.
if done correctly then it could be quite useful for rehabilitation.

Like the rehabilitation programs that already exist? You know, the ones that don't involve forcing inmates to work as slaves.

you should be put to work instead of sitting there in a cell.

So what if Castro refused to work as a slave? Are you going to beat him? Torture him? What?

Is it slavery to be forced to pay for the damages you caused, also for room & board? Would that make us willing, or volunteer slaves?

If you are forcing people to work against their will, that is slavery. Slavery is illegal, regardless of the harm caused to victims, victims families, property, or whatever else.
If you are forcing people to work against their will, that is slavery. Slavery is illegal, regardless of the harm caused to victims, victims families, property, or whatever else.
I supposed you are right. Society certainly agrees with this.

Where I have problem with it, it's the impression I have that while prison is a huge inconvenience for criminals, it lacks in accountability.

I'm not asking for "bullet in their heads", or eye for an eye, but I'm not sure about hanging out in camp for days or years is exactly just. It is inhumane to deny prisoners healthcare, although millions of Americans who never harmed anybody couldn't afford to go see a doctor. You can't "force" prisoners to work against their will, but yeah, everybody else is forced to work, because if they don't, they would starve.

I guess I just don't see it as black & white as you do. *shrug*
That if Castro refused to work as a slave? Are you going to beat him? Torture him? What?

If you are forcing people to work against their will, that is slavery. Slavery is illegal, regardless of the harm caused to victims, victims families, property, or whatever else.

They are already being held against their will regardless because of their crimes.

Refusing to work is not an option. Its the modern world. Work and you get paid. You then do what you want with it. Don't work and you starve...your choice. Some may choose to go that route however. Take even more away from them. That's their choice.
Since this has now become more about human rights than Castro, I'm moving the discussion to the appropriate place.

Slash, that applies to your post too.

Fair enough, I figured it was getting a bit off topic. 👍
Are they not getting paid? I was under the assumption inmates received financial compensation? No much mind you, but something..
Are they not getting paid? I was under the assumption inmates received financial compensation? No much mind you, but something..

Those inmates would receive at least a dash of amount of payments for labour, to recompense for the financial burden they brought down for the country for what they had committed before being jailed on account of the crimes, and the programmes for rehabilitation for the society in the future after certain periods of imprisonment on transitory occasion, regardless of whether they are incarcerated for life time or not.
Those inmates would receive at least a dash of amount of payments for labour, to recompense for the financial burden they brought down for the country for what they had committed before being jailed on account of the crimes, and the programmes for rehabilitation for the society in the future after certain periods of imprisonment on transitory occasion, regardless of whether they are incarcerated for life time or not.

And they can only spend money they earned in the jail store.

Where things cost 2~3x more.

a simple chocolate bar costs $1 outside of jail, it costs $5 in jail
So much for Castro's life sentence in prison.

Ariel Castro has been found dead in his cell ... suicide.


Good riddance to trash !!!
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Well so much for the 1000 year sentence. 👎 Some people might celebrate his death and I can understand why, but this kinda cheapens the victims out of fair justice. He held those girls captive for a long time and if i'm right in saying he didn't even last a single year. What an utter piece of cowardly trash.:mad:
Well so much for the 1000 year sentence. 👎 Some people might celebrate his death and I can understand why, but this kinda cheapens the victims out of fair justice. He held those girls captive for a long time and if i'm right in saying he didn't even last a single year. What an utter piece of cowardly trash.:mad:

How can he get "fair justice"? What he did is inexcusable and quite frankly to the American public it means that we no longer have to support this horrible person.
Frankly him being alive is an insult to the victims.

Are the victims sad that he died before he could serve out his life sentance, HELL NO.

I am pretty sure more than 80% of people who know about this are happy that he is dead.
I don't think this "cheapens the victims out of fair justice" at all.

I'm glad the taxpayers don't have to shell out fifty thousand dollars a year or whatever the going rate is to support this piece of human (and I use the term loosely) excrement for the next twenty or thirty or however many years.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Well... it's obviously a good thing that he's not wasting our food or oxygen any longer, but to be fair, having him sit in that little cell of his for at least 10 years would've been the best kind of justice. Now he just got off way too easy.
Frankly him being alive is an insult to the victims.

Are the victims sad that he died before he could serve out his life sentance, HELL NO.

I am pretty sure more than 80% of people who know about this are happy that he is dead.

By definition, he did serve his life sentence. He lived the rest of his life after being found guilty incarcerated. Not entirely sure how he "got off easy" either. He's dead - which you would imagine is the ultimate consequence.
I don't think this "cheapens the victims out of fair justice" at all.

I'm glad the taxpayers don't have to shell out fifty thousand dollars a year or whatever the going rate is to support this piece of human (and I use the term loosely) excrement for the next twenty or thirty or however many years.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

There's little our justice system can adequately provide for the victims, other than to remove the guilty away from civilized society; if anything, he will no longer be a burden to anyone else. While not exactly a commendable act, at least any fame due to his notoriety, and public expense towards his incarceration will not last any longer. I can't pretend to know whether the victims are satisfied or not.

What I do know: what's done is done, and this is The End for the perpetrator.
By definition, he did serve his life sentence. He lived the rest of his life after being found guilty incarcerated. Not entirely sure how he "got off easy" either. He's dead - which you would imagine is the ultimate consequence.

Ok I'll happily put my hands up to this. By definition, he did serve his sentence. At the end of it all, it's one less sicko that the taxpayers have to foot the bill for.
I'm happy the child he created through this evil act never has to face her biological father mother's kidnapper and rapist, and deal with the conflicting emotions of knowing what he did and knowing he's still alive and might want to see her.
How was he able to hang himself? With what apparatus and from what sort of ceiling?

30 minutes per watch, I read.
I don't think this "cheapens the victims out of fair justice" at all.

I'm glad the taxpayers don't have to shell out fifty thousand dollars a year or whatever the going rate is to support this piece of human (and I use the term loosely) excrement for the next twenty or thirty or however many years.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I agree and I will be leaving it at that.

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