Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
I don't think that gives them a free pass. It does however put their result in perspective, especially when compared to a company like PD, that's not even able to put out a title at all.

I think a good question to ask is: what would people in here consider a sufficient alternative? E.g. would they have preferred another delay if that polished more/added more features?

And DiRT Rally mentioned above is another example of Early Access done right. Codemasters may have released some questionable stuff in the past, but they did this right. 👍

Well, I think we can all agree that this new "normal" of putting out a half-baked game and then chasing it with patches is a flawed system that none of us like, regardless of how big the team is. If they had waited another couple months there still would have been issues, and we all know that even with the newest GTS delay there will still be issues with it regardless of how long the delay is. Sucks.
Really? Well if the stories of it costing 20 grand a time to put out patches on the consoles, and the patch has very little to enhance the game, Kunos have more money in the bank than they're letting on!!! :lol: :lol:
These costs for patches was last generation, even though I believe the price wasn't that high. Back then Microsoft also demanded from Devs to keep their patch size as tiny as possible.

Now with all those indie devs on X1 no way Microsoft got them on the platform when the patches were so expensive.

The fast patching from Kunos shows that they care about their product, now those "Muh GT Sport" PS4-Players can jump on the AC-Train
I'm an hour in so far and man the road cars feel so much better than the road cars in project cars. The cars actually feel like their on the road instead of having a floaty feeling to it. That was one the things that held back pcars from enjoying the road cars. I'm loving it. Just got my ass whoop against the AI on hard mode after doing a 5 lap race at brands hatch gp with the ferrari 458 Italia.
I'm an hour in so far and man the road cars feel so much better than the road cars in project cars. The cars actually feel like their on the road instead of having a floaty feeling to it. That was one the things that held back pcars from enjoying the road cars. I'm loving it. Just got my ass whoop against the AI on hard mode after doing a 5 lap race at brands hatch gp with the ferrari 458 Italia.
One of the things I'm most looking forward to is nice-handling road cars, because I agree, they handled like crap in pCARS (not counting the BAC Mono, that thing is great, but not quite like the proper road cars I guess).
Don't you mean 49 frames? :lol:
low blow lol

One of the things I'm most looking forward to is nice-handling road cars, because I agree, they handled like crap in pCARS (not counting the BAC Mono, that thing is great, but not quite like the proper road cars I guess).
I have opposite view on BAC Mono in Pcrs. Then again, it's likely user error on my end
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I'm just happy to have this on PS4. It works after an update and I can race.

On PC. It's been like this:

1.5 Game wouldn't go to the track after I selected it. Fixed by the 3rd micro patch.
1.6 Same problem. Found I could fix it myself by unticking full screen mode. Fixed properly in a patch.
1.7 Worked.
1.8 Game would not run at all. Now fixed in 1.8.1

Is it any wonder I prefer my games on console?
Yup, assetto isn't so polished as forza,but you have to think one thing!

Forzas are first party studio games, so you have more than 100 people with a good amount of money support and technical support directly from Microsoft, doing the game only for 1 platform (till now an in the case of forza 6 and below)

Kunos with assetto are kind of a indie developer and 30 persons for 3 platforms.
Even with that they where able to port the physics, FFB and sounds like they are in pc and with the Game stable without crashes or big bugs and issues... So for me it's impressive, and like they said, it's just the beginning and the basis..

Let them time to improve, fix and add things.
When the support finished, than can we really talke about what they did or didn't.

In case of an other multiplatform, project cars,it was launched broken, with crashes, lots of issues and game breaking bugs.
They're improved the game a lot, but it's still broken and left the console users without support and two paid DLC tracks broken and useless (mostly online)

So...from my part,i hive kunos my confidence, they released already a game in better state as the Wookie game and with awesome physics..

Its not fair compair big first studios against little multiplatform studios that even got a huge financial state.

Like always, it's my opinion and you're free to agree or not

Another thing making Kunos worthwhile is their ability to communicate when the community can benefit from it. Turn 10 almost never does this. For example, Forza released the Nissan RC91P as paid DLC earlier this month. It turned out that the car didn't perform like the majority of players would expect it to, resulting in long discussions among confused players on the official forum. Turn 10 didn't respond, nor did they fix the car as people encouraged them to do as soon as possible. The least they could have done was to clarify whether the car had an issue or not, and not keep people in the dark after receiving their money. I've only had a stake in Turn 10's work since the release of FM6 but it has been long enough for me to consider them as a heartless business prioritizing frequent new releases over most things.

FM6 delivered on day one from a technical standpoint. I'd expect no less from a team of Turn 10's size and one backed by Microsoft. Indeed, not many glaring issues have required their attention and the worst ones quickly did. I do, however, think that their post-release support has been underwhelming when considering how a handful of small issues remain unfixed despite numerous monthly DLC updates. FM6 is a very immersive simulator, as opposed to a highly realistic simulator like AC, but Turn 10 are too distant for my liking.

Then we have the small team of Kunos who progressively monitor the quality of their game and its content. They seemingly don't rush towards their next big release and they even take their time to interact with the community on Sundays. This level of dedication from a developer makes it easier for me to buy into a product which may require a little patching down the road. It's not ideal but at least they haven't given me a reason to think they are celebrating their turnover with a manic laugh.
Can't wait to drive the Countach, mostly due to having the old G1 Transformers Sunstreaker toy when I was a kid.

Actually got passed by a Countach on a road down in south west England a couple of months ago. Saw it in the mirrors and thought, nah, it can't be... But it was! A classic.
Was it this one?:

I don't think it's because console players necessarily expect certain things its more that once devs go to the console market they start hyping stuff up and promising things etc etc to sell hard copies. PC chap downloads AC or whatever and follows its progress and see's it for what it is, but consoles have an actual physical copy of a game with a box with stuff on the back of the box and its more of a dare i say 'product' to us?

There really is a tendency to surround console game releases with a lot of nonsense. Did anyone mention exclusive pre-order incentives? I still can't believe that AC fell into this trap.
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Okay. I need help. Is novice series 2, event 3/6 even possible? Serious question. It's BMW e30 step 1 against e92 m3s. Even on easy, I'm around 7 seconds a lap slower
I think Kunos intentionally made some events hard by putting us in a disadvantaged car. The guy at ISR was expecting same-class racing, which it's clearly not and it's supposed to be hard. When I race same class cars on hard it's great close fun.

Didn't somebody say that this was a bad/biased review?
Yes. The WMD, er I mean, PC crew. It's like deja vu.

I'm not sure what is so wrong about that review. The reviewer rated physics and feedback as high marks. The areas of opportunity are inconsistent career mode, screen tearing and multiplayer. GTP members have said the same, and reviewers like Inside Sim Racing/VVV have said the same.