Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
PS4 with 2 updates and Xbox One only 1
the Xbox One received the second update this afternoon
Mmmmmm, your wrong!

Assetto from ps4 only received 1 update (from 1.0 to 1.01)

Xbox One has got 2 updates,the last one today to fix some performance issues
All these mixed opinions got me all messed up. I love Project Cars on PS4 so I should love this, right?

Depends on what you love in a racing game. AC isn't much of a "game" as you can tell from some of the reviews, but it isn't meant to be, it's meant to be a sim. Games kinda lay things out in a progressive pattern and usually walk you through things in the early stages. Sims leave it up to you to create your own experience and give you the framework to do that. To some console players that's a bit of a shock and/or disappointment.

If you love PCars you'll probably at least like AC because as you see from the reviews the driving experience is excellent. It will always be lacking in some areas compared to PCars and some things aren't quite working right at the moment, but if you love driving and racing virtual cars around virtual tracks then I think you'll enjoy having AC (probably moreso after the kinks get worked out). But if you're just in it for the gaming aspect to complete objectives and collect things, and don't care too much about how the cars feel to drive, you might find it to be a bit of a letdown. And if you don't have the patience to wait through the updates and for added features it might be best to wait a few months.
so today was the first time ive ever played AC.... ever. My initial reaction is yes the FFB and physics are much better that what ive played on console in the past and to me indeed more realistic. with that said its beyond sparse with little track variety. graphics are decent but not anything special. it really is a phyisics engine with a bare bones "game" as windoe dressing. but I knew most of this going in so no surprises. and I bought it just to have a game for my racing rig set up in my NISMO garage as up until now I only had driveclub for PS4 since my PS3 and GT6 is long gone. again im impressed with the physics engine for sure and it fills that need for a game to use on my simulator set up but beyond that there isnt much to dive into and I see myself occasionally playing it more to show friends who come over and actually investing much time in it.
so today was the first time ive ever played AC.... ever. My initial reaction is yes the FFB and physics are much better that what ive played on console in the past and to me indeed more realistic. with that said its beyond sparse with little track variety. graphics are decent but not anything special. it really is a phyisics engine with a bare bones "game" as windoe dressing. but I knew most of this going in so no surprises. and I bought it just to have a game for my racing rig set up in my NISMO garage as up until now I only had driveclub for PS4 since my PS3 and GT6 is long gone. again im impressed with the physics engine for sure and it fills that need for a game to use on my simulator set up but beyond that there isnt much to dive into and I see myself occasionally playing it more to show friends who come over and actually investing much time in it.

How does the NISMO GTR in AC stack up to yours ? Have you tried to bring it to the drag strip in AC ? Regarding FFB, do you feel similar feedback like in the real GTR when getting underseer or oversteer ?
has anyone given the mercedes amg gt3 a drive using the bonnet cam? I am getting a thick black line that is incredibly distracting on that car w/ the bonnet view.
So when will those downlable cars be available to purchase? The ones that's on the game but say that you purchase this content right now. Sorry if this been answered over and over again already.
How does the NISMO GTR in AC stack up to yours ? Have you tried to bring it to the drag strip in AC ? Regarding FFB, do you feel similar feedback like in the real GTR when getting underseer or oversteer ?

good question. I would say all in all pretty good. I dont know enough about the game to know how to set up stability % and traction control ( ive got it in factory) to be accurate but I would say the real life GTR characteristic is mimics the best is how it can put down power early out of a turn where you never have that feeling of the back coming around on you. when im on track in real life that is one of its best attributes.

it ovesteers more in the game than in real life. the regular GTR in real life understeers a bit ( the 09-11 more so than the 2012+) but the NISMO is super nuetral in real life. but the understeer could be me driving too hot into turns not being familiar with the game. but its much more accurate than say the NISMO GT6 as you can correct the oversteer with the throttle better and its more predictable. AC to me gives you more info through the wheel as some games feel a little more numb.

what isnt accurate is the shifting. the shifting of the NISMO is much more crisp in real life as the in AC you get that blink of neutral between shifts and then how you have to shift it to 1st to start. so the dual clutch of the NISMO isnt accurately represented. exterior modeling is accurate but the interior is pretty far off and doesnt have the attention to detail of GT6 but that is because of their relationship with Nissan so its almost 100% accurate inside. even drive club got a couple things better on the inside than AC
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I'm just happy to have this on PS4. It works after an update and I can race.

On PC. It's been like this:

1.5 Game wouldn't go to the track after I selected it. Fixed by the 3rd micro patch.
1.6 Same problem. Found I could fix it myself by unticking full screen mode. Fixed properly in a patch.
1.7 Worked.
1.8 Game would not run at all. Now fixed in 1.8.1

Is it any wonder I prefer my games on console?
Here is my situation.

1.3 Launcher started freezing after races finished.

Downloaded a new launcher.

1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9 No problems.

Its their launcher that is the problem, its so bad, its a buggy mess. Got the content manager(was car manager a while back) and it solved all my issues.

PC is a double edge sword, some love it some hate it, the reason you hate it is the reason I love it, if there is a bug then chances are I can find a solution myself instead of waiting a week or two.

I'm quite biased though as I'm a developer and consoles aren't the most friendly environment for devs. Especially as most start with developing for PC or Mac or IOS/Andriod. You cant show someone how to use a dish washer and then expect them to wash by hand.

Either way I hope it gets better on console soon, its a shame that we can boost about a feature that isn't on the console version, kind of feel bad for it.
good question. I would say all in all pretty good. I dont know enough about the game to know how to set up stability % and traction control ( ive got it in factory) to be accurate but I would say the real life GTR characteristic is mimics the best is out it can put down power early out of a turn where you never have that feeling of the back coming around on you. when im on track in real life that is one of its best attributes.

it ovesteers more in the game than in real life. the regular GTR in real life understeers a bit ( the 09-11 more so than the 2012+) but the NISMO is super nuetral in real life. but the understeer could be me driving too hot into turns not being familiar with the game. but its much more accurate than say the NISMO GT6 as you can correct the oversteer with the throttle better and its more predictable. AC to me gives you more info through the wheel as some games feel a little more numb.

what isnt accurate is the shifting. the shifting of the NISMO is much more crisp in real life as the in AC you get that blink of neutral between shifts and then how you have to shift it to 1st to start. so the dual clutch of the NISMO isnt accurately represented. exterior modeling is accurate but the interior is pretty far off and doesnt have the attention to detail of GT6 but that is because of their relationship with Nissan so its almost 100% accurate inside. even drive club got a couple things better on the inside than AC

Thanks mate, that's pretty detailed, FFB in AC does as they said, one of the best :) if only you still have GT6, I could point you to the NISMO GTR I build, it has stock dyno power spec and updated suspension + weight data, it should make it closer than stock NISMO in GT6 which is horrible IMO.
I hear ya mate. I took my "racing" as seriously as I could when I was stuck on consoles, I had a wonderful time and made wonderful friends. I was one of those crazy folk who had triple screens for GT5/6 if that tells you how seriously I tried to take it. :D

Nice driving. Triples with GT6?! Sweet...Pricey too! :D

Yup, assetto isn't so polished as forza,but you have to think one thing!

Forzas are first party studio games, so you have more than 100 people with a good amount of money support and technical support directly from Microsoft, doing the game only for 1 platform (till now an in the case of forza 6 and below)

Kunos with assetto are kind of a indie developer and 30 persons for 3 platforms.
Even with that they where able to port the physics, FFB and sounds like they are in pc and with the Game stable without crashes or big bugs and issues... So for me it's impressive, and like they said, it's just the beginning and the basis..

Let them time to improve, fix and add things.
When the support finished, than can we really talke about what they did or didn't.

In case of an other multiplatform, project cars,it was launched broken, with crashes, lots of issues and game breaking bugs.
They're improved the game a lot, but it's still broken and left the console users without support and two paid DLC tracks broken and useless (mostly online)

So...from my part,i hive kunos my confidence, they released already a game in better state as the Wookie game and with awesome physics..

Its not fair compair big first studios against little multiplatform studios that even got a huge financial state.

Like always, it's my opinion and you're free to agree or not
A year ago, I think, Kunos was like 15 people strong. A few of those people weren't working on the game either, but handling other tasks. Assetto Corsa has 1 programmer and that's one of the co-founders of Kunos, Stefano. A couple of console developers were brought over for the port to consoles. I'm not making excuses for Kunos - just giving a bit of a history lesson.

I've been willing to give them a break for being a small studio when it comes to the PC version. Assetto Corsa will never be a finished product, in my opinion, because Stefano is always adding new features (I think brake temperatures is the latest big feature that's simulated) or he would be fixing things that were reported as quickly as he could. To me, it's a living, breathing product that I don't mind watching grow up.

If I were a console player, however, I wouldn't have the same attitude at all. I'd want my game working right out of the box with at least base features, like private lobbies, balanced career events & special events, etc.. working as they should be. Of course, there is always an occasional glitch here or there, but there shouldn't be nearly as much to complain about as there appears to legitimately be right now.

Can't wait to drive the Countach, mostly due to having the old G1 Transformers Sunstreaker toy when I was a kid.

Actually got passed by a Countach on a road down in south west England a couple of months ago. Saw it in the mirrors and thought, nah, it can't be... But it was! A classic.
Oh, the sound of a Countach is a sound I'll never forget. Some guy had one in the town next to where I grew up as a kid. He'd have to drive past my house, however, 99% of the time he wanted to take it out. Every time I saw it my jaw dropped - it NEVER got old...

I love, love, love driving the Countach in Assetto Corsa. That and the F40 are probably my two favorite cars at the moment. The turbos spooling up and kicking in on the F40 is sublime. :D
So, I have read that AC is region locked online, so people in different region can't be in the same room online. I'm in Asia, so if this is really true region locked, I will never be able to play with people from other regions ( I think regions are divided based on PSN server regions, so Australian players won't even see HK players ) ? :( I don't think private lobbies will help if it's region locked :( When was the last time a game has online region lock ? I could play MGS V, BFBC 2, GT6 and other games online with people around the world ( no lock )
So, I have read that AC is region locked online, so people in different region can't be in the same room online. I'm in Asia, so if this is really true region locked, I will never be able to play with people from other regions ( I think regions are divided based on PSN server regions, so Australian players won't even see HK players ) ? :( I don't think private lobbies will help if it's region locked :( When was the last time a game has online region lock ? I could play MGS V, BFBC 2, GT6 and other games online with people around the world ( no lock )
Nothing has ever been locked like that IIRC. Ever F2P games have the allowance of choosing a server region.
Nothing has ever been locked like that IIRC. Ever F2P games have the allowance of choosing a server region.

This is the answer that I got from another thread ( can't change region, but can still be invited )

Your friends can invite you to races. It is region locked, while you can not manually change region but if your friend were to send you an invite from say European servers you'll be able to get in the lobby they invited you to. That's how I've been able to race online with people recently. He said the servers over there are always filled while it sucks over here in Australia with no one on or just drifting..

So people like me with very few players online in the region ( which I'm pretty sure will be ) are at the mercy of invitation to join other lobbies :( Hosting would be close to pointless then.
Nothing has ever been locked like that IIRC. Ever F2P games have the allowance of choosing a server region.

There is no way to change the server. This is Australia right now..
The rest of the list is the same... all zeros.
The hype was about the physic and FFB coming to the console, allowing Console gamer to experience a SIM, in my book it is living to his hype.
Console gamers have been experiencing sims for quite some time before AC. It's 2016, a tyre model and FFB are no longer sufficient to be considered a decent sim. It's not the general public that "doesn't get it".
This is the answer that I got from another thread ( can't change region, but can still be invited )

So people like me with very few players online in the region ( which I'm pretty sure will be ) are at the mercy of invitation to join other lobbies :( Hosting would be close to pointless then.

Yeah that's about the only way to race with other people that I have been able to figure out so far. Otherwise you can add me and I'll invite you to race lobbies when I stream again so you can at least race more people online

But Australia has no one online ever, so making friends overseas is the best bet right now :)
One of the things I'm most looking forward to is nice-handling road cars, because I agree, they handled like crap in pCARS (not counting the BAC Mono, that thing is great, but not quite like the proper road cars I guess).
Don't get me wrong; the first time I drove it I couldn't drive it at all and thought it was a twitchy oversteering mess. Several months later I picked it up again and spent a while tuning it and since then it's been one of my favourite cars. A classic example of pCARS' default road car setups being less than good for me.

EDIT: seems I'm talking to myself now... That was meant for @bluetusk lol
Yeah that's about the only way to race with other people that I have been able to figure out so far. Otherwise you can add me and I'll invite you to race lobbies when I stream again so you can at least race more people online

But Australia has no one online ever, so making friends overseas is the best bet right now :)

I haven't got AC yet, planning on getting PS4 first, preferably a NEO when it comes out.
Mmmmmm, your wrong!

Assetto from ps4 only received 1 update (from 1.0 to 1.01)

Xbox One has got 2 updates,the last one today to fix some performance issues

Regardless neither ever hit 60 in that clip at least, they both function but the PS4 is slightly less worse rather than 'better'. But where the screen tearing occurs its is so easy to ignore it i find. I am yet to play AC on xbox and think nothing but "its so crisp and sharp" and 8am or 6pm it looks at its best because the windscreen effects are the best out there IMO.

I do find the DF frame rate reviews funny as the PC brigade has for so long called console kids graphics obsessed yet whenever they pump out a DF review they all seem to pipe up about how rubbish consoles look to their PC's they have in their basement dwelling at their parents house....:)
God, I didn't realise that the online aspect of Assetto Corsa was sooooo bad. Heck, I was talking to one of my PCars buddies after our usual Monday night racing, and he said that the online wasn't going to be changed - as in you won't be able to create your own lobbies and screw around like you do in PCars. Based on this fact, I don't think I'll be playing this game for very long. Sad really, because the game is great to play.
Maybe some of the experts can answer my question on the AI.

Yesterday I tested 2 races. Both on Imola with Alien AI. For the first race I took the Alfa 155 in mixed class and for the second race I took the Lotus 2 Eleven mixed class.

The AI in the Alfa race behaved much more mature and were less prone to drive into the back and trying to push you of the road. The race with the Lotus was terrible. AI was not nice at all and very aggressive. Now I wonder how can it be that there is such a great difference between those two?

The AI when racing the old touring cars seems more "advanced" and aware of the player. Can it be there are different levels of AI or maybe a different algoritm for the AI per category? Haven't tested GT3 nor single seaters so I can't share my experience on that one.

Also who thought it was a good idea to let the AI brake test you when going into eau rouge at Spa :eek: (happens first lap).
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Hello, what's FFB slip effect actually doing? I turned it on to 20%. Is it creating more force when you slip or less? Also not sure about under-steer effect, seems to OTT, but am i cheating without it on?
I have to say, i am really unhappy with Assetto Corsa right now, and this makes me sad. First i have to say that this is a great simulation, driving physics are the best i have ever experienced in a game. However, AC isn't a good game.

The career mode is pretty much broken because of the insane AI difficulty. Yes, this is a simulation. It is supposed to be difficult. But even when i manage to drive clean laps, i'm still not fast enough to beat the AI. The SLS series really gives me a headache right now. I won gold at Nürbrugring because - for no reason - the AI went to the pits in lap 3. On all the other events, i can barely get to fifth position. With "easy" difficulty. Call me a bad driver... that's okay. I'm not that good. However, this is supposed to be "easy". But it's not. It's tough as nails to the point it gets rediculous. The SLS isn't the fastest car on the event and you're supposed to beat all the Ferraris at Monza? Pointless.

AI drivers will never do big mistakes (like i do all the time). They are fast, doing clean laps. What makes things even worse is their aggressive play style. They will push you out of their way all the time. Sometimes i'm on a good lap, then some AI madman comes and pushes me off the track. It happens over and over again. On the other hand, the AI never pushes another AI car off the track. As a player, it is almost impossible to shoot them off the road. AI drivers never really loose control, their car will just begin to wobble / lurch like crazy. This isn't realistic.

I'm affraid this won't be adressed. Kunos had more than enough time to adress these problems on PC and they didn't. So it will propably stay this way. This will make it difficult for me to enjoy Assett Corsa in the future. I love the physics and i'm so hyped for the Porsche DLC. However, AI and career mode ruin it pretty much,
I have to say, i am really unhappy with Assetto Corsa right now, and this makes me sad. First i have to say that this is a great simulation, driving physics are the best i have ever experienced in a game. However, AC isn't a good game.

The career mode is pretty much broken because of the insane AI difficulty. Yes, this is a simulation. It is supposed to be difficult. But even when i manage to drive clean laps, i'm still not fast enough to beat the AI. The SLS series really gives me a headache right now. I won gold at Nürbrugring because - for no reason - the AI went to the pits in lap 3. On all the other events, i can barely get to fifth position. With "easy" difficulty. Call me a bad driver... that's okay. I'm not that good. However, this is supposed to be "easy". But it's not. It's tough as nails to the point it gets rediculous. The SLS isn't the fastest car on the event and you're supposed to beat all the Ferraris at Monza? Pointless.

AI drivers will never do big mistakes (like i do all the time). They are fast, doing clean laps. What makes things even worse is their aggressive play style. They will push you out of their way all the time. Sometimes i'm on a good lap, then some AI madman comes and pushes me off the track. It happens over and over again. On the other hand, the AI never pushes another AI car off the track. As a player, it is almost impossible to shoot them off the road. AI drivers never really loose control, their car will just begin to wobble / lurch like crazy. This isn't realistic.

I'm affraid this won't be adressed. Kunos had more than enough time to adress these problems on PC and they didn't. So it will propably stay this way. This will make it difficult for me to enjoy Assett Corsa in the future. I love the physics and i'm so hyped for the Porsche DLC. However, AI and career mode ruin it pretty much,

Really, so when you hit the AI car, they just stay planted ? how about your car ? did it get pushed away and lose control ? This makes me even more doubting if the AI runs the same physics as players car.
I am really unhappy with Assetto Corsa too... the career mode and AI are awful, the online is poor so far and the weekend race (no custom championship so far too) is a mess... why i can't run a GT3 series race??? if i pick a GT3 car the AI cars will be a mix of GT3, GT2, super trofeo etc... really Kunos really??? what the hell??? but NO the "old" assetto corsa community here they'll answer me with "but the physics, the feel, the laser scan tracks,the bla bla bla, the cha cha cha, the la fess d sort"..... guys.... please don't be ridiculous......
sorry for the rant, but I expected a lot from this game :(