Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
And this perfectly illustrates one of the big differences between PC players and console players and why AC will likely never be a huge hit on consoles. For the most part PC players will say over and over that graphics are far down their lists of important things, physics and FFB are at the top. Console players tend to want shiny graphics and objectives to work through or things to collect. I'm pretty sure Kunos knew this going into it and don't expect it to be a wildly popular game for that very fact. (Not picking on you mate, just using this as an example to illustrate a point, your opinion/preference is just as valid as mine or anyone else's).
This is one of the things I noticed when coming from console over to pc racing. The conversations are different, the focus is different and it's part of the message that is often assumed and left unexplained when someone throws out the inevitable, "it's a sim" comment in discussions involving sims and console racing games. While many perceive it as a slag of console games and/or an excuse from pc gamers for feature limited games, in reality it's simply a phrase that attempts to cover the differences between "sims" and other racing games with a single word. If one understands the underlying message it makes sense.

By far, accurate physics dominate the overall discussion in sim racing, followed IMO by features that promote racing simulation. So called "eye candy" and other features not directly related to core simulation like weather and time of day, are not mentioned nearly as often in discussions as the aforementioned physics and race oriented aspects of a game.
Before AC came to console, console player did not have access to a good SIM.

A lot of console gamer are unsettled in this first week of experiencing AC, they have lost their bearing. It will be fascinating to see what happens when they return to their favorite game and start to realizing they are now missing the great physic and feedback, suddenly, like for all of us, I bet a lot of the racing game feature won't be so important anymore.
People naturally resist to change at first, give them time and they will embrace it, once you get the advantage of SIM over game, their is no way back, it is part of the growing process. You may go back to a child game every once and a while for giggles, but SIM will be the main attraction and have a long term attraction, 2500 hours for me. :sly:

Would I prefer AC to be perfect on every aspect? Maybe, as long as I do not have to be perfect myself! Perfection is highly overrated.:lol:
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Frankly IMO i don't see how all that power is based on AI having same physics as the AI is better IMO on PCars. What is even the point in AI having same tyre physics? If they beat me i don't cry about it and call them cheats?
Interesting and fair points. Would I figure out that the AI used the same physics if I didn't already know it? Would I care if they didn't? Is there any point in same physics if they still "cheat" by having super human reaction times? These are all questions I will leave for you to philosophize over your morning coffee. :D

But yeah i love to race agaisnt AI i'm trying to think of a game with terrible AI and i can't, most important is a wide range of choices for difficulty and AI that senses your there bar the odd mistake like happens in real life.
I love that too man. And I honestly think there is a lot of awesome racing to be had with the AI now. Sure they still have problems and I don't know how good they are compared to PCars, as I only do hotlapping in PCars. But if I stick to my line and just race they're good fun. I hope the console version is brought up to PC version asap so you at least can get the chance to play it like I do now. I still cannot guarantee that you will like it though. :)
Before AC came to console, console player did not have access to a good SIM.

A lot of console gamer are unsettled in this first week of experiencing AC, they have lost their bearing. It will be fascinating to see what happens when they return to their favorite game and start to realizing they are now missing the great physic and feedback, suddenly, like for all of us, I bet a lot of the racing game feature won't be so important anymore.
People naturally resist to change at first, give them time and they will embrace it, once you get the advantage of SIM over game, their is no way back, it is part of the growing process. You may go back to a child game every once and a while for giggles, but SIM will be the main attraction and have a long term attraction, 2500 hours for me. :sly:
For you.

Stop assuming that everyone shares the same values and expectations that you do and stop doing with the use of thinly veiled insults.

I've not 'lost my bearings' at all, nor is AC a quantum leap in terms of simulation. For road cars its far better than anything else on the console market, but for race cars the difference is certainly not as great as many like to make out.

It has nothing at all to do with being 'resistant to change' its about a title that has released which is a solid sim but not the complete package it was advertised as.
On old games like LFS that I have, running 2 or 3 AI cars can sink FPS easily to 5-10fps avg, this is on old Laptop that runs 40-50fps when I'm alone. AI can be very heavy on CPU if they run same physics. In AC, does AI cars hog CPU substantially on lower end of system requirement on PC ? I think games like PCars would be less hogging in CPU for AI cars.
AI in AC murders in the CPU, it is brutal.
For you.

Stop assuming that everyone shares the same values and expectations that you do and stop doing with the use of thinly veiled insults.

I've not 'lost my bearings' at all, nor is AC a quantum leap in terms of simulation. For road cars its far better than anything else on the console market, but for race cars the difference is certainly not as great as many like to make out.

It has nothing at all to do with being 'resistant to change' its about a title that has released which is a solid sim but not the complete package it was advertised as.

Sorry you see that as an insult, I was a transfuge from console to PC, like other in this thread, and I resisted at first as I was missing some of the nice aspect of GT, that are missing in AC and AC back then had much less than today.
Even PCars at first was troubling as it has a lot more feature than AC, all I am saying is it will be fascinating how perception will change for console player with time like it did for many of us when we switched from console to PC and from Racing Game to SIM. Our priorities have changed.
I totally believe AC is a great opportunity for console users to discover a different aspect of racing games and that with time, it has only been a week, their perspective and expectation will change.
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When you bump into an AI car with high speed, it will begin to wiggle / wobble / lurch (not sure about the right word in english) in a funny way. You can see that the AI struggles to stay in control, but in the end, they will always save their car. It will stay on track. But when an AI car bumps into the player at high speed, the players car will most certainly spin and it will be really hard / impossible to stay on track.

I think you're right. AI physics are diffrent from those the player experiences. And that is really lame and unfair.

This is my biggest complaint so far. Two, three, four laps into a race and a little bump from AI and the race is over for me. The difficulty even on the easiest level does not allow recovery from this and that's frustrating.

Also is there no button to reset to the track? I get it's a simulation, but some non-simulation factors just make a good game.
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In defense of PCars its still my go to game and is sublime at times, at the start it was a hot mess but now some stupid bugs still exist but in my personal opinion i prefer PCars and lets face it my personal opinion is the most important opinion to me, obviously.
Just look at what PCars is doing graphically in these shots (below), yes they over reached and didn't achieve all and they could of cut a lot of the fancy stuff out and got better finesse, but set up right PCars is head and shoulders above AC on consoles, at the present time IMO.
Frankly IMO i don't see how all that power is based on AI having same physics as the AI is better IMO on PCars. What is even the point in AI having same tyre physics? If they beat me i don't cry about it and call them cheats?

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Just picked up PCars a few weeks ago and agree it's a very polished and very good game now. Glad I missed the early pains. I'm getting those now with AC, but I have patience and gratitude and can wait for the game to mature like PCars did and like the F1 series has been able to do over multiple years of iterations.
This is one of the things I noticed when coming from console over to pc racing. The conversations are different, the focus is different and it's part of the message that is often assumed and left unexplained when someone throws out the inevitable, "it's a sim" comment in discussions involving sims and console racing games.

Same here, and it took me a while to break out of that "game" mindset. At first I was pretty disappointed with AC because the things I expected it to have weren't there (and if I'm honest I'm still a bit disappointed by some of that) but eventually I came around and realized that a lot of that stuff doesn't matter too much when the driving experience is excellent.

They are all game ( entertainment ) software, there's no such thing as racing game to sim ( I think this is another example of misusing the words )

There's certainly a difference between a game and a sim, though each person's interpretations vary. Need for Speed is a racing game and it has very little in common with the likes of AC or rF2 or iRacing, they both have cars on tracks but that's where the similarities end.

This is my biggest complaint so far. Two, three, four laps into a race and a little bump from AI and the race is over for me. The difficulty even on the easiest level does not allow recovery from this and that's frustrating.
That's be design, and Stefano even referenced this in his recent stream. In a real race if you get bumped off the track your race is likely over. Same in AC. It can be brutal, but they want it to be realistic.

Also is there no button to reset to the track? I get it's a simulation, but some non-simulation factors just make a good game.

Don't expect anything like that to be added, they are sticklers about only doing things that are possible in the real world and real race cars don't have a button that resets their car to the track. Obviously for some people this will be an issue but that's how Kunos do things, love it or hate it I don't see it changing. I tend to agree that some non-simulation factors can enhance the experience though, but it's a slippery slope.
I think games like PCars would be less hogging in CPU for AI cars.
Maybe, but it certainly compensates this with a larger grid (e.g. 48 cars on track for LeMans) and other things. It's certainly a very CPU demanding game.

That's also what I meant with design choice: You want to simulate LeMans accurately? Can't do that accurately with a small grid and no night/day time cycle. Don't have that requirement? Spend your CPU and GPU cycles on something else.

By far, accurate physics dominate the overall discussion in sim racing, followed IMO by features that promote racing simulation. So called "eye candy" and other features not directly related to core simulation like weather and time of day, are not mentioned nearly as often in discussions as the aforementioned physics and race oriented aspects of a game.
IMO, the main differentiator here is hardware. On a console, you have fixed hardware and not utilizing GPU cycles while you could have done something nice with it, is simply waste. On PC that is much more blurred with a huge variety of hardware to support and relatively a lot fewer people owning high end GPU's. One of the reasons you can run most simulators on a low-end GPU.

There's certainly a difference between a game and a sim, though each person's interpretations vary. Need for Speed is a racing game and it has very little in common with the likes of AC or rF2 or iRacing, they both have cars on tracks but that's where the similarities end.

This is true (comparison between NFS and AC/rF2 ), but if people here claim that Project CARS is not a sim, when it in fact objectively IS a sim (and a racing game at the same time too), people obviously have an agenda to push.
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One major difference I noticed once the console edition launched was how many people want a polished Career Mode. Kunos really, REALLY screwed that up for console users big time. I don't blame anyone on console who is royally ticked off. It seems on the official forums most AC players are like "What? There's a Career Mode?" and I have a feeling that's why Career Mode & Special Events ended up the way they did on consoles...because they didn't get much attention from the devs to begin with.

When I first started playing AC on PC there was a decent size update. I think we moved to Tire Model v4, if I'm not mistaken. Eventually someone piped in talking about how the Special Events were "impossible" now because the times were never adjusted and the tires changed quite a bit. The majority of the forum visitors were scratching their heads, "Special Events?"

This isn't an insult to console players. If Kunos is going to put it in their game it damn well should work properly. Whether it is interesting or not, that's not for me to decide. But, it should be properly balanced! No question about it. Then I question myself and say, "Well, they can't meet up with their buddies online because of no private lobbies and all that jazz, so no wonder they want to do the Career Mode!"

Kunos really, really messed this up...This was the perfect opportunity to introduce the console market to a racing title that puts physics and FFB above everything else and they delivered a product with way too many problems. I have faith in Kunos - they'll fix 'em. My impression is, however, that many console players will give up on AC unless those two major issues (Private lobbies & better balanced AI) are fixed very, very fast. Kunos is so lucky that GTSport announced a delay. :D
They are all game ( entertainment ) software, there's no such thing as racing game to sim ( I think this is another example of misusing the words )
Its a sub-genre that makes life a lot easier for people to understand, following your example JRPG should just be RPG, Call of duty, Galaga and uncharted would all be called Shoot them up. Its still a racing games but its on the simulation side which is why its called a sub-genre, it makes life a lot easier for people. Imagine going into a supermarket and the signs just say food everywhere.

You aren't wrong by saying its a sim is a racing game but there is a reason why that sim branding exists, it would be anti-consumer if it didnt exist because no one would know off the box as to whether it has realistic physics or if its built for ease of use.

Lets put it another way, you want as much information as possible on a product before you take the dive and buy it. Removing sim only makes it harder.
This is my biggest complaint so far. Two, three, four laps into a race and a little bump from AI and the race is over for me. The difficulty even on the easiest level does not allow recovery from this and that's frustrating.

Also is there no button to reset to the track? I get it's a simulation, but some non-simulation factors just make a good game.

Simulation state reset function is also part of simulation, resetting a car to the track is not a non-simulation factor. Do you know what happens when a pilot fails to land in a pilot training simulator ? They reset the whole thing to different state before the failure happens and try again. It's part of the program so user can repeat or redo the process again. It's also part of design choices ( allowing such reset or not ), depending on the goal/purpose of the simulation.

There's certainly a difference between a game and a sim, though each person's interpretations vary. Need for Speed is a racing game and it has very little in common with the likes of AC or rF2 or iRacing, they both have cars on tracks but that's where the similarities end.

They are all classified as video game simulation software. I have been playing flight simulation software ( they are sold as game software ) since early 90's, I didn't meet these kind of differentiation, calling the Novalogic F22, MIG29, F16, Comanche or EF2000s and Total War by DID games as flight games, while Jane's Longbow or Eagle Dynamics Flanker 2.0 are flight sims. They are all still computer/pc gaming simulation software. Ace Combat series on console are still considered flight sim as it simulate controlling airplane or helicopter, albeit in simplified form or lesser fidelity than other flight sim game.

The presence of console games do not change anything, the first NFS was on PC and PSX, and deemed as simulation in it's day, while later NFS games are lesser in simulation aspects / details, they are all have the basics of car simulation ( driving it ). They are racing game of course as it describe that player are racing in the game, either against time or against others ( AI or other players ). I can also call them driving game, because they simulate driving. When someone calls certain titles like AC or Rfactor as sim, it should mean nothing more than descriptive word for it's genre, simulation of reality.

Not sure when it started the arcade vs sim, maybe after better fidelity simulation games starts cropping up, the lesser ones gets "arcade" label while the better ones "sim" label and the middle ones "simcade" label. It's just misleading IMO.

Its a sub-genre that makes life a lot easier for people to understand, following your example JRPG should just be RPG, Call of duty, Galaga and uncharted would all be called Shoot them up. Its still a racing games but its on the simulation side which is why its called a sub-genre, it makes life a lot easier for people. Imagine going into a supermarket and the signs just say food everywhere.

You aren't wrong by saying its a sim is a racing game but there is a reason why that sim branding exists, it would be anti-consumer if it didnt exist because no one would know off the box as to whether it has realistic physics or if its built for ease of use.

Lets put it another way, you want as much information as possible on a product before you take the dive and buy it. Removing sim only makes it harder.

I wouldn't use the word sub genre, it's different world today, back when Formula 1 simulation was simple ( non 3D ) from the late 80's to early 90's, people don't call them as arcade when 3D based like GP 2 and GP 3 or GPL came out being called sim.

This also bring another aspect, 3D form increases simulation fidelity and becomes minimum these days, which also means graphics do matter to an extent.
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Based on a lot of comments I've seen on various forums, I also
For me on console physics and ffb are the main thing and im loving the game. We need private lobbies and leaderboards tho or i fear the game will have a short life span. Has there been any news if we will get these on console?
I wouldn't hold your breath on leader boards, however I don't work for Kunos, that's just my opinion. I do believe that they will figure out a way to give people the ability to create their own lobbies.

On a side note: I was seeing the chatter about CPU usage and AI. I've been looking for the video @Lewis_Hamilton_ posted of him doing like a 50 car race on LeMans. I might be mistaken, but I think he has stated that his computer isn't some high-end machine either. Maybe he'll see my tag and respond with what the CPU load was like for that race.
I have to say, i am really unhappy with Assetto Corsa right now, and this makes me sad. First i have to say that this is a great simulation, driving physics are the best i have ever experienced in a game. However, AC isn't a good game.

The career mode is pretty much broken because of the insane AI difficulty. Yes, this is a simulation. It is supposed to be difficult. But even when i manage to drive clean laps, i'm still not fast enough to beat the AI. The SLS series really gives me a headache right now. I won gold at Nürbrugring because - for no reason - the AI went to the pits in lap 3. On all the other events, i can barely get to fifth position. With "easy" difficulty. Call me a bad driver... that's okay. I'm not that good. However, this is supposed to be "easy". But it's not. It's tough as nails to the point it gets rediculous. The SLS isn't the fastest car on the event and you're supposed to beat all the Ferraris at Monza? Pointless.

AI drivers will never do big mistakes (like i do all the time). They are fast, doing clean laps. What makes things even worse is their aggressive play style. They will push you out of their way all the time. Sometimes i'm on a good lap, then some AI madman comes and pushes me off the track. It happens over and over again. On the other hand, the AI never pushes another AI car off the track. As a player, it is almost impossible to shoot them off the road. AI drivers never really loose control, their car will just begin to wobble / lurch like crazy. This isn't realistic.

I'm affraid this won't be adressed. Kunos had more than enough time to adress these problems on PC and they didn't. So it will propably stay this way. This will make it difficult for me to enjoy Assett Corsa in the future. I love the physics and i'm so hyped for the Porsche DLC. However, AI and career mode ruin it pretty much,
I agree. The difficulty needs to be adjusted in career. I consider myself quiet good and very consistent with lap times but winning on alien is next to impossible if you not get a good start and move always to thensure top immediately.
Based on a lot of comments I've seen on various forums, I also

I wouldn't hold your breath on leader boards, however I don't work for Kunos, that's just my opinion. I do believe that they will figure out a way to give people the ability to create their own lobbies.

On a side note: I was seeing the chatter about CPU usage and AI. I've been looking for the video @Lewis_Hamilton_ posted of him doing like a 50 car race on LeMans. I might be mistaken, but I think he has stated that his computer isn't some high-end machine either. Maybe he'll see my tag and respond with what the CPU load was like for that race.

Not sure if the pc version has it, but,..................... there is no lemans in Assetto!! ;)
Based on a lot of comments I've seen on various forums, I also

I wouldn't hold your breath on leader boards, however I don't work for Kunos, that's just my opinion. I do believe that they will figure out a way to give people the ability to create their own lobbies.

On a side note: I was seeing the chatter about CPU usage and AI. I've been looking for the video @Lewis_Hamilton_ posted of him doing like a 50 car race on LeMans. I might be mistaken, but I think he has stated that his computer isn't some high-end machine either. Maybe he'll see my tag and respond with what the CPU load was like for that race.

50 cars :eek: :bowdown: How ? PS4 only managed 16. If my 10 years old single core Intel M with 2 GB RAM, 128MB VRAM could only manage 1 or 2 AI, struggling too at 20fps or less, in LFS, I wonder how heavy will be LFS or AC with 50 cars :scared:
Don't expect anything like that to be added, they are sticklers about only doing things that are possible in the real world and real race cars don't have a button that resets their car to the track. Obviously for some people this will be an issue but that's how Kunos do things, love it or hate it I don't see it changing. I tend to agree that some non-simulation factors can enhance the experience though, but it's a slippery slope.

The same sticklers that have my car instantly teleporting back to the pits post-race? Where the finishing order is seemingly determined by pit stall in some cases?


Had a really good time with the 458 racer earlier in the week at Mugello. The 650S that was used in the video on the front page feels quite different. The substantial amounts of torque make it far easier to spin. Turn 9 is frankly a bit of a nightmare with a controller; 9 times out of 10, the car would spin there. Even tiny slip angles are almost impossible to correct with a DS4. I'm still waiting on my wheelstand, so a test drive with the Fanatec on the XB1 is still in the wings.

As is though, I can't imagine many pad users will be able to complete any of the Drift challenges.

Speaking of, I think it's hilarious that the timer for events starts from the moment you appear at the track, not the moment you get in the car. How did nobody notice that during QA?
Good point! Yes we have it on PC, compliment of a great modder, thank you Tiago!
The dark side has its perks.:sly:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh mods, that explains things,............. enjoy the dark side, they have cookies!!

The problem is the disconnect from PC to console due to awful generalizations in a 'gaming' context (clearly there are worse cases of generalizing in the wide world).
The fact there is a career mode in the console version of AC that's just tacked on is because they (Kunos) consider that console players demand a career mode, for me i'd be happy if it wasn't there at all.
it's like they alone have made the choice to do some things a bit like GT and Forza but do it really badly, now why should console owners take the blame for that? Just because we chose to play on a console for whatever reasons.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh mods, that explains things,............. enjoy the dark side, they have cookies!!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh the "Cookie Monster" is here!!! My mate and fellow racer, the one and only styles!! People are asking for a "Brony Button" to be added @Bjorn Lucas !! On a sim i ask you lol! :lol::lol:
So one game has little features and the other is a buggy mess. So instead of biting off too much they seemed to have not eaten at all. Quite a shame, the users have no choice but to wait and see.

Its not that they dont use the same physics its just that they know exactly how the recover the car, the exact amount to turn, the amount of throttle and they can process all of this a lot quicker then we can so they are still superior and so they have a massive advantage over us. With traction control not on AI anymore the collisions will cause ai to struggle in collisions now on pc but its not in sync with console yet.

But project cars is not even buggy no more.
The problem is the disconnect from PC to console due to awful generalizations in a 'gaming' context (clearly there are worse cases of generalizing in the wide world).
The fact there is a career mode in the console version of AC that's just tacked on is because they (Kunos) consider that console players demand a career mode, for me i'd be happy if it wasn't there at all.
it's like they alone have made the choice to do some things a bit like GT and Forza but do it really badly, now why should console owners take the blame for that? Just because we chose to play on a console for whatever reasons.

The career has been there since the beginning, well before they ever talked about releasing on console, and it's always been like what you have now. And yes, it feels a bit tacked on most of the time, but it wasn't just tacked on for the consoles. None of the other PC sims (except PCars) have any kind of career mode, iRacing doesn't even have AI. As a generalization, a lot of PC sim racers have no need or desire for a career mode so most of the devs don't bother with it.
You mean in your opinion.

No. They are all games that simulates ( insert stuff here ) with differing fidelity and aspect being simulated. Some have easier handling model, some do not have intricate damage simulation like engine blow up or tire puncture, some have simple gameplay mode like hot lap, some are cop and robber, some have detailed tire model, some just simple tire that drives. Calling one racing sim and another as game because of lesser fidelity in physics or different gameplay mode offered is just plain foolishness. The original post was calling console to PC and racing game to sim, implying that console are racing game and PC are sim, which is daft generalization to demean console as lesser than PC ( both are games that simulate racing )
The career has been there since the beginning, well before they ever talked about releasing on console, and it's always been like what you have now. And yes, it feels a bit tacked on most of the time, but it wasn't just tacked on for the consoles. None of the other PC sims (except PCars) have any kind of career mode, iRacing doesn't even have AI. As a generalization, a lot of PC sim racers have no need or desire for a career mode so most of the devs don't bother with it.

Sort of my point, why did they feel the need to add a career mode, like you say the PC elite don't care for them? Heck why can't anyone get the concept of custom championships? When did this 'career' thing in racing games become so important?
I don't think this career mode thing is high on any list for console users let alone PC users frankly IMO.
Its about time someone killed it and just gave us custom championships...
No. They are all games that simulates ( insert stuff here ) with differing fidelity and aspect being simulated. Some have easier handling model, some do not have intricate damage simulation like engine blow up or tire puncture, some have simple gameplay mode like hot lap, some are cop and robber, some have detailed tire model, some just simple tire that drives. Calling one racing sim and another as game because of lesser fidelity in physics or different gameplay mode offered is just plain foolishness. The original post was calling console to PC and racing game to sim, implying that console are racing game and PC are sim, which is daft generalization to demean console as lesser than PC ( both are games that simulate racing )
Yes, in your opinion. Unless there is some universally agreed upon definition of driving games vs. sims vs. arcade, it's not hard to see that others may have an opinion and definitions that differentiate from yours.

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