Guess I'm in the middle then, I have over 140k km in GT6, still playing it, still active posting my creation, go online hosting track day lobby/testing, but I don't have wheel/rig, no money to spend. I used to be PC gamer + console when I was well off, from early days of 80386 DX to Pentiums ( built my own PC when I was still using medium size 5.25 inch diskette, upgrading, bought PC games almost every 2 weeks from my school allowances/errands ), also have Nintendo to SNES, to PS1-PS3, but life situation forces me to stick to console the past 5+ years. I have played many Formula 1 games from diskette days to last decade ( F1 2006 is the last one, I got burn out with degrading quality on PS3 ) Owned/played a lot of flight sims from Jane's to SSI to games like Falcon 4.0, Mig Alley, WWII planes, helicopter like Apache Long Bow, Comanche series, also tank sims, shooting like Delta Force, Rainbow Six, Socoms. Racing sim are even crazier, from rally ( network Q RAC DOS ) to touring car to GP500 to Superbike to NASCAR to NHRA and F1. I still have most of these old games in the storage boxes ( I still have brand new unopened The Need For Speed for PC and PSX Wipeout XL )

I may have played hundreds of titles in the past 20+ years ( including when I got access to Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Mega Drive, N64 ), my younger days were spent mostly on games and then driving. Now you see why I kind of very attentive to details in games, and I do not separate some of them as sim and game, they are all games to me.