Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Yes, in your opinion. Unless there is some universally agreed upon definition of driving games vs. sims vs. arcade, it's not hard to see that others may have an opinion and definitions that differentiate from yours.
While true, I think it's fair enough to point it out if people apply the terms inconsistently and/or use it in a derogatory way to talk down titles they don't like. I think no one here would take the claims from some of the RF2/iR crowd that AC is a 'simcade' serious, right?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh the "Cookie Monster" is here!!! My mate and fellow racer, the one and only styles!! People are asking for a "Brony Button" to be added @Bjorn Lucas !! On a sim i ask you lol! :lol::lol:

you know what i think about; racing lines, brony (reset) buttons, and ghosting cars,...... :banghead:

not done in a sim, but on the other hand giving us the option is a part of gaming,........ :bowdown:

on another topic is a sim a game??:confused: ( no answer needed, before it gets out of hand!!:nervous: )

Yes, in your opinion. Unless there is some universally agreed upon definition of driving games vs. sims vs. arcade, it's not hard to see that others may have an opinion and definitions that differentiate from yours.

Look at game software classification :) People make their own terms, arcade word have been twisted so much these days from their actual meaning of games played at the arcades ( coin op ), and there's a sim there, Sega F355 Challenge, even more bare bone than AC, one car, few tracks, H shifter, clutch, great AI, simple game modes, racing or drive alone, but you used coin to play, hence arcade game. It was ported to console, Dreamcast and PS2, does that not make it simulation on console as it loses clutch/H shifter feature ? it's still as demanding as in the arcade cabinets, same physics that would make gamer nowadays complain of how steep it's learning curve to drive competitively, one crash or spin, you lose a lot of time. I've met some who called it arcade game, not a sim :lol:

Unfortunately Johnny, some people are beyond reason.

Back again, I see you switch up your username, isn't too early to return :) I'm completely within reason, I'm being impartial in software classification ( simulation genre )
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While true, I think it's fair enough to point it out if people apply the terms inconsistently and/or use it in a derogatory way to talk down titles they don't like. I think no one here would take the claims from some of the RF2/iR crowd that AC is a 'simcade' serious, right?
I can only comment on what I see and read on this AC forum, and, IMO of course, it's very rare to see anyone use the terms in an even remotely derogatory manner here in the AC forum.
Look at game software classification :) People make their own terms, arcade word have been twisted so much these days from their actual meaning of games played at the arcades ( coin op ), and there's a sim there, Sega F355 Challenge, even more bare bone than AC, one car, few tracks, H shifter, clutch, great AI, simple game modes, racing or drive alone, but you used coin to play, hence arcade game. It was ported to console, Dreamcast and PS2, does that not make it simulation on console as it loses clutch/H shifter feature ? it's still as demanding as in the arcade cabinets, same physics that would make gamer nowadays complain of how steep it's learning curve to drive competitively. I've met some who called it arcade game, not a sim :lol:

Back again, I see you switch up your username, isn't too early to return :) I'm completely within reason, I'm being impartial in software classification ( simulation genre )
Simberia is such a harsh place to dwell.
I have but one simple question:

Are the people getting their butts handed to them in the career mode (regardless of AI difficulty setting) using the default car setups or are they tuning them first? The game hasn't been out for long enough for some really good tunes to have been made (on console) so I'm just curious if they're easier to race against with a tuned car. Like a complete tune, not just camber or toe, for example.

Just wondered how big a difference it might make.
I got lonely

Okay ...

I have but one simple question:

Are the people getting their butts handed to them in the career mode (regardless of AI difficulty setting) using the default car setups or are they tuning them first? The game hasn't been out for long enough for some really good tunes to have been made (on console) so I'm just curious if they're easier to race against with a tuned car. Like a complete tune, not just camber or toe, for example.

Just wondered how big a difference it might make.

From what I have been told, road cars are limited to alignment and tire pressure, while race cars are more comprehensive. I can see tune helps with consistency by being friendlier to drive for longer distance ( tire wear, handling balance ) Will need time though, I don't think there's many console AC players that are good in tuning.
I got lonely

At least be clever with the name change. I found most of your stuff angry but easily ignored until you called an Irish bloke 'Paddy' in a deliberately derogatory manor, not sure how you survived that considering i got a month ban for a duplicate post...
Sort of my point, why did they feel the need to add a career mode, like you say the PC elite don't care for them? Heck why can't anyone get the concept of custom championships? When did this 'career' thing in racing games become so important?
I don't think this career mode thing is high on any list for console users let alone PC users frankly IMO.
Its about time someone killed it and just gave us custom championships...

Some gamers need a compelling reason to play the game, the best way to do that in a racing game is a career mode. Casual players often aren't satisfied by just hot lapping or setting up single races (as we see from the current disappointed AC console players). Actually, the lack of any kind of career in other PC sims is something that disappoints me. I'd enjoy it if it was well done and compelling, would give me a reason to jump in the rig every day. Custom championships are coming to AC, hopefully by the end of the year but other priorities might push it back.

At least be clever with the name change. I found most of your stuff angry but easily ignored until you called an Irish bloke 'Paddy' in a deliberately derogatory manor, not sure how you survived that considering i got a month ban for a duplicate post...

He likely won't last long, mods don't think creating a a new account after you've been banned is too clever and they can probably see his IP address is the same.
Okay ...

From what I have been told, road cars are limited to alignment and tire pressure, while race cars are more comprehensive. I can see tune helps with consistency by being friendlier to drive for longer distance ( tire wear, handling balance ) Will need time though, I don't think there's many console AC players that are good in tuning.
Well I'm not entirely sure I'm good at tuning either but I could certainly drive my pCARS' setups a lot better than the default ones lol
Some gamers need a compelling reason to play the game, the best way to do that in a racing game is a career mode. Casual players often aren't satisfied by just hot lapping or setting up single races (as we see from the current disappointed AC console players). Actually, the lack of any kind of career in other PC sims is something that disappoints me. I'd enjoy it if it was well done and compelling, would give me a reason to jump in the rig every day. Custom championships are coming to AC, hopefully by the end of the year but other priorities might push it back.

I was always perplexed by 'casual gamer' term as well, I mean i'm 40 odd years old have 2 kids and manly hit my games late at night or few hours stolen in the day time, am I a casual even with a wheel and rig set up?
Whats the opposite to casual, some bloke living at home with parents no friends unless via a microphone spending every possible hour playing 'games' and not showering?
Your quite sane (seemingly) Brandon hence why i ask you these questions! :)
All i want to do is enjoy myself, not too much to ask, i don't like that people just judge people over trivial things like gaming.
I was always perplexed by 'casual gamer' term as well, I mean i'm 40 odd years old have 2 kids and manly hit my games late at night or few hours stolen in the day time, am I a casual even with a wheel and rig set up?
Whats the opposite to casual, some bloke living at home with parents no friends unless via a microphone spending every possible hour playing 'games' and not showering?
Your quite sane (seemingly) Brandon hence why i ask you these questions! :)
All i want to do is enjoy myself, not too much to ask, i don't like that people just judge people over trivial things like gaming.
That sounds exactly like me! 2 kids n'all. Although I'm not an old man like you as I'm only 39 :lol:
Some gamers need a compelling reason to play the game, the best way to do that in a racing game is a career mode. Casual players often aren't satisfied by just hot lapping or setting up single races (as we see from the current disappointed AC console players). Actually, the lack of any kind of career in other PC sims is something that disappoints me. I'd enjoy it if it was well done and compelling, would give me a reason to jump in the rig every day. Custom championships are coming to AC, hopefully by the end of the year but other priorities might push it back.

Back in the early years of 3D flight sim games, from Novalogic offering to Jane's and SSI offerings, all of them have campaign mode ( career mode in combat/warfare ) and some of them have dynamic campaign as well as mission/campaign editor, creating scenarios and custom missions. It's not just racing games that need career or progression - example : story in flight sim or championship seasons in racing. Casual or not, these are IMO necessary feature for simulation games, mods also bring further lives into the games. Even old flight sims cater the casuals with quick mission, and ability to go straight in the heat of battle ( skipping take off and journey to Area of Operation ) - example : dog fight mode :D my favourite mode when time is luxury ( 5-10 minutes 5 vs 5 dog fight between US and Russia, F15 vs Migs + SUs ), sometimes I used unlimited fuel and ammo for extra fun + disabling black out.
Back then, no one called game with this dog fight mode arcade or simcade :)
Some gamers need a compelling reason to play the game, the best way to do that in a racing game is a career mode. Casual players often aren't satisfied by just hot lapping or setting up single races (as we see from the current disappointed AC console players). Actually, the lack of any kind of career in other PC sims is something that disappoints me. I'd enjoy it if it was well done and compelling, would give me a reason to jump in the rig every day. Custom championships are coming to AC, hopefully by the end of the year but other priorities might push it back.
My issue with this is that even the single races or race weekend is nerfed by the current state of the AI (unbalanced, prone to taking you out and the pit box bug), which leaves me with hot lapping.

Now I don't have an issues with hot-lapping (and its certainly not a PC exclusive activity by any stretch of the imagination), but I do have an issue with features not working as it would be reasonable to expect them to.
My issue with this is that even the single races or race weekend is nerfed by the current state of the AI (unbalanced, prone to taking you out and the pit box bug), which leaves me with hot lapping.

Now I don't have an issues with hot-lapping (and its certainly not a PC exclusive activity by any stretch of the imagination), but I do have an issue with features not working as it would be reasonable to expect them to.

I used to hot lap on ToCA 1 on PS1. Pretty sure you can hot lap on Mario Kart also if you wanted to.... well stone me, who knew Kunos in fact invented it...
Assetto Corsa: PS4 vs Xbox One Gameplay Frame-Rate Test

not sure if I'm able to deal with it in its current state ... better wait for Neo ... or build a gaming PC
Before AC came to console, console player did not have access to a good SIM.

A lot of console gamer are unsettled in this first week of experiencing AC, they have lost their bearing. It will be fascinating to see what happens when they return to their favorite game and start to realizing they are now missing the great physic and feedback, suddenly, like for all of us, I bet a lot of the racing game feature won't be so important anymore.
People naturally resist to change at first, give them time and they will embrace it, once you get the advantage of SIM over game, their is no way back, it is part of the growing process. You may go back to a child game every once and a while for giggles, but SIM will be the main attraction and have a long term attraction, 2500 hours for me. :sly:

Would I prefer AC to be perfect on every aspect? Maybe, as long as I do not have to be perfect myself! Perfection is highly overrated.:lol:
I agree a bit on the 'once you experience these physics and FFB, it's difficult to settle for less'. But that only counts if i want to play another sim. I've bought F1 2016 and although it's less refined on those 2 aspects, it is a great racing game overall. Same for Dirt and Forza Horizon for example.

You really need those in your collection too, they all complement eachother :)
I was always perplexed by 'casual gamer' term as well, I mean i'm 40 odd years old have 2 kids and manly hit my games late at night or few hours stolen in the day time, am I a casual even with a wheel and rig set up?
Whats the opposite to casual, some bloke living at home with parents no friends unless via a microphone spending every possible hour playing 'games' and not showering?
Your quite sane (seemingly) Brandon hence why i ask you these questions! :)
All i want to do is enjoy myself, not too much to ask, i don't like that people just judge people over trivial things like gaming.

In my mind a casual gamer is one who doesn't take things too seriously, just wants a quick pick-up-and-play type experience, doesn't invest in wheels/pedals or other fancy hardware, doesn't spend hours a day on forums discussing their game, and will move on to another game in a few months. I don't mean it as a derogatory term at all, I have nothing against people who take that approach to gaming. We all want/enjoy different things, right?

A serious gamer is one who does take things kind of seriously, dedicates hours upon days upon weeks upon months upon years into their game(s), does invest in specialized hardware, does peruse forums to discuss and learn about their game, is always trying to improve their craft. I have friends that are casual gamers who play Mario games or Madden games, they buy the newest version of Uncharted or COD, but they don't do much/any online play, they don't read about their games on forums, and they move on to the next one when it releases. I consider them casual gamers even though they're far more into "gaming" than I am, but for them it's just a passing form of entertainment. I'm a racer only and I've literally poured thousands of dollars and hours into my hobby and a solid chunk of my life revolves around it (even when I was a console racer), but I have little interest in their style of gaming (though I have nothing against it). Actually, that last part isn't entirely true. I recently found my Nintendo 64 in a box and I've been putting a lot of hours into Mario Kart and Goldeneye lately and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! :D For me, console players can be just as serious as PC players. It's not about the platform, it's about the mindset.

My issue with this is that even the single races or race weekend is nerfed by the current state of the AI (unbalanced, prone to taking you out and the pit box bug), which leaves me with hot lapping.

Yes, and that's unfortunate and kinda renders the whole exercise pointless. Hopefully this will be addressed sooner than later, I'm sure it's not functioning in the intended way.

Now I don't have an issues with hot-lapping (and its certainly not a PC exclusive activity by any stretch of the imagination), but I do have an issue with features not working as it would be reasonable to expect them to.

Agreed. I'd expect them to address it soon, and if they don't they should be judged accordingly.
My issue with this is that even the single races or race weekend is nerfed by the current state of the AI (unbalanced, prone to taking you out and the pit box bug), which leaves me with hot lapping.

Now I don't have an issues with hot-lapping (and its certainly not a PC exclusive activity by any stretch of the imagination), but I do have an issue with features not working as it would be reasonable to expect them to.
The thing about the AI is that I can't relate the console difficulty to PC.

I run 97% AI on GT3 on the PC as my "relax and have fun" setting, and have no trouble staying with and overtaking the AI. Surely Easy should correspond to much slower than this, and anyone able to keep the car on the track should have no issues fighting and beating the AI. Yet I see videos of GT3 fields on Easy pulling away from decent drivers.

It all feels like a huge bug in the AI settings on console, and this is seriously killing the game right now.

Edit: stupid career mode stuff like e30 against modern cars I won by setting the AI down to like 90% for the race. And I could go much much lower.
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The thing about the AI is that I can't relate the console difficulty to PC.

I run 97% AI on GT3 on the PC as my "relax and have fun" setting, and have no trouble staying with and overtaking the AI. Surely Easy should correspond to much slower than this, and anyone able to keep the car on the track should have no issues fighting and beating the AI. Yet I see videos of GT3 fields on Easy pulling away from decent drivers.

It all feels like a huge bug in the AI settings on console, and this is seriously killing the game right now.
Exactly, as it stands the AI on easy is anything but that.
@BrandonW77, I had to smile when reading you defintion(s) of hard core and gamer, I agree with it 100%, like you I do not play games, my only interest are SIM and I spend a lot of time, daily, and without excess, I have a decent set up. I smiled, because among all this seriousness, similar to you with the Nintendo, I have for the past month, while on the road travelling for business or while barbecuing I have spent a fair amount of time playing "real racing"3 on my IPad.
The thing about the AI is that I can't relate the console difficulty to PC.

I run 97% AI on GT3 on the PC as my "relax and have fun" setting, and have no trouble staying with and overtaking the AI. Surely Easy should correspond to much slower than this, and anyone able to keep the car on the track should have no issues fighting and beating the AI. Yet I see videos of GT3 fields on Easy pulling away from decent drivers.

It all feels like a huge bug in the AI settings on console, and this is seriously killing the game right now.

What if the settings in console is reversed in aggression or pace ?

In my mind a casual gamer is one who doesn't take things too seriously, just wants a quick pick-up-and-play type experience, doesn't invest in wheels/pedals or other fancy hardware, doesn't spend hours a day on forums discussing their game, and will move on to another game in a few months. I don't mean it as a derogatory term at all, I have nothing against people who take that approach to gaming. We all want/enjoy different things, right?

A serious gamer is one who does take things kind of seriously, dedicates hours upon days upon weeks upon months upon years into their game(s), does invest in specialized hardware, does peruse forums to discuss and learn about their game, is always trying to improve their craft. I have friends that are casual gamers who play Mario games or Madden games, they buy the newest version of Uncharted or COD, but they don't do much/any online play, they don't read about their games on forums, and they move on to the next one when it releases. I consider them casual gamers even though they're far more into "gaming" than I am, but for them it's just a passing form of entertainment. I'm a racer only and I've literally poured thousands of dollars and hours into my hobby and a solid chunk of my life revolves around it (even when I was a console racer), but I have little interest in their style of gaming (though I have nothing against it). Actually, that last part isn't entirely true. I recently found my Nintendo 64 in a box and I've been putting a lot of hours into Mario Kart and Goldeneye lately and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! :D For me, console players can be just as serious as PC players. It's not about the platform, it's about the mindset.

Guess I'm in the middle then, I have over 140k km in GT6, still playing it, still active posting my creation, go online hosting track day lobby/testing, but I don't have wheel/rig, no money to spend. I used to be PC gamer + console when I was well off, from early days of 80386 DX to Pentiums ( built my own PC when I was still using medium size 5.25 inch diskette, upgrading, bought PC games almost every 2 weeks from my school allowances/errands ), also have Nintendo to SNES, to PS1-PS3, but life situation forces me to stick to console the past 5+ years. I have played many Formula 1 games from diskette days to last decade ( F1 2006 is the last one, I got burn out with degrading quality on PS3 ) Owned/played a lot of flight sims from Jane's to SSI to games like Falcon 4.0, Mig Alley, WWII planes, helicopter like Apache Long Bow, Comanche series, also tank sims, shooting like Delta Force, Rainbow Six, Socoms. Racing sim are even crazier, from rally ( network Q RAC DOS ) to touring car to GP500 to Superbike to NASCAR Papyrus to NHRA and F1. I still have most of these old games in the storage boxes ( I still have brand new unopened The Need For Speed for PC and PSX Wipeout XL ) :) I may have played hundreds of titles in the past 20+ years ( including when I got access to Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Mega Drive, N64 ), my younger days were spent mostly on games and then driving. Now you see why I kind of very attentive to details in games, and I do not separate some of them as sim and game, they are all games to me.
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Guess I'm in the middle then, I have over 140k km in GT6, still playing it, still active posting my creation, go online hosting track day lobby/testing, but I don't have wheel/rig, no money to spend. I used to be PC gamer + console when I was well off, from early days of 80386 DX to Pentiums ( built my own PC when I was still using medium size 5.25 inch diskette, upgrading, bought PC games almost every 2 weeks from my school allowances/errands ), also have Nintendo to SNES, to PS1-PS3, but life situation forces me to stick to console the past 5+ years. I have played many Formula 1 games from diskette days to last decade ( F1 2006 is the last one, I got burn out with degrading quality on PS3 ) Owned/played a lot of flight sims from Jane's to SSI to games like Falcon 4.0, Mig Alley, WWII planes, helicopter like Apache Long Bow, Comanche series, also tank sims, shooting like Delta Force, Rainbow Six, Socoms. Racing sim are even crazier, from rally ( network Q RAC DOS ) to touring car to GP500 to Superbike to NASCAR to NHRA and F1. I still have most of these old games in the storage boxes ( I still have brand new unopened The Need For Speed for PC and PSX Wipeout XL ) :) I may have played hundreds of titles in the past 20+ years ( including when I got access to Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, Mega Drive, N64 ), my younger days were spent mostly on games and then driving. Now you see why I kind of very attentive to details in games, and I do not separate some of them as sim and game, they are all games to me.

I would consider you a very serious gamer, you probably pour more time into this hobby than the majority of us. Lack of a wheel doesn't mean you're not serious, it was just one of the criteria I consider. It's all about the mindset, how much time you dedicate to the hobby, even when you're not playing. I get the impression that almost every waking minute of your day your brain is thinking about cars or sim racing, doesn't get much more serious than that. 👍

As for sim vs. game, and this is just my opinion, but a sim tries to be as accurate and realistic as possible (within the limitations of the software/hardware) and doesn't focus too much on achievements or progression. A game focuses more on achievements and some sort of story or progression and doesn't put as much emphasis on being "realistic". Sure, it's just semantics and everyone's definition will vary, it's just a way to differentiate between products and a way of describing the experience to be had. Yes, technically they're all video games if you want to be very basic about the description, but there is a measurable and demonstrable difference between NFS or the original Dirt series and iRacing or Assetto Corsa (though AC dips a toe or two across that demarkation line).