Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
In my mind a casual gamer is one who doesn't take things too seriously, just wants a quick pick-up-and-play type experience, doesn't invest in wheels/pedals or other fancy hardware, doesn't spend hours a day on forums discussing their game, and will move on to another game in a few months. I don't mean it as a derogatory term at all, I have nothing against people who take that approach to gaming. We all want/enjoy different things, right?

A serious gamer is one who does take things kind of seriously, dedicates hours upon days upon weeks upon months upon years into their game(s), does invest in specialized hardware, does peruse forums to discuss and learn about their game, is always trying to improve their craft. I have friends that are casual gamers who play Mario games or Madden games, they buy the newest version of Uncharted or COD, but they don't do much/any online play, they don't read about their games on forums, and they move on to the next one when it releases. I consider them casual gamers even though they're far more into "gaming" than I am, but for them it's just a passing form of entertainment. I'm a racer only and I've literally poured thousands of dollars and hours into my hobby and a solid chunk of my life revolves around it (even when I was a console racer), but I have little interest in their style of gaming (though I have nothing against it). Actually, that last part isn't entirely true. I recently found my Nintendo 64 in a box and I've been putting a lot of hours into Mario Kart and Goldeneye lately and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! :D For me, console players can be just as serious as PC players. It's not about the platform, it's about the mindset.
Still, doesn't most people fall somewhere in between casual and serious/hardcore? Most of my friends do, I would have to say. Personally I play tennis, football (soccer) and a little bit of golf, and most evenings I find one or two hours for gaming (nowadays that's mostly AC). But even so I ended up with a T500 and a racing rig. This game is killing my wallet, lol. So I think the reality of it is that people are too complex to be fitted into strict definitions.
I would consider you a very serious gamer, you probably pour more time into this hobby than the majority of us. Lack of a wheel doesn't mean you're not serious, it was just one of the criteria I consider. It's all about the mindset, how much time you dedicate to the hobby, even when you're not playing. I get the impression that almost every waking minute of your day your brain is thinking about cars or sim racing, doesn't get much more serious than that. 👍

As for sim vs. game, and this is just my opinion, but a sim tries to be as accurate and realistic as possible (within the limitations of the software/hardware) and doesn't focus too much on achievements or progression. A game focuses more on achievements and some sort of story or progression and doesn't put as much emphasis on being "realistic". Sure, it's just semantics and everyone's definition will vary, it's just a way to differentiate between products and a way of describing the experience to be had. Yes, technically they're all video games if you want to be very basic about the description, but there is a measurable and demonstrable difference between NFS or the original Dirt series and iRacing or Assetto Corsa (though AC dips a toe or two across that demarkation line).
Why can't something be both?
Why can't something be both?
Exactly, the things mentioned are not mutually exclusive at all. I fail to see why title A is called a sim and at the same time title B, which does everything that game A does + several other things, is not. Especially when all the extra bits can be completely ignored. There's no logic.
Still, doesn't most people fall somewhere in between casual and serious/hardcore? Most of my friends do, I would have to say. Personally I play tennis, football (soccer) and a little bit of golf, and most evenings I find one or two hours for gaming (nowadays that's mostly AC). But even so I ended up with a T500 and a racing rig. This game is killing my wallet, lol. So I think the reality of it is that people are too complex to be fitted into strict definitions.

Yes, it's a loose categorization and it's just my opinion. Like I said, to me it's about mindset, and with as much as I see you're name around here I'd say you're as serious as you can be about sim racing.

Why can't something be both?

I didn't say they couldn't, and it's just my opinion (and I didn't say my opinion was the only one or the correct one). Gran Turismo is both, they put effort into being realistic and accurate but also include lots of "gaming" aspects. I've never played Forza but I'd presume it has one foot in both categories too. And there's nothing wrong with that approach.

I tried to make it clear these were just my opinions, I didn't say anyone had to agree with them.
I would consider you a very serious gamer, you probably pour more time into this hobby than the majority of us. Lack of a wheel doesn't mean you're not serious, it was just one of the criteria I consider. It's all about the mindset, how much time you dedicate to the hobby, even when you're not playing. I get the impression that almost every waking minute of your day your brain is thinking about cars or sim racing, doesn't get much more serious than that. 👍

As for sim vs. game, and this is just my opinion, but a sim tries to be as accurate and realistic as possible (within the limitations of the software/hardware) and doesn't focus too much on achievements or progression. A game focuses more on achievements and some sort of story or progression and doesn't put as much emphasis on being "realistic". Sure, it's just semantics and everyone's definition will vary, it's just a way to differentiate between products and a way of describing the experience to be had. Yes, technically they're all video games if you want to be very basic about the description, but there is a measurable and demonstrable difference between NFS or the original Dirt series and iRacing or Assetto Corsa (though AC dips a toe or two across that demarkation line).

This is the thing (BTW i wasn't suggesting you were being rude about casual, just i knew i'd get a good answer from you about it) with labels, some band around 'casual' to a pad player on Forza or GT, yet if someone spends their life pretty much playing those games and helping the community and whatever then they are not casual gamers by default?
Me with a 'rig' wheel set up and a room in the house just for it all but only plays few hours at night if lucky i'm then casual which is fine.
Anyway, PCars proved that console owners want a sim like experience with app support for rev counters etc, its the game developers that add in this silly 'career' thing, look how much better DiRT was received once they stripped away the "yo duuuuude, x games!!" trash, also the new F1 game has a warm up lap!
I didn't say they couldn't, and it's just my opinion (and I didn't say my opinion was the only one or the correct one). Gran Turismo is both, they put effort into being realistic and accurate but also include lots of "gaming" aspects. I've never played Forza but I'd presume it has one foot in both categories too. And there's nothing wrong with that approach.

I tried to make it clear these were just my opinions, I didn't say anyone had to agree with them.
It certainly sounded from your post that you didn't seem to think such a thing existed, while over the years many have done it.

GT and Forza I would put at three margins of it, but there likes of RBR, PCars, Dirt, SLRE and Enthusia have all managed to build a 'game' around a SIM.

As such it's not unreasonable to expect the 'game' bit of the SIM that is AC to work.
I know it's probably been mentioned a bunch of times, but I still can't believe how 9 cars are "locked" behind the prestige pack and they're such basic and important cars in my opinion. I preordered November 2015 and I don't get the cars? So dumb. I can't drive the Corvette, the 488 GTB, 2 of my favourite cars. Sigh
It certainly sounded from your post that you didn't seem to think such a thing existed, while over the years many have done it.

Apologies, that was not my intention. I was talking of the extreme ends of the spectrum but there's a lot of gray area between those ends and most sims/games/whatever fall somewhere in that gray area. Some are more towards one end or the other.

As such it's not unreasonable to expect the 'game' bit of the SIM that is AC to work.

100% agree, never intended to suggest otherwise, and I'm sure it will work as intended (hopefully sooner than later).
I know it's probably been mentioned a bunch of times, but I still can't believe how 9 cars are "locked" behind the prestige pack and they're such basic and important cars in my opinion. I preordered November 2015 and I don't get the cars? So dumb. I can't drive the Corvette, the 488 GTB, 2 of my favourite cars. Sigh

For me in the states, I researched and saw that GameStop had the prestige pack. I weighed my choice to buy the game for cheaper at Amazon or for the prestige pack at GameStop. I chose Amazon because those 6 cars weren't cars I loved and would put that $10 savings to DLC season pass.
GT and Forza I would put at three margins of it, but there likes of RBR, PCars, Dirt, SLRE and Enthusia have all managed to build a 'game' around a SIM.
The problem is that on one end you can't really blame a title for not being something if the developer/publisher never claimed it to be anything else. But at the same time, other titles have raised the bar/level of expectation, so you can't just launch a title that lacks certain features (despite never advertising them) and not get flak. Fair? Maybe not, but that's how it works.

And imagine the outrage if the console AC got a significant overhaul with regards to the career and the PC version wasn't updated. The discussions regarding the updated UI weren't pretty already, let alone if there would be more disparity.

It's very hard for a developer to hit the right notes under these conditions.
Yeah I know there are bugs and some omissions that I would love to see rectified and I am sure most will be in time. But one things is for sure....... I can only speak from the point of view of using a wheel but, I just can't stop driving. I am hooked. The FFB, the way the cars just feel while driving and of course the sounds. I can't get enough.

Okay now let me get back to driving.
The problem is that on one end you can't really blame a title for not being something if the developer/publisher never claimed it to be anything else. But at the same time, other titles have raised the bar/level of expectation, so you can't just launch a title that lacks certain features (despite never advertising them) and not get flak. Fair? Maybe not, but that's how it works.

And imagine the outrage if the console AC got a significant overhaul with regards to the career and the PC version wasn't updated. The discussions regarding the updated UI weren't pretty already, let alone if there would be more disparity.

It's very hard for a developer to hit the right notes under these conditions.
I would agree if I were asking for something that was never claimed.

However I'm not, I'm simply asking for what was said to be in the title to be in the title. As far as I'm aware a load of features that exist in the PC version are missing from the console release and I don't think that the current state of the career or AI would be acceptable on any platform.
I would consider you a very serious gamer, you probably pour more time into this hobby than the majority of us. Lack of a wheel doesn't mean you're not serious, it was just one of the criteria I consider. It's all about the mindset, how much time you dedicate to the hobby, even when you're not playing. I get the impression that almost every waking minute of your day your brain is thinking about cars or sim racing, doesn't get much more serious than that. 👍

As for sim vs. game, and this is just my opinion, but a sim tries to be as accurate and realistic as possible (within the limitations of the software/hardware) and doesn't focus too much on achievements or progression. A game focuses more on achievements and some sort of story or progression and doesn't put as much emphasis on being "realistic". Sure, it's just semantics and everyone's definition will vary, it's just a way to differentiate between products and a way of describing the experience to be had. Yes, technically they're all video games if you want to be very basic about the description, but there is a measurable and demonstrable difference between NFS or the original Dirt series and iRacing or Assetto Corsa (though AC dips a toe or two across that demarkation line).

Back in school days, yes, I spent a lot of time gaming.

We have different way to measure, I have been exposed to simulation games since F1 games still using 2D/sprites, my way of classifying them from fidelity/details and game modes included, as long as they are simulating what's in reality, they are simulation to me, similar to some of my old buddies in the same hobby. Take a flight sim like Jane's F15 for example, it has multitude of realism options, campaign mode, mission editor, training mode, etc The game aspect is of course the mission editor and quick mission, while the serious part is the campaign mode, both can be played with scalable simulation level from hardcore realistic damage to much easier casual level physics. I can make the F15 fly like NFS bounces over the ground or iRacing with failures, complex avionics etc, depending on chosen simulated physics options. Even the AI can be scaled from almost brain dead to hot shot ace. There's also flight sim games that stick to pure realism with limited reduction in difficulty, but often they also offer casual game modes like quick mission or dog fight mode. One of my favorite past times were Vietnam campaign in USNF ( bombing runs, supersonic energy management in dog/gun fight against the Fresco ), F15 in Iraq, hunting armored columns with Apache/Comanche spending Hellfires and deploying nuclear payload with F22 :)

With flight model, I usually describe them as complex near military/commercial grade to advanced to simple model ( kind of similar to car simulation ). Complex can be more hardcore than iracing like IRIS Pro series on FSX ( the F14 Tomcat is crazy even for today ) Start up/prep to taxing to take off is a journey similar to commercial or military simulator.

Question : Does AC simulate engine oil temp/pressure and compression ? If not, any hint of planned implementation in the future ? I think one of the old NHRA or was it NIRA game have this, it was awesome even only for drag racing, blowing up the engine as I passed quarter mile due to over rev/over compression/ too lean fuel mixture/detonation :lol:. The old Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero on PS2 has simulated engine/oil/water temp, power loss on NA engine with overheating and turbo cars due prolonged high boost heat build up, really want to see this back in a game like AC or Pcars 2 or GTS.
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For me in the states, I researched and saw that GameStop had the prestige pack. I weighed my choice to buy the game for cheaper at Amazon or for the prestige pack at GameStop. I chose Amazon because those 6 cars weren't cars I loved and would put that $10 savings to DLC season pass.
Yea I noticed that as well here, but I needed the savings. I didn't realize that it was such basic/important cars missing (in my opinion). Oh well. Hopefully they get released soon.
I got Assetto Corsa for my XBox last Friday, I only played it a bit on my racing rig due to my knee injury and a bit with the controller for well... obvious reasons. It's yet another great racing game that is making my XBox One racing collection even more fantastic.

Each game IMO has its up and downs, no game is superior above the competition in every aspect. If I only look at the XBox racing games I currently own then each game is king in one aspect but doesn't stand out in other aspects. Let's see how it all lines up now : (all my own personal opinion)

Best handling/ffb/car feel (wheel) :
Assetto Corsa wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best handling/ffb/car feel (controller) :
Forza 6 wins, Dirt Rally runner up.

Best graphics :
Project CARS wins, Forza 6 runner up.

Best sound :
Assetto Corsa wins, Project CARS runner up. (close one!)

Best overall polished feeling :
Forza Horizon 2 wins, Forza 6 runner up.

Best immersion (the racing itself) :
Dirt Rally wins, Poject CARS runner up.

Best atmosphere (overall) :
Forza Horizon 2 wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best car garage :
Forza 6 wins, Forza Horizon 2 runner up.

Best tracks :
F1 2016 wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best customisation options :
Project CARS wins, Dirt Rally runner up.

Best car visual car customisation (body kits /liveries / painting) :
Need For Speed 2015 wins, Forza Horizon 2 runner up.

Those are the first categories that come to my mind. You could add a couple more like singleplayer, multiplayer, eSports, etc or you could split up existing categories more in detail like dividing graphics into polygons, textures and shading/lighting. But the point is that of all these racing games I own there isn't even one title that wins in more than 2 out of those 11 categories.

I love Project CARS for the single-player career calendar, customisation options and dynamic weather effects.
I love Assetto Corsa for it's outstanding ffb, car handling and overall best driving experience.
I love Dirt Rally for it's authentic and realistic feeling.
I love F1 2016 for those extra +/- 12 well-known tracks you don't see in any other racing game.
I love Forza 6 for it's 600+ cars in the garage and Forza Vista.
I love Forza Horizon 2 for some chill-out cruising with radio station music.
I love Need for Speed for visual car customisation.

Unless you are on a really tight budget for gaming you don't have to choose between game A or game B or game C, you can play game A AND game B AND game C. Nobody is telling you that you can just play one racing game. IMO in 2016 we are at a golden age of console racing as the sim genre is really making its move to consoles and the more competition we have, the better. 2015 already brought Project CARS and now in 2016 we got Dirt Rally and Assetto Corsa as well.
You can be damn sure that the guys at Turn 10 studios gave Assetto Corsa a try as well on their office XBox racing rigs and experience first-hand how great the handling in that game is with a wheel. Whether or not they care enough to finally fix that arcade controller-only racing in Forza or not is another thing. But it sure is good for us, the customer that there are multiple games out there, we get more choices and the devs are more on their toes to do the best they can.

Coming back to Assetto Corsa since in the end that is what this thread is about. Yes its multiplayer is thin, yes there isn't all that much to do in the game itself and if you are an achievement hunter or care about e-peen leader-boards then it might not be the game for you. But for me, the ONE thing that is most important in a driving/racing sim is the car handling. When driving what you SEE, what you HEAR and what you FEEL actually makes sense and lines up near-perfectly then that is a really incredible experience. Assetto Corsa stands hands down way above the competition in that aspect. Does that make it the best racing game out there? No, look at all my categories above and decide for yourself what is most important. Heck even for myself it depends in what mood I am. I could be in a realism mood and play some Assetto. I could be in a chill-out mood and play some Horizon 2, I could be in an immersive mood and race an LMP1 at Le Mans with full day/night cycle in Project CARS. It all depends what YOU find most important.
I got Assetto Corsa for my XBox last Friday, I only played it a bit on my racing rig due to my knee injury and a bit with the controller for well... obvious reasons. It's yet another great racing game that is making my XBox One racing collection even more fantastic.

Each game IMO has its up and downs, no game is superior above the competition in every aspect. If I only look at the XBox racing games I currently own then each game is king in one aspect but doesn't stand out in other aspects. Let's see how it all lines up now : (all my own personal opinion)

Best handling/ffb/car feel (wheel) :
Assetto Corsa wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best handling/ffb/car feel (controller) :
Forza 6 wins, Dirt Rally runner up.

Best graphics :
Project CARS wins, Forza 6 runner up.

Best sound :
Assetto Corsa wins, Project CARS runner up. (close one!)

Best overall polished feeling :
Forza Horizon 2 wins, Forza 6 runner up.

Best immersion (the racing itself) :
Dirt Rally wins, Poject CARS runner up.

Best atmosphere (overall) :
Forza Horizon 2 wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best car garage :
Forza 6 wins, Forza Horizon 2 runner up.

Best tracks :
F1 2016 wins, Project CARS runner up.

Best customisation options :
Project CARS wins, Dirt Rally runner up.

Best car visual car customisation (body kits /liveries / painting) :
Need For Speed 2015 wins, Forza Horizon 2 runner up.

Those are the first categories that come to my mind. You could add a couple more like singleplayer, multiplayer, eSports, etc or you could split up existing categories more in detail like dividing graphics into polygons, textures and shading/lighting. But the point is that of all these racing games I own there isn't even one title that wins in more than 2 out of those 11 categories.

I love Project CARS for the single-player career calendar, customisation options and dynamic weather effects.
I love Assetto Corsa for it's outstanding ffb, car handling and overall best driving experience.
I love Dirt Rally for it's authentic and realistic feeling.
I love F1 2016 for those extra +/- 12 well-known tracks you don't see in any other racing game.
I love Forza 6 for it's 600+ cars in the garage and Forza Vista.
I love Forza Horizon 2 for some chill-out cruising with radio station music.
I love Need for Speed for visual car customisation.

Unless you are on a really tight budget for gaming you don't have to choose between game A or game B or game C, you can play game A AND game B AND game C. Nobody is telling you that you can just play one racing game. IMO in 2016 we are at a golden age of console racing as the sim genre is really making its move to consoles and the more competition we have, the better. 2015 already brought Project CARS and now in 2016 we got Dirt Rally and Assetto Corsa as well.
You can be damn sure that the guys at Turn 10 studios gave Assetto Corsa a try as well on their office XBox racing rigs and experience first-hand how great the handling in that game is with a wheel. Whether or not they care enough to finally fix that arcade controller-only racing in Forza or not is another thing. But it sure is good for us, the customer that there are multiple games out there, we get more choices and the devs are more on their toes to do the best they can.

Coming back to Assetto Corsa since in the end that is what this thread is about. Yes its multiplayer is thin, yes there isn't all that much to do in the game itself and if you are an achievement hunter or care about e-peen leader-boards then it might not be the game for you. But for me, the ONE thing that is most important in a driving/racing sim is the car handling. When driving what you SEE, what you HEAR and what you FEEL actually makes sense and lines up near-perfectly then that is a really incredible experience. Assetto Corsa stands hands down way above the competition in that aspect. Does that make it the best racing game out there? No, look at all my categories above and decide for yourself what is most important. Heck even for myself it depends in what mood I am. I could be in a realism mood and play some Assetto. I could be in a chill-out mood and play some Horizon 2, I could be in an immersive mood and race an LMP1 at Le Mans with full day/night cycle in Project CARS. It all depends what YOU find most important.

Don't forget DriveClub. It has some amazing graphics and fun. If you can mention NFS, I imagine Driveclub needs to be in the same categories.
Don't forget DriveClub. It has some amazing graphics and fun. If you can mention NFS, I imagine Driveclub needs to be in the same categories.

Well that's PS4, I'm on XBox One. :) But judging from the video reviews I've seen that game sure seem to be king in the graphics department (and fantasy tracks if that's your thing) but that VR video sure looks interesting too if you are into VR. On a side-note, I'm interested in VR and follow news about it, but I'm not jumping into any concrete plans just yet. :)
Well that's PS4, I'm on XBox One. :) But judging from the video reviews I've seen that game sure seem to be king in the graphics department (and fantasy tracks if that's your thing) but that VR video sure looks interesting too if you are into VR. On a side-note, I'm interested in VR and follow news about it, but I'm not jumping into any concrete plans just yet. :)

I can read, but sometimes I just don't. I skimmed and when I see XboxOne my brain doesn't recognize it.

That better cost £7 or they will get more flak. Prestige cost me £37 from GAME.

I think a lot of developers would be surprised at what gamer's actually want in a driving title. Its pretty clear to me from my limited research, which simply involves going on gaming forums, that 'they' want custom championships, warm up laps, private lobbies and pretty robust online play with decent ability to create rules.
Most guys my age just want ToCA 2 but next gen! (PCars is close).
Very few i'd wager want to pretend they are a racing driver jetting from one 'special event' to the next in different cars each time but never getting enough of time to truly learn that car over anything more than few laps till they are thrust into another event, all the while being told by an overly keen American that your either 'gnarly dude' or 'bad luck duuude"
It's like they are constantly rehashing ToCA 3 race driver, how about starting in car of your choice over a 15 race season where you can build up your skills in that car.
PCars in fact came so close to a well fleshed out career mode.
I'd be happy with 10 cars, custom championships. Its not me asking for the rest of it, its what the bean counters think they need to sell games...i think they are wrong.
To new console users which cars/tracks are you finding best to drive from the original game cars. Have you raced all of them yet?

I keep going back to the BMW E30, Alfa 4c, M235i Motorsport, P4/5 competizione, F458 and the old Emerc AMG! I set up 10 lap 2/3 car race round mugello/brands hatch indy on alien and chasing them all the way round in each of these cars.. Notice I didn't win as TC/SC was off and I lost the back end a few times was great feeling though nearly catching them up.awesome! :bowdown:
Only had a chance to play for a couple hours last night. Nismo GTR at Nordschleife already made this game worth purchasing for me. The driving feels more natural than any other game I've played. In FM6 I have to leave the braking line on for a reference. In AC, I was able to turn it off completely, and ended up taking 5 seconds off my lap time compared to having it on.
Exactly, as it stands the AI on easy is anything but that.
Yet the AI on Alien with road cars is anything but. I was within a tenth of the fastest AI in a one make BMW 1M race at Brands Indy 10 laps. I finished 9th. More experience with the car, and switching damage off, and I think I can win. I've won other races against Alien AI, but it's always been a road car. It isn't quick enough.

Put them on slicks and it's an entirely different thing.

Incidentally I've heard a few people call out this pit bug and I've seen it on Youtube videos but I haven't experienced it myself. Perhaps fuel use on/off and how much in the tank? Mine is on and default half tanks.
Only had a chance to play for a couple hours last night. Nismo GTR at Nordschleife already made this game worth purchasing for me. The driving feels more natural than any other game I've played. In FM6 I have to leave the braking line on for a reference. In AC, I was able to turn it off completely, and ended up taking 5 seconds off my lap time compared to having it on.

Yes exactly the same here! I also need the braking line in FM6 and I haven't even had it on in Assetto. I think Assetto just simply feels more real life because when I drive to work and back home each day I don't have braking lines either and hey, I don't ram into traffic either. :)
To new console users which cars/tracks are you finding best to drive from the original game cars. Have you raced all of them yet?

I keep going back to the BMW E30, Alfa 4c, M235i Motorsport, P4/5 competizione, F458 and the old Emerc AMG! I set up 10 lap 2/3 car race round mugello/brands hatch indy on alien and chasing them all the way round in each of these cars.. Notice I didn't win as TC/SC was off and I lost the back end a few times was great feeling though nearly catching them up.awesome! :bowdown:

I tried the Alfa 4c around Brands Hatch Indy and it is great fun. I like the Ferrari 312T @ Monza and the Alfa 155 with mixed field on Vallelunga, Mugello, Monza and Zandvoort. The 500 Abart S2 @ Magione is fun as well. Mostly I prefer the 155. Haven't tried a lot else except for a few beemers and a Lotus.
I tried the Alfa 4c around Brands Hatch Indy and it is great fun. I like the Ferrari 312T @ Monza and the Alfa 155 with mixed field on Vallelunga, Mugello, Monza and Zandvoort. The 500 Abart S2 @ Magione is fun as well. Mostly I prefer the 155. Haven't tried a lot else except for a few beemers and a Lotus.
I think Magione is one of the best additions compared to the tracks we all know. I don't recall it ever appearing on console. It's a good test track too.
Yes, it's a loose categorization and it's just my opinion. Like I said, to me it's about mindset, and with as much as I see you're name around here I'd say you're as serious as you can be about sim racing.
Not sure I consider myself a serious racer, but then again I might be in denial. :D It's seriously fun though, that's for sure.
Forum browsing/posting is part of the fun of course, and it's nice to see how these forums have come alive lately. Used to be a time when a new post in here made a large hollow echo sound. Not so anymore. :)