Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
With most games, a sequel will start development before the release of the first game to ensure that no resources are idling and cashflow is continuous. The only thing that SMS did was be open about it (and promptly got slaughtered for it).
Really? Most game studios are already working on the sequel before releasing the first one? Wow. I didn't know that. I'll admit I am completely ignorant about how the world of computer/console games work. Out of everyone who posts in these threads I probably know the least about 'gaming' in general and I willingly admit it. :embarrassed:

If I could just throw in something, I don't believe that @BrandonW77 would ever intentionally lie to try and support an opinion of his.

Funnily, I just installed pCars Pagani Edition last night. It's a free mini version of pCars. The contents are a handful of different Pagani cars, both race and street. There are also 3 different locations you can choose from. I was looking forward to trying the Huayra at Monza because I could do an actual comparison since AC has the same combo available. Sadly, I hit the track with default everything and for some reason those default settings give me absolutely no force feedback at all. The wheel is also very heavy, which is how I actually used to like it oddly enough, but I have since changed preference to a realistic weight to turning the wheel. I have complete confidence that all I need to do is adjust the wheel settings and I'll be able to tear around Monza and fully enjoy what pCars has to offer. Frankly, I'm quite looking forward to it. How funny would that be if I totally freaked out over pCars and completely abandoned Assetto Corsa? :lol: :D Hey, if that happened that would be killer for me because that would mean I'm in heaven considering how much I enjoy AC. 👍

So, if anyone has a link handy on how I need to setup my DFGT with pCars you would be saving me a good amount of time searching for the answers I need. :sly: On a side note, just running that single lap around Monza without FFB reinforced how fortunate we are to have FFB wheels to enjoy our games. It was so bizarre to drive around a track with absolutely zero feeling. I could hear tire skid if I punched the brake pedal and engine, transmission and other sounds were all present, but I felt like a passenger more than a driver having no FFB. I wouldn't even bother with these games if that became my only option. :crazy:
I think this is a fair point, custom championships come to mind, and there are still issues that need to be fixed. I certainly don't agree with some of those things being pushed into PC2, though I can understand SMS reasoning (in some, not all cases). Same applies to Kunos for me.
And pit crews, oval racing + an online rating system (talking out of memory here :P).
Those were even advertised on the main webpage for the game.

But to me personally that wasn't that big of an issue, as it could well be that SMS realized that feature wise they reached the limits of the games engine. There was certainly a lot that needed fixing first and that's how they basically spend the first half year of patching. What bothered me the most was that in December development basically seized whilst there was enough potential to further enhance what was already there. Most of us had long term potential in mind when we bought PCARS, but after the main bugs were patched and all the DLC was released that was the end of PCARS 1.

Kunos already released the game in a better state with regards to bugs and issues, and i would really be surprised if they only support their console version for 6 months and pack their suitcases.

Knowing how both operate now, i'd say the SMS camp and Ian Bell are better on the business side of things and as soon as a product loses it's potential for further profits they move on, whilst Kunos will probably stick to their baby even if they don't make much money out of it doing so. But let's wait and see :)
Really? Most game studios are already working on the sequel before releasing the first one? Wow. I didn't know that. I'll admit I am completely ignorant about how the world of computer/console games work. Out of everyone who posts in these threads I probably know the least about 'gaming' in general and I willingly admit it. :embarrassed:

If I could just throw in something, I don't believe that @BrandonW77 would ever intentionally lie to try and support an opinion of his.

Funnily, I just installed pCars Pagani Edition last night. It's a free mini version of pCars. The contents are a handful of different Pagani cars, both race and street. There are also 3 different locations you can choose from. I was looking forward to trying the Huayra at Monza because I could do an actual comparison since AC has the same combo available. Sadly, I hit the track with default everything and for some reason those default settings give me absolutely no force feedback at all. The wheel is also very heavy, which is how I actually used to like it oddly enough, but I have since changed preference to a realistic weight to turning the wheel. I have complete confidence that all I need to do is adjust the wheel settings and I'll be able to tear around Monza and fully enjoy what pCars has to offer. Frankly, I'm quite looking forward to it. How funny would that be if I totally freaked out over pCars and completely abandoned Assetto Corsa? :lol: :D Hey, if that happened that would be killer for me because that would mean I'm in heaven considering how much I enjoy AC. 👍

So, if anyone has a link handy on how I need to setup my DFGT with pCars you would be saving me a good amount of time searching for the answers I need. :sly: On a side note, just running that single lap around Monza without FFB reinforced how fortunate we are to have FFB wheels to enjoy our games. It was so bizarre to drive around a track with absolutely zero feeling. I could hear tire skid if I punched the brake pedal and engine, transmission and other sounds were all present, but I felt like a passenger more than a driver having no FFB. I wouldn't even bother with these games if that became my only option. :crazy:
Just briefly, the default FFB is probably way too much for your DFGT and it's clipping out all the fine detail. The FFB in PCARS is a little different than other games in that it's more of a direct simulation of forces through the steering rack which, in real life, are often quite subtle, especially on street cars with their softer suspension. You'll have to do a little digging but I know you can get good FFB for your particular wheel. Try lowering the overall strength way down for starters.
Just briefly, the default FFB is probably way too much for your DFGT and it's clipping out all the fine detail. The FFB in PCARS is a little different than other games in that it's more of a direct simulation of forces through the steering rack which, in real life, are often quite subtle, especially on street cars with their softer suspension. You'll have to do a little digging but I know you can get good FFB for your particular wheel. Try lowering the overall strength way down for starters.

Oh, I'm positive I can too. I just gotta look for suggestions because there are a ton of settings and I really don't feel like putting all that effort in for a mini-game. But I'm certain the FFB will be just fine once I get proper DFGT settings in there.
Really? Most game studios are already working on the sequel before releasing the first one? Wow. I didn't know that. I'll admit I am completely ignorant about how the world of computer/console games work. Out of everyone who posts in these threads I probably know the least about 'gaming' in general and I willingly admit it. :embarrassed:

If I could just throw in something, I don't believe that @BrandonW77 would ever intentionally lie to try and support an opinion of his.

Funnily, I just installed pCars Pagani Edition last night. It's a free mini version of pCars. The contents are a handful of different Pagani cars, both race and street. There are also 3 different locations you can choose from. I was looking forward to trying the Huayra at Monza because I could do an actual comparison since AC has the same combo available. Sadly, I hit the track with default everything and for some reason those default settings give me absolutely no force feedback at all. The wheel is also very heavy, which is how I actually used to like it oddly enough, but I have since changed preference to a realistic weight to turning the wheel. I have complete confidence that all I need to do is adjust the wheel settings and I'll be able to tear around Monza and fully enjoy what pCars has to offer. Frankly, I'm quite looking forward to it. How funny would that be if I totally freaked out over pCars and completely abandoned Assetto Corsa? :lol: :D Hey, if that happened that would be killer for me because that would mean I'm in heaven considering how much I enjoy AC. 👍

So, if anyone has a link handy on how I need to setup my DFGT with pCars you would be saving me a good amount of time searching for the answers I need. :sly: On a side note, just running that single lap around Monza without FFB reinforced how fortunate we are to have FFB wheels to enjoy our games. It was so bizarre to drive around a track with absolutely zero feeling. I could hear tire skid if I punched the brake pedal and engine, transmission and other sounds were all present, but I felt like a passenger more than a driver having no FFB. I wouldn't even bother with these games if that became my only option. :crazy:

Hi! for FFB settings of Project C.A.R.S and the the specific car FFB settings visit this website:

The settings are the same in PC as in consoles, so,for your DFGT look at the settings from the logitech G29 and T150RS cause they both use helicoidal FFB system.

Hope you find easily a good FFB setup! :cheers:

"Easily" yeah right....

I was so overwhelmed with options that finally decided to just run stock settings, after all I have a life outside of pcars
While I agree that one shouldn't have to mess this much with the settings, you really need to change them.

The difference is night and day and I'll go as far as saying that I'd rather not play the game with all that force and clipping than not changing the values.

Also, you'll need to do it just once per car and then save for all tracks.

@ALB123 go to the above link and try the 66% option for starters.

"Easily" yeah right....

I was so overwhelmed with options that finally decided to just run stock settings, after all I have a life outside of pcars

The general settings with the link i posted is easy to find some that fits you.

And for the specific car FFB, use the 66% FFB or the Fy+SopLateral settings
You save them once per car for all tracks and you're done.

I've got the specific FFB
And now, when i take a car that i didn't drive before with my mobile phone i go tho the website linked... put in the settings.. and save them.. easy.. in less of 2 minutes it's done.
Hi! for FFB settings of Project C.A.R.S and the the specific car FFB settings visit this website:

The settings are the same in PC as in consoles, so,for your DFGT look at the settings from the logitech G29 and T150RS cause they both use helicoidal FFB system.

Hope you find easily a good FFB setup! :cheers:
Thank you, very much for the suggestions! I really appreciate it and I will let you know how they worked for me -- just give me a few days because I don't always get time behind the wheel. :(

I thought I saw mention about a console Assetto Corsa patch coming? Is that correct? Is there supposed to be one coming very soon?
Thank you, very much for the suggestions! I really appreciate it and I will let you know how they worked for me -- just give me a few days because I don't always get time behind the wheel. :(

I thought I saw mention about a console Assetto Corsa patch coming? Is that correct? Is there supposed to be one coming very soon?

Good luck and enjoy PCars! it's a really good game even if the physics engine aren't on level like assetto.

About assetto corsa console update.. There's nothing oficial..
But incoming for sure, cause the Porsche Pack 1 lands in November for us the console peasants :lol:
If it will come at the beginning of November, mid November or end November... only Kunos now.

At least, i think it will be a big one, cause they didn't update the game in October.. so let's see what the next update offers apart the first Porsche DLC
About assetto corsa console update.. There's nothing oficial..
But incoming for sure, cause the Porsche Pack 1 lands in November for us the console peasants :lol:
If it will come at the beginning of November, mid November or end November... only Kunos now.

At least, i think it will be a big one, cause they didn't update the game in October.. so let's see what the next update offers apart the first Porsche DLC
Oh come're not peasants. We're all in the Assetto Corsa family! You guys are just....I don't the perverted, alcoholic uncle that no on likes to talk about. BUT! You're still family. :D j/k I hope you guys get a stellar update.
Oh come're not peasants. We're all in the Assetto Corsa family! You guys are just....I don't the perverted, alcoholic uncle that no on likes to talk about. BUT! You're still family. :D j/k I hope you guys get a stellar update.

Homer like your comment!

Mmmmmm... Assetto family..:drool::drool:
Oh come're not peasants. We're all in the Assetto Corsa family! You guys are just....I don't the perverted, alcoholic uncle that no on likes to talk about. BUT! You're still family. :D j/k I hope you guys get a stellar update.
The only peasants in my eyes are the people that attempt to stop someone from enjoying what they love. Luckily it seems my digital and real uncles are all perverted so I lucked out some sense.
My first 2 hours with Assetto Corsa on PS4

Install, update, get on track. Set all as real life as possible.

Exit track immediatly. Almost impossible to turn the wheel on my T300, FFB ultra S**t, clipping madly.


Luckily @TDZdave suggested me to lower ffb strenght up to 15%. I did and went on track.

Chose Imola, first on a BMW 230 or was it 135?. uhm. Really nothing to write home. FFB provided almost zero informations. Sounds Really bad in cockpit view.


Exited. Jumped into the Alfa 155 DTM.

Graphically this car looks like N64, but let's set it aside. Sounds are ultra muffled. Drives with a lil more FFB informations.

Starting to notice something on the way brakes works that is new and i actually feel interesting.

I told myself, let's try something faster maybe it gets better... Ferrari 312T. Nope. Bad,. Just some lil more FFB infos.

Starting to get really disappointed and underwhelmed.

Get on BMW Z4 Gt3. Sounds a bit better. Drives well, finally it's starting to feel A BIT of the track and disconnections.
Did on the hotlap (btw you can't change setups there?) a 1:48.0 that felt a fast time and the tarmac started to get more alive.

Starting to get better.

I thought, maybe this game is so gt3 focused they took little care for the other cars?. Hop in the Huracan Gt3.

Finally one car that sounds ok, no way close to PCars, but at least ok. Yup on this car too all seems better.

Told me, let's try another track. Nordschleife.

Ok the track is really different from the Pcars or GT6. I like it. Hopped in the Nissan GTR gt3.

Now this is good. A lot more informations while driving car sounds nice with a good grunt. Track seems all new and more scary. Nice.

Current verdict

I'm quite underwhelmed by the FFB, may be because i dialed mine perfectly on PCars, but here on AC the FFB was really really bad compared to it, so please if you are on ps4 and on a T300 please drop your fave FFB setups so i can perform other tests.

Concerning car behaviour, not sure about the lower power cars. They look and drive so bland? So negligible FFB, everything feeling so plain even when sliding, that i hope it's the FFB i used.

The never cars like gt3 do actually drive and respond as i would expect and are actually great fun.

Concerning Graphics, well i knew it wouldn't be as good as Pcars, but they are not that bad for the recent cars. The Alfa DTM for example looked like an ancient model and has the "cardbox effect" so much seems detached from the track/environment. Gt3s are ok.

Tracks seem ok, but i just had the time to try 2 with the nurb 24h looking great, and imola blander and with less details than in pcars.

Sound was a massive disappointment... And there's no ingame options to adapt it beside volume sliders... Car that were a pleasure to hear like the Z4 on Pcars are so muffled and low pitched now.

If you guys have some magic settings for the game, again please post them here.

As far as now after 2 hours of tests with those 2 tracks and 5 cars, Pcars is sadly way better than AC in everything beside the Nurb... And the abs-less braking, that seems really cool on AC.

Help me, i can't believe i dialed in PCars so well that AC FFB is put to shame :D It's been a continuos FFB praising here from everyone, so i'm sure there must be more.

Oh the wheel also seems to have a bit too much of deadzone... can anyone confirm?
I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience @azidahaka! If there were only a couple, or a handful of things you weren't completely happy with I would suggest putting the time in to try and find better ffb settings or something, but it sounds to me like every single aspect of the game was completely horrible for you. :(

I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't interpret this as being so, but maybe you should bring the game back to the store for a refund immediately. It seems like you really enjoy pCars. You have the ffb setup perfectly. You like the sounds, the graphics, the non-laser scanned track surfaces better. Those are all valid beliefs. There are many, many people who prefer pCars to Assetto Corsa and believe there is more realism in pCars and there should be no shame in saying so. There are people who believe Gran Turismo 6 is awesome and capable of providing a realistic experience driving while Assetto Corsa can not. They shouldn't waste their time with Assetto Corsa either. Play whatever game brings you joy. Don't play a game because it's become popular or fashionable.

I just don't want to see you get stuck with a game that clearly doesn't suit you. Again, if every single driving game felt "the best" then how could there really be a "best" game for a person? Some games feel good to them, some don't. I just think that you will be very disappointed if you hang onto the game and it's too late to return and it sits on a shelf collecting dust. There is a reason I don't play GT6 anymore. I think Assetto Corsa feels a lot me. I don't put more value on whether it feels better to @BrandonW77 or @skazz. If I thought GT6 felt better to me, I would still be playing that game.

pCars seems to be a thousand times more impressive to you and that's cool. pCars sold 2 million copies. Assetto Corsa only a few hundred thousand. Maybe it is better suited for more people? I don't have any real experience with it, so I can't say personally. Some people don't need to play a game to know whether it's good or not. I can't personally make that determination. I need to try it. You've tried Assetto Corsa and you don't like it. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't force yourself to play something you find less enjoyable.

That's my opinion. If you insist on sticking with it, I'll offer as much assistance as I can - but I don't have a console, and I don't have a T300. Good luck with whichever way you decide to go! 👍 (Sorry for rambling...I am extremely tired and I tend to do that when I'm tired :lol:)
I don't think you need help, all that whining,
You Sir just need to go beck to PCars i am afraid.

Very mature, to reply to a aid request with such stuff.

Well clearly you are being obtuse going from 100% down to 15% and then complaining FFB is too low.

Read through the FFB settings thread on GTP and work from the suggestions offered. You can see that nobody is using 15%. The usual answer is around 35%.

I did so because a very well respected member here suggested me to start at that level of FFB, and not having extra hours at hands i used his suggestions.

At lest you pointed up to a relevant/useful resource unlike spacebreed.

I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience @azidahaka! If there were only a couple, or a handful of things you weren't completely happy with I would suggest putting the time in to try and find better ffb settings or something, but it sounds to me like every single aspect of the game was completely horrible for you. :(

I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't interpret this as being so, but maybe you should bring the game back to the store for a refund immediately. It seems like you really enjoy pCars. You have the ffb setup perfectly. You like the sounds, the graphics, the non-laser scanned track surfaces better. Those are all valid beliefs. There are many, many people who prefer pCars to Assetto Corsa and believe there is more realism in pCars and there should be no shame in saying so. There are people who believe Gran Turismo 6 is awesome and capable of providing a realistic experience driving while Assetto Corsa can not. They shouldn't waste their time with Assetto Corsa either. Play whatever game brings you joy. Don't play a game because it's become popular or fashionable.

I just don't want to see you get stuck with a game that clearly doesn't suit you. Again, if every single driving game felt "the best" then how could there really be a "best" game for a person? Some games feel good to them, some don't. I just think that you will be very disappointed if you hang onto the game and it's too late to return and it sits on a shelf collecting dust. There is a reason I don't play GT6 anymore. I think Assetto Corsa feels a lot me. I don't put more value on whether it feels better to @BrandonW77 or @skazz. If I thought GT6 felt better to me, I would still be playing that game.

pCars seems to be a thousand times more impressive to you and that's cool. pCars sold 2 million copies. Assetto Corsa only a few hundred thousand. Maybe it is better suited for more people? I don't have any real experience with it, so I can't say personally. Some people don't need to play a game to know whether it's good or not. I can't personally make that determination. I need to try it. You've tried Assetto Corsa and you don't like it. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't force yourself to play something you find less enjoyable.

That's my opinion. If you insist on sticking with it, I'll offer as much assistance as I can - but I don't have a console, and I don't have a T300. Good luck with whichever way you decide to go! 👍 (Sorry for rambling...I am extremely tired and I tend to do that when I'm tired :lol:)

If there were only a couple, or a handful of things you weren't completely happy with I would suggest putting the time in to try and find better ffb settings or something, but it sounds to me like every single aspect of the game was completely horrible for you

As i said it's the first impressions, i had no problems spending the time to make PCars work, no problem doing the same with AC. I just came here asking for help.

You like the sounds, the graphics, the non-laser scanned track surfaces better.

I stated the opposite >_> Just added that Imola had better track behaviour on PCars, while nurb was way way better on AC. I also added it may be because of the FFB.

(Sorry for rambling...I am extremely tired and I tend to do that when I'm tired)

It's ok, i'm not giving up on the game... That is something that a few "apostles" here implied.

I came here with some issues asking for others impressions and help.

Honestly the AC community is regarded as protective and hyper-touchy and it seems it really is so. I'll test again with different FFB settings on that thread "skazz the obtuse" posted. Hope things will improve.

on a side note, i bought the game because i was unsatisfied with aspects of PCars; users being hostile won't make a service to this game or Kunos.

On PCars forum here people are way more relaxed and helpful. Even if the game is "worse" that is something some AC guys could learn from.
I'm quite underwhelmed by the FFB, may be because i dialed mine perfectly on PCars, but here on AC the FFB was really really bad compared to it, so please if you are on ps4 and on a T300 please drop your fave FFB setups so i can perform other tests.
What makes you think that you dialed in your Project Cars ffb perfectly? It has enough options to arrive at anything from horrendously unrealistic, right through to touching reality. I imagine that someone accustomed to using a set up in the vicinity of latter's range would find Assetto's much lauded true to life-ness quite jarring and unfamiliar.

Can't for the life of me think of what your situation might be though.....
FFB Wise on ps4 worth a t300 I've set it to 55%. All other set to zero. 55% seems to be at the limit of what the t300 can take. After a while it gets a bit softer.

As of sound. I believe this is some of the areas being addressed in an upcoming patch.

Can you pm me your pCars FFB setting as I've not found a perfect setup yet :cheers:
I was the same as you with the difference that I'm using pcars default settings. But after a few more drives I came to realize hat I like better the information that the wheel provides in AC vs pcars. I also have the T300 at 50%, other sliders at 0% an turned on the understeer effect (or whatever is called). Good luck
Honestly the AC community is regarded as protective and hyper-touchy and it seems it really is so. [...] on a side note, i bought the game because i was unsatisfied with aspects of PCars; users being hostile won't make a service to this game or Kunos.
I count 1 negative feedback, 1 helpful and 1 sympathetic. If I was being cynical I would say that it's almost as if you were waiting for that 1 negative post just so you could lash out at the "hyper-touchy" and "hostile" community here.

Regarding the FFB: Since you dialled it to your liking in PCars maybe you just need time to get used to it in AC (and use higher settings than 15%). I don't know which settings you used in PCars, but I used Jack Spades', and with those I honestly don't think there is a huge difference in FFB between PCars and AC, at least not for some of the cars.

Strange. for me it's just the reverse... i've got it really hard to find a acceptable FFB in project C.A.R.S, it really took me weeks looking around, and trying settings, then i found a good website, and since then i found easly some settings that fits me in general and car specific FFB terms.

In Assetto, it was easy to get a real good FFB in none time really.
So i share you my settings and hopefully they work nicely for you :


Sounds side, yes,those from Pcars for me are also better, but have to wait for a fixed opinion cause the sound engine is broken on the console versions.
It's a bit better if you put the "air effects" in sound options at 0% for the moment..

But for me,the best sounds i heard on PS4 are those from an arcade racer...Driveclub! those are really really good.
As i said it's the first impressions, i had no problems spending the time to make PCars work, no problem doing the same with AC. I just came here asking for help.

I do think the 15% might be a bit low. I've tinkered with a lot of FFB settings on the PC and a low gain can sap a lot of the details out of the FFB (as opposed to a high gain with a low in-car FFB which feels much better but you guys don't have the in-car adjustment yet). I'd try going up to 20, 25, 30, etc. to see if those give you more feeling. Another thing to try is setting your T300 to 900º instead of the default 1080º. I recently read somewhere (forget where) that leaving it on 1080º does not produce the best results. Not sure if that applies the same on the console but I'd presume it would. Worth a shot anyway. In case you're not sure how to adjust your DOR:

To manually change the angle of rotation on the wheel, you need to simultaneously hold the Mode button and either the Left or Right button on the D-Pad. Left will decrease it, while Right will increase.

The red light will then flash:

1 Flash - 270 degrees

2 Flashes - 360 degrees

3 flashes - 540 degrees

4 flashes - 900 degrees

5 flashes - 1080 degrees.

Although keep in mind you'll have to repeat this process you start the game. As the game automatically sets the wheel rotation to whatever the developers have set it to. Some games do allow you to change the rotation in options.

Also, for what it's worth, the kerb/slip/road settings basically just add some vibration to the wheel and don't have huge effects on how the FFB actually functions/feels so don't waste too much time screwing around with those. Find a gain percentage you like and then turn those effects up if you want to feel a bit more rumble from the road or kerbs.
Honestly the AC community is regarded as protective and hyper-touchy and it seems it really is so. I'll test again with different FFB settings on that thread "skazz the obtuse" posted. Hope things will improve.
The thing is... pCARS FFB is a nightmare when coming at it fresh. It takes hours to tweak it to "just right". Especially the T300's default setting of steering gain 2.0 (when it should be 1.0) screws things up badly. In comparison, AC's FFB is very good out of the box, you just need to drop it down so it's not clipping, decide if you want some effect amplification (road, slip, kerbs), and you're sorted.

If you are stating that you successfully went through that pCARS FFB hours-long struggle then we would have expected you to simply post with "guys, AC at 100% is clipping, AC at 15% feels weak and crappy, what settings do you use?". You didn't do that, you went for a long explanation of how 15% FFB feels awful across multiple cars. I reserve the right to use "obtuse" to describe that behaviour, since it feels like you are rushing to judgement in AC despite being the kind of person who was willing to struggle through pCARS' FFB and make it right. Obtuse felt like a good word to describe that dualism :)
The thing is... pCARS FFB is a nightmare when coming at it fresh. It takes hours to tweak it to "just right". Especially the T300's default setting of steering gain 2.0 (when it should be 1.0) screws things up badly. In comparison, AC's FFB is very good out of the box, you just need to drop it down so it's not clipping, decide if you want some effect amplification (road, slip, kerbs), and you're sorted.

If you are stating that you successfully went through that pCARS FFB hours-long struggle then we would have expected you to simply post with "guys, AC at 100% is clipping, AC at 15% feels weak and crappy, what settings do you use?". You didn't do that, you went for a long explanation of how 15% FFB feels awful across multiple cars. I reserve the right to use "obtuse" to describe that behaviour, since it feels like you are rushing to judgement in AC despite being the kind of person who was willing to struggle through pCARS' FFB and make it right. Obtuse felt like a good word to describe that dualism :)
100% agreed.

@azidahaka Give it some more time, don't give up yet. It's really worth it.

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