Been testing for 3 hours straight the settings posted here and i'm getting closer to a good feeling with the car... I have some weird occurrence of the FFB getting harder or softer while going on for a bit; not sure if it has a relation to tire damage or such (yup i'm flattening a good few lol)...
Of if it is something in the cars i was driving that where getting some kind of "hydraulically assisted steering" or how it is called in english i'm clueless that would make the wheel soft, hard, soft and so... It's currently bothering me a bit as is the brakes that seems to have a super short course.
Might just be me needing to get used to it. So far i feel the FFB is still not perfect for me, but i've finally started enjoying the game better.
Some cars FFB and behaviour seems better or great ( the GT2 ferrari is a joy, ffb is top notch and sound too), while others feel underwhelming. So i guess the effort to find the right setting is not finished yet
It's kind of strange that you're getting different behavior between cars since there is only 1 FFB system. It's not setup on a car by car basis since the ffb is just using physics 'numbers', I believe it's suspension data, but don't quote me on that!
I have felt differences in the steering of different vehicles as well, slightly, as not every car in the world feels exactly the same, but I also think aerodynamic downforce is going to affect that too...maybe
@brownninja97 would know whether the statement I just made is true or not as he is 100 floors above me, in the Tower of AC Physics.
Bad luck? Also there's a few cars on grid that i'm pretty sure are not gt3 when selecting it; a few GT2 and a weird kind of prototype that were lapping 3-4 seconds faster than the group?
The next time you experience this, could you please make a note of exactly which models are the ones you suspect not being GT3 class? That is something that Kunos could fix in 5 seconds in a future patch. Was one of the cars a "Glickenhaus SCG 003C"? Kunos has that car classified as GT3, in addition to a couple of other classes, I believe.
For setting up the ffb i used some of the resources posted here and i'm currently going at 22% power, 40 curbs and 30 road.
I followed a guide for curbs strenght that suggested to go on Magione and go on the saw curbs to set it and at 40 is perfect, you can count how many "curb's hills" you are passing through
At the moment my main issue is just with different FFB strenghts in various cars and with the brake pedal course. Beside that all is way way better even tought i always been running on stock setups.
Did you watch the video I posted in my last response to you? You don't have to sit through the entire thing, especially since it's an older video and a lot of the stuff Stefano talks about could be outdated/changed/replaced. The section I blocked off, however, is solely FFB discussion and I think it will go a long way in helping you understand FFB in Assetto Corsa. Even if you don't have the time right now, I recommend bookmarking that video for viewing when you do have a spare 10 minutes. 👍
In short my impressions are way more favorable now, still not confortable with those few things, but i'm sure i can get the last drop of help i need for you guys to be able to feel "at home" with the game and FFB.
PS: i ventured online and, OMG it's a dead zone! O_O Hope the private lobbies come soon, there was only 20 people Online yesterday, and that was shocking!
BTW there was a GTP guy too i took a stroll at Silverstone and had been demolished

I guess for getting online
i better fix my Wheel and tune in some proper setup
Is your wheel damaged?
LMFAO. And because of one crappy car that I personally have no interest in, the whole thing is being delayed?? Just.....GOLD lol.
Don't know about spiralling into depression lol. If it's there it's there, if not that's life. Plenty more cars to choose from. I just can't understand that because of one car, they are delaying the whole pack for console users. Why not release the others then release this F1 car at a later date?
Frankly, I'm surprised that Kunos did not consult you before making the decision to delay the entire pack.

Seriously, I've heard it's very expensive to have Sony push additional content out to Playstation users. I can understand, in a way, they don't want some idiot developer releasing something disastrous acrosss the PSN. I don't know if you noticed, but PC users received an update to Assetto Corsa to version 1.9 on the same day that Porsche Pack 1 was released. The very next day Kunos had Steam push out a small update - version 1.9.1... Two days later, I think it was two, Steam pushed out yet another update - version 1.9.2... As you can see, doing this stuff on the PC is a fairly easy process. On consoles, it seems to be a nightmare. For smaller studios, I can understand why it might take quite a while to release something because they don't have the financial resources to do these things on a whim. They wanna make sure everything is A-OK. That last statement is a bit funny considering how many problems the original store bought version had.
EDIT: Oops.
@azidahaka, I meant to include: I'm glad to hear that you're at least starting to enjoy Assetto Corsa more than you did on that first day. Hopefully, in time you'll come to enjoy AC as much as many of us do in this forum. I'm glad you didn't just give up on it. 👍