Awesome. I'm glad they decided to keep things consistent between the PC and the Console. We don't even have PP Filters named "Sport" or "Enhanced".

I gotta ask...What makes a good Career Mode to you guys? I'm looking at Career Mode on the PC. There are 28 different Series. I've never gone thru them, but I see that the very first Series that's called "Novice Series 1" has 5 different events in it. Do they all have about 4 or 5 events to complete in each of the 28 different series? If there are 4 events per series, after a little quick trigonometry I come up with 112 different events to complete for the Career Mode. Of course, some are probably dumb, you're not going to please every person with every event. Do you need to have a spinning graphics that says "Congratulations! You earned a GT3 Series license!" or something? I'm not being sarcastic or argumentative. I've always heard the Career Mode sucked and I even went along with it because
everybody was saying so...and I'm a follower, not a leader!

Seriously...Please describe for me what would be a good Career Mode for a game like Assetto Corsa where you don't need to earn money or buy cars.
Also, besides the Career Mode there are the Challenges. 161 Challenges (including the new Porsche ones you guys haven't gotten yet).
I just counted all the Career Mode events -- 179 Career events plus 161 Challenges. That's 340 pre-arranged
things for you to do.