Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Yeah I know but I'm just saying when you see the difference when you're used to laser scan. Once you're used to laser scan everything else feels wrong. Saying that when I first jumped on Assetto Corsa's laser scanned tracks I got such a shock compared to other games.

The accuracy felt so alien to me. So much elevation. Yet after months of driving everything else feels wrong now.
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Yeah I know but I'm just saying when you see the difference when you're used to laser scan. Once you're used to laser scan everything feels wrong. Saying that when I first jumped on Assetto Corsa's laser scanned tracks I got such a shock compared to other games.

The accuracy felt so alien to me. So much elevation. Yet after months of driving everything else feels wrong now.

Makes a quite big difference yes.

More impressive for me in Assetto is the Zaandvoort track that isn't láser scanned, and in a comparison video with the laser scanned version of iracing you don't see any huge difference.

Hopefully in the incoming games we will see more accuracy on the tracks.
I've never liked Assetto Corsa's road graphics. The racing line is too coarse. Should be subtle. Sometimes not even seen. They've got good texture though.
And if we got it, what would be the chances of having an option turn it off for the whole room? Voice chat is something I will always force off when running a lobby, simply because real racing drivers don't talk to each other when racing, so in a true sim nor should we. It also detracts from the art of racing.

That's a shame, banter with my fellow drivers is one of my most favorite things about sim racing online. We all know to keep quiet during qualifying and race though so it doesn't cause distractions. Running in a server without TeamSpeak feels so bland and lifeless to me. Real drivers talk to their teams all the time during races (Blue flag! BLUE FLAG!!)(GP2 ENGINE!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!), and I think in NASCAR they sometimes even talk to their teammates who are on track with them. But, to each their own.
Whats with the frame rate nose diving with a missed gear as the gearbox takes a slight hit as the car status pops up?
The worst thing is when it bugs out and the damage app stays on which now means you cant check your tyre app nor the map. I use map just to keep an eye on cars ahead or coming up behind, only way to get rid of it is by damaging your car.

Off topic!

Good news for Simracing fans even in console... Simbin is back! With GTR3 launching on PC, PS4 & XBOX ONE in 2018.
Made on unreal engine 4

View attachment 624709
View attachment 624710

What a generation with racing games! Great!
I loved GTR2, use to play it with my keyboard lol. I will be likely getting this for sure, but i just hope they add a rewind feature or programme AI to wait for you if you crash to avid getting slated.

Don't know a lot about this franchise, will investigate. Any other racing games been made with an unreal engine? Should be interesting.
I believe Pro Kart or whatever it's called is using Unreal Engine. Great thing is by the time GTR3 is out we will probably only have to wait a year or 2 for AC2. Great time for console sim racers.
That's a shame, banter with my fellow drivers is one of my most favorite things about sim racing online. We all know to keep quiet during qualifying and race though so it doesn't cause distractions. Running in a server without TeamSpeak feels so bland and lifeless to me. Real drivers talk to their teams all the time during races (Blue flag! BLUE FLAG!!)(GP2 ENGINE!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!), and I think in NASCAR they sometimes even talk to their teammates who are on track with them. But, to each their own.

LOL! Never realised how accurate it is.

That's a shame, banter with my fellow drivers is one of my most favorite things about sim racing online. We all know to keep quiet during qualifying and race though so it doesn't cause distractions. Running in a server without TeamSpeak feels so bland and lifeless to me. Real drivers talk to their teams all the time during races (Blue flag! BLUE FLAG!!)(GP2 ENGINE!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!), and I think in NASCAR they sometimes even talk to their teammates who are on track with them. But, to each their own.

On PS4 with the team mates we use the "chat" option from the console... That silence the voice chat of the game and so we have private voice chat comunication between us...

Our "boss" look to the streaming of the racing league and give us good information when it's needed... Meanwhile we do classification session and race in silence... But if something happens we can communicate...
And if we got it, what would be the chances of having an option turn it off for the whole room? Voice chat is something I will always force off when running a lobby, simply because real racing drivers don't talk to each other when racing, so in a true sim nor should we. It also detracts from the art of racing.
Surely it would be a server option, and allow players to mute all if available. I'm not interested in pub server peoples' toxic swamp garbage, just want to chat with my buddies.

On PS4 with the team mates we use the "chat" option from the console... That silence the voice chat of the game and so we have private voice chat comunication between us..
Man, will have to look into that.
The worst thing is when it bugs out and the damage app stays on which now means you cant check your tyre app nor the map. I use map just to keep an eye on cars ahead or coming up behind, only way to get rid of it is by damaging your car.

I loved GTR2, use to play it with my keyboard lol. I will be likely getting this for sure, but i just hope they add a rewind feature or programme AI to wait for you if you crash to avid getting slated.

I believe Pro Kart or whatever it's called is using Unreal Engine. Great thing is by the time GTR3 is out we will probably only have to wait a year or 2 for AC2. Great time for console sim racers.
I found some videos on ISRTV from just last year where Billy is doing some GTR2 races. Looks pretty good for a 10 year old game and he seemed to enjoy it. I also will be keeping my eye on the new one.
@lancia delta hf
"The worst thing is when it bugs out and the damage app stays on which now means you cant check your tyre app nor the map. I use map just to keep an eye on cars ahead or coming up behind, only way to get rid of it is by damaging your car."

I found out also that you can get rid of it by simply pressing options to get the menu and then pressing it again (or choosing drive) and it will go away.
But that will cost you a bit of time so do it as fast as possible in the slowest location on the track.
@lancia delta hf
"The worst thing is when it bugs out and the damage app stays on which now means you cant check your tyre app nor the map. I use map just to keep an eye on cars ahead or coming up behind, only way to get rid of it is by damaging your car."

I found out also that you can get rid of it by simply pressing options to get the menu and then pressing it again (or choosing drive) and it will go away.
But that will cost you a bit of time so do it as fast as possible in the slowest location on the track.
Ah dont think i tried that, nice once cheers. I usually remove all HUD which stops frame rate issues and then put them back on when I've taken more damage and the bug has gone.
32 is pretty good. How about our own @Lewis_Hamilton_ who ran a race on his home PC with 50+ AI cars on the track at LeMans? 👍

I did an iRacing race once that had over 60 cars in it, that was a sight to behold! It was fairly soon after I moved from consoles too, so I was kinda blown away. :eek:
45 overtake in 2 laps, even long laps, has no interest to me. Battling for 5 laps trying to pass or defending is what I am looking for.
Looking for passing opportunity while defending is what I am looking for in racing. The longer it takes the better it is. I do not need a zillion car on track, just few well balanced competitor who can race competitively,consistently and clean, which AC AI is pretty good at.
Hi guys!

Porsche Pack 3 is listed on xbox store entering in season pass.
The realese date is listed for Monday 13th February.
Same will be for PS4 as the last updates came through the same day.


Thank you sir!
In my opinion Assetto C's Yellowbird is much more approachable than Project Cars' one which I loved anyway. Made deep videos of it ;) .
It would be so great to be able to try the car in real life on closed area. It is dangerous for sure but Assetto's one feels more 'natural'.
Oh man...I would love to give the Yellowbird a drive. Maybe a track like Spa-Francorchamps, or Nordschleife... Heck, I'd be in heaven if I could just take it for a lap around my neighborhood. :lol:

45 overtake in 2 laps, even long laps, has no interest to me. Battling for 5 laps trying to pass or defending is what I am looking for.
Looking for passing opportunity while defending is what I am looking for in racing. The longer it takes the better it is. I do not need a zillion car on track, just few well balanced competitor who can race competitively,consistently and clean, which AC AI is pretty good at.

Yeah, I left that style of racing behind me when I moved on from Gran Turismo. :dopey:
I was posting the video solely for showing off the large field Assetto Corsa can handle on the PC. I agree with both of you. In fact, I believe I just posted something yesterday saying how much I hate the Assetto Corsa AI for allowing you to shoot past practically half the field at the beginning of races. They don't block at all and if there isn't an opening between the two rows of AI cars you may often be able to just go around them.

I can't remember if increasing the AI difficulty makes them launch faster or not, however, I shouldn't have to set the AI % so high that I have absolutely no chance of moving up two or three spots in a 10+ lap race just so I can have a proper start to the race. My overall skills aren't that impressive...Sadly, what I've often done is held back until the 1st corner (sometimes 2nd) finishes, only driving as fast as the AI is, and then I'll go into race mode. :boggled:

I lose way more races than I win. It's not even close, percentage-wise. The way that I look at it, if I'm beating the AI 90% of the time when I started at the back of a 16 car field, I have the AI difficulty % set far too low.
Oh man...I would love to give the Yellowbird a drive. Maybe a track like Spa-Francorchamps, or Nordschleife... Heck, I'd be in heaven if I could just take it for a lap around my neighborhood. :lol:

I was posting the video solely for showing off the large field Assetto Corsa can handle on the PC. I agree with both of you. In fact, I believe I just posted something yesterday saying how much I hate the Assetto Corsa AI for allowing you to shoot past practically half the field at the beginning of races. They don't block at all and if there isn't an opening between the two rows of AI cars you may often be able to just go around them.

I can't remember if increasing the AI difficulty makes them launch faster or not, however, I shouldn't have to set the AI % so high that I have absolutely no chance of moving up two or three spots in a 10+ lap race just so I can have a proper start to the race. My overall skills aren't that impressive...Sadly, what I've often done is held back until the 1st corner (sometimes 2nd) finishes, only driving as fast as the AI is, and then I'll go into race mode. :boggled:

I lose way more races than I win. It's not even close, percentage-wise. The way that I look at it, if I'm beating the AI 90% of the time when I started at the back of a 16 car field, I have the AI difficulty % set far too low.

To be fair though, setting a 50 car grid at Le Mans and then trying to fight your way from the back to the front in five laps could be fun in its own way. Not necessarily realistic, but it's always fun to overtake cars. :)

(Probably shouldn't be discussing this in the console thread though, it's a bit rude. :embarrassed: )
Shame we cannot have our own tunes for the home screen. Wish I could have some New Age or Ambient Psy set for the theme music.
Yeah I always turn the theme music off, well, apart from the Journey music when I have that theme selected. Good soundtrack.
In the beta version of the 4.50 firmware update there a "boost option" in PS4 Pro for the normal games, it improves the framerate.


In case of Assetto Corsa, a PS4 Pro user with the 4.50 firmware beta tried the "boost option" in the game and the results are that all framerate stuttering is gone..making the game smooth running.

Posted by the user on Spanish forum :