Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
This isnt about volume settings. Its about dynamic and surround settings, a dedicated TV or headphone mode... that kind of thing. Like i said, Dirt has it, and sounds awesome with headphones.

I misunderstood what you where referring to, of course on PC we would not need any of those settings, since we can tweak the digital sound on the sound card and simulate anything we want.
Sure you do. I have CSP V3s which are beyond decent and there are a few cars, like the Maserati GT4, that the brake pressure setting is a godsend because they lock the brakes so easily.

Ah yes, the Maserati GT4. I don't think you have to be half pressure/travel and they're locking. My wheel is all lumpy by the end of a session.
Ah yes, the Maserati GT4. I don't think you have to be half pressure/travel and they're locking. My wheel is all lumpy by the end of a session.

Exactly, and the brake pressure setting allows you to alleviate that. Sure, I could change my brake setting in the Fanatec control panel, but then I'd have to remember to change it back for other cars. Much better IMO to be able to adjust it on a per car basis instead of globally.
Is the car as sensitive like this in real life? The crazy gizmo cars with carbon brakes don't lock the brakes up like the Maserati GT4.
[QUOTE="Orayani, post: 11702792, member: 1212cars]
With decent pedals you don't need brake pressure settings?

Mmm pedal is not all...

In real track cars and competition cars you can change brake balance and modify the brake pressure..

We all want Assetto Corsa on par with PC version.. And that feature who is in the setup screen from the cars was implemented in the 1.10 Update with PP2 in past November on PC.

- Added brake pressure setup options for all cars

Here's the full changelog + the other little updates (1.10.1...)
On the PC version is the sound nicely balanced between engine, tyres, opponents, brakes and wind?

Personally I don't understand why wind is in as its a distracting sound listening to the tyres. Thank goodness it can be switched off though. Its crazily messed up on the console as the engine is so loud it drowns out the tyres. With default settings 100%, opponents drown out everything else.

Seems strange that I had to spend some time with the headset and lower/balance the sounds. The game certainly doesn't work in percentages as it is amazing how loud the menu music really is at 2 and 3 percent let alone the menu adjustments and the other settings.

Lots of fine sounds I had never heard before. Especially when the rear tyres are going to give. Also hearing more subtle lower growls, gargles, pops, bangs clearer and sharper than before.

Think I had to lower engine down to 27% because it simply was too darn loud. Cannot remember the other settings...
@Orayani - The sounds are as balanced as we want them to be...meaning that I can make drastic changes to the volume of each of the properties you mentioned. I could turn wind off completely and make opponent cars scream and make my own engine volume practically nothing. Would anyone who's not on several anti-psychotics want to do what I just described? Doubtful. But, just to answer your question...they come fairly balanced, in my opinion, but each thing can be adjusted to taste.

@Cote Dazur - I'm probably not articulating my feelings on the AI in Assetto Corsa properly. I get on just fine with 'em. Are they perfect? Hardly. But, I've learned how to enjoy them. For instance, I usually pussyfoot the initial start so I don't exploit the often slow launches from the back of the pack AI drivers (I almost always start dead last, unless I'm running 30+ cars). So, I don't drive between one-third of the AI field by Turn 1 which is often possible.

I don't dive bomb corners like a maniac and then get mad that the AI driver "turned right into me!". I treat the AI drivers as if they were other real people like in an online race and the results are usually good. I know that there are certain problems that happen from time to time - an AI driver refusing to pass another AI car, but I've been able to greatly reduce that from happening by instituting a range of AI Opponent Strength (say, 90% to 93%) thanks to Content Manager.

That's not to say that I still don't occasionally see the AI do some really wacky stuff. Am I expecting too much from the AI? Possibly. My only other AI experience is Gran Turismo 6 and we all know how awesome that AI was. :rolleyes: Thankfully, the AI in AC doesn't act anything like they do in GT6. I guess I see Kunos able to reproduce some wonderful cars thanks to their close associations with various manufacturers and racing teams and race drivers; I experience wonderful physics simulation and I experience pretty sick FFB as well. So, maybe I have put myself into a condition to think, "If they can do all of those things, why can't the AI be totally awesome too?" Maybe that's naiveté on my part.

Like Brandon said, I have no freakin' idea how to make a racing AI "better". I just see a lot of people complain about it and I know I have a few complaints myself and I figure "Kunos can do better!" I don't remember what thread this was from and I'm sure I'm going to get the numbers wrong, so please don't quote me on this (maybe Brandon will know): Something like 70% of Assetto Corsa players never go online with the PC version. So, either they're hot lapping animals or they play against the AI or both. That leads me to think AI improvements are important consider how people mostly play this sim.
That first lap though there is one or two AI sometimes a small group of 4 at the start seperates from the rest of the field if you let them go. Then you have to really haul ass.
@ALB123 i am with you wanting a better AI, in AC and any other SIM I drive. I have heard also that a majority of SIM driver in AC are mostly driving offline and occasionally go online. I believe this is also true for most SIM.
AI is often critiqued but when compared to racing online AI bring a satisfying experience more consistently, which is why it is favoured by most. Active people on Forum bring a distorted view as they also majoritarely are active online. I just find that too often AI gets a one way story which does not represent their real contribution to our driving pleasure.
@ALB123 i am with you wanting a better AI, in AC and any other SIM I drive. I have heard also that a majority of SIM driver in AC are mostly driving offline and occasionally go online. I believe this is also true for most SIM.
AI is often critiqued but when compared to racing online AI bring a satisfying experience more consistently, which is why it is favoured by most. Active people on Forum bring a distorted view as they also majoritarely are active online. I just find that too often AI gets a one way story which does not represent their real contribution to our driving pleasure.

Better (read complex/some level of awareness/behavioural character) AI is difficult, since any degree of unpredictability means a mounting of possible errors and interaction issues to address. And complex behaviour trees for such a "live" environment is computationally expensive.

The principal design point for AI is to not get in the way of the user. In many ways.
AI has to be predictable to a degree, otherwise it frustrates the user since there's no pattern finding to overcome. AI has to be mindful of the users goal/purpose, othewise it frustrates the user since they'll most likely not reach them with a good AI (see all those chess computers).

To top that, when designing the "game rules", you have to consider that the majority of users play in 15 minutes to 40 minutes stints. 3 to 10 laps in every single game rings a bell.

That is why the majority of racing games take the well-trodden path: Paths. Cars fall in line with their racing lines. They can set varying paces and add a few "simple" rules on how to behave around the user/other objects that fit in their rules and game time frames easily.
The majority of the behaviour quirks noticed in this page can be taken to any other racing games, because that is mostly by design.

All that is to satisfy what you said: "AI brings a satisfying experience more consistently". And even then, it's a hard task because "good AI" has to cast a wide net.
Some see AIs that ram and fight for their spot on the track as good. Some don't.
Some see AIs that just set lap records one after the other as good. Some don't.


With that I think it's easy to understand why multiplayer is understood as the natural endpoint for AI (caveat being a good connection/server).

Once everything (all those stats) is "triaged", you'll see you'll fall into a group of like-minded, behavioured people, that will likely have a similar pace as you.

And it does work consistently as well. That's why games like Overwatch, Rocket League, LoL and so on are huge. Or any organized sports. Racing included. :)

My only other AI experience is Gran Turismo 6 and we all know how awesome that AI was. :rolleyes: Thankfully, the AI in AC doesn't act anything like they do in GT6.

I agree, thankfully the AI in GT6 doesn't act too much like the AI in AC. :P


On that note I don't think AC's AI is bad. It's functional. But as of now I don't see room or will for improvement, other than addressing some issues like their decision making in corners when grouped up.
Digital Foundry has tested AC on PS4Pro with boost mode enabled. Its a fully-locked 60fps experience now! pCars benefits even more...

Great stuff.

Too bad they didn't show an inside view race, replays are unoptimized in PCars so i'm wondering how it plays when you actually play it instead of watching the replay.

In any case, damn my ps4 is working flawlessly, so i have no excuse to switch to pro lol
I dont believe it - ive just found out my R2 button is only putting about 80% accelaration down - i noticed from the green bar on the HUD!! I tested it by using the right stick as accelerate - sure enough the green bar went higher,on level with the red brake gauge. And im 1 second quicker around Red Bull Ring! I thought 'medium' difficulty seemed hard,with the AI taking me on the straights!!

Is this a common thing to happen to the R2 button??
I dont believe it - ive just found out my R2 button is only putting about 80% accelaration down - i noticed from the green bar on the HUD!! I tested it by using the right stick as accelerate - sure enough the green bar went higher,on level with the red brake gauge. And im 1 second quicker around Red Bull Ring! I thought 'medium' difficulty seemed hard,with the AI taking me on the straights!!

Is this a common thing to happen to the R2 button??
Just another reason why I always tell people to push your brake pedal to the floor and push your gas pedal to the floor, just to make sure that both bars are going all the way up. The brake pedal is especially important, otherwise you may end up with your brakes locking up when your foot barely touches the pedal - it thinks that's the full travel for some reason.

Good thing you figured it out @Magdelayna! 👍
I dont believe it - ive just found out my R2 button is only putting about 80% accelaration down - i noticed from the green bar on the HUD!! I tested it by using the right stick as accelerate - sure enough the green bar went higher,on level with the red brake gauge. And im 1 second quicker around Red Bull Ring! I thought 'medium' difficulty seemed hard,with the AI taking me on the straights!!

Is this a common thing to happen to the R2 button??
Those DS4 triggers are pretty rubbish IMO. I had a similar problem with my L2 and when I took the pad apart there's a small coiled wire thing that connects the trigger to the button/hinge underneath which was disconnected due to the plastic holder being snapped.
Is the trigger spongy, play in the trigger?

Yeah,god knows how long its been like that....maybe through 4 seasons of F1 aswell?!

Does anyone play with the right stick as accelerate? I used to use it all the time in the PS2 days and it actually felt pretty good on AC....its my only choice now anyway!
Digital Foundry has tested AC on PS4Pro with boost mode enabled. Its a fully-locked 60fps experience now! pCars benefits even more...

Great stuff.

The worst thing that could happen as a result of this boost mode is developers targeting 60fps but knowing base PS4 owners won't really get that, but hey, no problem, all everyone has to do is buy a Pro. Not cool but perhaps inevitable.
The worst thing that could happen as a result of this boost mode is developers targeting 60fps but knowing base PS4 owners won't really get that, but hey, no problem, all everyone has to do is buy a Pro. Not cool but perhaps inevitable.
But I think from here on out, most games will have Pro patches anyway. So developers can target whatever they want for the base PS4 to make the game run best on it (even if it's a solid 30fps), and for ps4 pro they'll have a patch or have the pro upgrades built into the game from launch, thus making boost mode irrelevant.
But I think from here on out, most games will have Pro patches anyway. So developers can target whatever they want for the base PS4 to make the game run best on it (even if it's a solid 30fps), and for ps4 pro they'll have a patch or have the pro upgrades built into the game from launch, thus making boost mode irrelevant.
Good point. Be interesting to see how many new games get patches from here on in. I'd imagine most AAA titles would have one at the very least.
The worst thing that could happen as a result of this boost mode is developers targeting 60fps but knowing base PS4 owners won't really get that, but hey, no problem, all everyone has to do is buy a Pro. Not cool but perhaps inevitable.

This was supposed to be the way when the PS4 first launched. Marketing sucks big time. All that next gen performance crap.
Pro patch or boost mode: it's the same 🤬 for PS4 base owners. Developers could think "Why offering a decent frame rate on normal PS4, buy the pro"
Pro patch or boost mode: it's the same 🤬 for PS4 base owners. Developers could think "Why offering a decent frame rate on normal PS4, buy the pro"

I think I was a year too early purchasing the PS4. I waited it out waiting on the 1200c model and got one for Christmas 2015. Though I had a lot of fun with many games.