So in some places of europe wasnt 20 euros less either.
Pretty odd and unfair, but again, I'm totally fine having paid full price for AC.
Hmm...So there is no type of resistance to your thumb steering the car around the track? I guess I never thought about it before, but that must feel awfully lifeless and dead. I've had the wheel almost ripped from my hand due to an extremely light grip I use while driving.
The directional stick on the DS4 feels quite heavy to begin with. The advanced controller setup also has settings for sensitivity, which in my opinion changes how the steering input sensation translates to the brain. Combined with the controller's vibration it's not really as bad as one might think. The worst part is steering the cars within the confines of a directional stick as full rotation is basically squeezed into the thumb. Never perfect but somehow manageable with decent settings and practice.
I curse Zandvoort. I know I'm a big cry baby, but how the hell is a professional race track that bumpy?
It has an interesting layout, but I am absolutely terrible on that track.
No idea. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Kunos turned a non-laser scanned mod track into official content. That said, I have read comments saying it's not all that different from the real thing. As I've said in the past, the first half of Zandvoort flows nicely but then it just gets rather boring somewhere down the halfway. I have come to realize that the first half of the track is almost like a hilly Tsukuba, which is a track I grew fond of after spending some time with it in GT5.
This was so long ago plus I'm sure I wasn't paying as close attention to these sort of things, but when the console version was announced & being discussed, wasn't it only the physics that Marco insisted would be the same as the PC version? For instance, he knew the menus would be different. He knew online would be different. He knew PS4 version would not accept any mods, so that's different. So, if he really said that the console version will be exactly like the PC version in all aspects, that was not right at all.
I don't remember the specifics and I also think it's no longer relevant. Since then Kunos have done a number of things to deliver on any premature promises they might have given at the time. Once custom button mapping and improved AI arrives on consoles, the remaining differences are in my opinion negligible and fixable down the road.
It is a shame that most of you will be moving on to PCars 2 & GTSport shortly. I have enjoyed many discussions with you guys, my console cousins. Of course, I can't really blame you at all. PCars 2 is a next generation game compared to AC (I suppose GTSport is too). From that perspective alone, the games should really outshine Assetto Corsa in all areas. I've seen bits here and there, but I don't think I fully understand. GTSport will not have a Career Mode? So, it's like a proper sim where all cars are available Day 1? Is the game solely race versus the AI or race versus your mates (or hotlap) - kind of like AC? I guess AC technically has a Career Mode & Special Events. I'm just trying to understand GTS - the only thing I can compare it to is GT6 with the structure it has. Race -> Win $ -> Race (x Times) -> Win $ -> Buy Better Car -> License Test to Advance. Repeat. That type of stuff is gone from GTS? I really wish I paid more attention to those GTS threads. I feel a bit foolish not knowing this stuff.
I seriously doubt that my copy of AC will collect dust anytime soon. A few days without AC and I begin to experience symptoms which I suspect aren't much different to withdrawal. What's the saying about the Nordschleife? One lap a day keeps the doctor away. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some truth to that statement within the context of AC.
I've been watching a few of the work in progress videos for Project CARS 2 and I'm honestly not getting all the excitement. No doubt that it comes with an interesting lineup of content and features, but aspects like physics, track accuracy and graphics don't look all that promising to me. I know, don't judge physics before trying but I will still argue that SMS has some way to go before their game gives off that likeable and neutral sim aura. Not to write off early build footage but I'm simply not convinced that Project CARS 2 is a game I'll buy. As for GT Sport, I'm tempted to say no comment. PD appears to be going down the only road they shouldn't take. I used to like GT and its Japanese quirks but I have no idea what Mr. Yamauchi is trying to do these days. Then there's Forza Motorsport 7, which is an unparalleled licensing power house. More than 700 cars and 30 locations at launch, so pretty hard to ignore for the average car enthusiast I consider myself to be. Also, FM6 wasn't all that bad in the simulation department, but definitely not up there with the fully fledged sims.
All this said and done, AC is my newfound driving addiction and I cannot wait for the ongoing improvements Kunos bring to us. Then there's the Ferrari DLC and Laguna Seca later in the year. No, I can't see myself replacing AC.