Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
A bit bummed that the Japanese pack didn't make it to the console versions from the start. Oh well...
summary is no red pack no Japanese pack at launch
When did that pack come on for PC? I understand having to buy the Red Pack as DLC as it's only just come out but hasn't the Japanese Pack been out for a while? If so then perhaps it would've been nice if it was free. Publishers...
I may be wrong, but a few weeks ago it was mentioned that all the packs bar the Red Pack would be included in the consoles. But somewhere down the line they announced that the Japanese would be out as well.
Japanese pack was on:

Just have a taste of what the stock content offers, and i'm sure you'll pick up those packs afterwards.
It's not nice because the content already exists, but if you compare it to PC prices you'd pay more for the base game + dream packs which you get included so there's that.
Seriously? Modern days of gaming... So it's a new game from a small team and this is how they want us to buy their product. I'm not so sure to buy it with this kind of policy from the publisher.

That's the thing, aren't all of these choices being made by the publisher? Why would you punish an incredibly hard working dev team because of the publisher?

Someone correct me if it is down to Kunos.
Some great cars there, more than enough to keep me busy for a long time. And so... many... Lotuses! They must've got a nice buy one get one free kinda deal off them lol
That's the thing, aren't all of these choices being made by the publisher? Why would you punish an incredibly hard working dev team because of the publisher?

Someone correct me if it is down to Kunos.

Exactly. Plus, I believe part of the reasoning could be that both of those packs came out around or after when the initial console release was planned so if they'd stuck to the original schedule these would have been DLC anyway.
I know nothing about marketing, but can you imagine this game with a Porsche on its cover for the console versions*?

I can see pushing the game towards the end of the year but already including some Porsches (say, the first of the three packs) being a huge success.

*Of course the Ferrari on the cover is probably part of an earlier deal, so it wouldn't even be possible.
Well, before the delay off the game it was previewed that the Japanese car pack would be the first DLC pack off the game..

Sure it sucks, they could easily put it in the game as a free offering for the delay of the game.

So.we will see next Friday what happens, cause VVV team says also that they have a prerelease game without the day 1 patch in the prereview of yesterday..
So,they are two possibilities..

1- it comes in day one patch
2- it will be a DLC together with red pack (and hopefully with a discount..)
I know nothing about marketing, but can you imagine this game with a Porsche on its cover for the console versions*?

I can see pushing the game towards the end of the year but already including some Porsches (say, the first of the three packs) being a huge success.

*Of course the Ferrari on the cover is probably part of an earlier deal, so it wouldn't even be possible.
If they delayed the game again there would be a bunch of people complaining about it.
As for the game cover, imo the best thing would be to have Porsche + Ferrari + Lamborghini on the cover. Most people who play console games are casuals who care mainly about big names like those, that would greatly encourage them to buy the game imo.
i wonder why the original console trailer had the f138 in it. the pack came out fairly recently, but the original release was set to be long before the red pack came out. could they have held the red pack back on purpose so it was closer to console launch?
Wait looking at the Car list video, It shows the FXX-K And LAFerrari and P1 are all in-game So does that mean they all come in the disk and i don't have to buy them via DLC?
So, which version the console release will have ? If it's the latest, then it should have all the packs ( Japanese Pack + Red Pack ) on disc already, but we have to pay more to unlock it ? When was the console went gold, 3 weeks ago ? If it's not on disc or part of release plan ( we have to download it sometime after release as patch/updates ), then there's a chance these content may not have been tested on console yet ( btw, who did the testing, I have been asking this for awhile now :( ? )
This has the making of being to next gen what Race Pro was to the PS3 / X360..... and frankly I have no problem if it is.
Race Pros biggest problem was that it was dumped too early by the developers /atari.
Its not going to have the polish of Forza nor the racing immersion of PCars, but I'm confident it will have great physics and FFB.
If's its even close to being the road race version of DiRT then i'll be well happy I preordered it.

I haven't personally played Race Pro myself, but from what I read it's a watered down, dumbed down GTR2. AC is certainly going to be much better than that.

No, it's not going to have the polish of Forza/GT, because the Kunos team is only a fraction of theirs. No, it's not going to have the racing immersion of PCARS either because that's not their philosophy with this game.

Good physics & FFB, you can be rest assured 👍

As I see it, there will be 3 main problems with AC on consoles:
- Stability/bugs
- Lack of content (not a problem with PC because of mods)
- Career mode not as fleshed out as other games (not an issue if you primarily race online/hotlap solo)

For long term support, only time will tell. You can be a cynic and say they will jump ship to AC2 as soon as console version is released. But knowing Kunos' dedication they will still support AC1 for quite some time.

Assetto Corsa has flaws. Many flaws, in fact. Assetto Corsa is also missing a lot of 'things' that many people want in a sim racer. In fairness, Assetto Corsa is a rather young sim compared to sims like LFS or RF (1 or 2). For example, Live For Speed was released in 2003. Assetto Corsa had early access available in 2013. A TEN year difference. If LFS didn't simulate more 'things' than Assetto Corsa with a 10 year head start in development I would say something is wrong with the people at LFS. They also don't have to worry about securing licensing deals for cars & tracks. Then laser scan tracks, etc... rFactor 2 was released in 2013, however, it was constructed mostly code from rFactor Pro - a version released years earlier. Again, they damn well better offer more features than Assetto Corsa based on the severe head start they had as well. Although, there are certainly some things that rFactor 2 simulates that Kunos has no intention of including in Assetto Corsa.

Still, Assetto Corsa is with flaws that can't be blamed on longevity. The company is learning as it grows. I think, and it seems many others do too, that what Kunos has achieved with ONE guy writing code has been pretty impressive. We can applaud them for their efforts, but at the end of the day people are looking for something more than licenses & whether seat belts are simulated or not.

AC is new but Kunos isn't a stranger to sim racing. Their first game netKar Pro (if you look down a few threads in this forum you'll see my post about it) was released in 2006.

As comparison:
LFS first release 2003
rFactor first release 2005 (ISImotor itself was used in F1 games from way back in 1999)
Simbin's first game GT Legends release in 2005 (Simbin later split into Sector 3 making RRRE and SMS making PCARS)
Forza 1 release 2005
iRacing has its origins in NASCAR Racing 2003 Season

Also, despite being the oldest LFS is literally only made by 2 people. One modeller and one programmer. So basically only 1 person in charge of physics. Their progress is really really really slow compared to the constant stream of updates by Kunos.

The reason why AC has a lot of things missing is because Kunos wants to simulate things properly, otherwise they aren't going to put it in the game (reminds you of someone?). But unlike a certain other developer, they actual deliver on their promises. Tyre temps are now in. Brake temps are coming soon. They are also clear about things that they don't intend to implement (like engine and oil temps) because it's not in line with their vision.

Certainly AC will continue to evolve in the future. But if you don't obsess over the minutiae details the driving in AC is as good as we can get atm.

You are absolutely right about FFB being a subjective thing based on your settings, and your hardware (wheel). For me for example on a Fanatec CSR; AMS gives me the better road feel on default settings. Your comments made me want to test the road/ slip effect enhancement slider in AC again though :)

Now that i know that those 2 aren't canned but just enhance the FFB signals, i should give it a shot.

Do you have FFB effects on Low in AMS? Using Med or higher adds in canned effects in all ISImotor games. AC I have all sliders on zero except Gain (obvious) and Minimum Force (to compensate my G25 deadzone). Even without exaggerating road feel with an old wheel like G25 the texture of asphalt in AC comes out clearly. AMS also has good road feel, but it doesn't feel quite as "detailed" if that makes sense. Given that they don't laser scan tracks it is pretty damn good. In fact a poorly made mod track in AC often feels worse than AMS vanilla tracks.

So I'm not saying AMS have poor road feel. But comparing under best conditions AC just beats it slightly.

Besides being subjective, road feel isn't top of my list when evaluating FFB. There's just too many variables to consider (track modelling, car setup, FFB) to compare directly from game to game.
Wait looking at the Car list video, It shows the FXX-K And LAFerrari and P1 are all in-game So does that mean they all come in the disk and i don't have to buy them via DLC?

The FXX K is the Cover Car. It would probably be a crime in most countries to not include an item that has been on the cover of a product.
So, which version the console release will have ? If it's the latest, then it should have all the packs ( Japanese Pack + Red Pack ) on disc already, but we have to pay more to unlock it ? When was the console went gold, 3 weeks ago ? If it's not on disc or part of release plan ( we have to download it sometime after release as patch/updates ), then there's a chance these content may not have been tested on console yet ( btw, who did the testing, I have been asking this for awhile now :( ? )

I mentioned this in an earlier post, but both the Japanese Pack and Red Pack were released after the originally planned console release so had they been able to stick to the original release date these two packs would have been DLC anyway. And again, these decisions are likely made by 505 so don't hold anything against Kunos because of it.

Kunos has their own beta-testers, I'd presume they were involved int he console testing as well. I'm sure both the Japanese Pack and Red Pack have been tested on the consoles. The console version of the game will lag slightly behind the PC version though due to various factors like waiting for Sony/Microsoft approvals.
I mentioned this in an earlier post, but both the Japanese Pack and Red Pack were released after the originally planned console release so had they been able to stick to the original release date these two packs would have been DLC anyway. And again, these decisions are likely made by 505 so don't hold anything against Kunos because of it.

Kunos has their own beta-testers, I'd presume they were involved int he console testing as well. I'm sure both the Japanese Pack and Red Pack have been tested on the consoles. The console version of the game will lag slightly behind the PC version though due to various factors like waiting for Sony/Microsoft approvals.
Kunos brought 505 on board, so any decisions made by 505 should be considered as a Kunos decisions. Like it or not Kunos gave 505 the ball and now they must play by their rules. The good and the bad that 505 brings is all because of Kunos decision to bring them on.
Kunos brought 505 on board, so any decisions made by 505 should be considered as a Kunos decisions. Like it or not Kunos gave 505 the ball and now they must play by their rules. The good and the bad that 505 brings is all because of Kunos decision to bring them on.

That's one way to look at it. Another way is to realize that they had to bring someone with console publishing experience onboard and whoever they would have brought likely would have made the same exact decisions because this is how console publishing works any more. Kunos didn't make the DLC/Pre-Order rules but they have to play by them because that's the environment now. Isn't it basically standard for every new console game to have some kind of pre-order incentive and/or DLC options, and hasn't it been that way for several years now? I just don't see how Kunos deserves to be vilified for having to stick to a strategy that has already been established by other publishers some time ago and has been the norm on consoles for many years.
The developer has just as much say, if not more, when it comes to how the game gets released as the publisher does. If the developer chooses to let the publisher release it as they see fit, its still the developer who allowed it to happen. Kunos could of said no dlc or all free dlc and if the publisher didn't like it they wouldn't sign the contract. Instead Kunos signed a contract giving 505 control thus Kunos are responsible.
@LeGeNd-1 I am aware of Netkar Pro, however, I believe that AC was started completely from scratch. I might be wrong, but I could have sworn I read that somewhere. So, even though they had experience with the genre, starting a new project from ground zero in going to take a lot longer than being able to incorporate a lot of code from one game to another or one version of a game to another version. I mean Version as in a completely different release, not v1.7 to v1.8 of the same title.

I don't believe anyone should be thinking that Assetto Corsa is the be all, end all of racing sims. Of course it's not. However, I think it will absolutely be the best option for Xbox One and PS4 users who are looking for driving realism. Features will continue to be added and at some point Kunos is going to have to call it a day on Assetto Corsa and start thinking about Assetto Corsa II. If they feel like staying in this genre, of course.

Stefano has made some comments stating that he expects this version of Assetto Corsa to be continually developed for a "few" more years. I think if I were able to hold onto this title until 2018 I would be very happy with the length of time I got out of it. And hopefully there would be a tremendous amount of code that could be moved into Assetto Corsa II and it will just get better and better. Only the future will tell.

Seeing that this is the PS4/XBox One thread for AC, I don't mean to stray off topic to the PC version, but I think some things are inevitable. As far as car & track content goes, I have always stated that I would love console players to have every single official car in AC on the release date included in the game, or available as a free download, at no additional cost. Anything that comes out after the Day 1 release on console will have to be DLC just like on PC. Console users are much more concerned about car & track numbers, so the more base content the better, in my eyes. Plus, we PC players get the added bonus of so many available mods.

It's going to be interesting to see what the final pre-ordered numbers were and then what the total first week ownership numbers on consoles ends up being.
The developer has just as much say, if not more, when it comes to how the game gets released as the publisher does. If the developer chooses to let the publisher release it as they see fit, its still the developer who allowed it to happen. Kunos could of said no dlc or all free dlc and if the publisher didn't like it they wouldn't sign the contract. Instead Kunos signed a contract giving 505 control thus Kunos are responsible.

Right. But I'd wager that whatever publisher they would have gone with would have expected/demanded the same pre-order/DLC strategy and wouldn't have signed the contract if Kunos tried to put their foot down. So their options were likely 1. Console release with pre-order incentives and DLC, or 2. No console release. DLC and pre-order incentives are the standard in the console industry, love it or hate it, and I'm not sure why anyone would expect AC to follow a different pattern. Kunos are in this to make money after all, that's the point of having a business.