Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
Right. But I'd wager that whatever publisher they would have gone with would have expected/demanded the same pre-order/DLC strategy and wouldn't have signed the contract if Kunos tried to put their foot down. So their options were likely 1. Console release with pre-order incentives and DLC, or 2. No console release. DLC and pre-order incentives are the standard in the console industry, love it or hate it, and I'm not sure why anyone would expect AC to follow a different pattern. Kunos are in this to make money after all, that's the point of having a business.

There may be 3rd option : Console release with all current PC content included in base game to attract buyers, with pre order bonus + future DLC packs + season pass.

DLC are okay for me as long as it's new content that was not available during game release. The Japanese and Red Pack have been released on PC and I highly suspect will be on disc already, we just have to pay more in order to gain access what's on disc ? If these Japanese and Red packs are to be downloaded in update after console release, then Kunos cut the content so they can sell it ?

If Kunos have season pass or DLC cars/tracks in the future, that's fine and well - like Porsche cars.
I always think it's common sense that previously released content that may be included in the game disc, should not be paid DLC. I think this is worse than holding back content for later DLC release.
There may be 3rd option : Console release with all current PC content included in base game to attract buyers, with pre order bonus + future DLC packs + season pass.

DLC are okay for me as long as it's new content that was not available during game release. The Japanese and Red Pack have been released on PC and I highly suspect will be on disc already, we just have to pay more in order to gain access what's on disc ? If these Japanese and Red packs are to be downloaded in update after console release, then Kunos cut the content so they can sell it ?

If Kunos have season pass or DLC cars/tracks in the future, that's fine and well - like Porsche cars.
I always think it's common sense that previously released content that may be included in the game disc, should not be paid DLC. I think this is worse than holding back content for later DLC release.

A few things here:
  • As @BrandonW77 said — and you seem to be ignoring, perhaps intentionally — Kunos hands may be tied in terms of the decision to include PC DLC content on release. 505 Games may have chosen this path.
  • You're assuming that adding in cars from the PC version is a simple drag-and-drop affair.
  • You're already assuming the content is on the disc.
  • As others have pointed out, the DLC stuff that isn't included (Japanese pack, Red Pack) were both released after the originally-intended console release date. Again, this could be a decision largely dictated by the agreement Kunos has with 505 Games. I imagine, as a publisher, a game being delayed and then having two potentially lucrative paid DLC's being rolled into the later release is hardly a preferred path.
There may be 3rd option : Console release with all current PC content included in base game to attract buyers, with pre order bonus + future DLC packs + season pass.

DLC are okay for me as long as it's new content that was not available during game release. The Japanese and Red Pack have been released on PC and I highly suspect will be on disc already, we just have to pay more in order to gain access what's on disc ? If these Japanese and Red packs are to be downloaded in update after console release, then Kunos cut the content so they can sell it ?

If Kunos have season pass or DLC cars/tracks in the future, that's fine and well - like Porsche cars.
I always think it's common sense that previously released content that may be included in the game disc, should not be paid DLC. I think this is worse than holding back content for later DLC release.

Right, and that's what the original plan was, to release the game with all current content (save a few pre-order cars) in May before the Japanese Pack and Red Pack were released, with the Japanese Pack being the first scheduled DLC. Their console "road map" probably included revenue from those DLC packs based on a May console release. I find it a bit unreasonable to expect them to just forego all the expected revenue from those DLC packs and just give them away for free because there was a release delay. They are in this to make money after all. And let's not forget we're talking about a total of about $15 here, I just don't see that as something worth complaining about, especially considering AC is already selling for $10-20 less than a lot of other PS4 games.
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A few things here:
  • As @BrandonW77 said — and you seem to be ignoring, perhaps intentionally — Kunos hands may be tied in terms of the decision to include PC DLC content on release. 505 Games may have chosen this path.
  • You're assuming that adding in cars from the PC version is a simple drag-and-drop affair.
  • You're already assuming the content is on the disc.
  • As others have pointed out, the DLC stuff that isn't included (Japanese pack, Red Pack) were both released after the originally-intended console release date. Again, this could be a decision largely dictated by the agreement Kunos has with 505 Games. I imagine, as a publisher, a game being delayed and then having two potentially lucrative paid DLC's being rolled into the later release is hardly a preferred path.

I ignored what he said about Kunos hands being tied as it was not a certainty. He's assuming so, so just like me assuming the packs will be on disc on release, people can ignore my assumption. Just curious, what do you think the version on the disc for console release ? 1.7 ( is this the latest ?) ?

Right, and that's what the original plan was, to release the game with all current content (save a few pre-order cars) in May before the Japanese Pack and Red Pack were released, with the Japanese Pack being the first scheduled DLC. Their console "road map" probably included revenue from those DLC packs based on a May console release. I find it a bit unreasonable to expect them to just forego all the expected revenue from those DLC packs and just give them away from free because there was a release delay. They are in this to make money after all. And let's not forget we're talking about a total of about $15 here, I just don't see that as something worth complaining about, especially considering AC is already selling for $10-20 less than a lot of other PS4 games.

I never played the game, I have no ties or anything yet, being cheaper do not make a free pass for me if they happen to sell both packs as DLC while the content is on disc already ( if that happens ) I may just have to wait until it gets into bargain bin or GOTY release ( if that happens ).

I just checked the price on my usual local game seller, AC is about 45 - 50 dollars ( US ) and he's not sure what version I would get, pre order or not ( the seller imports the game ) $ 15 DLC, that would be $ 60 - 65 :( Usually I can get 10-15 dollars cheaper after 6 months.
Right. But I'd wager that whatever publisher they would have gone with would have expected/demanded the same pre-order/DLC strategy and wouldn't have signed the contract if Kunos tried to put their foot down. So their options were likely 1. Console release with pre-order incentives and DLC, or 2. No console release. DLC and pre-order incentives are the standard in the console industry, love it or hate it, and I'm not sure why anyone would expect AC to follow a different pattern. Kunos are in this to make money after all, that's the point of having a business.
I'm not expecting anything. I'm not bashing them either. All I was saying is that you cant put all the blame on 505 and say Kunos are innocent in the whole thing. Kunos new full well what was going on and went along with said decisions. Again Kunos is just as responsible for how their game releases as 505 are, if not more. That's my only point, hold Kunos feet to the fire just as you would 505. They are partners not one running the other.
I never played the game, I have no ties or anything yet, being cheaper do not make a free pass for me if they happen to sell both packs as DLC while the content is on disc already ( if that happens ) I may just have to wait until it gets into bargain bin or GOTY release ( if that happens ).

I just checked the price on my usual local game seller, AC is about 45 - 50 dollars ( US ) and he's not sure what version I would get, pre order or not ( the seller imports the game ) $ 15 DLC, that would be $ 60 - 65 :( Usually I can get 10-15 dollars cheaper after 6 months.

Didn't say it was a free pass, was just putting it in perspective. Even if PS4 players buy the game and both DLC packs they won't be spending much/any more than a typical PS4 game (I did a quick search and many new PS4 games sell for $59.95 or more). So if the game released with both DLC packs for $59.95 it would have been basically the same price as the current situation. In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, that makes the complaints irrelevant. I also personally don't see why the content being on the disc is an issue either, that's not abnormal when it comes to disc releases.

Look at it from a business point of view: You're about to release your first console game and have two DLC packs lined up for shortly after release. You're planning on a certain amount of revenue for the initial release and then a certain amount of additional revenue from the DLC packs and you base your business plan on this strategy and expected revenue. Then a snag hits that pushes the release back a few months, in the meantime the two DLC packs release on a pre-existing platform. Would you give up the expected revenue from those two DLC packs just because release was delayed a few months? I don't think any savvy business person would answer "yes" to that question. And again, on PC the two packs cost about $15 total and for most people $15 shouldn't be too much of a concern (just skip a couple frappe mocha lattes or pints). If financial situations cause $15 to be a concern then by all means wait a couple months and pick up a used copy somewhere and then get the game and the two DLC packs for $50 or less.

Just my opinions of course, but looking at things from a business perspective instead of a "screwed over" consumer perspective it's pretty straightforward.

I'm not expecting anything. I'm not bashing them either. All I was saying is that you cant put all the blame on 505 and say Kunos are innocent in the whole thing. Kunos new full well what was going on and went along with said decisions. Again Kunos is just as responsible for how their game releases as 505 are, if not more. That's my only point, hold Kunos feet to the fire just as you would 505. They are partners not one running the other.

Fair enough. I guess my point was that in an ideal world where Kunos got to make their own rules, I doubt they would have gone this route, they've always been very reasonable with things. Any developer they would have gotten in bed with would have made the same decisions/demands, it's part and parcel of the console game now. I'm just trying to dispel the image that has arisen that Kunos are some cash-grabbing douchebags who are looking to screw over console users in any way possible. From what I know of them, that couldn't be further from the truth (though there are still in it to make money as well).
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Didn't say it was a free pass, was just putting it in perspective. Even if PS4 players buy the game and both DLC packs they won't be spending much/any more than a typical PS4 game (I did a quick search and many new PS4 games sell for $59.95 or more). So if the game released with both DLC packs for $59.95 it would have been basically the same price as the current situation. In my opinion, and it's just my opinion, that makes the complaints irrelevant. I also personally don't see why the content being on the disc is an issue either, that's not abnormal when it comes to disc releases.

Look at it from a business point of view: You're about to release your first console game and have two DLC packs lined up for shortly after release. You're planning on a certain amount of revenue for the initial release and then a certain amount of additional revenue from the DLC packs and you base your business plan on this strategy and expected revenue. Then a snag hits that pushes the release back a few months, in the meantime the two DLC packs release on a pre-existing platform. Would you give up the expected revenue from those two DLC packs just because release was delayed a few months? I don't think any savvy business person would answer "yes" to that question. And again, on PC the two packs cost about $15 total and for most people $15 shouldn't be too much of a concern (just skip a couple frappe mocha lattes or pints). If financial situations cause $15 to be a concern then by all means wait a couple months and pick up a used copy somewhere and then get the game and the two DLC packs for $50 or less.

Just my opinions of course, but looking at things from a business perspective instead of a "screwed over" consumer perspective it's pretty straightforward.

That's the problem, not everyone from US :) I'm in Asia, and unfortunately AC is not priced that much lower than other games - around US $45-55 ( it's a niche market with import games ), I have to put deposit to secure a copy a few weeks in advance if I want to buy AC. Not sure about Europeans.

For the bolded, sorry I just can't be in the same view as you :( I guess the only way for me is to wait around 6 months after release :)
A quick search didn't really turn up what I was looking for, but is there a list of compatible steering wheels available?
On PS4 there's all the current Thrustmaster wheels (T150, T300 and even the T500 (as listed on the TM website plus this wheel has been used to demo the console build at events so I assume the TX range will also be fine for Xbox)) plus the latest Logitech wheels (G29/920?). No news on Fanatec but it's not looking too good on that front at the mo.
A quick search didn't really turn up what I was looking for, but is there a list of compatible steering wheels available?

I believe they said every wheel that's compatible with PS4 will be compatible with AC.

That's the problem, not everyone from US :) I'm in Asia, and unfortunately AC is not priced that much lower than other games - around US $45-55 ( it's a niche market with import games ), I have to put deposit to secure a copy a few weeks in advance if I want to buy AC. Not sure about Europeans.

For the bolded, sorry I just can't be in the same view as you :( I guess the only way for me is to wait around 6 months after release :)

Each to their own. 👍 I guess I'm just lucky enough to be in a position where spending $15 for something that will give me many hours of entertainment isn't something that causes concern for me. Hell, I can go spend $15 at the theater and only get 90 minutes of entertainment, the Red Pack looks like a steal compared to that. :sly:
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On PS4 there's all the current Thrustmaster wheels (T150, T300 and even the T500 (as listed on the TM website plus this wheel has been used to demo the console build at events so I assume the TX range will also be fine for Xbox)) plus the latest Logitech wheels (G29/920?). No news on Fanatec but it's not looking too good on that front at the mo.
Looks like I have some 'best wheel on a budget' research to do. Thanks.
I think the problem is that's 'officially compatible' as in printed on the box. Fanatec owners are concerned.
The silence from all sides says a lot about PS4 and Fanatec wheels. If Fanatec wheels were going to work they would be on a list somewhere. I think the safe bet for all Fanatec PS4 owners is to assume your wheel wont work and hope for an announcement before release.
Nice trailer! I was starting to wonder when they would start up the pre-release engine. The music they've been using lately sounds like they are extremely confident about their product. 👍
Looks like I have some 'best wheel on a budget' research to do. Thanks.
If you're on PS4 I'd personally go for the T150 as a decent low budget wheel, otherwise the next wheels up are around £100 more (but so worth it). Lots of threads around here listing pros and cons
As far as compatibility on the PS4 Fanatec posted this on their blog:

I pre-ordered the game because I thought that I read Fanatec wheels would work but I guess I was wrong or imagined it. Anyway my csr-elite worked fine with PCars so I guess I just have to hope Kunos is making Fanatec wheels compatible with there software as well? It just seems strange on their website there is no list of compatible wheels for the console versions, just the PC.

I hope some announcement will be made soon on this topic.
New trailer

Did i catch a glimpse of Fiorano there?:



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As far as compatibility on the PS4 Fanatec posted this on their blog:

I pre-ordered the game because I thought that I read Fanatec wheels would work but I guess I was wrong or imagined it. Anyway my csr-elite worked fine with PCars so I guess I just have to hope Kunos is making Fanatec wheels compatible with there software as well? It just seems strange on their website there is no list of compatible wheels for the console versions, just the PC.

I hope some announcement will be made soon on this topic.

Isn't it that most of the time the wheel works fine, you just have to use a controller for the PS button and to navigate the menus? Apparently it's up to the devs to include support for individual wheels in the PS4 games so I guess it's possible Kunos didn't include Fanatec support, but I'd guess (just a guess) that if there was a way to make Fanatec wheels work they will have included it.

Did i catch a glimpse of Fiorano there?

It's funny, not too long ago on RD the topic of Fiorano being included in AC was brought up and a certain someone claimed that it should not be included because it's Ferrari's private track and only select people should ever have the privilege to drive it (even a virtual version). Of course this ignores the fact that Ferrari Virtual Academy, a game supported by Ferrari and made by Kunos, included Fiorano. :lol:
Isn't it that most of the time the wheel works fine, you just have to use a controller for the PS button and to navigate the menus? Apparently it's up to the devs to include support for individual wheels in the PS4 games so I guess it's possible Kunos didn't include Fanatec support, but I'd guess (just a guess) that if there was a way to make Fanatec wheels work they will have included it.

Yeah, in PCars they even had an update so you could use the wheel for menus as well, now the controller is just needed for the Playstation menu navigation. I only have 2 racing games on PS4, PCars and Dirt Rally and my Fanatec works well on both so I am hoping that is the case for Assetto Corsa as well. :nervous:
Fiorano has been in couple of games before, Sega F355 Challenge ( very good rendition of Fiorano for it's day - late 90's ) have it and Ferrari The Race Experience. Drove countless laps in F355 Challenge, it's like Tsukuba for me.
Fiorano has been in couple of games before, Sega F355 Challenge ( very good rendition of Fiorano for it's day - late 90's ) have it and Ferrari The Race Experience. Drove countless laps in F355 Challenge, it's like Tsukuba for me.

Exactly, that's why I found the argument that it shouldn't be allowed in a racing game rather laughable. :lol:
It's funny, not too long ago on RD the topic of Fiorano being included in AC was brought up and a certain someone claimed that it should not be included because it's Ferrari's private track and only select people should ever have the privilege to drive it (even a virtual version). Of course this ignores the fact that Ferrari Virtual Academy, a game supported by Ferrari and made by Kunos, included Fiorano. :lol:
I edited my post, check out the pics.
Mmmmmm nice point from the gamer that says the physics and FFB are on top in the console version and feels completely equal to his PC assetto corsa version at home.
The video is from the E3 build, but found it interesting to share it here.

Did i catch a glimpse of Fiorano there?:
I spotted it in the TeamVVV's preview vid that was posted yesterday (same glimpse of footage) and I've just realized It was part of Ferrari Virtual Academy 2010, another game made by Kunos as BrandonW77 said.

And It's laserscanned.

PS: Anyone else pre-ordered the "Day-One Edition"? Or heard about it? I couldn't find this Prestige edition everyone's talking about (I checked four different Gamestop stores) and the D1 was basically my only choice. But sincerely I don't know if It includes the extra cars (R35, GT86 etc.).
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