Assetto corsa coming to PS4 and Xbox one

  • Thread starter hennessey86
In case of Assetto Corsa, a PS4 Pro user with the 4.50 firmware beta tried the "boost option" in the game and the results are that all framerate stuttering is gone..making the game smooth running.

Posted by the user on Spanish forum :

Its still breaking the code with all the bugs it has as it is. Uncharted 4 doesn't stutter on the base PS4. Assetto Corsa shouldn't need a PS4 Pro to run it smoothly or a boost option.
Its still breaking the code with all the bugs it has as it is. Uncharted 4 doesn't stutter on the base PS4. Assetto Corsa shouldn't need a PS4 Pro to run it smoothly or a boost option.
Uncharted 4 goes at 30fps.. (and not solid)
Assetto aimed 60Fps...

Now on PS4 PRO with 4.50 firmware its smooth running even online (clear advantage for pro players)

People also said that games like the witcher3, AC unity and lots more are now running like it should...smooth without fps drops or stuttering..

It is not what sony promised in the beginning of PS4 Pro indeed... Because They said that they don't want to divide the PS4 users...that only games with an pro patch would receive an upgrade and that they would limit the framerate in online to not give an advantage to the PS4 Pro players...

All broken promisses since today.

So... I think, if we want smooth framerate on Assetto Corsa... We will have to move on to PS4 Pro..

In my case... I will stay in standard PS4 until i build my gaming PC..

I'm done with the consoles and their policy
In the beta version of the 4.50 firmware update there a "boost option" in PS4 Pro for the normal games, it improves the framerate.

View attachment 625086

In case of Assetto Corsa, a PS4 Pro user with the 4.50 firmware beta tried the "boost option" in the game and the results are that all framerate stuttering is gone..making the game smooth running.

Posted by the user on Spanish forum :
Did he test this with damage on as I'd really like to know if that stutter caused by the damage HUD popping up has gone. Also if 16 cars at Nords runs smoothly or not.
Uncharted 4 goes at 30fps.. (and not solid)
Assetto aimed 60Fps...

Now on PS4 PRO with 4.50 firmware its smooth running even online (clear advantage for pro players)

People also said that games like the witcher3, AC unity and lots more are now running like it should...smooth without fps drops or stuttering..

It is not what sony promised in the beginning of PS4 Pro indeed... Because They said that they don't want to divide the PS4 users...that only games with an pro patch would receive an upgrade and that they would limit the framerate in online to not give an advantage to the PS4 Pro players...

All broken promisses since today.

So... I think, if we want smooth framerate on Assetto Corsa... We will have to move on to PS4 Pro..

In my case... I will stay in standard PS4 until i build my gaming PC..

I'm done with the consoles and their policy

Haha.. I bet they are not selling as many ps4 pros as they wanted and this is a way to push more people to upgrade. I will upgrade only if my current ps4 (original) dies.
In my case... I will stay in standard PS4 until i build my gaming PC..

I'm done with the consoles and their policy
Oooh la-la! That's sweet. I didn't know you were thinking of switching to PC gaming (or including, if you keep the PS4). It would be fun to have you on this side as you seem to find ALL the bugs. :lol:

Man...Since the very first time I saw one of your avatars I couldn't help but think of The Venture Bros. Your avatars specifically remind me of a mashup of The Monarch and Henchmen 21 & 24:

The Monarch:

Henchmen 21 & 24:

:lol: :cheers:
Did he test this with damage on as I'd really like to know if that stutter caused by the damage HUD popping up has gone. Also if 16 cars at Nords runs smoothly or not.

Yes, he test with damage, on race starts with full grid and he said that no more framerate dips and stuttering...

Oooh la-la! That's sweet. I didn't know you were thinking of switching to PC gaming (or including, if you keep the PS4). It would be fun to have you on this side as you seem to find ALL the bugs. :lol:

Man...Since the very first time I saw one of your avatars I couldn't help but think of The Venture Bros. Your avatars specifically remind me of a mashup of The Monarch and Henchmen 21 & 24:

The Monarch:

Henchmen 21 & 24:

:lol: :cheers:

Well yes...i was a PC player before.. Till PS2.
I really liked the simplicity of console back in time... It was really plug and play... But Now i don't see so much difference anymore and see stuff that i don't like like the PRO,paying online compatibility problems with wheels..
So in a time i will end up mounting me a gamer PC again.

Thanks to call me a "bug finder".... I don't find them all but quite a few yes..:D:boggled::boggled:

My avatar comes from the Dodge challenger SRT "scat Pack" also known as the "super bee":cheers:


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Talking about bugs....People complained (me included) on the official support forum from Assetto that console users has to report trough a ticket system on 505Games while the PC users report directly on the forum of Assetto..
So we were a few ask equality for all the users... Forum for us all or ticket system for use all...we asked also a thread that shows what bugs and issues the team is working on because that would help the community know what is reported or not and what they are working on...

This morning we received this feedback from them:

AC_CM505Staff Member
Morning all!

In response to community feedback, we're looking at ways to improve how console bugs are handled...

Bug Reports Forum
As of today, we're opening a new area of our forums for our players to tell us about bugs, in an organised fashion. While we cannot offer one-on-one support on the console forums, the teams at Kunos and 505 Games can oversee issues that get submitted and step in where needs be. >

When the developers are aware of the bug, we will mark them as "REPORTED" The 'Bug Reports' forum will also be used to inform our community of upcoming bug fixes!

Console Customer Support
Just as a little reminder, should you wish to speak to speak to someone directly regarding any issues you're having with the console edition of Assetto Corsa, please reach out to our dedicated Customer Support team. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer support to everyone within the console forum itself. We understand it's a little confusing given that the PC forum is used as a support forum but for the console edition of AC, we have a Customer Support team that can investigate any issues you may be experiencing! >

Hope this helps.

Have a great weekend, everyone! :)
Uncharted 4 goes at 30fps.. (and not solid)
Assetto aimed 60Fps...

Now on PS4 PRO with 4.50 firmware its smooth running even online (clear advantage for pro players)

People also said that games like the witcher3, AC unity and lots more are now running like it should...smooth without fps drops or stuttering..

It is not what sony promised in the beginning of PS4 Pro indeed... Because They said that they don't want to divide the PS4 users...that only games with an pro patch would receive an upgrade and that they would limit the framerate in online to not give an advantage to the PS4 Pro players...

All broken promisses since today.

So... I think, if we want smooth framerate on Assetto Corsa... We will have to move on to PS4 Pro..

In my case... I will stay in standard PS4 until i build my gaming PC..

I'm done with the consoles and their policy

How do you know what frame rate the PS4 Pro is giving Assetto Corsa? For all you know it could be 45 - 50fps...

Uncharted 4 is a lot more solid than Assetto Corsa and it doesn't judder. Uncharted 4 online is 60fps supposedly with some stripped down effects.
How do you know what frame rate the PS4 Pro is giving Assetto Corsa? For all you know it could be 45 - 50fps...

Uncharted 4 is a lot more solid than Assetto Corsa and it doesn't judder. Uncharted 4 online is 60fps supposedly with some stripped down effects.

People playing it with PS4 Pro and 4.50beta firmware with "boost option" on is reporting that in Assetto Corsa the framerate stuttering and drops are gone... Making the game smooth even on stars or taking damage.

Till now the extra performance of the ps4pro was limited with games that don't get the pro patch, making them run equal as on a standard PS4... Now that has changed in the Beta version of the 4.50 firmware that unlock the extra performance of the CPU and RAM.
Sure we will see digital foundry talking about it very soon.

Uncharted 4 single player is 1080p 30fps (not solid in stressed moments)
Uncharted multiplayer online is on 900p60fps
BTW Uncharted 4 has got PS4 Pro patch that upgrade the game with 1800p checkerboard upscale to 4K, 3D sound and improved fps..

Eurogamer has already talked about the boot option for PS4 Pro find in 4.50beta firmware... Quite worth a read :
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Its still breaking the code with all the bugs it has as it is. Uncharted 4 doesn't stutter on the base PS4. Assetto Corsa shouldn't need a PS4 Pro to run it smoothly or a boost option.

How do you know what frame rate the PS4 Pro is giving Assetto Corsa? For all you know it could be 45 - 50fps...

Uncharted 4 is a lot more solid than Assetto Corsa and it doesn't judder. Uncharted 4 online is 60fps supposedly with some stripped down effects.
Assetto runs worse on the PS4Pro than it does on the standard PS4 as do a few other games.
Welcome to Xbox One in 2014 ;)
Not quite, we still cant change our names.
Welcome to Xbox One in 2014 ;)
Yes, Xbox One was first to implement external hard drive for games and data..

It was quite demanded on PS4, but they always said... Hey,it's easy to change the internal hard drive... And it doesn't voids the warranty.... But finally they listen to the users :D

Now PS4 is only missing a nice retrocombatibilty mode with the PS3 games. :D:banghead:
Assetto runs worse on the PS4Pro than it does on the standard PS4 as do a few other games.
Assetto runned on pro equally as on standard PS4... I have friends with pro and Assetto.
Cause the game didn't receive an pro upgrade patch.... So all standard games runs like on the standard PS4 limiting the extra performance of the ps4pro.

There was some problems with games that received a pro patch upgrade as the last of us in 1080p mode with engaged graphics.. That the framerate was not as good as the standard game on The normal PS4 (fixed now)

Now what they did is with that boost option in the options screen of the ps4pro is giving extra performance to the standard games running on pro...and it is making a good difference in games as Assetto, Pcars, the witcher 3,AC unity, F1 2016 and lots more.

Cant be purchased yet and isnt visible on the One. But if its out in 9 Days thats cool News. Finally private lobbies.
People with season pass on the support forum said they were able to download the PP3 already... But without the update it's useless... At least it indicates a launch date.
The update don't come with private lobbies, those are in QA (internal testing)
Private lobbies have been confirmed for the very next update? I thought they were just placed into QA testing?

Nope, they aren't confirmed.. They are in QA (internal testing) ... So The waiting goes on
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Cant be purchased yet and isnt visible on the One. But if its out in 9 Days thats cool News. Finally private lobbies.
Okay...I didn't think they were confirmed for the next update. I read the post above and it seemed like he was implying private lobbies would be in the next update. I probably misunderstood his meaning.
A video from @Scaff showing the improvement of Assetto Corsa with the PS4 Pro boost mode

Hopefully he explains here all the improvement that he encountered with the boost mode with the 4.50beta firmware

Need to see some 60fps videos really but the short bit I watched did look a bit smoother even on my phone.
Now PS4 is only missing a nice retrocombatibilty mode with the PS3 games.

If you have fast internet, try the free trial of PS Now, I did & found that it worked extremely well for me. Played Beyond Two Souls 3 times in 1 week for free!

If you have fast internet, try the free trial of PS Now, I did & found that it worked extremely well for me. Played Beyond Two Souls 3 times in 1 week for free!

I would try it... But PS now isn't available in Spain...
Not according to Digital Foundry tests. I assume this was acknowledged by Sony too, hence the boost feature.

Was already fixed in the Last firmware update launched, at least all my friends and team mates that have Assetto with the PS4 Pro said it was working just like on standard PS4.

The boost mode is surly implented because not a lot of devs are making pro upgrades for popular games as the witcher 3 and in Japan the pro is selling 1 console Vs 7 of the standard....

So They need a "boost" to increase the sales of the ps4pro also..
I finally beat the German Fury special event with a gold time. When I first got the game, I tried the event a few times with a controller with no luck. I could get like 1:28.X and that's it. I got a wheel for a bit but couldn't play much.

After trying 3 separate days, for at least 30-50 laps I finally beat it last night. I hit silver a few days ago. I was playing last of us until 1am last night and then I was like, I'm gunna try this once. I set up the wheel and 50+ laps later I finally got gold. I was pushing 1:25.3/5 a few times.

I tried a handful of times with TC off, ABS Factory, Stability Control 0, Fuel at 5, PSI to 28, and then a few other changes I think. With TC off, it's hard to do be really smooth on the first two turns for me and ride the curb, which is where I was losing time. So then I turned TC to factory like I had it before and finally I beat it.

I've been at this for a while, so I had to share. I continued right after I beat it, and got the gold time again too lol.

Settings are in the description, but they're not updating for some reason yet.