Let me put it this way, the Ferrari 458 Gr.3 is one of the hardest cars to drive in GT Sport. In ACC, the equivalent car (488 GT3) is a dream to drive, it's almost telephatic. Realistic physics isn't hard, it's intuitive 👍 In fact, I'd say that for a beginner driving at 80-90% is easier in AC/ACC than GT/Forza because the cars respond to your inputs in a way that makes sense. If you spin out, usually you can tell you've made a mistake and it's not some idiosyncrasy with the physics engine. Of course if you're chasing for world record times, then ACC is harder because of all the minutiae of physics details, but neither you and I are that level so don't worry about it

Don't get me started on wet driving as well. In GT it feels like driving a bar of soap. In ACC, grip is less but you can still feel the rubber on tarmac sensation. It's amazing.
Controller wise, I remember playing rFactor with a keyboard for the longest time. With some calibration fine tuning and appropriate driving aids, it's really no harder than any other racing game. The cars in ACC all have ABS/TCS and they are tuned to make the driving easier, just like in real life, so no shame in using them.
Who knows, maybe this might also be the motivation you need to finally get a wheel

And don't worry about the master race, you don't need to spend huge amounts. Even the humble Logitech wheels are more than enough. I posted in another thread that playing ACC with my G25, gives much better FFB than playing GT Sport with T-GT.