Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
I don't mind the uncleaned windscreen (it's not that dirty). At least it gives a realistic impression there's a windscreen when the sun shines through and you're not staring out of a hole.
I don't mind a little dirt. iRacing has stuff build up on your windscreen which is kinda cool. But sometimes the crew is downright lazy, it's like they didn't even remove the tear-off from last week's race. :grumpy:
Like I said Im rather new to this but was wondering if AC supports brake know.. like when your ABS starts to kick in and your brake will start Vibrating???

I also have to agree about the dirty windshield.....looks like they are made of plexyglass
If you have Clubsport pedals with an ABS rumble motor, you need to install FanaLEDs to make it work based on in game lockup.

If you don't have FFB on your pedals, then you will just get a vibration effect through the wheel when you lockup the brakes on a car without ABS. Note that AC simulates factory ABS, TC and ESP separate from driver assists (so they only appear on cars which have that function in real life), you can switch them on or off when setting difficulty.

You can also cycle through different ABS and TC settings just like the real car would have, using Ctrl-A and Ctrl-T (iirc), for example if you want the Ferrari 458 to hang the tail out heroically but not let you crash, just like in real life, then you pick the appropriate TC setting.
I don't mind a little dirt. iRacing has stuff build up on your windscreen which is kinda cool. But sometimes the crew is downright lazy, it's like they didn't even remove the tear-off from last week's race. :grumpy:
I really wish there was a slider for how scratchy and dirty the screen is:guilty:. I'd never take my brand new P1 or any car for that matter, out onto the track without a perfect front window, but the option to build up the grime over the laps, much like tire wear or rubbering in the track, would be nice. A small thing...but not so small really:D
I really wish there was a slider for how scratchy and dirty the screen is:guilty:. I'd never take my brand new P1 or any car for that matter, out onto the track without a perfect front window, but the option to build up the grime over the laps, much like tire wear or rubbering in the track, would be nice. A small thing...but not so small really:D

My wishes exactly, the option to adjust it and a dynamic mode that builds up as you drive. Or at least a way to edit it in the .ini.
If you have Clubsport pedals with an ABS rumble motor, you need to install FanaLEDs to make it work based on in game lockup.

If you don't have FFB on your pedals, then you will just get a vibration effect through the wheel when you lockup the brakes on a car without ABS. Note that AC simulates factory ABS, TC and ESP separate from driver assists (so they only appear on cars which have that function in real life), you can switch them on or off when setting difficulty.

You can also cycle through different ABS and TC settings just like the real car would have, using Ctrl-A and Ctrl-T (iirc), for example if you want the Ferrari 458 to hang the tail out heroically but not let you crash, just like in real life, then you pick the appropriate TC setting.

I do have Clubsport pedals...Where do I get FanaLEDs??...
On the windshield (;)) cleanliness debate, I think it might just be dynamic, if ever so slightly.

We all know how, in AC, dirt & debris/marks build up on a cars paint over time right ?, especially with multiple off's at a track (guilty :scared:), well I've had it at times where it seems the dirt is much less noticeable, even with the sun's glare, and other times where I worry about the dash's reflection burning into my tv's screen, and it always seems worse a few laps in, rather than right off-the-bat at the start of a track outing.

I have no proof for this, but I've noted it multiple times around Nurb', but I'm usually to busy fiddling with my P1's setup to pay it much attention for long.
just as a follow up on few post about career in this thread, although, personally, I see zero interest in Career mode in a SIM where you can create you own race/race week end choosing each opponent and track, never the less for those who have to have it and think what is offered is not good enough, racedepartment as a mod category dedicated to enhance career mode.

On PC you are your own master, you can take the power, on console you are playing some else game, you might enjoy the ride, but you are not driving. To me that is the biggest difference and advantage.
Until the AI gets better and we get better/more features, there's not much point IMO. I was doing a short race at Monza last night with the Formula Abarth's and all the AI drivers would slow down half way down the straight that leads to Ascari, causing me to rear-end them multiple times. :indiff: At least I don't overtake most of them by the first corner anymore. :P

Even if the AI were better, it's still a bit of a bland experience to me. I do my career racing in R3E which, if I'm honest, is as good or better than a lot of online races I've had with real people. It offers a genuine career experience with all the specific rules/procedures for both DTM and ADAC, pit stops, nice presentation of the starting line up and finishing order, the AI is fantastic, and the sounds are pure porn. The FFB leaves a bit to be desired but the rest makes up for it. I just use AC for driving around new tracks, cruising hill-climbs, and the occasional online romp with a few friends. I'm quite sure AC will improve, but I think it will be a while.

I'm not slamming AC, it's come a long way in a short time and continues to improve, and I really enjoy driving cars around tracks in it, but personally I want a bit more than that. Just my personal preference though and nobody else has to agree with it.

That's the last I'll say on the topic, I'm sure I'm starting to sound like a hater and that's really not the case. I'm just a bit disappointed at the current state of PC sim racing after hearing for so long about how awesome and feature-filled PC sims are.
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No harm being realistic...

I love AC, it's my favorite sim at the moment... But I use it primarily as a hot lapping sim. The AI is bearable but limited as you said. The experience of driving is superb however.

Raceroom has considerably better AI, and while the tracks and FFB feel worse to me than AC, if I want a good challenging race against AI then R3E is one of the best places to get it.

As long as you are willing to play and enjoy multiple sims, there's no problem atall with each having its own good and bad points :)
That's the last I'll say on the topic, I'm sure I'm starting to sound like a hater and that's really not the case. I'm just a bit disappointed at the current state of PC sim racing after hearing for so long about how awesome and feature-filled PC sims are.

This actually surprised me as well.

Overall my PC racing experience is just as glitchy, delay waiting, feature lacking, and dumb AI as any GT game.

I tried Rfactor and hated, it takes to much work to get it fun. I never really bothered much with the AI but I didn't like what I was racing. Others seem to have better luck so it must have been a setting or something.

I tried iRacing and found out all the idiots that race in GT5-6 online races also race there, even though I spend most of my time in the top splits. So a private series is really the only way to go.

pCars... GT5 2.0 now on PC anyone? Really, so far its been delayed like a GT game, and it's overrated like a GT game. I'm sure it will be, at very least, very good, maybe great.

But every time I read some "fan" going on about how it will have more realistic physics than AC, iRacing, Rfactor combined! and EVERY track is laser scanned, and at least 3 F1 teams are using it for driver development it sounds more like GT5.

The reason Assetto Corsa keeps me coming back is the one thing it is good at, simulating a car driving around a circuit, it does very well. I still feel the brakes don't work right with ABS off ( iRacing is still my favorite for ABS OFF simulation ) and some curbs upset the car more than they should, but everything else is so much fun.

It's the only game other than GT4-5 that I have spent most of the time just driving around, pushing the car for a better lap time. The AI isn't what I would call "slow" just dumb. Even when you set the AI to 100% they will still just give up after being passed and they still will brake in REALLY stupid places.

Personally what I have taken away from PC sims is if you want to have fun you need to:

A: Play more than 1 game ( eg. iRacing for online, AC for hot-lapping )
B: Expect delays
C: Expect glitches
D: Not 1 game will be perfect
👍 That's been pretty much exactly my experience. I do believe that eventually AC will be able to provide most of that in one great package, but it's going to be a while before they get there, and right now it's fairly far from that. But just hot-lapping in it is good enough that it's still where I spend the majority of my time. Also, it's the only sim I've bothered to install on my PC after the lobotomy, so far.
Exactly where you'd expect:

That was a stupid question..=)

I was thinking it was in the AC menus somewhere...I downloaded it and put it in my AC folder but after I read the supported games there website says that Fanaleds doesn't support ABS in AC....Ill have to look into more of this...Thanx for your help skazz...Im a noob when it comes to PC gaming...
Third day on AC , got my lap times down from 2:12 to 2:02 at the Silverstone GP Circuit :eek: Ok so i'm not that quick but I don't honestly care , I play racing games to have fun . I've had fun and after 5 hours wrestling with the steering wheel my arms are aching :mad: time for a few :cheers: .

I did find a 962c out in the www land so downloaded that an drove that for a few laps . then I thought ok day 3 lets actually try a race against the AI . Whoa......... tried 24 cars got the dreaded CPU @ 99% eek..........tried 12 cars , same message . removed all the 962c and Mazda 787B's from the roster , then tried again with 12 cars all fine 👍

So i'm guessing some of the modded cars are very resource unfriendly :odd:

Was getting a average of 130fps with 12 cars and the game set on High settings , so room too experiment I think .

All in all a good day and i've found out some useful infromation :P
So i'm guessing some of the modded cars are very resource unfriendly :odd:

Yep. Some tracks aren't kind to the resources either. Depends on the system, of course. I have a GTX 970 and run three 32" 720p monitors at fairly high settings and never really have any problems, even with 24 cars. I think my screens being only 720p helps a lot with that.
Yep. Some tracks aren't kind to the resources either. Depends on the system, of course. I have a GTX 970 and run three 32" 720p monitors at fairly high settings and never really have any problems, even with 24 cars. I think my screens being only 720p helps a lot with that.

One screen 46" , running @ 1080p 1920 x 1080 resolution , not a problem , some cars an track for hot laps only i guess , not going to complain the add on's were free , my kind of price :lol:
I do my career racing in R3E which, if I'm honest, is as good or better than a lot of online races I've had with real people.

One screen 46" , running @ 1080p 1920 x 1080 resolution , not a problem , some cars an track for hot laps only i guess , not going to complain the add on's were free , my kind of price :lol:
Not all mods are optimized for running multiple cars. You can usually find details in the OP of the mod thread. LOD optimization for example is a big one.

Not all mods are optimized for running multiple cars. You can usually find details in the OP of the mod thread. LOD optimization for example is a big one.

Using smallish words can you explain " LOD Optimization please ? "
Using smallish words can you explain " LOD Optimization please ? "
Level of detail. Meaning the mod has the ability to lower the level of detail of the car when required for instance you don't need full details when displaying opponent AI cars in the distance

Obviously having lots of cars on screen at full detail is resource hungry so optimising your LODs is important for displaying multiple cars
You can see LOD switching happening on some of the cars in AC quite easily. Watch a replay and on many cars you will see that as the car moves further away from the camera after a close-up for instance number plate shadows change, exhausts (on the KTM) switch to a simplified model with different lighting, in car shadows change.

In some games the "far away" LOD will alter the shadow a car casts on the ground, for instance pCARS does that.
Using smallish words can you explain " LOD Optimization please ? "

Each car will have multiple versions of itself. The first one is with the full polygon count. the others have progressively less polygons and as you get further from a car the game swaps out the full polygon version for a lesser polygon version. This saves polygons for other uses.

The reason your getting the issue with the 962C is because it is a ripped version from Forza so it only has one model therefore it can't free up polygons with lower polygon versions for other uses.

The person who made the Mazda 787 from scratch is working on a 962C from scratch now as well. That should fix the LOD issue.
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Thanks everybody for the answers about the LOD thing , appreciate it .

So today i found out my PC wasn't running all 4 cores........!!! hopped into the BIOS Setup after doing some research and fixed that .

Next up experiment time...............24 cars 23 of which were Assetto Corsa stock version (23 C9's lol ) and 1 962c , everything in the graphics settings set to the max , i even ticked vertical sync . had the thing up that shows how much of a kicking the CPU was being given , limited the frame rate to 60 , ran a 12 lap race , no stutters no CPU Warnings , so happy as hell now.............finally . Even found out you can mod the cfg file for the replay so you get to see the full race .

All in all a great day and had a blast racing from last place in a big field of cars 👍
Thanks everybody for the answers about the LOD thing , appreciate it .

So today i found out my PC wasn't running all 4 cores........!!! hopped into the BIOS Setup after doing some research and fixed that .

Next up experiment time...............24 cars 23 of which were Assetto Corsa stock version (23 C9's lol ) and 1 962c , everything in the graphics settings set to the max , i even ticked vertical sync . had the thing up that shows how much of a kicking the CPU was being given , limited the frame rate to 60 , ran a 12 lap race , no stutters no CPU Warnings , so happy as hell now.............finally . Even found out you can mod the cfg file for the replay so you get to see the full race .

All in all a great day and had a blast racing from last place in a big field of cars 👍
Best settings for me were copied from the guy who wrote " Going nowhere fast in Assetto Corsa". Adaptive Sync in the Nvidia Panel, Vertical Sync and unlimited frame rate in game plus DSR x4 with 33% smoothing . There are additional settings he recommends, Google it. It improved my set up no end.
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Best settings for me were copied from the guy who wrote " Going nowhere fast in Assetto Corsa". Adaptive Sync in the Nvidia Panel, Vertical Sync and unlimited frame rate in game plus DSR x4 with 33% smoothing . There are additional settings he recommends, Google it. It improved my set up no end.

Thanks will look in my Nvidia Panel and sling that in an try it 👍
Thanks will look in my Nvidia Panel and sling that in an try it 👍
I don't want to contradict anyone, but I wouldn't go into the NVidia Control Panel and start changing settings unless you know what you are doing. Try to work with the in game settings first, because you don't want to set up any conflicts with the Control Panel. There's no need for Adaptive Sync in the Control Panel and Vertical Sync in game IMO. If you have no stutters now and good framerates, I'd stay out of the CP myself .
Well, we all have our opinions, I went by someone who obviously is extremely knowledgable in these matters and having been away from a PC in a long while it was well worth following his advice. If you care to read his extracts he goes into why adaptive sync and vertical sync in game with unlimited frame rate works. This is in addition to his other settings I should add. Trust me, it works on my 970. It has given me by far the best results so far. But each to their own. As for the control panel, if you don't like the change then hit the restore button, it's not rocket science. occlusion in assetto corsa&f=false

Starts at page 74, DSR isn't mentioned but I use 4 x and 33 smoothing. AA and AF maxed out. Only smoke and reflections on medium. Works for me.
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Well, we all have our opinions, I went by someone who obviously is extremely knowledgable in these matters and having been away from a PC in a long while it was well worth following his advice. If you care to read his extracts he goes into why adaptive sync and vertical sync in game with unlimited frame rate works. This is in addition to his other settings I should add. Trust me, it works on my 970. It has given me by far the best results so far. But each to their own. As for the control panel, if you don't like the change then hit the restore button, it's not rocket science. occlusion in assetto corsa&f=false

Starts at page 74, DSR isn't mentioned but I use 4 x and 33 smoothing. AA and AF maxed out. Only smoke and reflections on medium. Works for me.

Adaptive VSync should never come into effect with a 970 with a typical 60hz monitor as it only works when your frame rates are below the native resolution of your monitor. If you have a true 120hz or 144hz monitor it would be effective. Most of us are on 60hz I would dare guess.
Day 4 , tried to muck about in the Nvidia panel , the DSR panel is greyed out................oh well never mind , seems it's either a driver or install issue , to be honest i can't be bothered to uninstall an reinstall everything to left as is .

downloaded the 88 track series . OMG what fun these are , love Paul Ricard .

tried the Lotus 125..........125 hah that wont be quick............erm holy hell at Silverstone ( I use that at my test track ) I got a sub 2 min that 125 is decptivleley quick .

Still running 24 cars everything maxed out , loving this game :cheers: