Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
Based on what Stefano said in his last stream, part of the initial delay is that since consoles are basically on v1.5 and PCs are already ahead of that he's having to go back and figure out how things worked in 1.5 in order to help fix any problems. Kind of reverse engineering. Once they get past that hump and the console version is more closely aligned with the PC version then they won't have to do that, if the console guys encounter a problem Stefano can troubleshoot it on the current build and then tell the console guys how to fix it. They're probably (hopefully) at a point now where when they develop something for the PC they can immediately test it on the console build and that should really speed things up. It's kinda like if my co-worker was working in Illustrator CS3 while I'm on CS6, if he needed help with something I'd have to take some extra time to remember how things worked back in that version. If we're on the same version than I can just tell him exactly what he needs to do. Of course in reality I'm always the one needing his help with that hateful Illustrator program, but you get the point. :P
Haha...As soon as you said "Illustrator" I winced. I hate vector graphics. I know it's a great program and vector graphics are insanely useful is so many situations. I'll stick to Photoshop. Get someone else to do the Illustrator stuff. :D
Haha...As soon as you said "Illustrator" I winced. I hate vector graphics. I know it's a great program and vector graphics are insanely useful is so many situations. I'll stick to Photoshop. Get someone else to do the Illustrator stuff. :D

I love vector graphics, I just hate having to create them. But, I hate rasterized graphics even more so occasionally Illustrator is a necessity. :irked:
From Aris:

Dynamic anti roll bars, change their stiffness actively while driving, guided by various telemetry controllers.

991 Carrera S, Panamera G2, 918 Spyder, all are equipped with dynamic arbs plus active 4ws, active differentials, active braking systems, torque vectoring, active brake steer, active hybrid systems where apply and active whatevers...

All of this has to talk with each other... The results are amazing in terms of performance/grip (even if difficult to understand in a sim) but also... "complicated" occasionally in terms of handling.

Amazing stuff

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
KS Dev. Vehicle physics, Ui, Web | Aristotelis Vasilakos

Now onto my thoughts. I am 100% hand in hand with console players. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the PC version were put on hold for the rest of the year so all three developers could hammer the crap out of the console version and fix the majority of those silly bugs AND bring whatever missing functionality there is from the PC version. I don't think it will ever be a 1:1 version between PC & Console. I doubt it is possible. But, you guys can't have a tire app? Come on...
I'd like to see how that car handles with all its computers turned off.
Haha...As soon as you said "Illustrator" I winced. I hate vector graphics. I know it's a great program and vector graphics are insanely useful is so many situations. I'll stick to Photoshop. Get someone else to do the Illustrator stuff. :D
Reminds me of the first day at work on a new job, and first introduction to Illustrator. "Run through these instructions and ask when you get stuck". I was told. Half an hour later? "I haven't heard from you yet". My reply? "When I get stuck I'll let you know". Same for the other parts of that trilogy of DTP software. Good times.:)

Hopefully 1.9 will be available soon. I'd like to know if it works on my old PC.
The end result would probably be something like this.

Is that kind of driving frowned upon? Ahhh! Maybe that's why Stefano added that code. It's starting to make sense. I better change my strategies. "No more hitching rides on tops of cars". It was my strategy to save gas.

Boy...I just had a difficult conversation. I swear, I think it hurt me more than it hurt him, but I had to be honest with him. There's no point in lying or going behind his back. So, I just went and had a talk with my F40. I told him that I might not be driving him for a few days. Right away he said "There's someone else, isn't there?!" and I told him, "No...You know my heart belongs to you. Daddy just needs to try something 'different'. It doesn't mean I won't be coming back to you. It just might be a few days. A week...tops!!" He tried to stay tough....but I swear I saw him dripping a couple tears of motor oil as I walked out of my AC garage. :(
A download has started on my steam! could it be the new patch? it's 1.5 gb

Yep, they're reporting on the official forums that it is out. Go grab it and tell all us sorry suckers who are stuck at work how glorious it is!

Im downloading v1.9 right now. Porsche Pack 1 is available for $6.99 but there is no season pass link anywhere... wtf?
Back away from the ledge Chris, I'm sure it will be there soon! We've waited 10+ years, what's another 30 minutes? :D

Any comments on the game improvements?
Improvements? Well, I think maybe my crashes into walls are smoother. :D I can't really tell yet. I decided to try this Porsche, but I'll have to drive a car I'm familiar with...
20% done on my PC. It will only be Silverstone and the Panamera for me. The PS4 version is my main version now but it will be nice to drive a PORSCHE. In a sim. Oh. 26% done now.
Okay peeps. I'm gonna keep playing with my new toys for a while and then I gotta get some sleep. I've been up for just too f'ing long... I hope all the PC'ers enjoy the new Porsche's. I'll catch you on the flippity flop... 👍