Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
Oh, it's totally driveable. It's obviously not a fully completed conversion, as you said, many spin outs or even small crashes result in falling through the side of the track mesh or getting stuck forcing you to start over. I ran several laps tonight, although I only finished a few. I rolled a Porsche 908 and crashed about 10 Countach's.:D

I don't know anything at all about the Isle of Man layout. I've seen highlights and videos of bikes and cars screaming around some sections on YouTube and that's about it. Even with a shortened layout, this mod track is mighty impressive due to its size. It's really a shame for the community to lose a talented modder over an issue like this, but I can't blame original authors. They put in a tremendous amount of work to make these tracks. I would be mighty pissed off if I were the original creator as well.

I don't remember every corner in the full track either, but once I drove the IOM mod slowly (with a Fiat 500 so I'm sure I won't crash :lol:) and played Mark Higgins TT lap on my second monitor to compare the corners side by side. All the important bits are there, but I had to speed up Mark's lap a couple times to gloss over the sections that are truncated.

Honestly, if I'm a modder, conversions are very rampant in the modding scene I would not be surprised if someone ends up taking my mod sooner or later. Just take it as a compliment. As long as they list your name in the credits even if they don't have my express permission I'll be okay. It's not like you're making these mods for money anyway. Share it, let as many people as possible enjoy your work, and most importantly have fun, cos that's what games are for ;)
Interesting article on Assetto Corsa, will help understand what Kunos is about.

I don't think difficulty is a problem. There's a sizeable audience on consoles that craves challenging and difficult games, myself included. Some of the most difficult racing games ever, such as the original Wipeout, F-Zero GX and the SNES and DC F1 GP games have been successful on console. Dirt Rally and the challenging campaign of Drive Club are the latest examples.

However, the spartan presentation, lack of overall polish and barebones nature of Assetto should be addressed in a possible sequel, if they intend to win over console gamers.

Consoles getting that big brush again. 12 year old Timmy on them.
Interesting article on Assetto Corsa, will help understand what Kunos is about.

Well...The problem on consoles wasn't the AI...Just Only that people instead of a port received a bad downed down version of Assetto Corsa... And not what marco and Stefano promised in the development time.. "Assetto Corsa will be the same as the PC version with all the features and options.."

They've changed even the AI difficulty levels and don't port it the same way it's on PC version..
And users of both versions said on the support forum that there was a problem, cause the AI where way faster on consoles version than in the PC version....

Why they still trying to say that console people don't understand a sim game....
I'm still waiting hud apps, options,features, the Last physics features like the brake pressure setup option... Or The ability to map my buttons.. Or do my online leagues in private personalised lobbies...

They really should do some autocritism and start to give the console users the port they promised... Because after 6 months we still aren't on par even with the physics of the PC version.. Dificult comuntity?... Ha!Ha!Ha! What a bad joke.
Well...The problem on consoles wasn't the AI...Just Only that people instead of a port received a bad downed down version of Assetto Corsa... And not what marco and Stefano promised in the development time.. "Assetto Corsa will be the same as the PC version with all the features and options.."

They've changed even the AI difficulty levels and don't port it the same way it's on PC version..
And users of both versions said on the support forum that there was a problem, cause the AI where way faster on consoles version than in the PC version....

Why they still trying to say that console people don't understand a sim game....
I'm still waiting hud apps, options,features, the Last physics features like the brake pressure setup option... Or The ability to map my buttons.. Or do my online leagues in private personalised lobbies...

They really should do some autocritism and start to give the console users the port they promised... Because after 6 months we still aren't on par even with the physics of the PC version.. Dificult comuntity?... Ha!Ha!Ha! What a bad joke.

I'm curious where certain people fall under who are both on PC and console with Assetto Corsa. Does that mean they also don't understand a sim game? This is starting to become like that thing from Harry Potter. You're only a pure blood if you only have a PC.
Eurogamer are experts in writing long articles which simply miss the point... but its nice to see they are reminding people that AC exists. They dont even publish news when a new dlc has been released.

I think that Donnced pretty much nailed what the true problems of the console version are.
Eurogamer are experts in writing long articles which simply miss the point... but its nice to see they are reminding people that AC exists. They dont even publish news when a new dlc has been released.

I think that Donnced pretty much nailed what the true problems of the console version are.

Yup...if you go to the official support forums, the most asked things is compensation of AI, missing features and options that PC version have...private Online lobbies.. Button mapping..
We aren't asking change it in a GT or Forza..
Even everyone really like the physics, driving and FFB of Assetto..

We just want what's promised...
Because if we really look towards the pc version, they have Photomode, more description of the cars, hud apps, showroom, drag mode,ability to save an replay from online.. Private servers...UDP applications..Quite more "game" than the console versions
I dont think Stefano was thinking on the people from this forum when he said that.
Well, i was talking about the official support forums of his game... Not even GTplanet.

And even if you look to the game's twitter account you see mostly asking people options and features that are in the PC version and praising the good work with physics,car behaviour or FFB..

I realy think that being a little team that all the current situation with 3 versions of Assetto overwhelmed him..and that they really took some bad decisions in "porting" The game to consoles..
As an owner of the console version of AC, I have to say that it is very disappointing to read something like that, and that Stefano is only making a fool of himself by stating all that nonsense about the AI.
Tbf i think he was talking about mainstream console gamers which you could argue he's right. Buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars=win race. The fact that pushsquare review complained of spinning out and no longer being able to win and no rewind feature (Rewind lol) shows mainstream console gamers are dazzled by flashy graphics, marketing and games they can be good at after just a couple goes.

Having said that it still is a little annoying, I'm a console gamer and cba with PCs and have been waiting for a console sim for decades. I'm evidently not alone.
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Tbf i think he was talking about mainstream console gamers which you could argue he's right. Buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars=win race. The fact that pushsquare review complained of spinning out and no longer being able to win and no rewind feature (Rewind lol) shows mainstream console gamers are dazzled by flashy graphics, marketing and games they can be good at after just a couple goes. Having said that it still is a little annoying, I'm a console gamer and cba with PCs and have been waiting for a console sim for decades. I'm evidently not alone.

About AI I'm sure hi don't even talk about the rewind option (bad feature BTW) or things like that.

In console version 1.01 the AI even on easy was quite more difficult than on PC,that's why people was complaining in the beginning.
They worked on it and putted 2 difficult levels more in 1.03, but AI Is still inconsistent and its not the same system like pc version has.(PC AI difficulty is a % levels like on consoles)
In 1.09 they did more it was compared in the official support forum :

"Special Event test

I used the Abarth 500 Race at Magione Special Event and the exact same setup for a quick race (where things get even stranger) to make the comparisons.

Info on the test: I compared the times on the PS4 v1.09, Xbox One v1.03 and pc v1.10 each time I retired my car to the pit and let the AI race.

Easy: PS4 (v1.09) requires lap times 2 seconds a lap faster than Xbox One (v1.o3)
Medium: PS4 requires lap times 5 seconds a lap faster than Xbox One. Essentially PS4 Medium = Xbox One Hard. This is more than a 13 second per lap jump from Easy. PC medium (95% AI) requires lap times a further 4s per lap faster than PS4.
Hard: PS4 requires lap times 3 seconds per lap faster than Xbox One Alien. PS4 Hard requires lap times 5 seconds faster than the medium setting. PS4 Hard = PC Hard.
Alien: PS4 requires lap times faster than Alien on pc. PS4 requires lap times 1.2s faster than on the Hard setting. Xbox One requires lap times 4 seconds slower to achieve Alien.

Same test in Quick Race - now things get very strange

Same Abarth 500 race vs 11 AI at Magione, same weather, temps etc:

Easy: PS4 quick race requires lap times 11 seconds faster than the same Easy level Special Event on PS4. The Xbox One difference is 9 seconds per lap between the events.
Medium: Both PS4 and Xbox One require lap times 3 seconds faster in Quick Race than the same difficulty setting in Special Events to beat medium AI. However, the PS4 times are 5 seconds a lap faster than the Xbox One times.
Hard: Here the PS4 Quick Race & Special Event times as good as match. Xbox One requires lap times 1s per lap faster in Quick Race than Special Events but these lap time requirements are 3 seconds a lap slower than PS4 & pc.
Very Hard: PS4 Very Hard in Quick Race requires lap times faster than PS4 & pc Special Event Alien lap times.
Alien: PS4 requires lap times 1.1s per lap faster than pc to beat the Alien AI cars.

Hard, Very Hard and Alien on Xbox One v1.03 deserve a special mention because there is effectively no difference between the 3 levels, Very Hard had faster lap times than Alien.

There you go, just one test and I have the full lap data if anyone is that interested in the detail for each version of the game. I'm pretty sure this carries across to the other events, I noticed the 'ring Special Events were significantly harder on PS4.

Seems we've had a couple of steps forward with the tyre data and framerate but quite a few more steps back in the process."

So.... What Stefano said to eurogamer are bad excuses..and the only thing the most console version users /community want is having the game that was promised with the features and options just like the PC version.. No more, no less.
Quite disapointing to read some of that, I for one love Assetto on PS4. A few years ago i could have only imagined a game of this type coming to console. When the early access started on PC i was green with envy as i never thought console would see such a game. I have three problems with the game and other than those the game is a masterpiece in my opinion. Its really rustrating to have seen the negetivity towards assetto from console players who really didnt get before hand that its not a GT, FORZA type of game, Not even PCARS....

If the game had
-Private Costomisable Online Lobbys (coming soon hopefully)
-Fully remappable controls scheme
-No downshift protection

It would be perfect in my opinion.

Regarding Kunos thinking their "not very good at making games" Lets be honest if Slightly Mad Studios collaborated with Kunos? We would have one hell of a game. Just a dream:drool:
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Consoles getting that big brush again. 12 year old Timmy on them.

I dont think Stefano was thinking on the people from this forum when he said that.
This. Kunos's assessment of their audience(s) is accurate. They know about us, and they know about other people not like us.

I hope they do "shoot for the mainstream" with AC2 while not compromising the physics or driving in any way (or allowing the player to do so artificially) because I feel that would mean the most game for us all.

For so many years on consoles on so many developer forums this is the stigma. Developers dumb the games down for whiny teenagers because it is too hard. They're the ones that you hear and whine the most for everyone else to suffer.

Console users are portrayed as 12 to early teenagers.
Tbf i think he was talking about mainstream console gamers which you could argue he's right. Buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars=win race. The fact that pushsquare review complained of spinning out and no longer being able to win and no rewind feature (Rewind lol) shows mainstream console gamers are dazzled by flashy graphics, marketing and games they can be good at after just a couple goes.
I'm sure he has many reasons to moan about consoles users which are simply unfair - I totally understand that.

But before he gets vocal about that, he should firstly acknowledge that:

1. They didn't provide console users what they promised (no need to go deeper into this - we all know what's still missing today);

2. Ironically, the Career Mode and its AI were, indeed, a mess in the consoles. I don't know how they were on PC, but some challenges were impossible on Easy while others were too easy on Alien. Basically, it was an inconsistency issue (introduced by the developer) and everyone had their right to complain about that - having experienced this and now reading what he is saying genuinely pisses me off (and I don't even care much about racing against the AI);

3. There is another game on consoles - with some interesting sales figures - that proves that there is some audience on consoles for games that are a bit more than "buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars".
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I don't know but I wonder how much time Marco and Stefano has sat down and played with the console versions? From all the things I've read and watched the videos they have very little involvement in the porting code... No? That is where 505Games comes in?

Maybe I'm wrong but surely you would know how different your baby was on both platforms...
For so many years on consoles on so many developer forums this is the stigma. Developers dumb the games down for whiny teenagers because it is too hard. They're the ones that you hear and whine the most for everyone else to suffer.

Console users are portrayed as 12 to early teenagers.
The reality is that the 12 year olds are much more likely to end up playing AC on console than PC. Console audience is going to have enormous diversity vs. PC because it is highly accessible. If someone is playing on PC, it's probably because they're seeking that specific experience.

I too am a little disappointed that he didn't acknowledge their failings going to console more genuinely. Only mention of the troublesome MS/Sony approval processes and not their own oversights, which were significant. But then it's only a few short quotes in a short article. We're only reading what the editor chose to share. If this was a 3+ page spread in a magazine and they didn't talk about their mistakes and how they plan to improve, I would be truly disappointed.
Still, once I get my new graphics card in the next month or two I'll still continue to play both.

I also remember Kunos blaming Sony and Microsoft when it was revealed with their stories that they actually didn't even submit the patch many months ago for v1.09. That was why it didn't arrive. Then the week before the patch they said it has been submitted.
I see people complaining about the downshifting proteciton and how bad it is and blah blah blah. I honestely can't understand that. Yes it is annoying and intrusive at times, but real cars with double clutches have them, so I can't see the issue. I don't honestely know if race cars have them or not if they have it is a real life like addition. Not a very common/popular one, but it is one.

And yes, Kunos 🤬 big time with consoles. They managed to delay the game and deliver it unfinished on the second date. But there is margin for improvment, private lobbies will come, custom championships were only introduced last month in PC, so there's a chance it might appear. The console port is a couple of months (a bit more maybe) behind the PC version. To me the most blatant mistakes were no assginable controles and the lack of consistency with the AI. But I think it is getting there very slowly.

@Orayani yes it was 505 responsible for the code porting, Kunos only supplies it.
Its really rustrating to have seen the negetivity towards assetto from console players who really didnt get before hand that its not a GT, FORZA type of game, Not even PCARS....

I keep seeing this sort of sentiment, but I really don't think it's the case. Yeah, there are probably people that did go in expecting that, but that's not the issue with the game. DiRT Rally is very much not a GT/Forza game either, but it hasn't had such a divisive critical reception, because it didn't feel broken/lacking on release.

Speaking of which, that game has some brutally difficult AI. Hmmmm...

Personally, my issues with AC on consoles have nothing to do with AI. It's perfectly acceptable, especially if you compare it to the mindless drones of GT6 or the spatially-unaware DC pack. The lack of polish is off-putting: the little things like replays counting the time in the menu before you start driving, the random rolling cars when you restart, the completely basic 90s-style menus — it all chips away at my confidence in the product.

Basically, we were promised the same experience as PC, and didn't get it. Worse yet, we still haven't.

In so many ways, the game is very much like GT to me. Some bizarre design choices, a cult-of-personality surrounding the people behind it, and a small cadre of fans that have a substantial set of blinkers on. With the corresponding "characters" on the other side of course: you know, the ones that insist on realism (but prefer games with just as many, if not more flaws), but only focus on negatives (and haven't actually played the game).

The interview brings up another similarity: pointing the blame. The only shortcomings acknowledged are all the faults of other parties: the difficulty is too hard for casuals, or Sony/Microsoft slow down the process. It's another take on Kaz' "the PS3 isn't powerful enough" comments from years ago.

I don't like this implication that accessibility and realism are mutually exclusive. There's no reason difficulty — including assists — can't cover the whole spectrum, from "12 year olds" to sim-racing elitists — while the game also continues to focus on realism.

Playing the game for a bit yesterday, it still feels great. But that just isn't enough for some people, and that's reasonable.
I see people complaining about the downshifting proteciton and how bad it is and blah blah blah. I honestely can't understand that. Yes it is annoying and intrusive at times, but real cars with double clutches have them, so I can't see the issue. I don't honestely know if race cars have them or not if they have it is a real life like addition. Not a very common/popular one, but it is one.
What PC users don't get is that the problem isn't the inclusion on DSP... We had it on consoles, ever since the beginning - hell, even my real car has it and I'm used to it!

The problem is that, after a certain patch, it became an issue and it doesn't work properly. It will not allow you to downshift even in low-rev situations - and this is with the same cars that we were used to previously.

And yes, Kunos 🤬 big time with consoles. They managed to delay the game and deliver it unfinished on the second date. But there is margin for improvment, private lobbies will come, custom championships were only introduced last month in PC, so there's a chance it might appear. The console port is a couple of months (a bit more maybe) behind the PC version. To me the most blatant mistakes were no assginable controles and the lack of consistency with the AI. But I think it is getting there very slowly.

@Orayani yes it was 505 responsible for the code porting, Kunos only supplies it.
I don't mind waiting and I've been more patient than most.

But what gets on my nerves (and makes me write stuff) are interviews like this, where it simply looks like Stefano doesn't have a clue of what's going on in the console world... This and saying that basic stuff already on the PC isn't planned for consoles.
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@Orayani yes it was 505 responsible for the code porting, Kunos only supplies it.

I haven't a clue how thorough they are. So while Stefano is likely a great coder, I know very little of him and the same for Marco. Perhaps and I'd bet 505's coding on the consoles might not be thorough and fully optimized as you would have from Stefano and co directly working on the PC.

Perhaps as well sometimes 505Games rushed and missed out stuff like the degrees of rotation and the arrows. Things Kunos probably never knew happened. Maybe there is still flaky code that 505Games doesn't know how to smooth out.
I haven't a clue how thorough they are. So while Stefano is likely a great coder, I know very little of him and the same for Marco. Perhaps and I'd bet 505's coding on the consoles might not be thorough and fully optimized as you would have from Stefano and co directly working on the PC.

Perhaps as well sometimes 505Games rushed and missed out stuff like the degrees of rotation and the arrows. Things Kunos probably never knew happened. Maybe there is still flaky code that 505Games doesn't know how to smooth out.

I believe 505 is mainly just doing the funding, distribution, logistics type of stuff. Kunos have a separate team of four guys that are working on coding for the console versions, with Stefano's guidance. These four guys were brought on specifically for the console versions, I don't think they were part of Kunos during the last few years of development.
Oh so 505Games is more like the publisher? A bit like Activision. I know some other games studios in the past where they coded for the consoles but had another company port it to the PC.