Tbf i think he was talking about mainstream console gamers which you could argue he's right. Buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars=win race. The fact that pushsquare review complained of spinning out and no longer being able to win and no rewind feature (Rewind lol) shows mainstream console gamers are dazzled by flashy graphics, marketing and games they can be good at after just a couple goes. Having said that it still is a little annoying, I'm a console gamer and cba with PCs and have been waiting for a console sim for decades. I'm evidently not alone.
About AI I'm sure hi don't even talk about the rewind option (bad feature BTW) or things like that.
In console version 1.01 the AI even on easy was quite more difficult than on PC,that's why people was complaining in the beginning.
They worked on it and putted 2 difficult levels more in 1.03, but AI Is still inconsistent and its not the same system like pc version has.(PC AI difficulty is a % slider..no levels like on consoles)
In 1.09 they did more chances...like it was compared in the official support forum :
"Special Event test
I used the Abarth 500 Race at Magione Special Event and the exact same setup for a quick race (where things get even stranger) to make the comparisons.
Info on the test: I compared the times on the PS4 v1.09, Xbox One v1.03 and pc v1.10 each time I retired my car to the pit and let the AI race.
Easy: PS4 (v1.09) requires lap times 2 seconds a lap faster than Xbox One (v1.o3)
Medium: PS4 requires lap times 5 seconds a lap faster than Xbox One. Essentially
PS4 Medium = Xbox One Hard. This is more than a 13 second per lap jump from Easy. PC medium (95% AI) requires lap times a further 4s per lap faster than PS4.
Hard: PS4 requires lap times 3 seconds per lap faster than Xbox One
Alien. PS4 Hard requires lap times 5 seconds faster than the medium setting. PS4 Hard = PC Hard.
Alien: PS4 requires lap times faster than Alien on pc. PS4 requires lap times 1.2s faster than on the Hard setting. Xbox One requires lap times 4 seconds slower to achieve Alien.
Same test in Quick Race - now things get very strange
Same Abarth 500 race vs 11 AI at Magione, same weather, temps etc:
Easy: PS4 quick race requires lap times 11 seconds faster than the same Easy level Special Event on PS4. The Xbox One difference is 9 seconds per lap between the events.
Medium: Both PS4 and Xbox One require lap times 3 seconds faster in Quick Race than the same difficulty setting in Special Events to beat medium AI. However, the PS4 times are 5 seconds a lap faster than the Xbox One times.
Hard: Here the PS4 Quick Race & Special Event times as good as match. Xbox One requires lap times 1s per lap faster in Quick Race than Special Events but these lap time requirements are 3 seconds a lap slower than PS4 & pc.
Very Hard: PS4 Very Hard in Quick Race requires lap times faster than PS4 & pc Special Event Alien lap times.
Alien: PS4 requires lap times 1.1s per lap faster than pc to beat the Alien AI cars.
Hard, Very Hard and Alien on Xbox One v1.03 deserve a special mention because there is effectively no difference between the 3 levels, Very Hard had faster lap times than Alien.
There you go, just one test and I have the full lap data if anyone is that interested in the detail for each version of the game. I'm pretty sure this carries across to the other events, I noticed the 'ring Special Events were significantly harder on PS4.
Seems we've had a couple of steps forward with the tyre data and framerate but quite a few more steps back in the process."
So.... What Stefano said to eurogamer are bad excuses..and the only thing the most console version users /community want is having the game that was promised with the features and options just like the PC version.. No more, no less.