Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
I'm sure he has many reasons to moan about consoles users which are simply unfair - I totally understand that.

But before he gets vocal about that, he should firstly acknowledge that:

1. They didn't provide console users what they promised (no need to go deeper into this - we all know what's still missing today);

2. Ironically, the Career Mode and its AI were, indeed, a mess in the consoles. I don't know how they were on PC, but some challenges were impossible on Easy while others were two easy on Alien. Basically, it was an inconsistency issue (introduced by the developer) and everyone had their right to complain about that - having experienced this and now reading what he is saying genuinely pisses me off (and I don't even care much about racing against the AI);

3. There is another game on consoles - with some interesting sales figures - that proves that there is some audience on consoles for games that are a bit more than "buy car, upgrade it, make it fast than the AIs cars".
Hmm did the game you speak of have eye candy as one of it's selling points? And has been out for a while with a GOTY too? Which also has a lot of casuals saying it's rubbish, cant wait for GTS?

What PC users don't get is that the problem isn't the inclusion on DSP... We had it on consoles, ever since the beginning - hell, even my real car has it and I'm used to it!

The problem is that, after a certain patch, it became an issue and it doesn't work properly. It will not allow you to downshift even in low-rev situations - and this is with the same cars that we were used to previously.

I don't mind waiting and I've been more patient than most.

But what gets on my nerves (and makes me write stuff) are interviews like this, where it simply looks like Stefano doesn't have a clue of what's going on in the console world... This and saying that basic stuff already on the PC isn't planned for consoles.
yes it's considerably more intrusive now and you can easily tell it's a bug because it just doesn't feen normal wheh you cant downshift and you're already in low RPMs.
Some very interesting comments about that article in this thread, very different from the comments to the same link on the chit chat section of the AC support forum.
Everyone here by now as tagged me as a big fan and supporter of AC and Kunos, appropriately so, guilty as charged.
I would like to say that I would also be very frustrated if for some reason I had to drive AC on console instead of my PC.
Your version of AC is just a pale version of what we have access to and his missing basic feature that would make it unacceptable to me, the limited FOV setting is a no-no in my SIM driving book, and their is so much more missing.
I wish for AC on console to get as close as possible, whithin the inherent limitations of the consoles themselves, to the great experience it is to drive/race in AC on PC.
So much so that a few years back, I was playing a game, GT5/6, now I have a hobby, SIM driving, and AC is my main activity in that hobby.
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I keep seeing this sort of sentiment, but I really don't think it's the case. Yeah, there are probably people that did go in expecting that, but that's not the issue with the game. DiRT Rally is very much not a GT/Forza game either, but it hasn't had such a divisive critical reception, because it didn't feel broken/lacking on release.

Speaking of which, that game has some brutally difficult AI. Hmmmm...

Personally, my issues with AC on consoles have nothing to do with AI. It's perfectly acceptable, especially if you compare it to the mindless drones of GT6 or the spatially-unaware DC pack. The lack of polish is off-putting: the little things like replays counting the time in the menu before you start driving, the random rolling cars when you restart, the completely basic 90s-style menus — it all chips away at my confidence in the product.

Basically, we were promised the same experience as PC, and didn't get it. Worse yet, we still haven't.

I Agree, I didn't play it at release so im not aware of how bad the game may have been at that time. I was mainly thinking about the "to hard for console rubbish" touched upon in that Eurogamer article that seemed was a big part of why it didn't do to well.

Dont get me wrong, It does bother me that the PC v Console experience isn't as promised. I still enjoy the game immensely however and i guess i dont let it bother me as much as others do but dont get me wrong, When and if the parity does happen i would be as pleased as everyone else.
well I feel like Console version's menu has more polish though....ours on PC seems utilitarian....

I'm not really a fan of ours either. I don't dislike it, but not fond of it either, it's clunky and clumsy. That's why I don't use it anymore, pretty much exclusively use Content Manager now. It's UI isn't pretty but it's fast and efficient, more flexible, and gives more options than the default launcher (and I've only scratched the surface of what it can do).
Geez, I've forgotten how bad the tyre screeching was in Gran Turismo... It is everywhere.

MY EARS MY EARS!! That video is a reminder of why i could ner even think about buying GTS, other than the screeching the sounds of the care are utterly irritating and thus would for sure cut down much of the useable content for me as it did in GT5 /6.
Some very interesting comments about that article in this thread, very different from the comments to the same link on the chit chat section of the AC support forum.
Everyone here by now as tagged me as a big fan and supporter of AC and Kunos, appropriately so, guilty as charged.
I would like to say that I would also be very frustrated if for some reason I had to drive AC on console instead of my PC.
Your version of AC is just a pale version of what we have access to and his missing basic feature that would make it unacceptable to me, the limited FOV setting is a no-no in my SIM driving book, and their is so much more missing.
I wish for AC on console to get as close as possible, whithin the inherent limitations of the consoles themselves, to the great experience it is to drive/race in AC on PC.
So much so that a few years back, I was playing a game, GT5/6, now I have a hobby, SIM driving, and AC is my main activity in that hobby.
Assetto is lacking a few things that i hope will come soon, but i just concentrate on what it does have now and enjoy. I probably would enjoy it less if i believed those issues were never gonna get taken care of but i dont believe that.

I'm not really a fan of ours either. I don't dislike it, but not fond of it either, it's clunky and clumsy. That's why I don't use it anymore, pretty much exclusively use Content Manager now. It's UI isn't pretty but it's fast and efficient, more flexible, and gives more options than the default launcher (and I've only scratched the surface of what it can do).
I dont see what fuss is all about, on console the menus are easy to navigate and understand, it's similar to Dirt Rallys menu.

Assettos UI is just a menu as opposed to GTs which is more like a home hub. Which btw I've never seen people on GTP not moan about GTs menu whilst I've never had a problem. It's clear people will moan about absolutely anything.
I dont see what fuss is all about, on console the menus are easy to navigate and understand, it's similar to Dirt Rallys menu.

Assettos UI is just a menu as opposed to GTs which is more like a home hub. Which btw I've never seen people on GTP not moan about GTs menu whilst I've never had a problem. It's clear people will moan about absolutely anything.

You guys have a different menu/UI system than we do. The one on PC is just a bit inefficient and clunky, takes more clicks than necessary to accomplish certain things. It's not bad, it looks nice and it's better than rF2 or AMS IMO, but it can be a bit cumbersome.

We have an alternate launcher called Content Manager, it's not much of a looker but it's so much faster, more flexible, easier to use, and gives you options you don't have in the default launcher. I can literally open CM, select a car and track and be on track in less time than it would take just to get to the main menu with the default launcher.

Noting that I prefer one over the other doesn't mean I'm having a moan. I didn't go on a rant, I just mentioned I'm not that fond of it. AC's launcher/menu is probably the best out of all the PC sims and before I used CM I didn't think much of it. But now that I've seen how much better it can be I don't even bother with the default one anymore.
You guys have a different menu/UI system than we do. The one on PC is just a bit inefficient and clunky, takes more clicks than necessary to accomplish certain things. It's not bad, it looks nice and it's better than rF2 or AMS IMO, but it can be a bit cumbersome.

We have an alternate launcher called Content Manager, it's not much of a looker but it's so much faster, more flexible, easier to use, and gives you options you don't have in the default launcher. I can literally open CM, select a car and track and be on track in less time than it would take just to get to the main menu with the default launcher.

Noting that I prefer one over the other doesn't mean I'm having a moan. I didn't go on a rant, I just mentioned I'm not that fond of it. AC's launcher/menu is probably the best out of all the PC sims and before I used CM I didn't think much of it. But now that I've seen how much better it can be I don't even bother with the default one anymore.
Sure I've seen the problems with AC PC Ui, i was really thinking about the console, it works, it's straight forward and quick. Yet people complain about it because it Isn't Hollywood! My only complaint about it is lack of info regarding everything and no 3D model view when selecting cars.
Sure I've seen the problems with AC PC Ui, i was really thinking about the console, it works, it's straight forward and quick. Yet people complain about it because it Isn't Hollywood! My only complaint about it is lack of info regarding everything and no 3D model view when selecting cars.

None of my complaints are about it being not Hollywood enough, they're mainly about efficiency. For example, to pick a step version of a car in the default launcher it's a minimum five clicks but could be over a dozen, in Content Manager it's a scroll and a click. And I don't hate or have any huge issues with the default one, I just think it's too clicky.
None of my complaints are about it being not Hollywood enough, they're mainly about efficiency. For example, to pick a step version of a car in the default launcher it's a minimum five clicks but could be over a dozen, in Content Manager it's a scroll and a click. And I don't hate or have any huge issues with the default one, I just think it's too clicky.
Sure i understand that and wasn't aiming my posts at the PC AC owners. I'm aware of it's drawbacks.
My hope is that Kunos keeps trying to improve the console experience for the remainder of whatever they're Assetto Corsa lifespan will be. My personal opinion is this experiment, to use Kunos's own word, has had some successes but many, many failures. Hopefully, if they decide to remain in the personal computer sim racing business, whatever their next project is I hope they go back to doing what they're good at. That's PC based racing sims.

Fortunately, they're still a small company and while they would have to cut some staff, no doubt, they could still be a very successful and profitable software company especially considering the success that Assetto Corsa Pro has had. Losing additional revenue from the console projects would suck, but I wouldn't be surprised if the margins were actually much better before the console project especially since the launch was a disaster and while I don't know how many units sold, I'm not expecting it to be a large sum once finally revealed.

It's not a failure or an embarrassment to forgo consoles with their next project. They went into this with their eyes wide open knowing they faced a tremendous uphill battle. I say, get back to what you're really, really good at. Heck, they have arguably the most highly acclaimed PC racing sim at the moment. Of course, that is if Stefano decides to stay developing racing sim software. I know he has expressed his enthusiasm for all of this has waned over the last few years.
My hope is that Kunos keeps trying to improve the console experience for the remainder of whatever they're Assetto Corsa lifespan will be. My personal opinion is this experiment, to use Kunos's own word, has had some successes but many, many failures. Hopefully, if they decide to remain in the personal computer sim racing business, whatever their next project is I hope they go back to doing what they're good at. That's PC based racing sims.

Fortunately, they're still a small company and while they would have to cut some staff, no doubt, they could still be a very successful and profitable software company especially considering the success that Assetto Corsa Pro has had. Losing additional revenue from the console projects would suck, but I wouldn't be surprised if the margins were actually much better before the console project especially since the launch was a disaster and while I don't know how many units sold, I'm not expecting it to be a large sum once finally revealed.

It's not a failure or an embarrassment to forgo consoles with their next project. They went into this with their eyes wide open knowing they faced a tremendous uphill battle. I say, get back to what you're really, really good at. Heck, they have arguably the most highly acclaimed PC racing sim at the moment. Of course, that is if Stefano decides to stay developing racing sim software. I know he has expressed his enthusiasm for all of this has waned over the last few years.
There is huge money in consoles to be made.
I think if given time,they can port it over to be a proper sim.Unfortunately people want it now,not later.
I have this funny feeling if Assetto Corsa 2 comes about it'll be PC only.
That is my hope!

I agree that there is boatloads of $$ to be made in Consoles. Absolutely. However, if the product suffers as a result or has to be diluted at all...that's not good for the overall product. We'll see how many console players are left once GTSport launches. Even if GTSport is just a prettier version of GT6's underlying technology it's going to sell like crazy and people are going to stop playing PCars & Assetto Corsa to play GTSport. Not everybody, but a lot of people, I believe.

Don't get me wrong...Right now I say that we are all in this together and I want console users to get what they paid for. I've had all the console players back's since the first GTPlanet post of a purchased console copy. I will remain 100% supportive of my console cousins. But, the fact of the matter is that PC development is put on hold, or greatly slowed, due to the problems and missing features of the console version.

Stefano is the only person who touches the PC code. And since his holiday break he's been focused on private lobbies for console players. That's good! He absolutely should be. But, that does also mean that my game is on pause as far as development goes. Or maybe he gives half of his day to console dev and half the day to PC stuff. I'm not going to pretend I know his schedule, but he has posted on social media that his big focus right now is private lobbies -- as it should be.

I'm selfish. I want the game that I play to be the best. If console and PC were both 1:1 all of my comments would be moot, or as Joey Tribbiani would say, moo.
That is my hope!

I agree that there is boatloads of $$ to be made in Consoles. Absolutely. However, if the product suffers as a result or has to be diluted at all...that's not good for the overall product. We'll see how many console players are left once GTSport launches. Even if GTSport is just a prettier version of GT6's underlying technology it's going to sell like crazy and people are going to stop playing PCars & Assetto Corsa to play GTSport. Not everybody, but a lot of people, I believe.

Don't get me wrong...Right now I say that we are all in this together and I want console users to get what they paid for. I've had all the console players back's since the first GTPlanet post of a purchased console copy. I will remain 100% supportive of my console cousins. But, the fact of the matter is that PC development is put on hold, or greatly slowed, due to the problems and missing features of the console version.

Stefano is the only person who touches the PC code. And since his holiday break he's been focused on private lobbies for console players. That's good! He absolutely should be. But, that does also mean that my game is on pause as far as development goes. Or maybe he gives half of his day to console dev and half the day to PC stuff. I'm not going to pretend I know his schedule, but he has posted on social media that his big focus right now is private lobbies -- as it should be.

I'm selfish. I want the game that I play to be the best. If console and PC were both 1:1 all of my comments would be moot, or as Joey Tribbiani would say, moo.
Well only time will tell. I'm sure PCARS 2 should be better as well as Forza, etc.
Money is an evil thing! :dopey::gtpflag:
My hope is that Kunos keeps trying to improve the console experience for the remainder of whatever they're Assetto Corsa lifespan will be. My personal opinion is this experiment, to use Kunos's own word, has had some successes but many, many failures. Hopefully, if they decide to remain in the personal computer sim racing business, whatever their next project is I hope they go back to doing what they're good at. That's PC based racing sims.

Fortunately, they're still a small company and while they would have to cut some staff, no doubt, they could still be a very successful and profitable software company especially considering the success that Assetto Corsa Pro has had. Losing additional revenue from the console projects would suck, but I wouldn't be surprised if the margins were actually much better before the console project especially since the launch was a disaster and while I don't know how many units sold, I'm not expecting it to be a large sum once finally revealed.

It's not a failure or an embarrassment to forgo consoles with their next project. They went into this with their eyes wide open knowing they faced a tremendous uphill battle. I say, get back to what you're really, really good at. Heck, they have arguably the most highly acclaimed PC racing sim at the moment. Of course, that is if Stefano decides to stay developing racing sim software. I know he has expressed his enthusiasm for all of this has waned over the last few years.
I am sure console gave them all a bit headache, but also taught them a great deal. So long as they haven't lost money i see no reason to skip on AC2 on consoles, there are many of us enjoying it, even the ones who are frustrated with the lack of options. For AC2 they will know what they need on launch, private lobbies, leaderboards, a decent career mode, night/day cycle, rain, slightly better graphics (The grass is an eye sore on replays) , i like the look of AC apart from some textures.

I see absolutely zero reason why they have to break their mold for the console market. Just do your thing but improve on the previous edition. I see no reason why sims have to be stuck in this box where they can't be fun offline and only have to have good physic. Kunos have come a long way since NetKar Pro, why stop now?

I have this funny feeling if Assetto Corsa 2 comes about it'll be PC only.
Hope not. i just cba with PCs, though that might force my hand, that and the fact I'm getting tired of console business practices.
And that's not one of the best examples on PC, to be honest. A bit on the jerky side.

Videos by @Harry6784, for example, look much nicer to my eyes. Like this beauty:

Or this (by someone else):
