Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
You're switching to PC Assetto Corsa soon? Sweet! I can't wait to complain about crappy mods with you. :lol:

Well, I'm keeping my options open. I want to race and play against both on both platforms. Plus best of all better opportunities for videos on the PC. I should probably get a 3rd SSD to take up for the excessive writing.
Kunos just need to hire more people... Or do a beta testing programme for updates..
That is all.
Like the new update on consoles... Bad porting of the two F1 (F138 & SF15-T)

4 versions is to much work for a team like them (PC,consoles,PRO versions)

Wow, if it's that simple I'm surprised they never thought of it before! They obviously have unlimited funds thanks to the console money grab so hiring a dozen more people should be a no-brainer.
Wow, if it's that simple I'm surprised they never thought of it before! They obviously have unlimited funds thanks to the console money grab so hiring a dozen more people should be a no-brainer.

We are all fans of the game, and want the best out ir,at least receive for what we paid and what we been promised..

In the case of the Ferrari F1 cars they said back in October that they were still working on them... Once implented 3 months after that they haven't even the same setup options.

Kunos work with 505Games, so that makes quite more people and the have experience in consoles and porting...

I am also sure that making a beta testing programme for updates with users of the game can help and for free..
Even Sony and Microsoft do that with the big firmware updates...

From the PC users side it's easy to no understand the complaints of the console users.. But I'm sure that if you try the console versions you would been reporting and complaining also.

And a stupid question... If they have really so limited founds.. Why even try to make 2 versions more, or promise a thing that you can't achieve while saying that the last delay was only to avoid the "football euro 16 cup".?

Certainly some things can go slow, but at least the ones that you make,be sure there good and complete..
Kunos just need to hire more people... Or do a beta testing programme for updates..
That is all.
Like the new update on consoles... Bad porting of the two F1 (F138 & SF15-T)

4 versions is to much work for a team like them (PC,consoles,PRO versions)

If you would pay more attention on AC forums, they accept bugs and issues reports only on PC platform, on PS4 and XB1 they redirect all questions to 505 games. It means that Kunos themselves don't make anything for consoles, they just make a PC game and 505 Games convert all they could to consoles.
We are all fans of the game, and want the best out ir,at least receive for what we paid and what we been promised..

In the case of the Ferrari F1 cars they said back in October that they were still working on them... Once implented 3 months after that they haven't even the same setup options.

Kunos work with 505Games, so that makes quite more people and the have experience in consoles and porting...

I am also sure that making a beta testing programme for updates with users of the game can help and for free..
Even Sony and Microsoft do that with the big firmware updates...

From the PC users side it's easy to no understand the complaints of the console users.. But I'm sure that if you try the console versions you would been reporting and complaining also.

And a stupid question... If they have really so limited founds.. Why even try to make 2 versions more, or promise a thing that you can't achieve while saying that the last delay was only to avoid the "football euro 16 cup".?

Certainly some things can go slow, but at least the ones that you make,be sure there good and complete..

AFAIK 505 is mainly just doing the financing and publishing, all the console work is done by four guys that Kunos hired and they have guidance from Stefano. I try my best to understand the console users complaints, I read everything in the console thread and I know all the issues fairly well. I'm evening trying to help them sort the downshift bug. I've never experienced the issues as I've not played the console version but I do not dismiss them either because they're obviously there. Seems like there are a lot of issues and missing features that are worthy of criticism and complaints, for sure.

My point is that it's easy to look from the outside and think you know how to make things better, but we don't know the details of what's involved that may make those suggestions not feasible. This doesn't just apply to Kunos, it applies everywhere. I constantly have people suggesting they know how to do my job better than me, because all I do is click a mouse and bang a keyboard so surely any lightly trained monkey should be able to do it. These are people who don't know how to attach a file to an email, or unzip a zipped file, or send a file through Dropbox. Surprisingly they don't understand why it's going to take me 2+ hours to take their low-res jpeg and make it into a 24"x18" 2 PMS color poster (it's because I have to rebuild their crap file from scratch, can't fix it with a couple mouse clicks as they suggested). Sure, it seems like hiring a few more people would help things, but I'm sure if it were that easy they'd have already done it by know. I can't imagine they're pleased with the state of the console version and are probably/hopefully doing everything they can to improve the game on consoles, but as this is their first stab at console games I think it's pretty clear they probably bit off more than they can chew and have ended up with something that is a shadow of what their original intentions were. I'm quite disappointed in it and I've never played it, I can only imagine how disappointed some console players are.

At the end of the day it's just a game that cost less than what some people spend on a night at the pub, IMO it's not worth having an aneurism over. It will surely improve, but by how much only time will tell (at this point I don't expect any miracles).
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If you would pay more attention on AC forums, they accept bugs and issues reports only on PC platform, on PS4 and XB1 they redirect all questions to 505 games. It means that Kunos themselves don't make anything for consoles, they just make a PC game and 505 Games convert all they could to consoles.
AFAIK 505 is mainly just doing the financing and publishing, all the console work is done by four guys that Kunos hired and they have guidance from Stefano.
:confused: :odd:

That's not my understanding, but I could be wrong. But just because they accept the complaints and bug reports doesn't necessarily mean they handle the actual console build. If you watch Stefano's last live stream he says they have four guys working for them that are handling all of the console build with his guidance.
Just imagine how much better AC would be if all the Internetz experts worked for Kunos!
It's the strength of the support that will fix everything!! :lol::lol:

Kunos just need to hire more people... Or do a beta testing programme for updates..
That is all.
Like the new update on consoles... Bad porting of the two F1 (F138 & SF15-T)

4 versions is to much work for a team like them (PC,consoles,PRO versions)
Donnced, I read the majority of your posts, but this comment shows that you really don't understand how software development works. You don't just hire more developers. You don't have 1 person coding the Private Lobbies and 1 person coding in customizable buttons and another person fixing missing tuning options. That would actually cause 10 times the amount of problems that exist right now. Plus, 3 people can't be working on the same files at the same time. I don't know what/if Kunos uses Version Control Software...Probably.

All of your complaints are valid. I think everybody is well aware that you're not satisfied with the state of Assetto Corsa and you feel ripped off, lied to, betrayed, etc. There are many people feeling the same exact way, I'm certain of that. I started feeling that way the more I matured into my GT6 playing. Heck, the day I purchased GT6 one of the things I was most excited for from reading the GT6 case was the Track Builder. And then how long did we wait for that thing to show up? 18 months? And that's what they came up with?! I placed my order for this laptop about 30 days after that. I was always very angry about the malfunctioning camber capabilities & physics problems that still baffle me to this day!

You're going to end up getting an ulcer! :lol: I keep hoping that the problems of the console versions will be taken care of, but we all need to be realistic about this. There aren't going to be weekly updates due to the console validation/approval process (and costs!) I'm sure that they would be whipping out HotFixes as soon as they fix any issues. I know they would because we PC players are blessed with the ease of those fixes coming through...I think we received 3 quick fixes in one week after receiving the regular big Tuesday update.

Trust me...Every PC player wants the console issues taken care of ASAP! While Stefano is coding Public Lobbies that means he's not coding something new into the PC version... :mad:
Donnced, I read the majority of your posts, but this comment shows that you really don't understand how software development works. You don't just hire more developers. You don't have 1 person coding the Private Lobbies and 1 person coding in customizable buttons and another person fixing missing tuning options. That would actually cause 10 times the amount of problems that exist right now. Plus, 3 people can't be working on the same files at the same time. I don't know what/if Kunos uses Version Control Software...Probably.

Too many cooks in the kitchen.

100% agree with this.

People love to roll their eyes at crazy Stefano when he goes totally nuts on someone and I agree that it is indisputably an awful way to behave, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he puts every ounce of his life into this stupid game we play. I'm sure Marco, Aris, Simone, etc... all do -- but I know Stefano does. I know that he actually cares about AC and he 100% cares what people think about it. That's probably where that crazy freakin' emotion comes from...but that's an entirely different subject.
I'm guessing you are aware of his recent outburst in private messages with someone over tyres?
The adventure of porting Assetto Corsa to console started in 2014...
That no sense comentary of Stefano in the interview about Microsoft & Sony....??
SmS made Project C.A.R.S the same as the PC version, Codemasters made the port the same 100% as the PC version...

So if other people can port a game, maintaining UDP applications, full AI difficulty, keyboard compatibility, same hud apps, etc, etc and etc... Why Kunos don't? We also don't have to forget that they work together with 505Games and that he hired a dev from rockstar with experience in consoles.

What bothered me the Most is that what they answer in an interview just before the last delay of the game :

"What differences will players see between PC and console versions? The difference is that in the PC version you get more frames per second, more cars when you're racing against others, and also the AI. On the PC the limit is your CPU, on the console we're at 16 players. One particularity of Assetto Corsa is that we're using the same physics for the artificial intelligence cars as for you."

The excuse about the last delay is also no sense...

"Hence the delay to August? Not this time around. It's more that we don't want to get in the way of things like the football [Euro 2016]. We want people to go on holiday and come back and say, "OK, let's buy Assetto Corsa."

Full interview here :

Things that marco said about 505Games :

We have decided to join in a partnership with 505 Games because they understand our vision of Assetto Corsa, and don't just want to do a lazy console port. They believe – as we do – that on console, there is room for a racing product that aims to bring the same depth of a PC simulation.

Interview here:

So seeing, that they finally made a lazy "port" version... With less options,features, content, different AI difficulty system (that was bugged and way more difficult than on pc),lack of private lobbies or something simple as button mapping.... Why should this "game" sell good on consoles? Lots of people i now wanted to jump over to Assetto... But seing all the lack of basic features, options and no personalised online lobbies... They staid in Pcars & dirt rally with the racing leagues.

Stefano whas whining about the console community... And all what i can answer is if you look to their twitter, Facebook and forums, all console users are praising the physics of the game, the driving and FFB..

All what we want is missing features and options that PC version have... Been waiting 3 months for a simple tyre heating and degradation hud app... Is a bit crazy.

So Stefano don't should look for culprits in the community or Sony and Microsoft... Just push his team, and give to the console users what was promised, same content, features and options in a different IU.
The users interested in Assetto just don't want to be a Schumacher or want mechanical upgrade pieces to win a race... Or satan's rewind features...

So Stefano.. More work, less bla bla
Really? More work less bla bla? You dont think if he tackles all of your complaints today that someone elses complaint gets put aside? And that's without mentioning his pre planned schedule. One of your complaints (rightly so) Is private lobbies, Stefano is working on that now. So what shall he do? Put that aside and tackle one of your other complaints then listen to moans about lobbies taking their time? And what about that old headache called coding where it's a lot a harder than simply saying more work less bla bla!

I've coded websites, simply trying to create a paragraph made me want to put my fist through the screen. You cant just press enter but you have to use code.

Regarding working on porting since 2014, i dont believe that is the full story, they ported the physics first to see if they could be done on console. I doubt they gave 100 % attention to porting it back then. Either way it is what it is and we know what they are working on. I dont see the point in repeating the same thing over and again, new bugs and issues yes, old issues they are working on? Other devs have released games with bugs and missing features then bolted to the next sequel. Kunos haven't done that.

@ALB123 very cool, thanks!

I think private lobbies is a complicated thing, considering that 505 Games (I hope) want to prevent that ping-pong parties like some games have. They told many times that many functions they can't just port from PC and have to make them from the ground. Regarding DLC packs, it take much time to approve any content from Sony and Microsoft to add it in their stores.
My friend thinks creating private lobbies can be done in no time, EVO studios took how long to rewrite the UI? clearly it's not a simple thing.

Kunos just need to hire more people... Or do a beta testing programme for updates..
That is all.
Like the new update on consoles... Bad porting of the two F1 (F138 & SF15-T)

4 versions is to much work for a team like them (PC,consoles,PRO versions)
Four versions which work and are on the market, meanwhile a first party dev with a least 200 staff and tens of millions of dollars backing still can't even get one single game out on one platform.

AFAIK 505 is mainly just doing the financing and publishing, all the console work is done by four guys that Kunos hired and they have guidance from Stefano. I try my best to understand the console users complaints, I read everything in the console thread and I know all the issues fairly well. I'm evening trying to help them sort the downshift bug. I've never experienced the issues as I've not played the console version but I do not dismiss them either because they're obviously there. Seems like there are a lot of issues and missing features that are worthy of criticism and complaints, for sure.

My point is that it's easy to look from the outside and think you know how to make things better, but we don't know the details of what's involved that may make those suggestions not feasible. This doesn't just apply to Kunos, it applies everywhere. I constantly have people suggesting they know how to do my job better than me, because all I do is click a mouse and bang a keyboard so surely any lightly trained monkey should be able to do it. These are people who don't know how to attach a file to an email, or unzip a zipped file, or send a file through Dropbox. Surprisingly they don't understand why it's going to take me 2+ hours to take their low-res jpeg and make it into a 24"x18" 2 PMS color poster (it's because I have to rebuild their crap file from scratch, can't fix it with a couple mouse clicks as they suggested). Sure, it seems like hiring a few more people would help things, but I'm sure if it were that easy they'd have already done it by know. I can't imagine they're pleased with the state of the console version and are probably/hopefully doing everything they can to improve the game on consoles, but as this is their first stab at console games I think it's pretty clear they probably bit off more than they can chew and have ended up with something that is a shadow of what their original intentions were. I'm quite disappointed in it and I've never played it, I can only imagine how disappointed some console players are.

At the end of the day it's just a game that cost less than what some people spend on a night at the pub, IMO it's not worth having an aneurism over. It will surely improve, but by how much only time will tell (at this point I don't expect any miracles).
Indeed, when i applied for a job at the race course, the whole time i was wondering, what the hell they gonna pay me to do? There's nothing to do, when race day comes around you just race! Apparently there is tons of work to be done, i did 17 hour days many a time. When you're not in on the inside and you don't know, you don't know!
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Quick off-topic question:
Does anyone know how many new cars will be in GTSport? Cars that have never appeared as a Premium in GT5 or GT6... Those ridiculous wastes of space Vision GT cars don't count if they were in GT6. Just straight up, new to the franchise vehicles...Any ideas?
Quick off-topic question:
Does anyone know how many new cars will be in GTSport? Cars that have never appeared as a Premium in GT5 or GT6... Those ridiculous wastes of space Vision GT cars don't count if they were in GT6. Just straight up, new to the franchise vehicles...Any ideas?
Hmm i did read a post the other dat but cant recall, i will see if i can find it.
Quick off-topic question:
Does anyone know how many new cars will be in GTSport? Cars that have never appeared as a Premium in GT5 or GT6... Those ridiculous wastes of space Vision GT cars don't count if they were in GT6. Just straight up, new to the franchise vehicles...Any ideas?

Hmm i did read a post the other dat but cant recall, i will see if i can find it.
I think this is the post you are looking for. So far, the total is 31, new to the franchise, non-fantasy cars.
If you would pay more attention on AC forums, they accept bugs and issues reports only on PC platform, on PS4 and XB1 they redirect all questions to 505 games. It means that Kunos themselves don't make anything for consoles, they just make a PC game and 505 Games convert all they could to consoles.

Well, maybe you should pay more attention to the official support forum, cause even Stefano replied to users and do look to the bugs reports of console versions...
The ports of console are done by Kunos devs,supervised by Stefano time by time.
You can hear it from Stefano himself in one of the Last streamings he did on his youtube chanel.

AFAIK 505 is mainly just doing the financing and publishing, all the console work is done by four guys that Kunos hired and they have guidance from Stefano. I try my best to understand the console users complaints, I read everything in the console thread and I know all the issues fairly well. I'm evening trying to help them sort the downshift bug. I've never experienced the issues as I've not played the console version but I do not dismiss them either because they're obviously there. Seems like there are a lot of issues and missing features that are worthy of criticism and complaints, for sure.

My point is that it's easy to look from the outside and think you know how to make things better, but we don't know the details of what's involved that may make those suggestions not feasible. This doesn't just apply to Kunos, it applies everywhere. I constantly have people suggesting they know how to do my job better than me, because all I do is click a mouse and bang a keyboard so surely any lightly trained monkey should be able to do it. These are people who don't know how to attach a file to an email, or unzip a zipped file, or send a file through Dropbox. Surprisingly they don't understand why it's going to take me 2+ hours to take their low-res jpeg and make it into a 24"x18" 2 PMS color poster (it's because I have to rebuild their crap file from scratch, can't fix it with a couple mouse clicks as they suggested). Sure, it seems like hiring a few more people would help things, but I'm sure if it were that easy they'd have already done it by know. I can't imagine they're pleased with the state of the console version and are probably/hopefully doing everything they can to improve the game on consoles, but as this is their first stab at console games I think it's pretty clear they probably bit off more than they can chew and have ended up with something that is a shadow of what their original intentions were. I'm quite disappointed in it and I've never played it, I can only imagine how disappointed some console players are.

At the end of the day it's just a game that cost less than what some people spend on a night at the pub, IMO it's not worth having an aneurism over. It will surely improve, but by how much only time will tell (at this point I don't expect any miracles).

I know coding isn't easy,non every software, don't expect a miracle and if in August he would say that they delay the game a few months to get it with the basics on the market, well ok for me.
I know you're helping in that downshift protection issue, and really appreciate that!
I know it's just a game, but not what it was promised to be.
Still I'm hoping it will come better, but for know every update brought more issues than fixes.. But i mantain That the game has huge potential and really love the physics, simulation and FFB of the game...
If i shouldn't like the game , for sure i would don't bother about it and don't report anything in the Assetto forums and 505 report system.

It's the strength of the support that will fix everything!! :lol::lol:

Donnced, I read the majority of your posts, but this comment shows that you really don't understand how software development works. You don't just hire more developers. You don't have 1 person coding the Private Lobbies and 1 person coding in customizable buttons and another person fixing missing tuning options. That would actually cause 10 times the amount of problems that exist right now. Plus, 3 people can't be working on the same files at the same time. I don't know what/if Kunos uses Version Control Software...Probably.

All of your complaints are valid. I think everybody is well aware that you're not satisfied with the state of Assetto Corsa and you feel ripped off, lied to, betrayed, etc. There are many people feeling the same exact way, I'm certain of that. I started feeling that way the more I matured into my GT6 playing. Heck, the day I purchased GT6 one of the things I was most excited for from reading the GT6 case was the Track Builder. And then how long did we wait for that thing to show up? 18 months? And that's what they came up with?! I placed my order for this laptop about 30 days after that. I was always very angry about the malfunctioning camber capabilities & physics problems that still baffle me to this day!

You're going to end up getting an ulcer! :lol: I keep hoping that the problems of the console versions will be taken care of, but we all need to be realistic about this. There aren't going to be weekly updates due to the console validation/approval process (and costs!) I'm sure that they would be whipping out HotFixes as soon as they fix any issues. I know they would because we PC players are blessed with the ease of those fixes coming through...I think we received 3 quick fixes in one week after receiving the regular big Tuesday update.

Trust me...Every PC player wants the console issues taken care of ASAP! While Stefano is coding Public Lobbies that means he's not coding something new into the PC version... :mad:

Well, if only 3-4 people made the 2 console versions... Why not 1 making the private lobbies? :lol:
I will keep on supporting the game, just like i said to the friend above..
I just was pleased to receive in console a sim like Assetto.. And no bad promises like those from PD...
I Only say that the game should been launched with some basic stuff (button mapping, hud apps, private lobbies and full replays)
Other things if they gave problems or take more time... Well,we can wait.
The other only thing is that i really don't like what Stefano said in that last interview about console players while there was a real huge problem with the AI difficulty that was even faster than on pc.
I don't ask weekly hotfix either, but in the case of red pack, it took them more than 3 months time to port...At least the f1 cars should been implemented with all the settings.. (no rear aero settings).
Let's see next month what happens.
I'm guessing you are aware of his recent outburst in private messages with someone over tyres?
Really? More work less bla bla? You dont think if he tackles all of your complaints today that someone elses complaint gets put aside? And that's without mentioning his pre planned schedule. One of your complaints (rightly so) Is private lobbies, Stefano is working on that now. So what shall he do? Put that aside and tackle one of your other complaints then listen to moans about lobbies taking they're time? And what about that old headache called coding where it's a lot a harder than simply saying more work less bla bla!

I've coded websites, simply trying to create a paragraph made me want to put my fist through the scree. You cant just press enter but you have to use code.

Regarding working on porting since 2014, i dont believe that is the full story, they ported the physics first to see if they could be done on console. I doubt they gave 100 % attention to porting it back then. Either way it is what it is and we know what they are working on. I dont see the point in repeating the same thing over and again, new bugs and issues yes, old issues they are working on? Other devs have released games with bugs and missing features then bolted to the next sequel. Kunos haven't done that.

My friend thinks creating private lobbies can be done in no time, EVo studios took how long to rewrite the UI? clearly it's not a simple thing.

4 versions which work and are on the market, meanwhile a first part dev with a least 200 staff and 10 of millions of dollars backing still can't even get 1 single game out on one platform.

Indeed, when i applied for a job at the race course, the whole time i was wondering, what the hell they gonna pay to do? There's nothing to do, when race day comes around you just race! Apparently there is tons of work to be done, i did 17 hour days many a time. When you're not in on the inside and you don't know, you don't know!

Evolution studio did get other problems, the online didn't work, but after 3 months it's was mostly fixed.
PD has more staff and money, don't even deny that.
And yes, it take them to much time to make one single game with a more simple simulation.

But things like private lobbies, button mapping should have been in the game on launch, im sorry..
He shouldn't complain about console users..
He only should launched the game with what he was promising and promoting... And don't do an Last delay saying it was only for no matching the football euro cup...
That is what maked me angry, and why i said more work and less bla bla.

About The porting in 2014,in one of the last streamings he explained that..

And if he really couldn't finished the game for launch like he wanted and promised, with saying sorry and an other delay it would be better than what he said in the last interview.
I don't really care that AC isn't identical across all platforms because none of the missing features relate to my incentives for buying it. I just want everything that's currently there to work as intended. It's the least we can ask and I expected more refined code at this point. I'd obviously appreciate if they can get all versions in sync, but I'm already busy enjoying the, for me, unprecedented driving simulation on consoles.

They didn't carry over all the Ferrari SF15-T options? That's probably my biggest disappointment with the game so far.
They didn't carry over all the Ferrari SF15-T options? That's probably my biggest disappointment with the game so far.

Just take my approach, avoid the tuning section like the Zika. :lol: I'll use a setup if someone sends me one but other than that I'm pretty useless at tuning, I occasionally adjust the gears, tire pressure, or camber, but that's it and most of that is guess work. I still manage to have fun and be fairly competitive though (perpetual leader of the midfield) and have actually become quite fond of learning to adapt my driving style to the car instead of trying to alter the car to fit my driving style.

But yeah, kinda weird that the same car has different setup options between the different platforms. :odd:
Just take my approach, avoid the tuning section like the Zika. :lol: I'll use a setup if someone sends me one but other than that I'm pretty useless at tuning, I occasionally adjust the gears, tire pressure, or camber, but that's it and most of that is guess work. I still manage to have fun and be fairly competitive though (perpetual leader of the midfield) and have actually become quite fond of learning to adapt my driving style to the car instead of trying to alter the car to fit my driving style.

More or less same here. I usually don't touch anything other than gear ratios. All the default setups have worked nicely so far. First time adaption usually doesn't take more than a few laps anyway. Taming and learning all these different creatures is half the fun.
Just take my approach, avoid the tuning section like the Zika. :lol: I'll use a setup if someone sends me one but other than that I'm pretty useless at tuning, I occasionally adjust the gears, tire pressure, or camber, but that's it and most of that is guess work. I still manage to have fun and be fairly competitive though (perpetual leader of the midfield) and have actually become quite fond of learning to adapt my driving style to the car instead of trying to alter the car to fit my driving style.

But yeah, kinda weird that the same car has different setup options between the different platforms. :odd:

What I've always found if you're going to tune, learn the car first and try to squeaze every bit of time you think you can achieve. If you don't and dive into the tuning, eventually the setup becomes void as your driving technique has changed with the car. So you end up starting all over again.
What I've always found if you're going to tune, learn the car first and try to squeaze every bit of time you think you can achieve. If you don't and dive into the tuning, eventually the setup becomes void as your driving technique has changed with the car. So you end up starting all over again.

That's my opinion too. And I rarely put enough practice in before the race to get to the point where I know the car that well, but I improve every practice session and often shave off 3-5 seconds from the first session to the last session and often best that by another second in the race.
I have very few setups for this reason. I do have some for some cars I like if I want to go really fast but other times I like to stick to stock since I'm not in the same car all the time and usually lose the edge. Sometimes it takes me a while to find the flow again.
What I've always found if you're going to tune, learn the car first and try to squeaze every bit of time you think you can achieve. If you don't and dive into the tuning, eventually the setup becomes void as your driving technique has changed with the car. So you end up starting all over again.
This is my approach, I've only tuned 3 cars because i did many laps in them first.
I was a complete idiot when it came to tuning vehicles in GT6, so I just didn't even bother after about 6 months. It probably didn't help that I didn't understand some things just didn't work properly, but I would have still been pretty awful regardless. So why bother? :rolleyes:

I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if 85%-90% of my driving is done on Kunos setups - untouched. The majority of the remaining laps spun would be on cars that I've adjusted some combination of: Air Pressure, Camber, Toe, Brake Balance. Then the remaining 1%-2% is on tunes other's have suggested I try or some nonsense I came up with that involves damper/ride height/springs/aero/heave dampers/wheel rate/packer rates/ARBs/travel range -- and undoubtedly makes the car much worse for me. :lol:

I imagine that the v1.11.4 Hotfix Changelog has been posted elsewhere. Contents for those who haven't heard:

Corrected Praga R1 FFB values
Corrected Toyota Supra limiter sounds
Balanced Bmw M4 overall volume
Balanced Bmw M3 e92 exterior volume
Added #910 livery to Porsche 911 GT3 R

Yay! If they didn't fix that BMW M3 e92 exterior volume I was going to kill myself! :sly: :D