Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
Don't be surprised if they take some of these old mod tracks, especially the Rainmaker ones (shudders), and pop them open to install a surface mesh. That was the problem with a lot of Rainmaker's tracks, if I remember correctly. His heyday was just before I got into AC...and I swear I remember Lilski and the other knowledgeable track people getting on him for having no physical track surface...meaning we drive on the visible surface and that's why his conversions almost always felt perfectly smooth. If I'm not mistaken, people even offered to help him "fix" the tracks, but he wanted none of it - then people started piling the insults on his tracks and he had a tantrum and vowed never to return to the Track Modding forum, which he never did.

So, really wouldn't surprise me if, during the planning stages of this event, the topic of low quality track surfaces came up. If Kunos was involved I'm sure Simone could open the .kn5 files and install a surface mesh in 1 day. The same could be said for any experienced AC track builder with good modelling abilities.

Or, maybe they're running this event on old, abandoned tracks. :boggled: What the heck do I know? :lol:
Surely big names like NVIDIA, Sparco and Thrustmaster won't be using unofficial mods.

Smells like new tracks being released one by one just before they need them.
Maybe, I have no idea, just thinking out loud, we are getting reworked special moded tracks for free with the licensing paid by the sponsors.
That would work for me. :D. I love the idea of "free" stuff paid by advertising. :bowdown: It would definitely make those sponsors more likely to get my attention for being responsible for more "official" content available to me.
We might have to thank our friends on the console side for this to happen, they are a large audience and they do not have access to "non official" mod tracks.
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Any word on keyboard/button mapping for the PS4? I have actually started to play PCars more often now just because of the configurability :(

This right there is why we need atleast Livery Mods on Console. And Yes, that should be possible. PC Livery Creators could just upload them to a special Server.

Even Farming Simulator has mods on Console. Besides of course Fallout 4.
Even Farming Simulator has mods on Console. Besides of course Fallout 4.
UT3 had mods on PS3 back in 2007, TSFP on PS2/Xbox had mapmaker back in 2005 players could upload their own maps and download other player's maps. Mods on console are possible, it's just a matter of Sony/MS allowing them.
it's just a matter of Sony/MS allowing them.
True. And when you consider that Forza allows for basically "illegal" liveries to be created in Game there shouldnt be a Problem with that. What Sony and MS might reject though might be Cars and Tracks due to licensing.
According to Stefano, mandatory pit stops are planned for the next update. Online only, I guess, like the timed races.

And still some people say that Kunos doesn't work on improving the game and only on DLCs to grab cash.
According to Stefano, mandatory pit stops are planned for the next update. Online only, I guess, like the timed races.

And still some people say that Kunos doesn't work on improving the game and only on DLCs to grab cash.
I know that Kunos often gets accused of such things and it truly is a shame. When Ian Bell was posting in the Project Cars thread a few weeks back he mentioned how there were currently 10 programmers working on the AI code, doing their best to make sure it is as good as it can be. TEN!! That's awesome!! Kunos has 1 person to code everything. Perhaps that will change, perhaps it won't. However, it's not so easy to drop new feature after new feature into the sim when there is only 1 person doing all of the coding. That's just a fact.
According to Stefano, mandatory pit stops are planned for the next update. Online only, I guess, like the timed races.

Looks like we'll also be getting better pit controls too. Mandatory stops is pretty high on my list of things I'd like added to multiplayer so I'm quite chuffed about this. Hopefully reverse grids come at some point too!

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Unlike iRacing, Project CARS, and even Automoblista; I haven't seen as much of Assetto Corsa as I would like in videos and live streams. What I have been able to see didn't really give me enough to really be excited for it. I do want to try Assetto Corsa. Maybe I am likening it to rFactor since I've seen people make mods and tracks for AC like some mods were made for both games. Earlier today, I saw one video of Assetto Corsa featuring a handful of 1995 DTM cars around Zolder. It was all in Italian, but Assetto Corsa is a great looking and great playing game from what I have seen. I am not complaining in the least sense about this fine game.
I know that Kunos often gets accused of such things and it truly is a shame. When Ian Bell was posting in the Project Cars thread a few weeks back he mentioned how there were currently 10 programmers working on the AI code, doing their best to make sure it is as good as it can be. TEN!! That's awesome!! Kunos has 1 person to code everything. Perhaps that will change, perhaps it won't. However, it's not so easy to drop new feature after new feature into the sim when there is only 1 person doing all of the coding. That's just a fact.

To be fair, that's Kunos' choice to not hire more people. If Digital Bros' sales numbers for AC are to be believed, Kunos can definitely afford to expand dramatically. At this point, it's their choice to remain so small.
Ran into something that got me a little triggered tonight in multiplayer. I was racing in that A! ACS-UK SPA server and I was "voted to be kicked from the race" the very second the lights turned green, and was in turn booted from the server. I didn't jump the start, I had a decent ping (~120 ms, others had higher), and there was no voting screen shown, as you'd see whenever someone actually votes to kick. I had been in the server for an hour at that point and everything was fine... right until I spent time to quali on the first row :banghead:

Anyone else run into that by chance? I don't think I'll be wasting time in that server again...
To be fair, that's Kunos' choice to not hire more people. If Digital Bros' sales numbers for AC are to be believed, Kunos can definitely afford to expand dramatically. At this point, it's their choice to remain so small.
Kunos has been under Digital Bros control for about 5 minutes! Once the paperwork was signed they should have magically tripled in size?! And all I said in the first place was that Kunos's DLC packs aren't "cash grabs", in my opinion and that the one developer they have is constantly working on new features/improving older features. You make it sound like I was making irrational excuses for the shortcomings of Assetto Corsa.
Kunos has been under Digital Bros control for about 5 minutes! Once the paperwork was signed they should have magically tripled in size?! And all I said in the first place was that Kunos's DLC packs aren't "cash grabs", in my opinion and that the one developer they have is constantly working on new features/improving older features. You make it sound like I was making irrational excuses for the shortcomings of Assetto Corsa.

Holy defensive reaction Batman! Lol I wasn't accusing you of anything mate, calm your farm. I didn't even mention what ever you were talking about in the first place, I quoted your post because you said working on features is hard for them because one dude is doing all the coding, and I pointed out the sales numbers that Digital Bros published as evidence that Kunos would have a ton of cash to hire more people if they wanted to, but clearly they don't.

I think you missed my point on that one. I didn't, in any part of my short post, mention anything about Digital Bros' acquisition of Kunos having anything to do with Kunos' ability to expand. I merely pointed out that AC has sold a metric **** ton of copies for a game produced by such a tiny studio, if the sales figures published by Digital Bros are to be believed. Being such a small studio, their overheads would be minuscule compared to their competitors, so the amount of cash they would have made off of selling more than 1.4m copies would be massive to say the least. If they wanted to bring in more coding talent to expand the game at a more rapid rate, they could do so quite easily.
I guess it's being defensive to disagree with your statements...Everybody take a note of that! :rolleyes: You are certainly entitled to your opinions as am I.
I hope my friends on console will get the feature(s) that they are all respectively waiting for.
We just, a month ago got a nice update and an other one is coming soon, so their is progress, which is poor consolation when your SIM world is not spinning because of that one feature you are waiting for, but still seeing progress has to be giving hope that next update will bring that "precious" feature that will fix it all.
their is that expression in Italian, "qui va piano, va sano"
At least, about the private lobby's they are available in other SIM on console, that surely can be a small fix waiting for AC to have them too.:)
Nce video, though I'm certain i am going to be disappointed and Ferrari aren't gonna honour Enzo the way they should, with an awesome Ferrari not designed in the wind tunnel. A modern day F40.
I guess it's being defensive to disagree with your statements...Everybody take a note of that! :rolleyes: You are certainly entitled to your opinions as am I.

Really? You might want to re-read your explosive reaction to my post lol.

Here's what i said:
To be fair, that's Kunos' choice to not hire more people. If Digital Bros' sales numbers for AC are to be believed, Kunos can definitely afford to expand dramatically. At this point, it's their choice to remain so small.

That is the entire post, and all it states is that I think Kunos can afford to hire more staff if they want to. Here's your reaction to such a simple statement:
Kunos has been under Digital Bros control for about 5 minutes! Once the paperwork was signed they should have magically tripled in size?! And all I said in the first place was that Kunos's DLC packs aren't "cash grabs", in my opinion and that the one developer they have is constantly working on new features/improving older features. You make it sound like I was making irrational excuses for the shortcomings of Assetto Corsa.

Two sentences ending with exclamation marks, and two conclusions you've somehow deduced from my post that if you look at Digital Bros' sales numbers (over 1.4m copies) for AC, then it's clear that Kunos can most certainly afford to hire more than one coder. From that, you've deduced that what I actually meant, was that Digital Bros' acquisition of Kunos means they should instantly triple in size as a studio, and that I'm accusing you of making excuses for the shortcomings of AC. That's some interesting reading between the lines you did there lol.

So yes, that is a defensive (and odd) reaction to something you certainly shouldn't have taken so personally. Now you're claiming that your post was simply disagreeing with my statement? Well that's a very strange way to disagree with something, but I digress. So you disagree with the statement that selling 1.4m copies of AC would allow Kunos to expand beyond the roughly 30 employees they currently have? How much do you think it costs to hire good coders? Because they're not on F1 driver wages lol.
I'm pretty sure Stefano has said he doesn't want to hire any more coders because he does all this his own way so it's more efficient to just do it himself than teach someone else how he does it. Something like that anyway, but I'm pretty sure it's more a matter of not wanting to hire anymore than not being able to afford it.
I'm pretty sure Stefano has said he doesn't want to hire any more coders because he does all this his own way so it's more efficient to just do it himself than teach someone else how he does it. Something like that anyway, but I'm pretty sure it's more a matter of not wanting to hire anymore than not being able to afford it.

yeah, which is exactly what i said in my first post. it's their choice to have one person coding everything. they could bring in more talent and get the things they're working on done much more quickly if they wanted to, but obviously that's not what they want.
Explosive reaction because I used exclamation points? :lol: Wow... I stopped right there.

@Whitestar - As far as I know, yes...There are a couple of programmers - probably 1 for each console. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they're just "porting" whatever is in PC version. I don't mean to say that's an easy task, I have no idea how console programming is. However, I don't think that's quite the same as having different programmers working on different features of the game as a whole. The one major exception would be these private lobbies, of course. We won't be seeing them on the PC. I really wish those would have been in the console version by now for you console really stinks. :grumpy:
Explosive reaction because I used exclamation points? :lol: Wow... I stopped right there.

Well the point of an exclamation mark is to mark an exclamation, and in case you didn't know, an exclamation is defined as "Expressing surprise, strong emotion, or pain". All I said was Kunos can afford more programmers if they want them, so it's their choice to only have such a small team. Your reaction to that was ludicrous. It's only fitting that you ignored the rest of my reply, since you obviously have no answer for any of it. "I stopped right there"... Yeah sure you did :rolleyes:.

Just answer me this: Since your explanation of your post was that you were disagreeing with my statement, you're saying you disagree that by selling 1.4m copies of AC, Kunos can afford more coders to get stuff finished more quickly?