Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
Rain (if dynamic) could also potentially add a layer of strategy to each race and that's something way more interesting than shiny tarmac or cool drops on the windshield (for me, at least).
Plus, Stefano once said that simulating rain from a physics perspective would be the easiest part, since It's already "baked in" the tyre model, so I think there's the potential for something worthy from that point of view as well.
Definitely this. To add, it also helps when replicating real world races. It may have rained in Practice, dried in Qualifying and rained in the race. Or any combination of those during a race weekend. It's cool to race in the dry, but what's a car like when you have to control it in changing conditions?

As an example, I'm doing this right now at Spa, in a classic touring car, in PC2. I started with rain and chose clearing skies over 25 minutes. I had to mind traffic and the drying line. Making sure to be patient with the throttle and brake. Feels good when it's done properly.
The only thing that bothers me about AC’s graphics is wonky shadows, but then I’m on PS4.
Speaking of shadows, i'm just glad they're not pixelated in cockpit view
Same here. Even the people who constantly moan about the lack of night or rain will rarely use it. Probably a bit in the beginning, but once the novelty wears off... :rolleyes:

Sorry, but I don't buy this and never will. Night driving, or better yet day-to-night driving, is something I'll never, ever get tired of. The one good thing about PCars2 is the time change and even though people often toss about the "...will rarely use it, maybe a bit in the beginning" trope, almost every session I've ever setup in PCars2 was a late afternoon-to-night session and it's so freaking awesome to drive through that transition and watch as things change from light to sunset to dark (or vice versa). Rain I could give or take but sunrise/sunset/night racing is something I would use all the freaking time, especially in a game like AC where you have all these great cruise roads and mountain passes. Seriously, all. the. freaking. time would I use this feature, all the time.
Sorry, but I don't buy this and never will. Night driving, or better yet day-to-night driving, is something I'll never, ever get tired of. The one good thing about PCars2 is the time change and even though people often toss about the "...will rarely use it, maybe a bit in the beginning" trope, almost every session I've ever setup in PCars2 was a late afternoon-to-night session and it's so freaking awesome to drive through that transition and watch as things change from light to sunset to dark (or vice versa). Rain I could give or take but sunrise/sunset/night racing is something I would use all the freaking time, especially in a game like AC where you have all these great cruise roads and mountain passes. Seriously, all. the. freaking. time would I use this feature, all the time.
Quite agree, but for me you can also add in weather as well.

Many assume that has to means rain, but dynamic weather is so much more than that. Mix the two up and you cam start with an overcast night, moving into fog as the sun starts to rise, burning off to light cloud and then sunshine as you go through the morning.

Throw all that in and its addictive (but I do love a bit of rain in the mix as well).
One of my favourite things to do on GT5 was to take the Caterham to the Ring wth mates and set the TOD to 4:30AM and drive as the sun rises. It really does add a lot to the game and makes tracks look different too. Having said that, i rarely if ever came across lobbies w set with rain or night time. It will surely be a big addition to those who don't venture to the multiplayer portion of the game though.
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Heads up VR users of Crew Chief: I don't think this is common knowledge (I just found out today) but nAudio was added to Crew Chief some time before Christmas which lets you route CC audio from the app to any device. In my case this will mean I have main game audio piped to my 5.1 amp as normal, and Crew Chief sent to my Rift's headphones, just like it would be in a driver's helmet. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. I previously used Audiorouter to do a similar thing but it was a total pain in the ass, needed resetting every race, sometimes stopped working altogether and always demoted my 5.1 audio to stereo. Having CC come through headphones makes it always clear and easy to understand, even over a LOUD amp, and just having the sound piped to my 'helmet' adds tremendously to immersion. Hell, even if you aren't a VR user it'll probably be better piping it to headphones anyway for the same reasons. In Jim's own words from the AC forums:
First make sure your Rift is running. Then enable the "Use nAudio playback" option in the app's Properties screen and restart the app. The app's main screen will have 2 new select boxes under the volume sliders. These contain all the audio devices the app can send its output to - select the one you want (whatever the Rift's audio device is called) for messages and background sounds. That's it.
Heads up VR users of Crew Chief: I don't think this is common knowledge (I just found out today) but nAudio was added to Crew Chief some time before Christmas which lets you route CC audio from the app to any device. In my case this will mean I have main game audio piped to my 5.1 amp as normal, and Crew Chief sent to my Rift's headphones, just like it would be in a driver's helmet. I can't tell you how happy I am about this. I previously used Audiorouter to do a similar thing but it was a total pain in the ass, needed resetting every race, sometimes stopped working altogether and always demoted my 5.1 audio to stereo. Having CC come through headphones makes it always clear and easy to understand, even over a LOUD amp, and just having the sound piped to my 'helmet' adds tremendously to immersion. Hell, even if you aren't a VR user it'll probably be better piping it to headphones anyway for the same reasons. In Jim's own words from the AC forums:
Thx I will try this. Now I only use headphones for both race sound as well as CrewChief. I do have an older 5.1DTS Logitech sound system but it is waiting patiently to be used again.
Does anyone happen to know if there is a VR Headset recenter button for Assetto? I couldn't find one in the options and it's a bit annoying to have to have my head centered as the game is loading.
Just got an update for AC on Steam so had a look and as far as I can tell they've reverted all of the special event hot lap times back to being challenging again! :) I never kept track of what the old bronze/silver times were so I'm not sure if they've been adjusted but the golds seem to be back where they were before the free Bonus pack arrived.

Map it to a wheel button using Joy2Key and drown in your own smugness.

(Assuming you have a wheel, of course).
I don't know why, but that made me crack up. To bad for me, I just had taken a big sip of Sierra Mist and a good bit went up my nose. Oh, the fizzy won't stop... :crazy: :banghead:
That nAudio update to Crew Chief that I posted about yesterday is flippin' FANTASTIC. When I think of the hoops I previously had to jump through to get CC in my headset and game audio on external speakers, and having to set it up again every time you went back to the launcher, and then for it not to work half the time, and .... *shudders*. nAudio is such a neat, neat solution. Fire and forget, set it up only once and it just WORKS. I'd implore anyone who uses external speakers to try it. Immersion (and, just as important - clarity) goes off the scale. Jim Britton is a star. What an amazing app.
Just got an update for AC on Steam so had a look and as far as I can tell they've reverted all of the special event hot lap times back to being challenging again! :) I never kept track of what the old bronze/silver times were so I'm not sure if they've been adjusted but the golds seem to be back where they were before the free Bonus pack arrived.
Yes, it actually happened in December.

1.16.2 (Dec 29, 2017)
- Launcher now cleans up stale files from the launcherdata directory
- Reverted old Special Events difficulty
- Added Laguna Seca starting lights
- Day running lights added for Pagani Huayra BC
- Improved AI behavior through T6 at Laguna Seca

And yesterday this update was released:

1.16.3 (Jan 11, 2018)
- Modified launcher loading process
- Fixed crash when ghost is trying to render last frame
- Added ground height correction to wind vectors (thanks OoALEJOoO for the suggestion)

Gotta love how dedicated Kunos is. Taking suggestions/corrections from users and implementing them really fast.
If only this was also true for consoles. I get that update submission takes time on consoles, but they rarely seem to recognize when console-specific bugs and issues do slip through.
I think this wouldn't be an issue if it were Stefano doing the porting. I wonder if the reason Marco was in Paris had anything to do with EROC.
I think this wouldn't be an issue if it were Stefano doing the porting. I wonder if the reason Marco was in Paris had anything to do with EROC.

I doubt that since he doesn't have any experience with building for consoles, none of them did so it's not a surprise that they get caught out by "console-specific bugs and issues".
If only this was also true for consoles. I get that update submission takes time on consoles, but they rarely seem to recognize when console-specific bugs and issues do slip through.
On PC they update. Then patch. And patch and patch. I used to get situations where the game wouldn't work until the second or third patch after an update.

They can do that as much as they like. Steam lets them. They can respond to issues when they are raised.

You can't do that on console. You can't even say X issue is fixed due to that fix needing to be removed as it breaks the update for Sony or Microsoft.
If only this was also true for consoles. I get that update submission takes time on consoles, but they rarely seem to recognize when console-specific bugs and issues do slip through.
True. When was the Ferrari pack released? End of October, right? More than two months later and we're still waiting for the F2004 fix so we can finally tweak the gear ratios, ARBs etc.
At this point, even stones know that patches need to go through a submission process but 2 weeks =/= 2+ months. That's what usually upsets people.
1.16.3 (Jan 11, 2018)
- Modified launcher loading process
- Fixed crash when ghost is trying to render last frame
- Added ground height correction to wind vectors (thanks OoALEJOoO for the suggestion)

Gotta love how dedicated Kunos is. Taking suggestions/corrections from users and implementing them really fast.
I know it's been well over a year, but I remember a user helped Stefano with some new formula(s) to correct some camber problem that we were all having. I think it was a camber issue. I thought that was pretty cool too.

That 1.16.3 update snuck past me...I was wondering why I was seeing info in a tiny font in the lower left of my screen upon loading a track & car.
Yes, it actually happened in December.

1.16.2 (Dec 29, 2017)
- Launcher now cleans up stale files from the launcherdata directory
- Reverted old Special Events difficulty
- Added Laguna Seca starting lights
- Day running lights added for Pagani Huayra BC
- Improved AI behavior through T6 at Laguna Seca

Oops I've been holding off from playing the special events while waiting to see if they revert the difficulty and it turns out I'd just completely missed the update I was waiting for :lol:.