Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

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I posted this over on RD, but here are my first thoughts:

OK, as I'm not going to have time to drive them all tonight and give a conclusion, I'll just post my thoughts for each car as and when they're fresh in my mind. I'm using a G25 in a seat / frame with TH8A shifter and Oculus CV1 with the headphones.

So the first car I picked was the Marod Aero. I picked Magione for some reason as I know the circuit well, the long right hander after the straight is always fun and I expected wrestling the car out of the low speed corners would be a bit interesting... I spent about 35 minutes driving it, probably about 25 laps.

Firstly the sound. On throttle it seems like there's almost a sort of additional 'white noise' added above about 4 or 5k rpm, it can almost be hard to distinguish the engine note. The noise reflected off walls sounds excellent and blends very well. The car has a very satisfying off throttle sound, both the engine and also the exhaust pops (which actually sound automotive instead of like popcorn as per some of the Kunos cars...)

The various ambient sounds, turbo, chassis etc. are also very nicely balanced. There's just something about the engine note that almost seems masked by the sheer volume, certainly after half an hour at max volume my ears know what's just happened to them! That element is fairly realistic though, they aren't exactly muted vehicles...

Other cars sounded good driving past etc, possibly some a bit loud when in different bits of the track, but that could well be a game issue, I've not paid enough attention at other times to really say.

Secondly the handling, let's say physics / FFB all as one. Cold brakes and tyres are noticeable, but warm up quickly. I'm not sure I've noticed cold brakes before, but I like that it's there :)

I found the FFB strength about as expected, you can feel the increased grip once the tyres are warm through the FFB, and the movement of the rear is communicated through the wheel as clearly as always. I can't say I noticed the transition from the front end gripping then in to understeer, feedback relating to the front end perhaps feels a little vague or imprecise, but then I don't often drive 'race cars' on slicks, so perhaps I'm just used to a different sort of feedback from street tyres. The car feels alive under hard braking which I really enjoyed.

Physics is obviously very subjective as I've never even driven a car on slicks in real life, let alone a group 5 monster. I would say 'monster' perhaps didn't come across considering it's 500+bhp and so light, it's obviously a bit of a handful in first but as 2nd is so long it's pretty planted beyond that. The grip level feels very good, once the tyres are warm there's no understeer at all at most speeds, and there's a beautiful sweet spot of slight oversteer that can be balanced with the throttle that is very satisfying whilst you manage that turbo spool hoping it doesn't spit you off!

Ultimately I've not driven a real one to compare it to, but for me it handles as I'd expect, maybe a little 'tamer' than the reputation that precedes it (yes at 100% boost) but it feels like there is depth to the handling and something that can be learnt and mastered with practice.

The 3D model seems very good to me, certainly the interior is more than acceptable in VR whilst driving. For reference I drive with the wheel on but the driver off, so I've no idea if the driver model has big feet that clip through the pedals or anything like that! I'd say the 3D model is of the least importance to me from an enjoyment perspective, so I am never going to be an overly harsh critic in this area.

A big reason for picking this car first was I also have a free mod version (at least updated by Velos mods). I'd say of the two, I think I prefer the Velos version for the on throttle engine sound and the slightly 'wilder' feeling. If this was a mod car in and of itself for say €1.50 with no other content, I would stick with the Velos one as it's free and provides my 'lairy Zakspeed' fix.

As it stands, knowing that this is part of a balanced grid of cars means it's a much more attractive prospect to race with. Whilst free mods are often quite fun in isolation, as there are no standards whatsoever building a grid to race can be a lot of trial and error.

I shall move on to another car and report back again :)
I think it's actually THREE years, isn't it?

Three years? I doubt it and actually several experienced modders on Facebook claims the cars are ripped from other games. And lots of people who has bought the mod are not satisfied with the quality.
Updates to that F1C75 mod

From the golden age of Formula One, now brought into your mancave, this is the Assetto Corsa Historic F1C 1975 mod!

!!!!!2018-04-02 PHYSICS UPDATE 1.1!!! Link at bottom of post
- Steering geometry of all mod cars changed. Enhanced Ackerman for better initial turn in and thus driving fun :) Somehow AC handles Ackerman geometry counter intuitive.

- Simply extract files to your car directory and overwrite previous version 1.05. (You need to have v1.05 full mod installed)

The origins of this mod are from the early days modding heroes of simracing. Therefore I would like to thank Team CREW for the original Mod; further credits in the release notes, download link below.

Special thanks to:
-Donnie Heerdt/ Smallblock Hero for all the modding lessons & Ned for his awesome skins.
-F1 Classics Forum

This is a conversion of the original mod to Assetto Corsa, with two ks models (Ferrari 312T and Lotus72) added. Therefore you will need the Lotus DLC to play the Lotus 72E. Installation of these cars is explained in the attached PDF also filled with lots of background information on the cars.

Enjoy and may the downforce be with you!

Bazza von Dutch

Download Physics update v1.1 (Need Full Mod v1.05 as base)

Download Mod (version 1.05; AI update already inclued):

Download AI update (only needed for version 1.0 downloads):

This is a real Car with a F1 engine

In RL many old racecars like Group B or GT1 or even Rallycars are used for Hillclimbs. Ac already has many of them. If you want you can search on yt for Assetto Corsa Hillclimb. Most cars that are featured in videos are quite good mods.

Also you quoted the wrong guy:D
Excellent, thank you for the info! The Judd is a little hard to handle but it's awesome! YT is a great resource to see what other types of cars are being used.
Some thoughts on the next few cars I've tried from the DRM mod, Lancia, Escort and 2002 (copied from my posts on RD, so if you're on there, feel free to ignore ;) )

Well, next up was a (now Martini liveried) Lardo. I thought I'd stick to the same track as before to get a better feel for the differences between the, erm, whatever, the Capri, and the Lancia.

First up, the sound. Sat in the pit, revved up in neutral and there's a weird delay with the revs. Floor the throttle from idle, and the needle hits the limiter whilst the sound is still building up at around 5k rpm or so it sounds like.

It's a very strange sensation and not something I've ever seen before. It's as if there's a big flywheel spinning up in the background that's making the engine sound. I checked with the onscreen tacho and it does appear to be the sound. I was a bit concerned at this point, but actually once racing it's largely unnoticeable, it does make it feel a bit like you're trying to heel and toe a big turbo diesel or something that takes a while to build up the revs, but it doesn't detract from the overall experience once moving.

Aside from that slightly odd effect, the actual sound itself is great, quieter than the Capri, but the turbo noises are a delight, the backfire also excellent, it's actually a treat for the ears and it sounds vicious from the outside bouncing off the walls, albeit quieter in comparison to the interior sound.

Physics / handling / FFB wise, it's more controllable over the limit than the Capri, it feels as if there's more lock to play with, and under braking it is a lot more planted. The handling on throttle is absolutely mesmerising, I love it, and the front end darts in without inducing oversteer making it a really trustworthy car to push, even when you boot it exiting a corner.

The FFB gives you all the information you need, lock ups at the front and rear are clearly telegraphed through the wheel, it's very controllable during oversteer and the front end just grips and grips. The amount of grip once you're in the groove with this car is an absolute joy, and this is from someone who normally prefers the adjustability of road cars, this thing has that too, just with way more grip and speed.

The interior model looks perfectly good to me, the mirrors are quite far back so require a proper head turn to see, but I assume they're where they're supposed to be. The gearstick moves to each of the correct gear positions which is a nice touch :) The shift light is a bit ungainly, but I couldn't care less, this car is an absolute gem, I'd happily pay €3 for this car alone even if there was no other content to race it against.

One thing I did notice, the cars with fairly open rear ends, the change from LOD A to LOD B is quite jarring, I suspect it was made worse by the track / time of day, as the back straight seems to head directly away from the low sun, but you end up with the dark open rear suddenly changing to a shiny reflective slab, I don't know whether something could be done to make the LOD B rear elements darker / less reflective to ease that transition? I only mention it as it's actually the first time I can remember ever actually noticing a LOD change.


Thought I'd try the Escort next. Unlike the other two, even after a similar 25 laps or so, this session ended on a spin :unsure:

Sound wise, this also seems to have the slight 'delay' feeling like the Lancia did. I don't know if this is an intentional workaround to help give the engine a harder edged sound once the boost builds (so when the secondary engine noise builds to match the base sound) or something like that. It's only noticeable when neutral revving really, and as I said before gives a slightly lazy feeling heel toe.

The actual engine sound, whilst not a tuneful engine (turbo 4 pot) does sound appropriate, it sounds highly strung and very, very angry. Various ambient sounds are good once again, blow off sound feels a little quiet or maybe just lost in the general cacophony, but overall another satisfying audio experience that lends intensity to the driving experience.

FFB feels consistent with the other cars, perhaps I need to recalibrate what I'm expecting by trying a Kunos car, but I don't really understand the complaints, other than perhaps a little numbness in feeling front end grip coming and going? I only have a G25 of course...

Physics / handling seems about on par for what is (surely, I assume?) a shorter wheelbase car than the others I've tried. Once this thing starts looping around it's a lot less likely to end up facing the right way, and the spikeyness of that turbo makes itself felt more. Initially it felt perhaps a little more understeery on first turn in, obviously once the engine builds up it's all oversteer as you'd expect. The whole car feels more on edge than the other two did, basically.

For some reason I didn't warm to the car, but it feels like another solid mod. Simply through personal preference I don't think I'd pay €1.50 for this car in and of itself, because I don't think I'd choose to drive it over other options, but that's a reflection of my taste and not the mod's quality.

The gear selection animation looks rather like somebody at Ford stuck the gearbox in back to front, 1st is where 6th would be, 2nd = 5th, 3rd = 4th etc. Otherwise, the model appears good, as I said, this isn't an area I'm overly critical of, sound and handling are far more important to me.

BMW 2002 time. Well hello understeer, I haven't seen you for a while!

Let's start with the sound as before. Bit of that aforementioned delay as seems to be the norm, not noticeable when driving once again and if anything the extra inertia 'feel' when heel toeing is possibly more satisfying given the engine tone. Initially I was fairly indifferent to the engine noise, it's a good representation of a characterful 4 pot, very pleasing induction noise. But as the laps went past, I couldn't help but notice how sweet it sounds between 8,000 and 9,500rpm in 3rd and 4th down the back straight. There's a real tone in there, a lovely wail buried within the more obvious induction noise that is really addictive. External sounds of the other cars sounded good, ambient noises, etc. are on par with the others, didn't notice any particular exhaust pops, turbo sounds are fairly quiet compared to the induction.

Physics / FFB / Handling. This was an interesting one. Initially I thought "Oh OK, this is what everyone is complaining about". The steering is very light, although lock ups and curbs are as forceful as expected, but the actual resistance to turning input that gives the feel of grip is very light.

The car seems to require a lot more steering input to get it to turn, it'll dive in with a trailed brake, but it needs a lot more lock maintained than the others have done. In addition to that, I assume it has a very tight LSD because it pushes wide on throttle, until you approach full throttle at corner exit whereby it's then time for a big slap of oversteer around the face!

By 15 minutes I was thinking "this handles like a 70s muscle car but without the feeling of weight, I think I'm done." Fortunately it was about this point the overtones to the engine note started to draw my attention which kept me lapping, and by 20 to 25 minutes I could actually get the bloody thing to turn in and actually feel quite neutral, just with about 45 degrees more steering lock applied than I'd have expected.

Perhaps that magnificently humongous rear wing is lifting the front wheels off the floor :laugh:

An interesting car this, I think if I wasn't actually making the effort to give them all some time and write something on here, I'd have given this car maybe 10 minutes and decided nope, not for me, whereas actually I'm quite curious to see whether I can master it now :laugh:

I will say that if this had been used as a demo car, I don't think I'd have bought the pack, as I wouldn't have given the 2002 the time to get much out of it, and would have probably written the rest of the pack off.

The model seems passable once again, I don't mean to damn it with faint praise, it's just I've not gotten out and looked around any of the cars (the joy of VR) or looked at them in the showrooms, and although I know it isn't up to @A3DR's standards, I'm not a 3D guru so graphically it falls in to 'good enough' and beyond that I'm not fussed :unsure:
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Updates to that F1C75 mod

From the golden age of Formula One, now brought into your mancave, this is the Assetto Corsa Historic F1C 1975 mod!

!!!!!2018-04-02 PHYSICS UPDATE 1.1!!! Link at bottom of post
- Steering geometry of all mod cars changed. Enhanced Ackerman for better initial turn in and thus driving fun :) Somehow AC handles Ackerman geometry counter intuitive.

- Simply extract files to your car directory and overwrite previous version 1.05. (You need to have v1.05 full mod installed)

The origins of this mod are from the early days modding heroes of simracing. Therefore I would like to thank Team CREW for the original Mod; further credits in the release notes, download link below.

Special thanks to:
-Donnie Heerdt/ Smallblock Hero for all the modding lessons & Ned for his awesome skins.
-F1 Classics Forum

This is a conversion of the original mod to Assetto Corsa, with two ks models (Ferrari 312T and Lotus72) added. Therefore you will need the Lotus DLC to play the Lotus 72E. Installation of these cars is explained in the attached PDF also filled with lots of background information on the cars.

Enjoy and may the downforce be with you!

Bazza von Dutch

Download Physics update v1.1 (Need Full Mod v1.05 as base)

Download Mod (version 1.05; AI update already inclued):

Download AI update (only needed for version 1.0 downloads):

Yes, yes I knew you'd come through! Bazza, you're the man!! These new physics are great and swept away all the crappy stiffness/unresponsiveness done by that 'other team'. Please, please do the same for the 1976 mod that you've done for this!
Here's all the correct brand names and badges for the DRM Revival mod:!s7BUABxB!Sq0q2klnVZp3H_T0T3yZ8qlKiaIP8P-xpgVhFG06Z4s

(Edit: obviously this will mean you lose the DRM Revival group branding on the cars (as they'll now be tied to proper manufacturers), but simply typing 'drm' in Content Manager's car selection filter will show them all as a DRM Revival group again).

The "drm_3h_2" folder includes a data folder that shouldn't be there. Just delete the data folder. It doesn't affect offline gameplay but *might* affect online use. This only affects the drm_3h_2 car.
No idea what it's doing in there, TBH.

Also noticed the Ford Escort still has the DRM logo. You might want to grab a Ford one from another car in your collection.

...and here's all the proper skins:
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I'm 99.9% sure I've already got all of those but the 0.1% of remaining doubt has forced me to download them all again.

Praise the Lord for Content Manager's drag 'n' drop car installation! :P
Thanks. I have URD version. I was curious if someone else made a better DTM mod.
The URD is the only one out there, very nice but 2013, would be great if some one would do the 2018. I enjoy driving the DTM way more than GT’s, particularly now that we have pit stops and all which we did not when URD did this mods.
This career with access to all mods (for free) looks very interesting,
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Is there a specific special model name for this Civic?

2017-2018 Civic Type R, FK8 is the chassis code.

Assetto Garage seem to be related to it on some level. I saw a comment about "belonging to their club" or something to that effect. I guess it's a private club?
Here's all the correct brand names and badges for the DRM Revival mod:!s7BUABxB!Sq0q2klnVZp3H_T0T3yZ8qlKiaIP8P-xpgVhFG06Z4s

(Edit: obviously this will mean you lose the DRM Revival group branding on the cars (as they'll now be tied to proper manufacturers), but simply typing 'drm' in Content Manager's car selection filter will show them all as a DRM Revival group again).

The "drm_3h_2" folder includes a data folder that shouldn't be there. Just delete the data folder. It doesn't affect offline gameplay but *might* affect online use. This only affects the drm_3h_2 car.
No idea what it's doing in there, TBH.

Also noticed the Ford Escort still has the DRM logo. You might want to grab a Ford one from another car in your collection.

...and here's all the proper skins:

In case anyone missed the edit:
The "drm_3h_2" folder includes a data folder that shouldn't be there. Just delete the data folder. It doesn't affect offline gameplay but *might* affect online use. This only affects the drm_3h_2 car.
No idea what it's doing in there, TBH.

Also noticed the Ford Escort still has the DRM logo. You might want to grab a Ford one from another car in your collection.
2017-2018 Civic Type R, FK8 is the chassis code.

Assetto Garage seem to be related to it on some level. I saw a comment about "belonging to their club" or something to that effect. I guess it's a private club?

Not really private. If you want to pay for it, they let you in. A 6 months subscription costs 15 euros and 25 for 1 year.
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I was referring to RD Admins. Now that the mod has been available for few days and tested, do they still think this is a quality mod to "feature" on their website? I assume Admins will commit to their word to the DRM dev team and not change anything.

I had the chance to check out this mod on a friend's PC. I understand quality and enjoyment is subjective. Some users may have been wanting DRM cars in AC and will give 5 stars to this DRM mod for the fact that it simply exists. Not for me. Even if it is a conversion from rFactor days, that does not provide an excuse to be below AC quality. Gaps in 3D car model (and underwhelming graphics), inconsistent FFB, outdated driver model, poor perspective/scaling from driver's eye view... not worth the 15 EUR. If it was released as a free mod, I still would not give it 5 stars. Concerning that the developers have not contributed/responded to the support thread on RD. Maybe it is because of the weekend and they will be online tomorrow.
Excellent, thank you for the info! The Judd is a little hard to handle but it's awesome! YT is a great resource to see what other types of cars are being used.

Just found an awesome track and car combo i wanted to share:

not the most beautiful track but still very fun:

Norma m20 fc260:
I think it has good physics but I am a noob so dont take my word for it:D
Thanks a lot "Wusel" for your advice and share ! :cheers:

By the way, the Formula Hybrid 2018 in V 3.0 had been just released today. ;-)

I just tried this free mod "Caterham Academy" (v 0.91), FANTASTIC, we are close from the "RSS quality" level ! 👍

15 €uros for... well, It's one of the biggest hold-up saw in the modding payware area (3 years of development.... SERIOUSLY !?) ! :dunce:
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