Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
@GzeroD on your Mullenbach and GT variant of Nurb the grass is floating through the air:

View attachment 916291

It is connected to GrassFX and the ks_nurburgring.ini which has the config for grassfx. Can you please try to fix this?
It's layouts using the Kunos model. If you take the config from the Kunos Nurburgring, copy it and rename it to ks_nurburgring_extras as he has it names, the config and VAO can be applied to his layouts. It works and I definitely don't have that for his layouts of Nurbs. I was going to see about combining them all into the one folder though in the first place at some time.
Okay, so the procedure of adding pit boxes and start positions is not very complicated, but can be time consuming. It can also get a little bit repetitive, but I guess repetition is a vital part of racing, so nobody should complain about that ;)

Basically what you have to do is import the track to 3DSimEd and locate the pitlane. Check how the pit boxes are placed – they will usually look like cubes or flat arrows. Then find a place in which you would like to place your next pit box.

First, right click on the surface (ground) and select "Memorize XYZ". Then, right click on the last possible pit box, for example in Cadwell Park there were originally 18 pit boxes, which means the last possible will be named AC_PIT_17 (as the first one is always named AC_PIT_0). Right click on it, select "Object...", then "AC_PIT_17". A window called "Object instance edit" should pop up on your right. Select from it the "Clone object" option (the purple cross, like on Swiss flag), this should create a new object, in this example it will be called "AC_PIT_18". Then, select "Recall memorized vertex" option from the same window (it's shortened to blue MR letters). This option will move the pit box you just created to the coordinates you chose before.

Voila, you have a new pit box, where you want it. Then rinse and repeat, until you reach a number that satisfies you. Sometimes pit boxes created this way will be placed a little bit too high in the air or a little bit too low into the ground. Not to worry, what you need to do then is choose an original pit box, and copy it's Z Coord into all your new pit boxes. To copy, just highlight the Z Coord value, for example with double mouse click, ctrl+c, then select your new pit box, double click its Z Coord value, ctrl+v, and it should be right. It’s especially important not to place the pit box below the track level, as sometimes it might mean that the car will spawn under the ground and fall down into oblivion, probably not the best scenario for the race weekend.

Before you start adding pit boxes in 3DSimEd, I recommend that you first visit in Assetto Corsa the pitlane of the track you want to edit, just to see how much space in the pitlane you really have and where does the "ghosting" end (cars going through each other in the pitlane). For example the first time I edited a track this way, I added a pit box outside of the space where the "ghosting" happens, which resulted in collisions inside the pitlane, something you probably want to avoid :D

Also, sometimes there is something strange going on with the distances and dimensions with some tracks. For example, when I was editing Cadwell Park, I wanted to add one more pit box close to the pit exit, because it looked like there was space for it. When I loaded the game, it turned out that the car spawned on a pit wall, which was weird, because in 3DSimEd the wall looked like it was a few meters back than in reality. This is why it’s very important to check the pitlane before adding more pit boxes, because it can save you some time you would have to otherwise spend on fixing your own mistakes (happened to me more than I like to admit).

The procedure of adding pit boxes applies to start positons as well, which are called AC_START_number. Once again the first one is named as AC_START_0. One very important thing with start positions is not to place them too close to each other. If you do, AI cars on race start will slow down heavily just after the start of the race and possibly ruin your start in the process. If it happens to you, you will have to spread the start positions apart, which is not very difficult, but can be extremely annoying, because you will need to select all your start positions, place them on the side of the track, and then place them back onto the track, one by one, into their new, revised positions.

If you want to learn which distance between start positions is best, look for a track in Assetto Corsa that has a very smooth and rapid race start, load that track in 3DSimEd and check how the start positions are placed. Roughly measure the distance between them and try to implement that into your desired track.

One more thing about "ghosting effect" in the pitlane, that I mentioned before. On some tracks this effect doesn’t happen, which is not a good thing, because then AI cars will crash with each other in the pits and it will ruin the whole race weekend. You can identify it quickly by yourself in practice mode, because once your car loads into the game and you spawn in the pits, you should see the pit box info on the right of your screen (the table with tyres pressures, wings and repairs). If it’s not there, then it means that the pitlane is broken and "ghosting" doesn’t happen as well. This is the main problem with Anglesey Circuit for example, because if the pitlane worked as it should, then the player car would be “ghosted” when it’s in the pits and the AI cars would never crash into it.

Fortunately, there is an easy fix to this problem. Once again 3DSimEd comes to your help. Right click on the ground in the pitlane and select the object that covers the ground in the pitlane. It should be called nPIT (where n is any number except zero) for Assetto Corsa to recognize that it’s in fact the pitlane. It probably isn’t, so you need to rename it correctly. To make sure you are doing this right, once again look for a track in Assetto Corsa that has a working pitlane. Open it in 3DSimEd, check how the objects that form the pitlane are called. With this knowledge, come back to the broken track and rename the objects that form the pitlane in a similar manner to the objects in the track you just checked. It should work, if it doesn’t then try again, this time choose a different track and see how the pitlane is named in that instance.

Please let me know if you understood my instructions, english is not my first language, so I might have said something in a not precise way, for which I apologize.

This is the general rule of adding pit boxes and if you confirm that you understood everything, I will try to explain the more advanced way of adding pit boxes without editing the original track (it's not very complicated, but first you need to understand the basics).

Tagging @unpierrot , because he might find this helpful as well.

Also, sorry everyone else for creating this horrible wall of text, I probably should have done it in a private message.
OK, I went through this. This makes good sense and is saved for later use. What I'm trying to fix is the starting positions for Carrieres de Beez. They look fine, they are there. I see the boxes with the green circle that says top. They need to be moved though. Sorry if this is elementary but how do I reposition or delete them and reposition them. I have a lot of catching up to do in learning 3Dsimed or Blender for that matter. I feel like I'm missing something here and it should be easier than I'm making it.
I will read through all the Help files at my soonest convenience though.
By the way, your English is fine, no need to worry about that.
serious question though. Has the rollovers mod now disappeared since the website basically got hacked? Cause genuine i never found anything now related to the rollovers nor found any of their mods around.
Imo disabling the second row stops this massive stuttering, at least for me. I would like to have it enabled, as it looks nice and gives a lot of usefull additional informations, but I had no chance.
On the other hand, didn´t tested new version yet.

I tested the new version yesterday with the second row of info running and had no stuttering issues. With the previous version, I was getting some strange python-related crashes, but I haven't have any of those with the new version yet either... touch wood!
This is what I always thought the wheels should have looked like on this TCL E-Type, not those huge things that barely fit in the wheel wells.

Or at least size wise.

Alright, so this has been a bit of trial and error and I'm sure somebody knows how to do this the right way. I'll try and make this short.
Switched wheels, had permanent blur on them and couldn't turn of in CM Showroom.
Went back into 3dsimed and got rid of blur object on wheels.
Looked good now. Read somewhere that you don't really need blurred rims so I wanted to try that out.
Went to race and it still has the blurred rim node it's looking for and the race cancels.
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Anybody know if the new Ford GT Mk2 has been made for assetto corsa? Basically a street "legal" version of the racecar. Just curious. Picture is of my friend Ben's car (also owns a gt4 mustang - his car's skin is above)

View attachment 916253
I think this is the one you're looking for

That's the regular Ford GT.

He's looking for the MKII, which is actually neither road legal - regardless of whether there are any quotation marks around 'legal' or not, it's a track-only vehicle and can not be licensed for use on public roads, as is - or race legal, by virtue of it's very design remit, under any current motorsport sanctioning bodies.
That's the regular Ford GT.

He's looking for the MKII, which is actually neither road legal - regardless of whether there are any quotation marks around 'legal' or not, it's a track-only vehicle and can not be licensed for use on public roads, as is - or race legal, by virtue of it's very design remit, under any current motorsport sanctioning bodies.

Haha, my mistake. I'm far from being an expert on Ford's. I just assumed the Mk2 was the current gen model, whereas Mk1 would've been the 2005 gen. I see what you mean now. Slightly OT, but I know there's a few endurance Ford GT's available from the likes of Rollovers, URD, and a Forza rip at the very least.
I have any issue with tire marks on tracks, (skid and cornering). They appear to above the track surface. I know there was an option in CM to adjust this, but I can't find it now, I'm using version 1.52. When driving in traffic it almost looks like driving in snow tracks. Anyone else experiencing this?View attachment 916149

The issue is that groove and skidmarks are done as a seperate layer on all tracks so that their transparency can be adjusted based on the track grip level. They are usually placed a few mm or more above the track surface so that visible clipping and z-fighting doesn't occur with the track surface itself if they are too close. On some tracks like the recently edited Sonoma, it looks like you are driving through a layer of water or something in some sections of track because the groove is set very high.

These floating skidmarks and track marks can fail to recieve shadows properly depending on how they are done. Ever since Ilja added the 'properly project shadows' option in Fake Shadows FX in January(?), this has been really noticable as the track marks often don't seem to recieve the shadows from this option correctly. If you disable the option they should probably become less noticable but that setting really helps eliminate the problem of car shadows clipping through the track surface as they are more properly and realistically casted.

There is still that option you were seeking to adjust the height in Settings > Assetto Corsa > System.

There is the added problem that there is much inconsistency in how high these layers are placed between different track makers so not sure how much you can really do with that setting that will be an improvement globally so to speak.

I do also find this problem very distracting when looking underneath the car in front, the skid marks appear brighter than the shadow underneath them and so are annoyingly noticable.
Perhaps someone could help me, are there some well made F1 cars for the period of 1969 to 1979?
One, that would be really happy to find is one of the first winged f1 car, the lotus 49b, but cannot find it anywhere, perhaps it doesn't exist at all.
Read somewhere that you don't really need blurred rims so I wanted to try that out.
I really don't like cars without rim blur, I think they look very odd. Thankfully they are few and far between. Maybe it's a VR thing but it begs the question: if rim blur isn't necessary, why do all game developers (and almost all modders) add to their workload by including it?
@Foxeway : thanks a lot for your explanation, I'm awaiting next part with impatience :)

I have some question. Does an object name nROADm (n is a number and m could be anything, like 1ROAD_009_SUB1) have a particular meaning in assetto corsa track ?
In Brands Hatch kunos track, I saw that ghost pitlane is named nPITS (15PITS and 16PITS), does it mean that if I named my object 1PITwhatever, it will still be a ghost zone ?

edit : Been able to create my first ghost lane :)
Nevertheless, to achieve that, I had to create a new object and instance (named 15PITS) but remove shadow, render etc.. as it was for kunos track ghost line. Renaming existing object was not enough.
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Final version of my Adria conversion. Added dynamic groove and 2 basic cameras. Enjoy.

Thank you slider666 for encouraging me to improve this track.

Right currently adding few more camera options to this great track.
So these two work on the FULL course and the BIKE course.
Smaller tracks to follow...

Stick them in data folder within track and will not over right other cameras.

'txt' to 'ini' etc.


  • cameras_2.txt
    8.7 KB · Views: 40
  • cameras_3.txt
    6.2 KB · Views: 42
Perhaps someone could help me, are there some well made F1 cars for the period of 1969 to 1979?
One, that would be really happy to find is one of the first winged f1 car, the lotus 49b, but cannot find it anywhere, perhaps it doesn't exist at all.
Best looking complete set is 75 season from Bazza:

And of course the 78 season Lotus from RSS.

But I think you are talking about those?
Right currently adding few more camera options to this great track.
So these two work on the FULL course and the BIKE course.
Smaller tracks to follow...
Oh, that reminds me to share last config ini version so far.
Thx to @damone13x, he seperated the blinking lights on some vehicles and I added working blinking lights on these, racing flag lights and while searching for real track lights it showed up very bright lights there. That is imo to much, so I tried the make a compromise increasing the flood lights a bit more.

Put in config ini into ..\assettocorsa\content\tracks\aa_AdriaRaceway\extension\ext_config.ini and overwrite old one. Hope you enjoy it. :)


    2.8 KB · Views: 49
View attachment 915844

...get them from RD in the meantime... thx!

EDIT: Skins are for the PORSCHE GT3 R (folder: porsche997gt3r) from AGU Modding.

seems that uploading via GTPlanet may have its limits as not able to upload relatively larger files.... here's the alternative method for those members that don't have RD access, enjoy.
Oh, that reminds me to share last config ini version so far.
Thx to @damone13x, he seperated the blinking lights on some vehicles and I added working blinking lights on these, racing flag lights and while searching for real track lights it showed up very bright lights there. That is imo to much, so I tried the make a compromise increasing the flood lights a bit more.

Put in config ini into ..\assettocorsa\content\tracks\aa_AdriaRaceway\extension\ext_config.ini and overwrite old one. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Cool. OK and these cameras work on the osso version of the track.
Whilst am at it for those that don't know, F3 in replays cycles the cameras.


  • cameras_2.txt
    2.1 KB · Views: 30
  • cameras_3.txt
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Haha I'm not sure I'm a legend! (Yet) :P thanks for your kind words :)

Don't be so humble pk3r72owns. I rate Cathedral as one of the most enjoyable layouts of any fictional track I've driven. It is a blast! 👍

Seriously. Very nice work getting the flow of the track so spot on.
I really don't like cars without rim blur, I think they look very odd. Thankfully they are few and far between. Maybe it's a VR thing but it begs the question: if rim blur isn't necessary, why do all game developers (and almost all modders) add to their workload by including it?

Something we disagree on at last, apart from that Porsche on backorder ;)
I made a post awhile back on rim blur.

I have some question. Does an object name nROADm (n is a number and m could be anything, like 1ROAD_009_SUB1) have a particular meaning in assetto corsa track ?
In Brands Hatch kunos track, I saw that ghost pitlane is named nPITS (15PITS and 16PITS), does it mean that if I named my object 1PITwhatever, it will still be a ghost zone ?

That designates that mesh as collision, nANYTHING... is drivable, nWall... is collidable. ANYTHING also gets listed in surfaces.ini for its properties if needed, including IS_PITLANE=
(n can start with zero (0) but can't be zero itself.( 01ROAD works but 0ROAD doesn't))
Perhaps someone could help me, are there some well made F1 cars for the period of 1969 to 1979?
One, that would be really happy to find is one of the first winged f1 car, the lotus 49b, but cannot find it anywhere, perhaps it doesn't exist at all.
Converted the 49B from Pcars yonks ago but don't have it any longer.
Get your self over to F1Classic where plenty of stuff gets released.
Bazza and a few of us here also have a presence on VintageAC (Discord, which I can't seem to make an invite to?)
OK, I went through this. This makes good sense and is saved for later use. What I'm trying to fix is the starting positions for Carrieres de Beez. They look fine, they are there. I see the boxes with the green circle that says top. They need to be moved though. Sorry if this is elementary but how do I reposition or delete them and reposition them. I have a lot of catching up to do in learning 3Dsimed or Blender for that matter. I feel like I'm missing something here and it should be easier than I'm making it.
I will read through all the Help files at my soonest convenience though.
By the way, your English is fine, no need to worry about that.
So, if I understand correctly, you want to move the original pit boxes? It's not very complicated, here is what you need to do:
- Just like with creating new pit boxes, start by finding a place into which you want the original pit box to be moved
- Then right click on the surface (ground) in that place and select "Memorize XYZ"
- Then, go back to the pit box you want to move and select "Recall memorized vertex" option (MR)

This should move the already existing pit box into a new position that you chose yourself. Again, just like with creating new pit boxes, make sure that the Z coordinate is not wrong after moving the pit box (most of the time it will be wrong) and if it is, just copy the Z coordinate from another pit box that is right.

Let me know if this helps :)
@Foxeway : thanks a lot for your explanation, I'm awaiting next part with impatience :)

I have some question. Does an object name nROADm (n is a number and m could be anything, like 1ROAD_009_SUB1) have a particular meaning in assetto corsa track ?
In Brands Hatch kunos track, I saw that ghost pitlane is named nPITS (15PITS and 16PITS), does it mean that if I named my object 1PITwhatever, it will still be a ghost zone ?

edit : Been able to create my first ghost lane :)
Nevertheless, to achieve that, I had to create a new instance (named 15PITS) but remove shadow, render etc.. as it was for kunos track ghost line. Renaming existing object was not enough.
I think Assetto Corsa understands nROADm as part of the track on which you can race and nPITS as pitlane always, which means that if you do name the object 1PITwhatever, it will be recognized by the game as part of the pitlane and ghosting will be applied to this part as well. I am not 100% sure about this, so before you do it maybe backup the orignal kn5 file, but I think it should work ;)
Don't be so humble pk3r72owns. I rate Cathedral as one of the most enjoyable layouts of any fictional track I've driven. It is a blast! 👍

Seriously. Very nice work getting the flow of the track so spot on.

And also if you can make a track like Anglesey and Kirkstown and stay under the radar, that is approaching God like status....

Proves that sometimes the ego and bluff and bluster can hide a multitude of sins....

Absolute hidden gems your tracks.

Now..... how about Mallory Park!!! :D
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