Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
The interwebs can be a dangerous place. I stumbled across the pic in the thumbnail and decided I had to have it. I put together the skin, applied it to Uncle M's Corvair that I had in my garage but hadn't driven in ages, took it for a spin and it handled like a pig :( (note to self: always test drive before skinning). So down the rabbit hole of re-work I went. Fortunately since I was starting with an excellent base it didn't take much to make it the Yenko Corvair Stinger I lusted over. If there's any interest I can share with y'all in a day or two.
*all credit for the gorgeous AC crew graphics go to @gergerger 👍
Here is the 8th track of the Northern Europe TrackPack I promised a few days ago:
- Jyllands-Ringen by Tiago Lima -> pits extended from 15 to 30

Most of the work with Jyllands has been done by @slider666 , @norms and @LiquidSkyMan , so they deserve all the praise for this fixes! :)

Here is the explanation from @slider666 on what has been changed:

"Thanks goes first to Tiago Lima on RD for his initial work on this track for AC, @Fanapryde , @leBluem and @norms for testing and giving feedback, @LiquidSkyMan for new improved track limits and outlines.
@norms for finding drive through holes in the infield (for whatever reason one should go there ;) ), giving @slider666 the missing 3D people texture and at the end even finding an weird wrong named road mesh.
Config and fixes by @slider666

  • fixed weird "flying" doubled curbs on certain corners
  • fixed flickering trees
  • removed huge billboards
  • added new grass fx
  • added "waving" flags
  • added a few lights at night
  • 3D people just not full grey anymore (thx @norms )
  • added missing shadows
  • fixed drive through holes in infield (thx @norms )
  • fixed grass named mesh on road (thx @norms )
  • changed a little part of the track to be "dirty" ;)
  • overall brightness and saturation
  • improved performance a little with new lod settings in config
  • new improved track limits and outlines (thx @LiquidSkyMan )
  • fixed some weird shaders and their alpha channels or blendings
  • extended pit boxes and start positions by @Foxeway
  • new preview for 30 pits layout by @Fanapryde "

NOTE: If you don't have the original track, there is a link to download Jyllands-Ringen by Tiago Lima in the Readme files.

IMPORTANT: This one will overwrite some of the original files in the track folder, but it's probably for the better, as all these fixes are very high quality.

Here are the links to the other pits extensions I made:
Northern Europe Trackpack:

Southern Europe Trackpack:

Once again, big thanks to all the great people tagged above, it's their release and not mine, so give them cheers :cheers:

Going to do some cameras for this. Will pop them on here later.
Genuine question here it's been brought up before so its more of an up to date question. What's all the VGT cars that's been currently released? I do the VW GTi VGT, FT-1 VGT but those both are GR.3s i'm just installing the RTMs and the merc from simdream (found them from a leak in a pdf format) is there anymore that's been released or not?
forgot to mention i did grab the mazda lm55 from assettoland
You should be able to access the server from this link

But be prepared to write an essay on who you are and where you come from before you gain access to their discord proper. Great if you can be bothered but not so great if you're like me and aren't a very active discord user other than grabbing a few mods and updates and reading some of the stuff that gets posted there.
Oh, that Discord. I thought Bazza had another one.
Shame they require identifiable information. I'm not comfortable sharing them in the country I live in. Chose to quit the server.
Thanks for the link.
I've been meaning to get this out for a few days now, just never had the time to tidy it up! A visual update to my reworked 996:

Porsche 911 996.2 GT3 (2004)

v0.9 changes:

- animated wipers
- added digital display
- added exhaust shake
- improved AO map on spoiler
- added rain glass
- couple more skins
- optimised LOD's

Gulf skin by @MrB00


Updated since this post -


- slightly reduced wheel and tyre sizes
- polished wheels a little
- re-mapped and re-textured brake discs
- removed racing slick tyres
- added street and semi-slick tyres, semi slick set as default
- corrected brake caliper shader
- corrected broken wheel blur on rear wheel
- wipers now work on lod_b
- improved LOD's again
- 4 new Gulf skins added by racealot

Last edited:
I've been meaning to get this out for a few days now, just never had the time to tidy it up! A visual update to my reworked 996:

Porsche 911 966.2 GT3 (2004)

v0.9 changes:

- animated wipers
- added digital display
- added exhaust shake
- improved AO map on spoiler
- added rain glass
- couple more skins
- optimised LOD's

Gulf skin by @MrB00

Nice one Dude. Have you done anything to the shaders or that skin as it looks insanely good. (if I say so myself)
v5 update to Forceful's 991.2 GT3RS (Requires CSP 1.51 or above)

View attachment 916455

Major updates on PBR shaders, interior and exterior texture.
New Instrument and custom navigation display
Upgrade Aero with higher Total CL value
Equipped with the new Pilot Sport Cup 2 R tyres
Higher overall performance compare to previous version.

The driver doesn't seem to like you turning the lights on in this car, lol. Hit F5 and check his reaction when you flick the switch. Needs a gif.
Oh, that reminds me to share last config ini version so far.
Thx to @damone13x, he seperated the blinking lights on some vehicles and I added working blinking lights on these, racing flag lights and while searching for real track lights it showed up very bright lights there. That is imo to much, so I tried the make a compromise increasing the flood lights a bit more.

Put in config ini into ..\assettocorsa\content\tracks\aa_AdriaRaceway\extension\ext_config.ini and overwrite old one. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Thank you Slider I haven't write you in long time I have been very busy at work and other tracks, some people is helping me with details of the track surface of Adria that i will bring into it.

Cool. OK and these cameras work on the osso version of the track.
Whilst am at it for those that don't know, F3 in replays cycles the cameras.

A big thank you for your cams Safi hellie , Im so slow making cams I will add them in future versions.
Since I totally forgot yesterday...

Ford Mustang GT4 version Pi (3.14) now released! Huge thank you to GzeroD for the original mod and the QC check and norms for his epic texture update!

Updated AO and Reflection Mapping
Fixed Dash RPM Lighting
Added Hi-Res Vehicle Textures
3 New skins added by GzeroD


Yes no problem.
Where can i find it?

You reminded me to ask this anyway.
So if anyone knows of any tracks which don't have a camera for replay or a bad one, let me know and i'll make a couple for them.
Don't recall where I found it but I've placed my copy here.
Can probably do with some re-skinning as well as any quick Google search of 1967 Watkins Glen will not show Continental as a tyre sponsor. Dunlop would probably be a better choice for that. Even BOAC had a billboard up.
Here is the 8th track of the Northern Europe TrackPack I promised a few days ago:
- Jyllands-Ringen by Tiago Lima -> pits extended from 15 to 30

Most of the work with Jyllands has been done by @slider666 , @norms and @LiquidSkyMan , so they deserve all the praise for this fixes! :)

Here is the explanation from @slider666 on what has been changed:

"Thanks goes first to Tiago Lima on RD for his initial work on this track for AC, @Fanapryde , @leBluem and @norms for testing and giving feedback, @LiquidSkyMan for new improved track limits and outlines.
@norms for finding drive through holes in the infield (for whatever reason one should go there ;) ), giving @slider666 the missing 3D people texture and at the end even finding an weird wrong named road mesh.
Config and fixes by @slider666

  • fixed weird "flying" doubled curbs on certain corners
  • fixed flickering trees
  • removed huge billboards
  • added new grass fx
  • added "waving" flags
  • added a few lights at night
  • 3D people just not full grey anymore (thx @norms )
  • added missing shadows
  • fixed drive through holes in infield (thx @norms )
  • fixed grass named mesh on road (thx @norms )
  • changed a little part of the track to be "dirty" ;)
  • overall brightness and saturation
  • improved performance a little with new lod settings in config
  • new improved track limits and outlines (thx @LiquidSkyMan )
  • fixed some weird shaders and their alpha channels or blendings
  • extended pit boxes and start positions by @Foxeway
  • new preview for 30 pits layout by @Fanapryde "

NOTE: If you don't have the original track, there is a link to download Jyllands-Ringen by Tiago Lima in the Readme files.

IMPORTANT: This one will overwrite some of the original files in the track folder, but it's probably for the better, as all these fixes are very high quality.

Here are the links to the other pits extensions I made:
Northern Europe Trackpack:

Southern Europe Trackpack:

Once again, big thanks to all the great people tagged above, it's their release and not mine, so give them cheers :cheers:

Right then!
This track is fantastic! Never normally would of been drawn to it, I am very selective with tracks, but very glad that I am having to try other tracks as i have until now just raced around Silverstone and a few UK ones...
Now i am adding cameras its been a great excuse to try new stuff...
That over with on to my cameras.....

So this track is great but has one camera in the data folder, which is what it is. Replays and watching them are for me at least as much a part of the experience as driving...
So 3 cameras to choose from. (plus the original one still)
The feel i want to get is as far away from Shift 2 / forza style cameras which track the car too close and don't feel like what i see on TV following races... One of the things PCars was great at was replay cameras and feeling 'real'...

the 3rd camera in this trio i followed as best i could the actual virtual camera people at track side, you'll see one of them briefly where i got it a bit wrong....I have called him Gary.....say hello...

change 'txt' to 'ini' add these into track data folder and should sit under the original camera.ini., works in the pit extended one as well obviously...

F3 to cycle cameras in replay....enjoy..


  • cameras_1.txt
    8.4 KB · Views: 43
  • cameras_2.txt
    7.5 KB · Views: 43
  • cameras_3.txt
    8.3 KB · Views: 43
Well then, for the very first time, got my hands at work and decided to venture, in making a preview.:scared:

Please dont laugh, it is my first. Anyway, when I save the preview, it stays like this.

As you can see, the wheels are turned and lights are on.

But when I load it to a car, it presents itself like this. No turned wheels and no lights.
What am I doing wrong?:rolleyes:

Thanks in advance.
Right then!
This track is fantastic! Never normally would of been drawn to it, I am very selective with tracks, but very glad that I am having to try other tracks as i have until now just raced around Silverstone and a few UK ones...
Now i am adding cameras its been a great excuse to try new stuff...
That over with on to my cameras.....

So this track is great but has one camera in the data folder, which is what it is. Replays and watching them are for me at least as much a part of the experience as driving...
So 3 cameras to choose from. (plus the original one still)
The feel i want to get is as far away from Shift 2 / forza style cameras which track the car too close and don't feel like what i see on TV following races... One of the things PCars was great at was replay cameras and feeling 'real'...

the 3rd camera in this trio i followed as best i could the actual virtual camera people at track side, you'll see one of them briefly where i got it a bit wrong....I have called him Gary.....say hello...

change 'txt' to 'ini' add these into track data folder and should sit under the original camera.ini., works in the pit extended one as well obviously...

F3 to cycle cameras in replay....enjoy..
Thank you for the beautiful cameras, they are great!

Now, when exceeding track limits, I can look like an absolute clown from every angle possible :D
The driver doesn't seem to like you turning the lights on in this car, lol. Hit F5 and check his reaction when you flick the switch. Needs a gif.

Yeah after testing back to back v4 and v5, I have to say that v4 is better. In v5 the dashboard is broken, the RPM limit has been lowered under 9k for some reason, there's that weird head animation when you turn on the lights, and the physics are strange in my opinion. The only better thing about v5 is the model update, so what I ended up doing is copy the KN5 files and skins from v5 into my v4 folder and it works great.
Here is the second part of my rather chaotic tutorial on how to add more pit boxes to tracks. Everything I write about here I learned from @slider666 . He took his time and patiently explained everything to me when I was starting my adventure with 3DSimEd and I really wasn’t the brightest student. I barely understood anything before he taught me how to do this properly, so I wanted to thank him immensely and just say that he is awesome. End of emotional comments, time to get back to the tutorial.

After you successfully managed to create as many pit boxes and start positions as you wanted, it’s time to export the kn5 file to the track folder in Assetto Corsa directory, right? Well, yes, but actually no. DO NOT export the entire kn5 track folder and overwrite the original one. Instead, follow this steps:

STEP 1. Go to the "Display" tab and select "Object filter". A window should pop up that has all of the track objects highlighted. Select "All Off" and highlight ONLY your new pit boxes and start positions that you just created. You can do it by holding CTRL key and selecting them one by one or by holding SHIFT key and just selecting the first and the last one, all objects between will be highlighted automatically. Just make sure that you highlight all your new pit boxes and start positions and that you don’t highlight any other objects from the original track file. What you want to see on your screen after this is only your new pits and start positions (only cubes and nothing else).

Next, go to the "Edit" tab and select "All visible" and then "Copy". So far so good, go to the "Home" tab and select "New". Then, in the empty project that you just created, go again to the "Edit" tab and select "Paste" and then "Paste Objects". At this point you should have all of your new pit boxes and start positions in the new project.

STEP 2. Time to export that project containing only your new pit boxes and start positions. I never exported it straight into the track folder in Assetto Corsa directory, but what I did instead is create a new folder in my Documents called "Track edits" or whatever you want it to be called. I copied there the track folders of tracks I wanted to edit and worked on that instead of the original track folder. I recommend doing the same or a similar thing, just to keep track and order of what you are doing. Anyway, export the kn5 file with your pit boxes and start positions there or to the original track folder, how you prefer. Name the kn5 file in a way that will immediately let you know what’s inside, for example I usually named them following the same template: track_name_numberofpits.kn5 (direct example – cadwell_park_28pits.kn5).

STEP 3. Now you have the original track kn5 file and your new pits kn5 file. What you need to do is combine them into a new layout using models.ini file. There are two possibilities - either the track you edited has a models.ini file or it doesn't. If it does, go to STEP 3.1. If it doesn't, go to STEP 3.2.

STEP 3.1. If the track which you edited has a models.ini file, follow this steps:

Copy the models.ini file and rename it to models_track_name_numberofpits.ini (direct example from Cadwell Park again – models_fullcircuit_28pits.ini) or name it how you like.

Open it and add this line to the file:





Where x is the number of the last MODEL in that models.ini +1, and FILE is your kn5 file with pit boxes and start positions.

For example, in Jyllands-Ringen there are 3 models (MODEL_0, MODEL_1 and MODEL_2), so when I wanted to add my new kn5 file containing the pit boxes and start positions I just made, I had to name it [MODEL_3] and put this line under it: FILE=jyllandsringen_30pits.kn5.

STEP 3.2. If the track which you edited does not have a models.ini file, follow this steps:

Copy a models.ini file from another track.

Delete everything inside the file and add this two lines instead:









I will use Valencia Street Circuit as an example this time:









^It should basically look like this^

STEP 4. There are only two more things you need to do at this point. First, you need to create a folder for your new layout with extended pit boxes. Make sure to name it the same way you named the models.ini file, otherwise your new layout will not work. Layout folder should be placed inside the main track folder.

In your new layout folder you will need these 3 things: "ai" folder, "data" folder and map.png file. Just copy them from the original track and drop into your new layout folder.

STEP 5. The last thing you need to do to complete your new layout is creating a folder for it in "ui" folder. In "ui" folder, create a folder named the same as your layout folder and models.ini. Just copy outline.png, preview.png and ui_track.json files of the original track and drop them in the folder you just created. I know I repeat "folder" a lot, sorry for that :D

Very important little thing – make sure to open the ui_track.json file you just copied and change the number of "pitboxes" in it, otherwise the game will not understand that there are more pit boxes and start positions to be used. While you are doing that, I recommend that you also slightly change the “name” and "description" of the track as well, in order to more quickly know which layout is the one with additional pits.

If the track you are editing has multiple layouts, you will need to repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 for each layout separately, unless you only want one layout to have the additional pit boxes, in which case just choose your favourite layout of the track and just do it for that one.

And that should be all. I hope I managed to explain it better than I think I did and that it's reasonably understandable. If not, then I will be happy to help and clear things up.

@Beezer215 @unpierrot @PepperoniAC24 - please let me know if you need me to explan something in more detail.

@slider666 - please feel free to correct me if you find any mistake in what I just wrote.

Everyone else - sorry for yet another wall of text, enjoy your day :)
I've been meaning to get this out for a few days now, just never had the time to tidy it up! A visual update to my reworked 996:

Porsche 911 966.2 GT3 (2004)

v0.9 changes:

- animated wipers
- added digital display
- added exhaust shake
- improved AO map on spoiler
- added rain glass
- couple more skins
- optimised LOD's

Gulf skin by @MrB00

Thank you Sir! Good upgrade, now I can drive it under rain 👍. Digital display is welcome also. Not to mention Gulf skin just the way I like them for road cars: sober clean and nice looking. I like to drive it even more, especially since alongside the very good physics, you kept this realistic steering wheel DOR which is quite rare on AC mods. :cheers:
While it's a bit rough around the edges I've really been enjoying trying to get my times down on this hillclimb course.
It could definitely do with some work to get it to a really good state but it's pretty good where it is and boy is it a hard one to get a fast time without ending up in the fields or orchard.

@safi hellie The replay camera isn't too bad here but is a little high at some points, but if you would be kind enough to make one or two i'd really appreciate it :bowdown:
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