Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Just tried Singapore 2020 for the first time since getting all my Rift/performance issues fixed and the track now runs very smooth and looks great for me. I guess my Rift was in the process of dying when I last tried the track.
I know you're working on a few different fixes but you said the helicopters were already fixed - is it possible to push these out in the meantime? I'm really keen to understand more about track animations and what can be expected from the results.
Cheers, and thanks again for transforming Singapore 2020.

Almost fix done:)
Now I am thinking about how to make little adjustments.


    313.1 KB · Views: 39
Buick GSX 1970 by Slivkas Garage

View attachment 918253

Original Model: Turn10 (Forza Horizon 4)

Support for shader patch: working turn signals, wipers, doors, refraction lights and much more.
Updated: Added lods, little optimization

The car will take any suggestions about upcoming corners into consideration and get back to you within three working days.

Could I make a small request of you and others when linking to mod cars, could you please just pop a one or two word comment as to whether the mod you're linking is encrypted or not encrypted, would save me some hassle going through my download and installation checks, thanks.
I also noticed the same problem with the civic , hope there will be a fix soon , but for the time being I was working on my own reworked wtcr to be on par with modern grid and the skins work on it so I’m happy , also the Subaru I noticed the wheels have no movement as in no animation, have you seen this problem ?

Didn't notice yet, but now I certainly will :). Maybe someone can fix this as well. In the end run it's the rollovers mod, replacing the kn5 like by civic should do the trick i guess.

Enkay74 said that he would try to solve this problem. Temporary solution is to take kn5 file from Rollovers TCR mod (wtcr_civic_type_r_fk7_wtcr.kn5) and rename it to btcc_civic_type_r_fk7.kn5 - worked for me.

Thanks for this. Will try. I just love when we can recreate as much as possible realistically. With @PepperoniAC24 track skins and this, it's like a whole new game. Love it. Will have to look if they are balanced or need to be BOPed.
Almost fix done:)
Now I am thinking about how to make little adjustments.

Does this take care of the "UFO-speed" helicopters? I think the one that makes you think you're about to be abducted is as you approach the turn onto Republic Boulevard? At night, it can be a little startling the first couple of times it happens.

If so, great if you're correcting this, as it's the only "flaw" that I experienced. Adding Heli's is a great addition!

Love the track and mod. Been a while since I've driven it. Required more laps to get back into the "groove," but the quality of the track makes that worthwhile (as long as I don't get abducted).

[EDIT] Okay, just tested with the new helicopters. While I can see them more often, they are still moving way too fast... and still at UFO-speed, though maybe a little slower now. I think the most unrealistic thing is how abruptly they appear to stop (adding to the "UFO" movement reference).

Having been at real races where helicopters are present, they usually plan their flight paths and hover positions to be as unnoticeable as possible. During the previous generation of F1 racing, you could hardly hear them, as the cars were much louder, but even now, they're still not that much of a nuisance.

It looks like you're still working on this. Either slow the helicopters down or add more. Depending on how you can "trigger" their movements, maybe double the length of their cycles. As a 3D animator and video editor, I know timing can be the most challenging thing to tackle, and even more so when dealing with the variables within a game or sim.

At Monza, they do really have to move as this older track has a lot of long fast straightaways, but the movement is sweeping and fluid, and they usually stop to hover, further away from the track for wide shots.

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Buick GSX 1970 by Slivkas Garage

View attachment 918253

Original Model: Turn10 (Forza Horizon 4)

Support for shader patch: working turn signals, wipers, doors, refraction lights and much more.
Updated: Added lods, little optimization

The car will take any suggestions about upcoming corners into consideration and get back to you within three working days.
Thats a really nice conversion. 👍
Wow mate you suprise me every day! :) Anything on your HDD you wanted to share and forgot? ;)
Before I forget it... ;), just a grass config for @norms home track Croft. He looked over it and found it realistic. Thx. :)
This works for both versions, @Jimlloyd´s reboot version and @GzeroD´s one with 6 track layouts. Maybe these both could be combined to get a nicer looking reboot version with 6 track layouts? ;)
Just extract zip into root AC root folder. Enjoy it... :cheers:


    4.1 KB · Views: 57
Boy, you guys sure are on a roll with the cameras! Thanks for that! I have a couple of tracks here that I think are a bit neglected and could do with some of your expertise:

California Coast
- Has great potential. Needs a graphical overhaul, though. Especially the "patchy" grass and rock elements and the water texture.

Many thanks in advance.

Disregard my post if I'm (unknowingly) out-of-order.

Do you have the original source for this track? Or know who is the author/editor?

This is the California Sprint track from Codemasters' Grid 2/Autosport and I have a version that I think this is based on (dated Feb 2017), but yours is so much more optimised in FPS and road mesh. My version has a reverse variant though, which yours is missing sadly.

Reason I'm asking is, I'm tracking down the last Sprint track which is a road based on Cote d'Azur, and I'm hoping to check if the author is planning to convert this one also.

This dude has it but like most Japanese AC modder he doesn't share any links :grumpy:

The other 2 Sprint tracks are:
- Hong Kong (you can get on assettocorsaclub, but again it's poor quality)
- Okutama Sprint (different route from Okutama GP, but shares some roads - you can get it from here but also poor quality

We've had ACU and ChiQuiFreaky converting most of the GRID city tracks (with a bit of help from our Masscot for Dubai!). It's about time we get these amazing roads up to the quality they deserve :D 👍
Buick GSX 1970 by Slivkas Garage

View attachment 918253

Original Model: Turn10 (Forza Horizon 4)

Support for shader patch: working turn signals, wipers, doors, refraction lights and much more.
Updated: Added lods, little optimization

The car will take any suggestions about upcoming corners into consideration and get back to you within three working days.

Thanks for posting, but the download limit is exceeded. Needs a new link
In CM, in the categories tab, we have a menu that say "series"
How do we remove or add cars to those series?
Wow mate you suprise me every day! :) Anything on your HDD you wanted to share and forgot? ;)

@slider666 I tried to remove the ugly spectators as well from the bridges on Solitude 1964 but without effort. I copied these values into your config:

DESCRIPTION = hide some objects like crowd
FILE = solitude1964.kn5
hide = ?b1peo1?

but it did not do the trick. So can you remove them please, along with the ugly cars which are around the track? That would be great.

I will consider doing a billboard update as well.
In CM, in the categories tab, we have a menu that say "series"
How do we remove or add cars to those series?
You have 3 options for now. I defined them the way they can get the information about a series with tags, class or just simple in names.
"filter": "tag:`\\b(BTCC)\\b` | class:`\\b(BTCC)\\b` | `\\b(BTCC)\\b`",
So you can put series in the
  • name: car name - BTTC or car name (BTTC)
  • class: Proto (BTTC)
  • tag: BTTC
I can create more series if needed. But for now nobody wished some new ones or defined them. :)

I tried to extend it a bit more the technical way, as someone I can´t remember now wished it, but lacks of time and help I didn´t got very far. ;)

Some nice icons and specifications needed. If someone have ideas ... it would be nice improve it a bit more for usability and nicer look. ;)

The same for main categories, could need some help for improving it:
Nissan 240SX USDM 2.0 from Slivkas Garage
Support for shader patch: working turn signals, wipers, doors, seat belt and so on.

Is this the first 240SX in AC? I find that hard to believe but it's the first one I've got.

View attachment 918254 View attachment 918255

AI cars seem to be squatting on collapsed suspension, but your own car is fine. Anyone know why?

So I ran into this issue when i first attempted updating the Legion GT4. The spring rate (probably rear in this case) in the suspensions.ini is too low and out of the range that is allowed in the setup.ini. Hence why the user's car is perfectly fine because the game requires the user's car be in the setup parameters but AI runs solely off of what is in the suspensions.ini. increase the spring rate and i'm willing to bet that the car is fixed.
Since a couple of days the AI always have their lights on. Tried also the obvious possibilities but probably I'm missing one? Do you (or anyone else) have the solution? CSP1.52 SOL151

- (un)checked real condtions in drive tab
- SOL config in game (un)checked CSP lights controlled by SOL (page 3)
- (un)checked seasonal adjustments
- WeatherFX: Misc. (un)checked both -> turn headlights on when AI does that, if date not set use original sun trajectory
- tried several tracks MOD and KS - several continents/all seasons - and set the time 2PM

Hopefully someone has the right 'fix' for this stressful moment (who does recognize that: While trial and error-ing and you're out of options - at least that's what I'm thinking right now) :confused:

Edit: ooh and when going back to CSP1.46, 47,48,49,50 it is ok. But for more and more cars/features you need CSP1.52 (and also 151 has always AI lights on)

in the contents Manager Setting Menu in the Weather FX setting menu these is a new box (Force AI headlight). just untick that
Does this take care of the "UFO-speed" helicopters? I think the one that makes you think you're about to be abducted is as you approach the turn onto Republic Boulevard? At night, it can be a little startling the first couple of times it happens.

If so, great if you're correcting this, as it's the only "flaw" that I experienced. Adding Heli's is a great addition!

Love the track and mod. Been a while since I've driven it. Required more laps to get back into the "groove," but the quality of the track makes that worthwhile (as long as I don't get abducted).

[EDIT] Okay, just tested with the new helicopters. While I can see them more often, they are still moving way too fast... and still at UFO-speed, though maybe a little slower now. I think the most unrealistic thing is how abruptly they appear to stop (adding to the "UFO" movement reference).

Having been at real races where helicopters are present, they usually plan their flight paths and hover positions to be as unnoticeable as possible. During the previous generation of F1 racing, you could hardly hear them, as the cars were much louder, but even now, they're still not that much of a nuisance.

It looks like you're still working on this. Either slow the helicopters down or add more. Depending on how you can "trigger" their movements, maybe double the length of their cycles. As a 3D animator and video editor, I know timing can be the most challenging thing to tackle, and even more so when dealing with the variables within a game or sim.

At Monza, they do really have to move as this older track has a lot of long fast straightaways, but the movement is sweeping and fluid, and they usually stop to hover, further away from the track for wide shots.

I see
I was used to it and didn't mind.haha
Because it was better to faster speed for checking

If it change "DURATION = " in "ext_config.ini", It changes variously.
20 was double speed.
Data is about 42 seconds.
So If it is around 40, it will be the original speed.
Thank you

please share the singapore 2020 track?

I will upload it soon
You have 3 options for now. I defined them the way they can get the information about a series with tags, class or just simple in names.
"filter": "tag:`\\b(BTCC)\\b` | class:`\\b(BTCC)\\b` | `\\b(BTCC)\\b`",
So you can put series in the
  • name: car name - BTTC or car name (BTTC)
  • class: Proto (BTTC)
  • tag: BTTC
I can create more series if needed. But for now nobody wished some new ones or defined them. :)

I tried to extend it a bit more the technical way, as someone I can´t remember now wished it, but lacks of time and help I didn´t got very far. ;)
View attachment 918309

Some nice icons and specifications needed. If someone have ideas ... it would be nice improve it a bit more for usability and nicer look. ;)

The same for main categories, could need some help for improving it:
View attachment 918310

Maybe we can start with the orginal tag-groups from Kunos: #GTE-GT3, #GT4, #LMP1, ....
@slider666 I tried to remove the ugly spectators as well from the bridges on Solitude 1964 but without effort. I copied these values into your config:

DESCRIPTION = hide some objects like crowd
FILE = solitude1964.kn5
hide = ?b1peo1?

but it did not do the trick. So can you remove them please, along with the ugly cars which are around the track? That would be great.

I will consider doing a billboard update as well.

So really NO spectators at all? The track gets very lonesome without at least someones... ;)
If you really want to get rid of them all, use this in config:
DESCRIPTION = hide some objects like crowd
FILE = solitude1964.kn5
HIDE = ?publico_bridge?, ?people?, campline01$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,

Hope I didn´t overseen some. :)

But I could do something different instead, using the spectators settings of CSP to hide them if wished and make them visible again of not.

Therefore I should imo define them as spectators in config so CSP can do his magic. I have to search a bit first how to do this, but shouldn´t be a big deal. What do you thing? Imo the better way... :)
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Maybe we can start with the orginal tag-groups from Kunos: #GTE-GT3, #GT4, #LMP1, ....
Sure, just need help with icons. Someone knows easy to find quality source for these icons, so they have a similiar look and feel?
I can put them all together afterwards and update them on RD. :)
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