Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Nice Group A pack there - better than my bootleg attempt at making a Group A Supra A70 :



Seems that we both reused some assets from the Cossie RS500 ahah.
This looks perfectly fine to me. Been looking for this car for some time unsuccessfully, would you share it please?
@menos | M6 you are the man! I adapted the code, but dunno where it goes. Looked all over data files for strings of the code, in cars with shaking exhaust, and didn't find anything. I can't change the name of the car parts either, as I'm just using CM. But thanks for the info, I may stumble upon a solution by trying further!
Here is three (there are a couple more of course) quick methods how to get object names when modding AC:

The quickest and easiest method:
- open car in Content Manager Custom Showroom:
- single left mouse click on the object you want details from (in your case the exhaust):
2020-05-16 192019 screenshot.jpg

In the Custom Showroom toolbox you will now find basic info on the selected object:

2020-05-16 192031 screenshot (2).jpg

- copy the object name (in the field "Name:") to clipboard by marking the full name (double click on name or single click and pressing CTRL+A) and copy (right click and select copy or hit CTRL+C)
- now you can paste the correct object name into any ini file you need

Bonus Tip:
Even WHILE you are in an active AC session you can bring up Content Manager (ALT+TAB) and in pretty much ANY menu where your car in question is displayed you can invoke the Custom Showroom (either through clicking the showroom icon or right click and context menu to showroom).

Should CM not be responsive as it may be blocked by the secondary race pop up box - you can easily CLOSE that race pop up box by right click where an imaginary windows menu bar would be (all up top of the box) and selecting "Close" - this will just close the race pop up window and CM should be responsive.
The session will still stay alive and you can at any time ALT+TAB back into the session.

This way I usually have open:
1) Content Manager to use CM tools, browse content and find my way fast through the file system
2) CM Custom Showroom to select objects, adjust shaders, find textures, build physics, lights, etc
3) a live session to immediately see changes I make in extension files, etc
4) text editor - I like notepad++ best
5) 3DSimEd when having to modify very basic 3D like repositioning misaligned objects

Content Manager really functions as the central hub for all of this. The.Best.App.Ever

Second method of selecting an object:
- In a live session open the CM dev app "Object Inspector" (this app is part of later CSP builds, if you do not find this app, make sure you are on a later CSP version, since prev..46 it is definitely part of the build, maybe even earlier):

2020-05-16 193935 screenshot.jpg

- hold ALT key and left mouse click on the object you want info about (you may have to switch cameras (F7 is best) and navigate until the correct object is picked up):

2020-05-16 194152 screenshot.jpg

- now the app will display a whole lot of information about the object (whcih is why you really want to know this method as well):

2020-05-16 194200 screenshot.jpg

- lastly, click op "copy" next to the object name ("exh" in this case) and you have the object name in your clipboard

third method (the least convenient but you may use it as well as you may be using these apps and may have them on the screen anyway):
- in either 3DSimEd or ksEditor select the object in question and read the relevant object info - done ;-)

2020-05-16 195213 screenshot.jpg

There you have it - the three easiest ways to find the object name to use in an ini file ;-)

This is absolutely correct - thanks @bestiajo for the tip ;-)
you must extract data.acd of the car with CM (go to Content the car you want to extract data.acd files and press ALT+J) then a data folder is created in your car folder. After that, delete data.acd file in your car folder (if not, the game will read data.acd file first).
Once deleted, go to data folder and you have to put the code or values posted before inside "damage.ini". Of course, you need to know the object name of the exhaust to put in NAME="object name for the exhaust"

Yes, those are excellent to drive. I agree. Steering with your pedals at it's finest. There are to few liveries sadly. Up to 11 with yours. 👍

And staying down under, beta of atcc 80s mod is getting released today. Guess who is getting somewhere between zero and very little sleep tonight?





Awesome I looooooveGroup A cars ;-)

I donated 5 EUROS to get the Full version of the Content Manager, but I don't get a serial key.
Could anybody give me an advise?
I paid via PAYPAL.
If you have checked your spam folder and you didn't get a key mailed within say 48 hours (respect the weekend too please ;-) just mail Ilja your transaction details and ask kindly.
He does usually get to it very fast - he is a super nice guy but unquestionably burried in work ;-)
Just use the email address of the receiver from the paypal funds.
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cant wait to try ATCC. it will be much more cars according their pics from facebook
also GT-R R32 Group A by RTM also done wery good.
But Ford RS500 (from pack on RD) seems to be much more overpowered then it should to be
Here is three (there are a couple more of course) quick methods how to get object names when modding AC: (...)

Lol, I knew all that! Thanks anyway!
What I meant was that I couldn't edit a mod car's exhaust name so that CSP's auto formula recognize the object.
@bestiajo I also knew that! Anyway, just opened damage.ini on a car and found the code sitting there. Don't know how I didn't see it yesterday...

EDIT: Btw, this lines seems to make the difference also:

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There are several ways to adjust FFB per car.

For me the best and easiest way to adjust FFB in AC is using the AC auto FFB adjustment app. The app is in the right side menu. The car will need an unpack data, then you need two lap on any track, preferably a shorter track.
After two complete lap with the app running, click save, you are done. Not only your FFB for that car is adjusted, it is also going to be balanced in force with all other cars in AC.
I wish that more modders would use that AC feature, it would avoid most mod cars to be all over the map with FFB strength.
For the muscle car enthusiasts, i found a 1969 Pontiac GTO by DV Gamemods (RC1) hanging around on a random Youtube video's comment section.

It got issues that can be easily fixed with Content Manager. Hopefully Assettoland can upload this gem later.

dragster666 can't answer your question because he/she is banned from GTPlanet.

:)) thx for the answer , btw that's my youtube ironic
Fantastic mod of the RS6 DTM BETSAFE by Nicolas Brunet (the Gumball car built for freestyle skiier Jon Olsson that famously got sold, then stolen at a petrol station and burnt out when the thieves realised they couldn't restart it)


(EXTRA GIFT for donators…)
It’s not a Race car so don’t expect to ride It like a GT4 car,
but more like a family station wagon with Steroid…
List is too long…
I let you discover for yourself…
3D Base Model : Bruce KELT Edit by Nclsbrn89
Body Kit DTM Import : Lucas MACEDO and Jens NEUMANN (LPD)
Edit by Nclsbrn89
Indicators and Lights : Jens NEUMANN (LPD) Edit by Nclsbrn89
Sounds : Guerilla Mod Edit by Nclsbrn89
Physics : Bhalil
Engine and Turbo : Erik WISPELWEY
Teaser 1: Tripled Sevens’ unworthy videos (3ple7ven)
Teaser 2 : TechnoRacerX (Danny OLIVEIRA)

Special thanks to Beto FERNANDEZ (BZ SimWorks) for all his advices and patience… and for all of you guys for taking time when I had problem
CONTENT MANAGER AND CSP latest version is required for Navigator, Lights, indicators, Gauge etc…
(Don’t forgot to active extra buttons in CM)
It’s only my second mod so be lenient please
Feedbacks are welcome for improve future V2 !
Fantastic mod of the RS6 DTM BETSAFE by Nicolas Brunet (the Gumball car built for freestyle skiier Jon Olsson that famously got sold, then stolen at a petrol station and burnt out when the thieves realised they couldn't restart it)

View attachment 921055

(EXTRA GIFT for donators…)
It’s not a Race car so don’t expect to ride It like a GT4 car,
but more like a family station wagon with Steroid…
List is too long…
I let you discover for yourself…
3D Base Model : Bruce KELT Edit by Nclsbrn89
Body Kit DTM Import : Lucas MACEDO and Jens NEUMANN (LPD)
Edit by Nclsbrn89
Indicators and Lights : Jens NEUMANN (LPD) Edit by Nclsbrn89
Sounds : Guerilla Mod Edit by Nclsbrn89
Physics : Bhalil
Engine and Turbo : Erik WISPELWEY
Teaser 1: Tripled Sevens’ unworthy videos (3ple7ven)
Teaser 2 : TechnoRacerX (Danny OLIVEIRA)

Special thanks to Beto FERNANDEZ (BZ SimWorks) for all his advices and patience… and for all of you guys for taking time when I had problem
CONTENT MANAGER AND CSP latest version is required for Navigator, Lights, indicators, Gauge etc…
(Don’t forgot to active extra buttons in CM)
It’s only my second mod so be lenient please
Feedbacks are welcome for improve future V2 !

Thanks Masscot,
If you guys want to improve the car you're welcome...
Need to do:
-Better sound
-Better physic
-UVWmap the carbon parts
...and maybe others stuff
I’ll get it out as soon as I can, just awaiting for a few things to come into place. By the way I haven’t touched the road mesh at all so it will be still as bumpy, if that’s what you mean?

I'm watching for your latest update. I assume you're improving the 2019 version that's been available since June last year, and you're optimizing it? That version looks great, especially when compared to the 2012 mod, but the FPS drops into the low 20s for me, even without any other cars. My system usually handles other tracks very well.

With the release of the RSS Indycar mod, I'm looking forward to taking it to this track--when it's better optimized hopefully.
While I agree with that, I take it as what the car was supposedly "tuned" to be. Besides, you have to give props to people that take the time to at least make the stuff that they want these days. Have you seen posts of people on here asking other people to make cars for them? Maybe I'm off but I thought we were in the modding forum thread. Where people make, create and fix stuff.
Maybe he's open to making some alterations to the car with some suggestions. I'm sure if we pool knowledge we can make it a better experience.
To my knowledge there were two generations of Corvair with the first gen being the one cursed with the swing axles and the second generation having a greatly improved independent rear suspension. The mod represents the second gen with that gen being the only one active in amateur club racing. It runs fairly competively with other cars in it's class so the platform must have had some potential. The handling on the mod was improved solely by lowering it's weight, using better tires and using the same power figures as the Stinger itself. Same kinda stuff you do IRL.
P.S. The Stinger came with several improvements over the showroom Monza, you ever test drive one of those?

Yes, I flew out to Ohio, had a nice interview with Don (locally pronounced "Dawn") Yenko and his pal Dinna Mae Mimms (she of the pink race cars), then spent the afternoon pounding around Nelson Ledges (a minor club circuit near Mosquito Lake) in the Stinger. Its handling was improved (although not much over the improvements already wrought by John Fitch to his hot-rodded Corvair), but desperately slow. There was a reason why very few Corvairs were ever raced after their debut in the preliminary sedan race at Sebring in 1963 (won by a Volvo 122S).
I'm watching for your latest update. I assume you're improving the 2019 version that's been available since June last year, and you're optimizing it? That version looks great, especially when compared to the 2012 mod, but the FPS drops into the low 20s for me, even without any other cars. My system usually handles other tracks very well.

With the release of the RSS Indycar mod, I'm looking forward to taking it to this track--when it's better optimized hopefully.
Yes that's the one, we have a small team on it now so hopefully some graphical improvements and a smoother road mesh too! No ETA at the minute.
Thanks Masscot,
If you guys want to improve the car you're welcome...
Need to do:
-Better sound
-Better physic
-UVWmap the carbon parts
...and maybe others stuff
Thanks very much for the car..! You should have been promoting it here, I didn't realise it was yours. Don't be worried about mentioning your own work :)
Have you looked into PBR shaders yet for the cockpit? These are great for making metallic objects look extremely realistic.
Yes that's the one, we have a small team on it now so hopefully some graphical improvements and a smoother road mesh too! No ETA at the minute.

I'm hoping it will be close (or better) than what ProjectCARS offers, of course with better mods and without the issues I have with PCARS.

Not great laps--mostly trying it out.

This looks perfectly fine to me. Been looking for this car for some time unsuccessfully, would you share it please?

Here, see if you want one of these. I bet you have them all, but, anyway... :)

Btw, last night, I went with this wonderfull mod to Mexico 67 track.
Forgot how amazing these cars are to drive. Easy to overdrive it and lost them, but so easy to catch and save them from a crash aswell.
Fun at a top level.

Yes, I flew out to Ohio, had a nice interview with Don (locally pronounced "Dawn") Yenko and his pal Dinna Mae Mimms (she of the pink race cars), then spent the afternoon pounding around Nelson Ledges (a minor club circuit near Mosquito Lake) in the Stinger. Its handling was improved (although not much over the improvements already wrought by John Fitch to his hot-rodded Corvair), but desperately slow. There was a reason why very few Corvairs were ever raced after their debut in the preliminary sedan race at Sebring in 1963 (won by a Volvo 122S).
Your comments about the Fitch are interesting since according to Wikipedia a Fitch topped out at 155HP whreas a Yenko could be speced up to 240HP. And your former colleague DED's opinions on the Corvair are interesting as well:

"And it is here too, that we have to go on record and say that the Corvair is — in our opinion — the most important new car of the entire crop of ’65 models, and the most beautiful car to appear in this country since before World War II...Our ardor had cooled a little by the time we got to drive the cars — then we went nuts all over again. The new rear suspension, the new softer spring rates in front, the bigger brakes, the addition of some more power, all these factors had us driving around like idiots — zooming around the handling loop dragging with each other, standing on the brakes — until we had to reluctantly turn the car over to some other impatient journalist … The ’65 Corvair is an outstanding car. It doesn’t go fast enough, but we love it.”
I've always loved the looks of the car and always considered it a lost opportunity for a segment of American cars to be designed with traits generally admired in european cars. In my next update when I include additional lods, I may change the width of the rear tires as at the moment they are slighly wider than the fronts.
For anyone interested in the history of a decidedly un-American old school American car, a good article with excellent photos can be found here.
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Yes that's the one, we have a small team on it now so hopefully some graphical improvements and a smoother road mesh too! No ETA at the minute.
How can I tell what version of Long Beach (or any other track) I have? The version I have is gorgeous with an animated water fountain and Toyota sponsorsip signage. Looks like it might have been a Forza rip. I never noticed or was bothered by bumps much but I haven't driven any open wheelers on it yet. Anyway, if this is the version being worked on I hope the AI line doesn't get neglected as they're currently crashing into the water fountain way too often.:crazy:
How can I tell what version of Long Beach (or any other track) I have? The version I have is gorgeous with an animated water fountain and Toyota sponsorsip signage. Looks like it might have been a Forza rip. I never noticed or was bothered by bumps much but I haven't driven any open wheelers on it yet. Anyway, if this is the version being worked on I hope the AI line doesn't get neglected as they're currently crashing into the water fountain way too often.:crazy:
It's the one by Terra21 we are working on so should be the same one you are describing. AI will be getting looked at too.
Has anybody tried the atcc cars yet? Just do! They a incredible. Similar handling wise to Kunos dtm E30, dtm e190, the new rs500 dtm, the mitshubishi starion race and the alfa 75 turbo dtm from ACR. But yet they are not copy paste cars of these on diferent bodies (altough they borrowed some stuff from them for sure). I especially like the Volvo with it's springy suspension and heavy robust body that makes you work hard in slow corners. But when you get some speed into it, it turns into a proper agile sports car (for that time period of course). I actually drove one 20 years ago (a modified street version for local races), and this is exactly how i remember it felt.

Little BOP will be needed (not much) and this will be fun racing for a long time.
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