Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Don't know if this will help in any way, but here, is possible to set some race options.
It is possible to change fuel and tyre wear amongst other stuff.

That will change the fuel rate of the entire session, meaning every car on that session will have its comsumption multiplied by that.

Like everything else on a car, he'll need to go through the .acd I guess.

For older projects I made for private use, I know for a fact that every car has a specific number that corresponds to the fuel consumption rate, then the game does the rest of the math.

He'll have to find that value and tinker with it.
Is it possible to ajust FFB for a car?
I know you can ajust global FFB in menu setting outside a race.
I know also that you could ajust for a car the FFB with in game applet during race and save setting for it.
But my problem is that in the menu setting (global setting) i'm at 0 for abs
And for this car, in game i'm at 0 too for abs but the abs is still too strong!
When i brake, it shake all my desk, everything fall of my table! :)
Is it possible to go under 0 ? or edit ini, i don't know
What you want to do is go into car.ini and adjust FFMULT. Lower it by a number or two and then fine tune with numbers after the decimal. I believe the ABS effect can be lowered in CM settings.

Thanks for this, I'm trying to increase the fuel consumption for the Honda NSX GT3 ACC because I've noticed it burns way less fuel than its GT3 counterparts, but with no luck.. I enabled dev mode in CM, unpack data for this car, I open the "fuel cons" .ini file, change the value, save, go back to CM and pack the data, then I immediately test the car on track and nothing has changed, the fuel consumption is exactly the same as before? :confused: any help would be much appreciated..
fuel_cons.ini is used by the AI. Revert that back to what it was.
Go into car.ini and there you can adjust the fuel consumption of the car. It's labeled as such so no problem finding it.
Don't know if this will help in any way, but here, is possible to set some race options.
It is possible to change fuel and tyre wear amongst other stuff.


Thank you man but like EdwardFFS said, that will change the fuel consumption for the entire grid.. that's in fact what MrBoo's second link was about, and I wrote about..
What you want to do is go into car.ini and adjust FFMULT. Lower it by a number or two and then fine tune with numbers after the decimal. I believe the ABS effect can be lowered in CM settings.

fuel_cons.ini is used by the AI. Revert that back to what it was.
Go into car.ini and there you can adjust the fuel consumption of the car. It's labeled as such so no problem finding it.
Oh, thank you very much - actually, if I drive another car but the NSX is part of the grid, should I then tweak the fuel_cons.ini for the ai controlled NSX cars to use that amount of fuel?that explains why I could see no difference after tweaking that file before, because I myself was testing the car.
Thank you, I'll take a look at the car.ini file!
Oh, thank you very much - actually, if I drive another car but the NSX is part of the grid, should I then tweak the fuel_cons.ini for the ai controlled NSX cars to use that amount of fuel?that explains why I could see no difference after tweaking that file before, because I myself was testing the car.
Thank you, I'll take a look at the car.ini file!
I have yet to do a test on what the numbers translate to in terms of fuel consumption in car.ini and km per litre in fuel_cons. You would think they'd be the same but there are values that are off like looking into RSS 2020 NA that doesn't have the real life value in there. I assume there's a reason for that. Need to scour more AC forums looking for what is going on here.
SHort answer though is yes. One's for your car and the other is AI. Now why the AI wouldn't just use the car.ini value, I don't know. Seems they use it when doing practice/qualify sessions and figure out their fuel usage.
I have yet to do a test on what the numbers translate to in terms of fuel consumption in car.ini and km per litre in fuel_cons. You would think they'd be the same but there are values that are off like looking into RSS 2020 NA that doesn't have the real life value in there. I assume there's a reason for that. Need to scour more AC forums looking for what is going on here.
SHort answer though is yes. One's for your car and the other is AI. Now why the AI wouldn't just use the car.ini value, I don't know. Seems they use it when doing practice/qualify sessions and figure out their fuel usage.

Da*n, I just modified the value in car.ini, saved, went to test the car myself, and nothing, the fuel consumption is exactly the same.. :mad:
Da*n, I just modified the value in car.ini, saved, went to test the car myself, and nothing, the fuel consumption is exactly the same.. :mad:
You have to rename data.acd (data_orig.acd) or else the game will continue loading it. Should have added that bit of info if fooling with files is new to you. Rename that and then the changes in the folder will be applied.
For those of you who struggle with handling of the new version of Nissan Primera from Peter Marek ( that was put nicely, i should better say: is driving you crazy like me :lol::lol:), they posted a fixed data file on RD which is going to be a part of the next update to the car. Here's the link. It also updates tyre wear:

Front still bites like the neighbours dog, and back still steps out easily, but it's much better. Managed to do a full lap on Oulton without spinning, which wa impossible before.
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For those of you who struggle with handling of the new version of Nissan Primera from Peter Marek ( that was put nicely, i should better say: is driving you crazy like me :lol::lol:), they posted a fixed data file on RD which is going to be a part of the next update to the car. Here's the link. It also updates tyre wear:

Front still bites like the neighbours dog, and back still steps out easily, but it's much better. Managed to do a full lap on Oulton without spinning, which wa impossible before.
“Front still bites like the neighbours dog” bloody genius! :lol: I laughed so much wee nearly came out, thanks for making me smile!
Is it possible to ajust FFB for a car?
I know you can ajust global FFB in menu setting outside a race.
I know also that you could ajust for a car the FFB with in game applet during race and save setting for it.
But my problem is that in the menu setting (global setting) i'm at 0 for abs
And for this car, in game i'm at 0 too for abs but the abs is still too strong!
When i brake, it shake all my desk, everything fall of my table! :)
Is it possible to go under 0 ? or edit ini, i don't know
use the app FFB clip, you should find it on RD or ac forum, it saves ffb per car and lets you set the ffb target for each car

Thank you man but like EdwardFFS said, that will change the fuel consumption for the entire grid.. that's in fact what MrBoo's second link was about, and I wrote about..

Last thing and maybe the easiest and only one?

Select the car you want to change the consumption.
Open that car folder.
Open the car.ini, scroll down a bit untill you find this line. CONSUMPTION=
Thats it. I hope. :)

Assettoland has recently hosted on their website the 2018 Alpine A110 Premiere.

So many things wrong with it, which compelled me to release an important patch for it.

The patch is already merged in the mod. Thanks AL for updating it.


  • Fixed missing driver parameters.
  • Fixed invalid header/version parameters.
  • Fixed incorrect driver parameters.
  • Corrected tachometer.
  • Corrected speedometer.
  • Updated tyres.
  • Deleted a few files.
  • Removed backblast from exhaust.
  • Repositioned cameras.
  • Renamed car to Alpine A110 Premiere.
  • Changed year to 2018 from 2019.
  • Changed driver's model.
  • Decreased step range for tyre pressure setup to 1 from 2.
  • Decreased brake torque (Nm) to 2,000 from 2,800.
  • Increased curb weight (Kg) to 1,103 from 1,100.
  • Increased total mass (Kg) to 1,178 from 1,100.
  • Increased idle (rpm) to 1,000 from 750.
  • Decreased power output at wheels to 223 hp @ 6,000 rpm from 291 hp @ 6,000 rpm (10% transmission loss from 248 hp).
  • Decreased torque output at wheels to 288 Nm @ 2,000-5,000 rpm from 333 Nm @ 2,000-6,000 rpm (10% transmission loss from 320 Nm).
  • Changed gear ratios:
    • Reverse: 3.246 from 3.250
    • 1st: 3.615 from 3.736
    • 2nd: 2.368 from 2.301
    • 3rd: 1.515 from 1.586
    • 4th: 1.156 from 1.239
    • 5th: 0.828 from 0.992
    • 6th: 0.754 from 0.845
    • 7th: 0.632 from 0.762
    • Final: 4.235 from 3.950
  • Resized and repositioned ground collider:
    • Position: "0.00,-0.24,0.15" from "0.00,-0.10,0.20"
    • Size: "1.75,0.05,1.75" from "1.80,0.10,3.90"
  • Decreased max fuel capacity (L) to 45 from 54.
  • Increased front track (M) to 1.556 from 1.530.
  • Increased rear track (M) to 1.553 from 1.552.
I have to say this is so much better and what this mod should have been!! Very enjoyable to drive
Will you also update the A110S? I think the original mod does come with it
You have to rename data.acd (data_orig.acd) or else the game will continue loading it. Should have added that bit of info if fooling with files is new to you. Rename that and then the changes in the folder will be applied.
Oh yes, i am definitely new to AC and its files!.. sorry, which file should I rename?and rename how?not sure I understood?
Last thing and maybe the easiest and only one?

Select the car you want to change the consumption.
Open that car folder.
Open the car.ini, scroll down a bit untill you find this line. CONSUMPTION=
Thats it. I hope. :)

Oh yeah, looks like that's the solution yet there's still one step to go as Beezer215 told me, not sure what/how to rename though xD..
For those of you who struggle with handling of the new version of Nissan Primera from Peter Marek ( that was put nicely, i should better say: is driving you crazy like me :lol::lol:), they posted a fixed data file on RD which is going to be a part of the next update to the car. Here's the link. It also updates tyre wear:

Front still bites like the neighbours dog, and back still steps out easily, but it's much better. Managed to do a full lap on Oulton without spinning, which wa impossible before.
Thanks for this!
With medium slicks,some adjustment in setup(mostly softer arbs,suspension,more rear camber) its great!This kind of FWD cars is what AC lacks IMO.
FFB is still strange somehow but after less power on diff and more preload its better.
Just wanted to say nice work on the 73 Toyota Celica and the Corvair. Finally got around to giving them a spin. They wound up in the TC Legends pack with only minor altering. Good stuff.

In real life, the Corvair was a dog (or rather a tail wagging the dog). It had swing axles, like the VW Beetle, a much heavier engine much farther back, and iffy shocks and steering. We tested the Monza SS at CAR and DRIVER and it was reasonably good at steady-state lateral accelerations (i.e, on a skid pad), but pretty awful at sudden zig-zags on Frank Winchell's 'surprise' handling trident. The modded Corvair here is much more well-behaved, with (literally) unbelievable amounts of grip.
In real life, the Corvair was a dog (or rather a tail wagging the dog). It had swing axles, like the VW Beetle, a much heavier engine much farther back, and iffy shocks and steering. We tested the Monza SS at CAR and DRIVER and it was reasonably good at steady-state lateral accelerations (i.e, on a skid pad), but pretty awful at sudden zig-zags on Frank Winchell's 'surprise' handling trident. The modded Corvair here is much more well-behaved, with (literally) unbelievable amounts of grip.
While I agree with that, I take it as what the car was supposedly "tuned" to be. Besides, you have to give props to people that take the time to at least make the stuff that they want these days. Have you seen posts of people on here asking other people to make cars for them? Maybe I'm off but I thought we were in the modding forum thread. Where people make, create and fix stuff.
Maybe he's open to making some alterations to the car with some suggestions. I'm sure if we pool knowledge we can make it a better experience.
I got it, it works now, thank you very much man, and to @MrB00 and @Paulo Ribeiro too!

Just so you know what's going on, the data_orig name was just a suggestion, you may as well call it lalalala.acd, or remove it completely. The important thing is that the game doesn't read data.acd
There's also a CM option to have the game read the unpacked folder, rather than the packed file. That works too!
Just so you know what's going on, the data_orig name was just a suggestion, you may as well call it lalalala.acd, or remove it completely. The important thing is that the game doesn't read data.acd
There's also a CM option to have the game read the unpacked folder, rather than the packed file. That works too!
Thank you, I'm just starting to learn stuff about this, so everything's new xD
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