Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Here's Volume 4 of the Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project or I'M HAVING TROUBLE COMING UP WITH FUNNY TITLES FOR THESE

Volume 1 - A is here.

Volume 2 - B is here.

Volume 3 - C and D is here.



Gold Coast
Folder Name:
Author: Terra21 / AKv8
Despite there being a ton of buildings and trackside objects this track maintains a high framerate throughout and is very bright and colorful. The racing surface is good, and it's an excellent track to race on. This is the one to get.

Folder Name: FVRGoldCoast2011
Author: FVR
Download: readme file says not to share it.
A lot of the buildings have very blurry textures and it's overall not very well put together. It looks like an rFactor track. The road surface is bumpy and full of holes and it's not worth getting.

Over time, I acquire tracks that give me duplicates after I've finished the volume. I'm adding those to the volumes they belong to but I'm also going to add them here at the end of whatever volume I'm working on at the time so people can catch them.

Folder Name: acf_buenos_aires
Author: ACF
This is ACF's rework of lebastia85's track and it takes the track from "just fine" to "excellent". The grass is much improved and the signs are fixed. The weird flags are still there and now the sand looks bright white, but that's really all I can find wrong with it. The extra track layouts are also a plus. Definitely drive this version.

Thx for this nice comparisons. 👍 :)

Sorry for just releasing it now, but it seems I need this kind of reminder to take a look in my deep drawer ... :sly: ;)

Gold Coast:
I´ve 2 different versions of t21´s Gold Coast the one with and one without these massive barriers on chicanes. Config´s for both versions added.
Made some brightness tweaks but most of all, added missing shadows. They cost a bit fps but I tried to compensate that with some lod tweaks. Overall it´s still costing on my system ~5-10 fps but looks way better and realistic even it´s more difficult to drive with all the shadows on tarmac. ;)
Download of configs attached.

Townsville - reworked:
Staying in Australia: I got aware that my update on FVR Townsville - reworked needed some more fixes I´ve overseen. Some poppin trees, some intransparent rails and stairs ...
I hope I didn´t overseen more annoying things, but that track isn´t really best made before and I tried my best. :)
On RD you can find nice camera from @safie hellie and a nice reworked skin from @PepperoniAC24. I forgot to ask for permissions so I removed them from my download link, but they are easy to find on RD. :)

ACF - Autódromo de Buenos Aires:
@Fanapryde asked me a long time ago if I could change the brightness of the sand in ACF´s version of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I didn´t got what he meant as long watching some onboards on yt. The sand isn´t white/yellow as most sand looks like. It´s very dark one like the version from laBestia85.
So I change sand color, toned grass, tress, tarmac ... a bit darker, made new grass fx, tried to fix the flags. The flags are now "wavy, windy" but still looking not the best. I seperated them into an extra kn5 file. Who don´t want them, just rename the acf_buenos_aires_flags.kn5 and they will not showed up. Be aware my version or renaming kn5 files could cause issues in online racing if server are using old version.

By testing it now, I got aware there aren´t much lod´s values done, that´s a think I hope to do the next days to squeeze some fps of the track. We will see.
Thx you @Fanapryde for making real billboards and sections.ini, testing all and pointing me to the issue with the sand color. 👍 :)
I asked ACF for permission to publish it long time ago. It was while it was moved to the DC++ server and I got permission to do it. Since then I lost contact to ACF. :(

So, before I forget it again, here the release of tweaked/fixed version of ACF - Autódromo de Buenos Aires:

Hope I didn´t messed up something or forgot to credit anyone.
Enjoy it! :D


  • Gold
    3.4 KB · Views: 90
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sure, most of us here probably haven’t driven an F1 car or a Le Mans prototype but there are a lot of us here who do have actual track experience in actual racecars and have enough context and experience to know when something is realistic or not to a certain degree.

But you don't know if the car really feels like the mod. If you never drove a Porsche 911 GT3, AMG GT4 or a Radical, you can't say it is correct.
So, you need to believe the modder who said, the car is build together with a real driver. Who knows if its true?
Guys, here's the Wijchen track with the pit road surface I fixed, so you can refuel now.
I had to pull this into Blender to separate the pit surface from the main track in order to name it properly. Added pit related entries to the surfaces.ini as well.

Thanks to unperriot for kindly sharing his knowledge with me!

Cool thing about this track is that supposedly this was procedurally generated. I would love to see more from the author using that technique.

Wijchen fixed pittys:
Updated, sorry I missed fixing the pits in the other layouts. This new link has the corrected track, all layouts:

Cheers, friends.
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Hi all.... does anyone know if there is a mod/app that forces a pitstop or creates a pitstop window like in ACC during races please?, i love this feature in racing sims but its not implemented in assetto corsa as far as i'm aware. Would be great to have it!
Question. Does anyone else ever have a glitch with shadows/track texture. It's a little difficult to explain but it's like certain shadow draw distances are only a few feet in front of the car. So the shadows or track texture is sort of drawn on constantly. I think the track also sometimes reflects objects & if i'm going over a hill, you can sometimes make the outline of tree's & buildings behind the hill through the track. It's very weird. It happens on most tracks & i've fiddled with the settings to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi all.... does anyone know if there is a mod/app that forces a pitstop or creates a pitstop window like in ACC during races please?, i love this feature in racing sims but its not implemented in assetto corsa as far as i'm aware. Would be great to have it!

Unfortunately, not that I'm aware of. I've had to carefully set up fuel multipliers for each of the grids I run. I've gotten really good at it and can get them to mid-pit everytime. But your mileage may vary. I run all races with time multi at 15x, and run races for the most part set at 15mins or approx 20 miles.

My fuel/assists setup list below:

The ones with '[]' in front are the ones I haven't fully vetted yet to set a proper fuel multiplier. I have to run a few races with those in order to figure out a good multiplier for those specific cars.
Here's Volume 4 of the Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project or I'M HAVING TROUBLE COMING UP WITH FUNNY TITLES FOR THESE

Volume 1 - A is here.

Volume 2 - B is here.

Volume 3 - C and D is here.


Eastern Creek
Folder Name:
Author: aspec7878
Baked in skybox causes weird shadow issues with CSP. Other than the weird shadows and skybox this is not that bad and some of the trackside details look pretty nice.

Folder Name: eastern_creek2014 -
Author: R1CHO and Rainmaker
Colors are a lot brighter here and there are 4 track variants. No baked in skybox so shadow issue is fine. Trackside details are a little nicer too. This is the one to get.

El Zonda
Folder Name:
Author: unknown
This track showed up in this very thread with no author details so I don't know who made it. It's pretty rough overall. The textures are pretty blurry and repetitive and the road surface is bumpy. The lighting is pretty harsh too. This track needs some love applied to it.

Folder Name: acf_elzonda
Author: ACF
This one isn't perfect, but it's a lot better looking than the other one. I think they probably came from the same source and converted them independently. This one is bumpy in spots the other one isn't but overall it's the better version. I'd love a good version of this track.

Folder Name:
Author: Tiago Lima
Textures are a bit blurry and the mountains kind of glow. Everything is a little bit too bright, and all of the trackside stuff is a bit low poly. I think this is a really early mod track conversion from a much older game.

Folder Name: estoril
Author: Mitja Bonca
The textures in this one look great, the grass also looks really good. The trackside objects also look better and it's overall attention to detail is fantastic.

Folder Name: Autodromo_do_Estoril
Author: SilvAfonso
This claims to be a continuation of the Mitja Bonca version but so far is just the same exact version reuploaded by a different person to RaceDepartment claiming they now have permission from ISI to post and work on the conversion. We'll see if this sees any development.


Fuji International Speedway
Folder Name:
Author: Tiago Lima
The lighting is a bit rough and the track surface gets pretty bumpy in spots. It's a good start but it needs a lot of work.

Folder Name: malagoli_fuji_speedway_gp
Author: Malagoli
This one is a bit better, especially in the lighting department but the road is also smoother. It has it's flaws though and it appears to be abandoned after one alpha release. There's no DRS zones on this one either. It's a shame we don't have a really good complete modern Fuji (unless there's another one I don't know about?)


Gold Coast
Folder Name:
Author: Terra21 / AKv8
Despite there being a ton of buildings and trackside objects this track maintains a high framerate throughout and is very bright and colorful. The racing surface is good, and it's an excellent track to race on. This is the one to get.

Folder Name: FVRGoldCoast2011
Author: FVR
Download: readme file says not to share it.
A lot of the buildings have very blurry textures and it's overall not very well put together. It looks like an rFactor track. The road surface is bumpy and full of holes and it's not worth getting.

Goodwood Circuit
Folder Name:
Author: Tiago Lima
This is a pretty rough conversion. The racing surface is good but textures are bright in a harsh way and the trees look faker than most. The track surroundings are all just really ugly and the framerate is terrible. It dipped below 45FPS in spots. Not recommended.

Folder Name: goodwood_circuit
Author: mantasisg
This version of this track is just magnificent! It is built from aerial LIDAR for elevation data and it's had a lot of love and time in crafting a really nice version of this track. Trackside details are beautiful and it's perfect. Definitely get this one.

Grand Valley Speedway
Folder Name:
Author: Luis Silva Br improved by Deswribilator (I think this is ACF) and Calimero 0euf
This isn't a gran turismo conversion, it's a scratch built re-creation of the old Gran Turismo track built for rFactor and then converted and improved upon by various AC modding folks. It's got some pretty bad textures, stretched out signs, and it's overall not very nice looking, but it's still nostalgic to take an econobox out and drive the piss out of it. It's great fun. It also comes with a wet variant, but no reverse layouts and no short layout, and no lights fornight racing.

Folder Name: acf_grand_valley
Author: ACF
This is the same track as above, just improved upon further by ACF. Night mode and the short layout has been added. No reverse layouts though. I'd love to see work continue on this because there's still some bad texture issues (especially in tunnels or around rocks) but it's a good improvement. This is the version to get.

Folder Name:
Author: Edgar De Ochoa (is this you @13x?)
This is basically your standard conversion from an older game and the textures are pretty harsh and bright. Lots of stretched out textures and generic trees. This is a good start and could definitely be built upon but as it is right now it's just not up to modern standards.

Folder Name: grobnik
Author: Mitja Bonca
This version is another conversion of an rFactor version of this track and it looks like a lot of time and care went into getting textures and lighting just right. The grass looks a bit weird but overall it's a really nice looking version of this track. This one is my pick.

Gunsai Touge
Folder Name:
Author: thestrobe8
This has the look of a typical rFactor conversion, very low poly, harsh textures, really ugly trees, and no attention to lighting at all. The track surface is very sharp on elevation changes and it's just not very good. There's also a hole in the track that my RX-7 fell through and legend has it that it's still falling this very day.

Folder Name: gunsaiv16autumn
Author: Masaboo
This one suffers from the same issues as the thestrobe8 version, but has an autumn theme so everything is a glowing radioactive yellow color for some reason. And some of the walls don't have collisions enabled.

Folder Name: pk_gunsaitouge_enhanced
Author: Project Kaido
This is a rework of thestrobe8's version but so much has been changed that it's hard to call it a rework. It's beautiful! The trees, the grass, the surroundings, the buildings... it's hard to believe this came from the same source. The road surface is improved but it's still rough on some spots with a sharp elevation change.

Folder Name: pk_gunma_cycle_sports_center
Author: Project Kaido
Project Kaido had done all they could with the rFactor conversion they were working with for the enhanced version so they went back to the drawing board and built this new version from scratch and it's spectacular. The visuals are incredible and while they did a great job fixing up that old conversion they topped themselves with this one. Track-side rocks look awesome in this one, the buildings, the road surface, and the trackside objects are all perfected in this brand new version. Definitely try this out. For how good it looks and how long it took to load (I thought something was wrong since it was taking so long) I expected the frame rate to be bad but it stayed at a solid 90 the whole time. I am super impressed with this track and it's my pick for this one.

Over time, I acquire tracks that give me duplicates after I've finished the volume. I'm adding those to the volumes they belong to but I'm also going to add them here at the end of whatever volume I'm working on at the time so people can catch them.

Autodromo de Buenos Aires
Folder Name:
Author: labestia85
This is a pretty solid track with only a few flaws. some of the road texture variations are a bit abrupt and the flags look a little weird, a few sign textures are stretched to the wrong aspect ratio and the 3d grass objects are kinda bad looking but overall it's fine.

Folder Name: acf_buenos_aires
Author: ACF
This is ACF's rework of lebastia85's track and it takes the track from "just fine" to "excellent". The grass is much improved and the signs are fixed. The weird flags are still there and now the sand looks bright white, but that's really all I can find wrong with it. The extra track layouts are also a plus. Definitely drive this version.

Circuit da Boavista
Folder Name:
Author: Gilles75
Download: Pay Mod
Ok, so... Yeah... Trees growing through grandstands. Textures are either blurry or crusty. PS1 poly-count. Holes in the road. Bad. Don't Buy.

Folder Name: ACF_boavista_2007
Author: ACF
This track is converted from the same source that the Gilles75 version was converted from but manages to be a decent looking and decent running track. I don't particularly like this track because of all the chicanes but if I was going to drive on this track this would be the only version for me.

Thanks for all that you do! Great work, here some tracks, that perhaps you forgot:

E: Ebisu (lot of layout, west, higashi etc, fun tracks)
F: Feldberg, Fonteny, Fuji68
G: Gilles Villeneuve, Guangdong
Hi all.... does anyone know if there is a mod/app that forces a pitstop or creates a pitstop window like in ACC during races please?, i love this feature in racing sims but its not implemented in assetto corsa as far as i'm aware. Would be great to have it!
Yep that would be great to have but I don't think it's available / possible?
4.5 & 5 Star track list as requested. Please note this is my personal preference, it also takes into account how much I like the layout, you may well find tracks that you love aren't in this. If a track you made isn't in this it doesn't necessarily mean I think it isn't well made, it may just be that it's not my favourite type of layout or that I haven't yet had a chance to rework the AI (a lot of my tracks are underrated due to average/poor ai until I improve it). Almost everything was got from Racedepartment, F1 Classic Forum, Toms-sim-side and here, some of them are also pay mods. The list is going to be long, some stuff will be abbreviated.

- 1) Algarve - 2) Alisas Hillclimb - 3) Anglesy - 4) A. Most - 5) A. Ciudad de Concordia - 6) A. di Franciacorta - 7) A. Hermanos Rodr. 1967 - 8) Autopolis Oita - 9) Aviano - 10) Avus Street - 11) Baku - 12) Barbagallo - 13) Baskerville - 14) Bilster Berg - 15) Borgloh Hillclimb - 16) Botniaring - 17) Callajero de Buenos Aires - 18) Canadian Tyre Mot. Park - 19) Castle Combe - 20) C. de la Sarthe 1967 - 21) C. de Ledenon - 22) C. de Pau-Ville - 23) C. Gilles Villeneuve - 24) C. Gilles Villeneuve 1988 - 25) C. Mas Du Clos - 26) C. Ricardo Tormo - 27) C. Panama - 28) Col de Turini PRG - 29) Coppa Carotti - 30) Daytona - 31) Detroit Belle Isle - 32) Dijon Prenois - 33) Eastern Creek - 34) Ebisu Higashi - 35) Enna Pergusa - 36) Ermita de Sant Antoni - 37) Ermita de Sant Antoni Rev. - 38) Eschdorf - 39) Estoril - 40) Estoril 1988 - 41) Everland Speedway - 42) Fuji 1968 - 43) Fuji 2018 - 44) Fujimi Kaido - 45) Glen Coe - 46) Glendale - 47) Golf Course - 48) Goteborg City - 49) Grand Valley Speedway - 50) Grobnik - 51) Guangdong Int. - 52) Hakone Ohiradai - 53) Haruna Mountain Pass - 54) Hidden Valley - 55) High Force - 56) Hochkar - 57) Ibarra - 58) Imola 1972 - 59) Iroha Descent - 60) Jacarepagua - 61) Joux Plane - 62) Jyllands-Ringen - 63) Kazan Ring - 64) Kicevo Military - 65) Loser - 66) Magny Cours - 67) Majura Valley - 68) Mallala Mot. Park - 69) Mantorp Park - 70) Maple Valley - 71) Modena - 72) Montdoreac - 73) Moya Hillclimb - 74) Mt. Akina - 75) Norisring - 76) Oberhallau - 77) Paul Ricard 1988 - 78) Pikes Peak Hillclimb - 79) Pinewood GP - 80) Porto Piana - 81) Pudsey Street - 82) Queensland Raceway - 83) Rechberg - 84) Rivijera - 85) Road Atlanta - 86) Salzburgring - 87) Sandown Raceway - 88) Shanghai Tianma - 89) Showtime - 90) Slovakia Ring - 91) Snetterton - 92) Sonoma - 93) St. Ursanne - 94) Summit Point - 95) Symmons Plains - 96) Taplitzalm - 97) Toscana - 98) Trier - 99) Usce Beograd - 100) Walzenhausen - 101) Willow Springs Big Willow - 102) Zhuhai Int.

- 1) Adelaide GP - 2) Ahvenisto - 3) Albert Park - 4) Alto Tajo - 5) Aosta - 6) Atlanta Mot. Park - 7) Auto24ring - 8) A. Hermanos Rodriguez - 9) Autosport Speedway - 10) Bahrain - 11) Barcelona - 12) Barcelona Street Circuit - 13) Bikernieki - 14) Black Cat County - 15) Blackwood GP - 16) Brands Hatch - 17) Brasov - 18) Bridgehampton - 19) Brno Autodrome - 20) Buddh Int. - 21) Bugatti Circuit - 22) Buzetski Dani - 23) Cadwell Park - 24) Calabogie Mot. Park - 25) Chang Int. - 26) Charade - 27) C. de la Sarthe - 28) COTA - 29) C. Paul Armagnac - 30) Coldes Rally Stage - 31) Coste - 32) Croft - 33) Deutschlandring - 34) Donington Park - 35) Donington Park 1938 - 36) Drag - 37) Dubai Int. - 38) Feldbergring - 39) Fonteny - 40) Forli Ring - 41) Glasbach - 42) Glava Zete - 43) Goodwood Circuit - 44) Goodwood Hillclimb - 45) Great Wall - 46) Hampton Downs Mot. Park - 47) Highlands - 48) Hockenheim 1988 - 49) Hockenheim Modern - 50) Hope Racetrack - 51) Hungaroring - 52) Imola - 53) Imola 1988 - 54) Interlagos - 55) Iroha - 56) Istanbul Park - 57) Jerez GP - 58) Kemora - 59) Knockhill - 60) Korea Int. - 61) Korea Int. Short - 62) Krajiska Zmija - 63) Kyalami - 64) La Mussara - 65) LAC - 66) Laguna Seca - 67) Lausitzring - 68) Lime Rock Park - 69) Luccaring - 70) Macau Guia - 71) Magione - 72) Marina Bay Street Circuit - 73) Miami Bayside - 74) Mid Ohio - 75) Mills Mot. Park - 76) Monza - 77) Monza 1966 - 78) Mount Panorama - 79) Mountain Route - 80) Mugello - 81) Muracciole Vezzani - 82) New Jersey Mot. Park - 83) NOLA Mot. Park - 84) Nordschleiffe - 85) Nurburgring - 86) Nurburgring 1967 - 87) Okayama - 88) Oschersleben - 89) Oulton Park - 90) Pacific Coast Highway - 91) Portland Int. - 92) Provence Alps - 93) Putnam Park - 94) Red Bull Ring - 95) Riverside - 96) Road America - 97) Rollercoaster Race Circuit - 98) Sepang Int. - 99) Shanghai Int. - 100) Shuto Expressway C1 - 101) Silverstone - 102) Silverstone 1967 - 103) Sochi Autodrom - 104) Spa - 105) Suzuka - 106) Sveg Raceway - 107) Targa Florio - 108) Test Pad - 109) Transfagarasan - 110) Trento Bondone - 111) TT Circuit Assen - 112) Usui Pass - 113) Valencia Street Circuit - 114) Vallelunga - 115) VIR - 116) Wakefield Park - 117) Watkins Glen - 118) Yas Marina - 119) Zandvoort - 120) Zandvoort 1960s - 121) Zolder
Thanks for all that you do! Great work, here some tracks, that perhaps you forgot:

E: Ebisu (lot of layout, west, higashi etc, fun tracks)
F: Feldberg, Fonteny, Fuji68
G: Gilles Villeneuve, Guangdong

I can check but I think I only had one version of most of those, and Gilles Villeneuve is covered in Volume 3.

as for historical versions like Fuji68, I consider those to be a separate track from the modern ones because they usually have different layouts so I’m trying not to compare historic vs modern. If there is more than one version of a historic track (like 2 Fuji 1968 tracks) I’d definitely be interested in comparing those though.

so for Ebisu, Feldberg, Fonteny, and Guangdong are there multiple versions of those made by different modders that I’ve missed?
Well here you go chaps


This version has been updated with the help of Radical driver @Kevin Burke using his real AIM data and AIM data he took from the mod. I have listened to all his comments and suggestions and all the back and forth of making changes and finally getting his thumbs up.

Hope you all enjoy



thank you
very good mod !!! :cheers:
Thank you for this one. I was secretly hoping for a decent modern Fuji, but it seems like, that we are stuck with these versions.
I wholeheartedly agree - Fuji is a great track, just wish we had a better version. We ended up using Fuji Int speedway by Tiago Lima as the better of the two choice.
All modder are thiefs and liar. Stealing models, physics, textures... telling you they worked with real drivers on the physics. Nobody can check if the modder has worked together with a real driver. Nobody of you has ever driven a racecar and can say: "yeah, that's true. It's the exact feeling, like i drove the real racecar last time." Nobody can comfirm that.
And how we know, the modder has scratchmade the model. He can hire a 3d modeler or buy a game ready 3d model from a modeler. So, all are pirates and cheater.:lol:
I understand that you want to catch a hype on this topic, but you will not succeed. You can not compare a real ride in a race car with a simulator. On a real track, there is one very important and irreplaceable feeling - this is your ass! Alas, the simulator will not repeat this, at least for sure. And yet, someone who drove real cars can understand what is real in the simulator and what reminds or perverts these feelings. If in doubt, grab an earlier version of Sean Clark and compare it with today. Information from the riders greatly changed his mod.
I've searched high and low for this, hoping someone knows a trick or workaround to do the following:
trigger the hotlap ghost car at the start of an a2b/hillclimb race.
All modder are thiefs and liar. Stealing models, physics, textures... telling you they worked with real drivers on the physics. Nobody can check if the modder has worked together with a real driver. Nobody of you has ever driven a racecar and can say: "yeah, that's true. It's the exact feeling, like i drove the real racecar last time." Nobody can comfirm that.
And how we know, the modder has scratchmade the model. He can hire a 3d modeler or buy a game ready 3d model from a modeler. So, all are pirates and cheater.:lol:

This place is very inclusive & friendly. However, I don't think this is the place for people like you, it doesn't really seem like your type of crowd does it.
Hello everyone, a few days ago I asked in the forum.
Excuse me for consulting again.
Is there a version of the Belle Isle Detroit circuit with more than 24 pit boxes? or a change to the pit number of the Enders track (Detroit Belle Isle 2017).
Thank you
I can check but I think I only had one version of most of those, and Gilles Villeneuve is covered in Volume 3.

as for historical versions like Fuji68, I consider those to be a separate track from the modern ones because they usually have different layouts so I’m trying not to compare historic vs modern. If there is more than one version of a historic track (like 2 Fuji 1968 tracks) I’d definitely be interested in comparing those though.

so for Ebisu, Feldberg, Fonteny, and Guangdong are there multiple versions of those made by different modders that I’ve missed?
Oh sorry, i have not follow, now it's clear in my mind, thought that you check every single track available, really sorry
Mid Ohio v1.1
Terra21, nagp smoothed / Fixed By

Fix: a hole out of the pits.
Remove grass kn5 and add 3dgrass
add vao patch


Okay, this one doesn't have that ugly over saturated colors anymore. For sure a lot better. But boooooring....I can't feel any curbs....

But there is another version around with much, much better road mesh. I think it is a conversion of rfactor Virtua_LM midohio.
Curbs are as they should be, textures are good, great flow. But unfortunately that Virtua-LM version has bad lightnig / weird colors (grass) and the fps is sooo bad. :(:(
Folder is midohio, not mid_ohio. You can find it on
If only someone could improve that one...:bowdown:
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Hello everyone, a few days ago I asked in the forum.
Excuse me for consulting again.
Is there a version of the Belle Isle Detroit circuit with more than 24 pit boxes? or a change to the pit number of the Enders track (Detroit Belle Isle 2017).
Thank you
Not seen one myself but @Foxeway may have done this already in his pit extension packs, have a search through them.
Still don't see a single thing that is better than AC

I cannot agree with your statement, but I can say that, to me, no other SIM come close to AC in filling ( virtually) all my SIM driving fantasy.
I have, (and still do but less and less) driven all other SIM. in the past I have preferred other SIM for different aspect, like for example, I thought PCars2 had better graphic in VR, or night driving, but now with the latest development with CSP and Sol, no other SIM looks "better" to me in VR.
Sometime I would drive an other title because it had content AC did not have or had a bad version, but this is less and less true as well. AC has everything I ever wish to drive and with the frantic modding activity both with new and reboot mods, the content has reached an incredible level of accuracy and quality.
I totally understand if some one prefer an other title, or even just like the variety, but for me, more and more, it is getting increasingly difficult to indulge in anything else but AC. one exception is ACC, as they do GT3 to an other level, that AC cannot match ( yet).

One factor that helps me wanting to stick to AC is also that switching between titles highlights how they are all "fake". to me AC is the closest to real driving but still miles away, even with my "modded" CSR Elite, VR and tactile. Sticking to one title helps me with the immersion since it does not feel "weird" when I start, actually feels natural.

So, it is not like it can only be one, because their is a lot of great options out there, but AC is getting to be such a mammoth of a SIM, getting better and better at warp speed, that all other, for now, are just like "meh" to me.

Thank you to all modders out there for making AC such a fantastic SIM for all of us to enjoy. Long live AC.
HA HA, thank you, should of come here earlier tbf
hey shaun!

awesome to see you found a new family here after ripping off all those guys who done the work for you in past xD the message about your corona infection and how it changed your mind... 'we do what we do and you do what you do...' and now you're continuing as before? searching new victims to create content for you to push your own business?? really???

your radical was made for rich if i'm not mistaken... he paid you to get the mod done.... he has driven the radical several times his self irl.... you claimed your old physics as perfect even when he tried to give you detailed feedback... and you never finished your paid job but tried to talk **** behind our back about us... and now you're telling us you reinvented the wheel with feedback from real drivers? sounds a bit strange to me to be honest...

to prove my sentences... contact rich hayden from VRRC in GB and ask him or just download 'shauns' mini cooper... first skin is a replica of my real life company car ;) Werbung und Reklameservice Krüger for life... lol sound made by me.. shaders made by me... texture work/skins... made by me... reworked body, carbon parts, details made by me... the base car came from luca if i'm not mistaken? can you find any credits or something?? ofc not... xD

'our' project started as one of many but ended like no other XD

there are reasons why so many comunitys kicked you out in past btw XD

so guys be warned... it's may not as shiny as it looks when someone just tells you stories ;P
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