Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Would someone mind posting before and after pics of tracks before and after you've VAO'd it? Pointing out the specific improvements? Sorry, my eyes are not what they used to be.
You get more visual depth, on some tracks more noticeable, on some less.

That's the issue right there, if you know Belle Isle than you know it can never be too bumpy. We need a merging of the 2 tracks. It's hard to drive on a super smooth Belle Isle. Was the original hard on fps, I don't recall it being? Have to go check it out again I guess.

Thought i'd chime in. The enders/rainmaker Belle Isle 2017 is a really nice track & would be a lot of fun to drive but is frustratingly dull since it has no bump mesh. I haven't got a clue how to go about making one. I imagine it's pretty difficult, especially to a total newbie at that kind of thing?
Revert back to CSP 1.57 and keep the sfx folder in your \extension folder. Copy that folder into the \extension folder again after upgrading to the latest CSP 1.61 (Ilja forgot to include the sfx folder after 1.57...). This will bring you back your crappy rain noise.
Thank you, it works :)
It was shifting, wasn't it? Had an absolutely perfect view from here, could trace its path from horizon to horizon.
My god wasn't it just. My daughter spotted it first and I was like nah that's a plane...then i was like no way does a plane move that fast lol. Too many large trees round my way to get a horizon to horizon view of it but sounds like you got a great view.
I found > Bremgarten 1954 by NeelJ / Rainmaker

I didn't see it in the list of tracks in the letter B.


[EDIT] I didn't test it, I just found the link in the search. It has +500MB.

I had this one and the Legion one, they are both different eras but it appears the layout is the same so I'll add this to my to-do list.

Wait, there’s another Detroit GP track around, that isn’t the 1988 mod version? :dopey:

Thanks! I'll be adding this too.

Fireball brought up the fact that NAGP had updated a Detroit Belle Isle a couple weeks ago. Haven't tried it yet but here it is with the hole fix already applied. Most likely the config file out there would work for this too. (?)

Not a Fender Bassman. I build, mod and fix guitars and amps. Here's the one I've built. You can see that it's a square shape and not rectangle. I know from experience that the horn of the guitar doesn't even come up to the top of the amp.
View attachment 925354

And another!
Thought i'd chime in. The enders/rainmaker Belle Isle 2017 is a really nice track & would be a lot of fun to drive but is frustratingly dull since it has no bump mesh. I haven't got a clue how to go about making one. I imagine it's pretty difficult, especially to a total newbie at that kind of thing?
Hopefully someone can just apply the bump mesh from the Nagp version to the rainmaker version. I say that like it's simple lol,hell takes me a month to paint a simple skin. Truth is I'm only 6 months in with AC and still trying to learn all that CM can do.
I downloaded a version of "Bilster Berg Drive Resort"
Readme says: beta by Fat-Alfie
0.9.6 by legion+nobody

There are probems when loading this track in CM ans CSP. There are black pixels on the car and the track (grass). Can somebody please share a working version of Bilster Berg?

Yep I have those black pixels too, on the car and the grass especially

Latest version, ingame, should read '0.99 20191014'

I'd think those problems are CSP related and will go away with updates, however if more reports come in, then I am sure someone will look at it and it will get the love it deserves.
So I bought Tommy78's season pass for the DTM cars... Owning a car with this same chassis, I feel like he's pretty much nailed how it feels to drive it. Absolutely brilliant mod. Just wish, the SFX were a little bit more up to par, that's my only gripe. One of my favorite mods in Assetto now.

Latest version, ingame, should read '0.99 20191014'

I'd think those problems are CSP related and will go away with updates, however if more reports come in, then I am sure someone will look at it and it will get the love it deserves.
Yes, my version is "0.99 20191014".. only thing, my CSP is 0.1.52, i haven't updated it lately due to the bugs reported by the other guys on here..
So I bought Tommy78's season pass for the DTM cars... Owning a car with this same chassis, I feel like he's pretty much nailed how it feels to drive it. Absolutely brilliant mod. Just wish, the SFX were a little bit more up to par, that's my only gripe. One of my favorite mods in Assetto now.

View attachment 925655

Seemed like a no brainer at that price. I just bought the season pass too lol
Thanks, I was just reading up on CustomTracksBakery at assettocorsamods & what is required....

Also, I edited my previous post pointing to the version of Belle Isle I have - should the config that beezer215 uploaded be the same name a the track folder? detroit2017 in my case

It's very easy to use bluepeter and also reliable way to ensure you have VAO files for your tracks, rather than relying on updates from CSP. Once you've made the VAO file with the OptixBakery app, it just sits in the track folder and you never have to think about it again... unless there's a track update, in which case you just make a new VAO file.
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