I on the other hand love the way the cars drive now. They feel just the way they should (IMO). As
@Beezer215 said they have rotation now, and react to throttle and brake inputs more. Before they were bricks riding around the track. Now they are a beast that you have to fight with, and that is what they are like IRL (i read and heard and makes sense to me). They are a challenge to drive and so much different that other cars, and i absolutely love that. I drive a lot these heavy muscle cars in AC (the StockCar Brasil, the Carretera, these,...) and they require a totally different aproach, style of driving, you have to breake sooner (but can now actually use trail braking, before you would just lock up the brakes), use a different line through corners not relying on downforce,... and this like driving a different game. And i believe this is how it should be, But it takes time and practise to get used to them and even then i agree with
@Beezer215 the AI will always give you a run for your money. But when you do beat them, it's very rewarding.
And tyres are made so that you have to break them in for a lap or two. Even with tyre blankets.