Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I recently discovered the vintage Nurburgring mod, which includes the old Sudschleife - a track I've been slightly obsessed by ever since I found out it existed. This most likely isn't news to you guys, but I'm loving it - the Sudschleife is fantastic and the Steilstrecke loop including a reverse Karussell is, well, interesting...

The mod is here at RaceDepartment if you don't already have it. There will be a (less than brilliant) lap of the Sudschleife in the old Alfa GTA here once it's uploaded (on a gamepad, so shoot me lol)...

That lap...

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Hey Folks

Updated Hungaroring to suit my taste as a quick project today while on the train home from work....its a pretty quick and dirty update
....thanks to @Pepperoni for the blancpain textures.....let me know if you want me to keep could really do with some crowds and marshals and bells and whistles...had forgotten how much fun this track is even while playing on a controller

@MrB00 Ooooh. Look what's lurking in the image at the bottom of this page on Race Department. Isn't that the unicorn you seek? Maybe it is out there somewhere, hiding in the fantastical forest of AC mods.

Image at the bottom of this page:

View attachment 941794

Unfortunately I think that is a mk1 or one of those Brazilian Gol things but it's ok I have it covered. Thanks for thinking of me though :cheers:

I might have a go at converting one myself now I have a decent tutorial to follow and a copy of 3dsmax but I need lots of patience and I don't have much of that :lol:
Ferrari 500 TRC By Dragster666

took a bit since it was a different model its from rr3 managed to do the gauges myself same with the steering animation i even managed to do a shifting animation it might be clunky bet eh its my first time i will probably also experiment with shift_up and shift_dw on a manual gearstick ill need to separate the gearstick then it might be easy i think. There are only 3 issues with the car they are as follows:
The sound MIGHT but just MIGHT be inaccurate since i couldn't find a Ferrari I4 i had to choose the new i4 from the Focus RS yes i know but i didn't want to copy/paste an V12 because its a Ferrari! the second issue is the driver's legs i think that i forgot to position them however i don't think that they outclip from the car since i repositioned the driver i could be wrong. And finally there's some weird flickering on one of the metal objects not sure what's causing it but its barley noticeable.
Anyway enjoy it!
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Ferrari 500 TRC By Dragster666

took a bit since it was a different model its from rr3 managed to do the gauges myself same with the steering animation i even managed to do a shifting animation it might be clunky bet eh its my first time i will probably also experiment with shift_up and shift_dw on a manual gearstick ill need to separate the gearstick then it might be easy i think. There are only 3 issues with the car they are as follows:
The sound MIGHT but just MIGHT be inaccurate since i couldn't find a Ferrari I4 i had to choose the new i4 from the Focus RS yes i know but i didn't want to copy/paste an V12 because its a Ferrari! the second issue is the driver's legs i think that i forgot to position them however i don't think that they outclip from the car since i repositioned the driver i could be wrong. And finally there's some weird flickering on one of the metal objects not sure what's causing it but its barley noticeable.
Anyway enjoy it!
View attachment 941796

umm the only thing i can see from a quick drive is that the hands don't properly line up on the wheel and I think the animation while shifting is a little fast
Ferrari 500 TRC By Dragster666

took a bit since it was a different model its from rr3 managed to do the gauges myself same with the steering animation i even managed to do a shifting animation it might be clunky bet eh its my first time i will probably also experiment with shift_up and shift_dw on a manual gearstick ill need to separate the gearstick then it might be easy i think. There are only 3 issues with the car they are as follows:
The sound MIGHT but just MIGHT be inaccurate since i couldn't find a Ferrari I4 i had to choose the new i4 from the Focus RS yes i know but i didn't want to copy/paste an V12 because its a Ferrari! the second issue is the driver's legs i think that i forgot to position them however i don't think that they outclip from the car since i repositioned the driver i could be wrong. And finally there's some weird flickering on one of the metal objects not sure what's causing it but its barley noticeable.
Anyway enjoy it!
View attachment 941796

Very nice, thanks for bringing us this rarity. I can enjoy this car with little flaws, but those mirrors really need to be fixed.
Wow been away for a week just took me 3 hours to catch up on here. @MrB00 on my journey home I saw a scirocco in gulf livery shame it was going the opposite way or would have got a photo

I've been away for months and have no idea where to even start. 3 months almost exactly , and I think I'm like 400 pages behind haha. Man this thread just keeps growing ( which is awesome to see ).

Any huge track , car , misc things that are considered important I may have missed?

Gotta say.....I admire a lot of you guys for sticking with it as strongly as you have! Impressive!
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I've been away for months and have no idea where to even start. # months almost exactly , and I think I'm like 400 pages behind haha. Man this thread just keeps growing ( which is awesome to see ).

Any huge track , car , misc things that are considered important I may have missed?

Gotta say.....I admire a lot of you guys for sticking with it as strongly as you have! Impressive!
Welcome back! The stand out updates for me:
  • Brazilian tracks from Automobilista converted by VheEth. Definitely go get them! Quality conversions!
  • Outdated track mods being updated by _EASY_
  • V8 Supercars updated to v3.1. Very nice drive! Go get it at their weebly site.
Ferrari 500 TRC By Dragster666

took a bit since it was a different model its from rr3 managed to do the gauges myself same with the steering animation i even managed to do a shifting animation it might be clunky bet eh its my first time i will probably also experiment with shift_up and shift_dw on a manual gearstick ill need to separate the gearstick then it might be easy i think. There are only 3 issues with the car they are as follows:
The sound MIGHT but just MIGHT be inaccurate since i couldn't find a Ferrari I4 i had to choose the new i4 from the Focus RS yes i know but i didn't want to copy/paste an V12 because its a Ferrari! the second issue is the driver's legs i think that i forgot to position them however i don't think that they outclip from the car since i repositioned the driver i could be wrong. And finally there's some weird flickering on one of the metal objects not sure what's causing it but its barley noticeable.
Anyway enjoy it!
View attachment 941796

Thank you for this precious.

Just an information tho. The AI Revs UP has 7400, the Engine Revs Limiter has 7400.
If someone race with the car with AI opponents, the cars will not start the race.
For those that might not know yet, it is enough to low the AI revs to under 7400 to fix.

Edit: Loving the car handling, so 60's. And the brakes, awesome, we have to deal with drum brakes.
If we brake smoth, it wont stop enough. If we brake a bit more, we might lock the wheels.
Fun, very fun to deal and find the right pressure. :)

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Welcome back! The stand out updates for me:
  • Brazilian tracks from Automobilista converted by VheEth. Definitely go get them! Quality conversions!
  • Outdated track mods being updated by _EASY_
  • V8 Supercars updated to v3.1. Very nice drive! Go get it at their weebly site.

OH!! Nice!! I come from the Reiza fan club ( still am actually , been with them since day 1 ) And I will be looking into finding this stuff. Thank you Cantona!
I started a 2020 version of my FR2.0 today. The physics are like 50% done (not really happy with the power and such) but I need someone to help with the custom 3D model. It works fine but I get errors when loading and nothing shows up on the steering wheel, so if someone wants to help, PM me. Credits will be given upon release
Unfortunately I think that is a mk1 or one of those Brazilian Gol things but it's ok I have it covered. Thanks for thinking of me though :cheers:

I might have a go at converting one myself now I have a decent tutorial to follow and a copy of 3dsmax but I need lots of patience and I don't have much of that :lol:

If it's any help to you, this is the mod pack @xezez is talking about and the picture is from. They looks cool and are good graphical conversions, and are unique, but those two cars drive so badly, it is difficult to describe:

Luckily, at least the vw physics have been done much better in this version and this also includes sound update from fmod, which are alway very good:

The uno, which was one of my cars I drove as a teenager is still a mess physics wise. Hopefully someday someone does a better job on it. Here's the picture of the similar uno I had, black with a red line. I thought I was so cool then. Always looking around at the red lights if everybody can see me in my cool car. Sadly it spent more time in the mechanics backyard than mine. :lol: :lol:
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Hey Folks

Updated Hungaroring to suit my taste as a quick project today while on the train home from work....its a pretty quick and dirty update
....thanks to @Pepperoni for the blancpain textures.....let me know if you want me to keep could really do with some crowds and marshals and bells and whistles...had forgotten how much fun this track is even while playing on a controller

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This is a quick and dirty?! Dude you are so talented, hope you find more time and energy to work on tracks in AC. Just love your work. 👍

By the way, a while back you had some discussions here about updating Bathurst. Now that is something I would REALLY be interested in. How is that project going?
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Guys, the track "Special Stage Route 5" that was posted earlier today has some issues with its surfaces.

Drop and overwrite the surfaces.ini I've attached. remove "txt" from the filename as usual.

Basically fixes some really bad heavy steering oscillation in the pit lanes. Also adds actual road surface values so the road has a normal grip level.



  • surfaces.ini.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 52
A fix for the AI and fixed the sound for the ai opponents by the looks of it when you change the sound of the car and if you change the folder name and the sfx file accordingly you'l need to swap the sound again.Updated the original link so if you don't want to use this one you can use that one.

not sure what you guys meant with the mirrors they look fine in my view.

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