Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Thank you so much for your work!
This improvement of the track, in my opinion, did not work, it is not always possible to improve it. This is a completely different track!
I think all the problems are in the trees, their location. I went back to the old version.
Thanks again for your hard work.

Yes thank you __easy. I agree Kran and un like __easy_ I did not have a problem with the old trees. I also thought the new version had mats that are too dark. There is an old config that CM downloads for the track, maybe that is the cause. I have renamed the folder (you can now compare side by side with old). I have updated it again and reverted the trees and crowd and re did shader. Also the pit trackside windows were not transparent so fixed that too and some other small things

foyol / Updated by & FaB
Misano World Circuit v1.7
Update/fixed shaders and textures
Updated old extension file to reflect newer track changes
removed objects in the sky
improved night lighting
Crowds added and fixed
Trees refreshed a little
added extra trees
Update outline, map and preview

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So since I was questioned, the layout as already written before was sent to me by a member of an American community sim and knowing that I love the layout of Sebring I gave it as a gift, ( I don’t think that if he bought it from Gilles there is a legal loophole that prohibits to share it with me as I did with you) my question for help was aimed at asking if someone good at improving these old paths would take the 'task to do so. Then whether Gilles took it from the GPL or from RF1 or from the moon is not my business, if someone has to argue about any rights on the circuit must deal with him. I do not see why to mount a case of the pilitic partner on my request for help

I am not arguing what you are doing and it is not my rules. But seems there are rules that this group follows about certain tracks cars being posted. If any of the admins here want to jump in on what is to be posted, chime in. I just thought we couldnt post paid mods in this forum.

I could care less if you post all of Gilles tracks, but there are certain rules on this forum along with at Race Dept about paid mods.

Admins what do you think about this?????
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Why would you hide? Perfectly allowed to have an opinion. :cheers:
I mean, you also said that the model looks bad, but I actually like it more than the URD.. I guess maybe cuz I like the 2020 version more? the sound, thats what I agree on, its not great.

Well, Natsuki said he'll be making a 2020 Supra GT500 for the next one... maybe itll be better?
Yes thank you __easy. I agree Kran and un like __easy_ I did not have a problem with the old trees. I also thought the new version had mats that are too dark. There is an old config that CM downloads for the track, maybe that is the cause. I have renamed the folder (you can now compare side by side with old). I have updated it again and reverted the trees and crowd and re did shader. Also the pit trackside windows were not transparent so fixed that too and some other small things

foyol / Updated by & FaB
Misano World Circuit v1.4
Update/fixed shaders and textures
Updated old extension file to reflect newer track changes
Update outline, map and preview

View attachment 943268

Can guys please give me your opinions? I can remove that floating bit and fix a few other things if people think it is worth it or I will just leave it if not thank you.

Remove the floating barrier if you can--very noticeable in VR. I'll need to drive the ACC version again and compare, but this version will likely need some road mesh work to add "road feel," and a few other things could be added to make it more interesting. The track side paint definitely adds a lot to the experience, as well as other track side objects, but that's getting into more of a major overall, and quite a bit of work to modify and add 3D models, and new materials/textures.

Is this group allowed to do this - post Gilles tracks and his passwords????? There is another guy on you tube that is creating the original phoenix track and Gilles got this track from him and converted it to Assetto Corsa. He might complain about seeing a copy of his track.
Completely wrong, he stole it from the guy who is remaking the track and released it for free when he got caught out. Gillies work is all stolen content that he is making money out of and in no way shape for form should be respected. Thanks
Just tried the 91phoenix track, and it looks like it's a conversion of the rF1 track, from the same creator of the newer one that's being made from scratch.
It looks... functional in this version(everything looks to be scaled up too big, and there are many more buildings around than there were back then), but I guess it'll have fill the gaps until the new 1989-1990 & 1991 versions are released.
I have a new project to make track cameras for now. :D:cheers:
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Completely wrong, he stole it from the guy who is remaking the track and released it for free when he got caught out. Thanks

OK thanks for the info I did not know that, yes I know he got into an argument with him on a you tube video. . I wont mention anymore about Gilles tracks and leave it up to others to decide.

Here is the link to the original owner of Phoenix on you tube still working on a better AC version No idea when it will be done.

Added info : I found out about this track over on Assetto Corsa Mods(ACM). Seems he has been working on it since 2018 or so. So dont know how much time he has to work on it. He is doing a Pueblo track right now. But he said Phoenix is coming. I tried to ask about a Dallas street track he talked about over on ACM but dont know if he doing that one, dont see any videos on it.
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Completely wrong, he stole it from the guy who is remaking the track and released it for free when he got caught out. Gillies work is all stolen content that he is making money out of and in no way shape for form should be respected. Thanks
Technically you are absolutely right, but nevertheless (analogue to SimDream mods e.g.) it's still a paymod and it's probably not wise to post it here.
@slider666 improved the hell out of Gilles' tracks (putting more time and effort in them than Gilles ever did), but has kept them in a limited group and did not post them on the main thread for that exact reason.
I'd be careful with this, just my 2 cts.
Technically you are absolutely right, but nevertheless (analogue to SimDream mods e.g.) it's still a paymod and it's probably not wise to post it here.
@slider666 improved the hell out of Gilles' tracks (putting more time and effort in them than Gilles ever did), but has kept them in a limited group and did not post them on the main thread for that exact reason.
I'd be careful with this, just my 2 cts.
It was released for free.
Hey mates just curious is it possible to copy cars by just copying the folders and then rename it?
For example i want to have 4 versions of the rss f1 mod.
Each car for each engine manufacturer..
Or will there be problems?
Hey mates just curious is it possible to copy cars by just copying the folders and then rename it?
For example i want to have 4 versions of the rss f1 mod.
Each car for each engine manufacturer..
Or will there be problems?

You will also have to rename main kn.5-file, change lods.ini-file to match that .kn5-file, rename the soundbank and change the new folder-name in the GUID.txt. All the new names must be same as the new car-folder name.

May sound complicated but really it's a two minute job.
Hi Kevin,
it seems , at least for me, that all AI even slower cars crashes on the first chicane. All others corners are ok then
It seems the AI line is going on the tyres on the right hand side.
Could it be fixed easily?

Which cars? I only tested the ones listed in post...


Follow these steps please.

- Select the car and open the CM Showroom.
- Click on the windwhield (you might to click more than once to select the correct window).


- Click on the 3 dots in front of the 'material'.
- It will open a window. Click on the 'change values' TAB.
- Change the 'alpha blendind' option to 'alpha testing'.
- Click on the 'save' TAB.

Press ESC key 2 times and you're back to the CM car choice. Try if this fixed the issue and give the feedback, please.

Hi all!

I'm looking to commission two mods. One track and one car. The track mod will be an improvement to an existing track by a member here, and the car mod will be a scratch-built Honda Civic Type-R FK8. There's more details in the video I've linked, but basically I want to create a free version and a paid version, with 50% of the revenue from the paid version going to charity. The other 50% will go to the mod creators.

If anyone in these forums is interested in helping, please DM me. I want to build a team of talented mod creators, and I know there are lots here! I need people experienced in 3D modeling, physics design, etc. I can offer some upfront payment for you, and again, there's money to be made from sales in the future.

Thanks! And hopefully this type of post is allowed here.

nice updates mate,..

also are you planning to make more updates? cause we had plannend to do a championship with this car and it would be nice to have the best of the best for that championship,..

tnx for so far mate!!

I want too, but all of the LMP3 cars are essentially the same car, just slightly different in the wheelbase and stuff.

I originally wanted to start with the Ginetta, but it had one of the worst 3D models I’ve ever seen.
Hi all!

I'm looking to commission two mods. One track and one car. The track mod will be an improvement to an existing track by a member here, and the car mod will be a scratch-built Honda Civic Type-R FK8. There's more details in the video I've linked, but basically I want to create a free version and a paid version, with 50% of the revenue from the paid version going to charity. The other 50% will go to the mod creators.

If anyone in these forums is interested in helping, please DM me. I want to build a team of talented mod creators, and I know there are lots here! I need people experienced in 3D modeling, physics design, etc. I can offer some upfront payment for you, and again, there's money to be made from sales in the future.

Thanks! And hopefully this type of post is allowed here.

I’d be willing to give a hand with physics along with some other people, sounds like a great project.
Hi all!

I'm looking to commission two mods. One track and one car. The track mod will be an improvement to an existing track by a member here, and the car mod will be a scratch-built Honda Civic Type-R FK8. There's more details in the video I've linked, but basically I want to create a free version and a paid version, with 50% of the revenue from the paid version going to charity. The other 50% will go to the mod creators.

If anyone in these forums is interested in helping, please DM me. I want to build a team of talented mod creators, and I know there are lots here! I need people experienced in 3D modeling, physics design, etc. I can offer some upfront payment for you, and again, there's money to be made from sales in the future.

Thanks! And hopefully this type of post is allowed here.

Looks good, as the only FK8 available now seems too fast and too simplified. BTW what will be the difference between the free version and the paid one?
I already have the Oulton Park version you mention, and yes the mesh is really blocky, which I think is a similar issue on that ACC conversion of Bathurst I tried out. I guess you are currently driving on the 3D mesh rather than a proper road mesh.
Could you confirm if this version is the one you are talking about?
Alpha blending is right for glass, it must be an issue with shaders in the interior windscreen rather than with the exterior one

It might be clicked from other position, from another angle.
3/4 from the back, to get the inside window.
I just put the car in that position, to show the window better.
OK these are little projects I am doing, but obviously want to share here.
Dead simple to add and remove, nothing overwritten etc etc...

So its a kart track which i quite like, but disliked the grass, trees etc.

The extension and skin must both be added for the changes to take effect as the pics show...

Basically, added grass fx, removed ugly grass/trees and added as best i could better trees (may well try again with trees to make more Norwegian)

Changed road surface, rumble strips, few colour tweeks here and there...






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Hi there ,did this and no change , i asked 3 people to test the car , 2 of them had no problem and 1 just like me had this problem, guessing csp setting is to blame....thanks for you trouble


Follow these steps please.

- Select the car and open the CM Showroom.
- Click on the windwhield (you might to click more than once to select the correct window).


- Click on the 3 dots in front of the 'material'.
- It will open a window. Click on the 'change values' TAB.
- Change the 'alpha blendind' option to 'alpha testing'.
- Click on the 'save' TAB.

Press ESC key 2 times and you're back to the CM car choice. Try if this fixed the issue and give the feedback, please.

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