Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Yes thank you __easy. I agree Kran and un like __easy_ I did not have a problem with the old trees. I also thought the new version had mats that are too dark. There is an old config that CM downloads for the track, maybe that is the cause. I have renamed the folder (you can now compare side by side with old). I have updated it again and reverted the trees and crowd and re did shader. Also the pit trackside windows were not transparent so fixed that too and some other small things

foyol / Updated by & FaB
Misano World Circuit v1.5
Update/fixed shaders and textures
Updated old extension file to reflect newer track changes
removed objects in the sky
improved night lighting
Update outline, map and preview

View attachment 943268

I want to draw atention to a little gem of a track that doesn't seem to get a lot of atention. A little while ago I created a grass config for legions Warwick Farm. I've updated it added CSP water and added a VAO.

Some nice cameras are available here

I mainly just hop lap on tracks. Gzerod if you would like to include these above in the track could you also please fix the hot lap starting place so it faces the correct way and start behind the last corner?

View attachment 943344

Track is here sorry Tracks
I love you.
DTM1120 / Update by
southern-circuit v1.4
Update shaders
Add 3dgrass
Update outline, map and preview
I want to draw atention to a little gem of a track that doesn't seem to get a lot of atention. A little while ago I created a grass config for legions Warwick Farm. I've updated it added CSP water and added a VAO.

Some nice cameras are available here

I mainly just hop lap on tracks. Gzerod if you would like to include these above in the track could you also please fix the hot lap starting place so it faces the correct way and start behind the last corner?

View attachment 943344

Track is here sorry Tracks

do you have a link for vao and csp config please ?
OK these are little projects I am doing, but obviously want to share here.
Dead simple to add and remove, nothing overwritten etc etc...

So its a kart track which i quite like, but disliked the grass, trees etc.

The extension and skin must both be added for the changes to take effect as the pics show...

Basically, added grass fx, removed ugly grass/trees and added as best i could better trees (may well try again with trees to make more Norwegian)

Changed road surface, rumble strips, few colour tweeks here and there...

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Nice that you are enhancing this Kart Track. There are several other good Great Kart tracks on Race Dept that one person did. But he never has come back to complete them. Some of them have bad side lines making allot of AI incidents, and the pits stalls could be enhanced on some. i started fixing some of the side lines for myself but broke away to do other things. Keep up the great work Safi.
This is the plan..
if you have AMS2 give the new Bathurst in it a spin, its the first bathurst I have driven in sim that "feels" right in terms of sense of scale and height, the mountian is "high" and does not feel flat.. the sense of actually going up and down the inclines its close to the actual thing (although Ive only ever done it on motorcycles fwiw IRL, so possible my perspective is skewed ), coming up to the esses the drop off view is spot on to the real thing.

Suspect that technically its been scaled a tad too much in "height / Z" (or Y if AMS uses that as up, but, the result is it feels "right", also something familiar about it , think I have been on this version in AC, maybe the "other" one, in terms of geometry, but definately not in terms of height scale.

EDIT: Grabbed a bit of video of one lap, you will see what I mean in the straights, the elevation is quite marked. Give it a sec to upload.

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Yes that's the thing, it's not predictable at all and I also sort of go by instinct and comparison to other similar mods when assessing a car (don't have much else to go by really), and as you said, sometimes it's slippery, other times it sticks to the track like it was on rails. Fairly difficult to predict it's actions.

All in all, I was not blown away by a single thing about this car. It's ok all around, and there is nothing wrong with that, but to advertise it as the second coming of RSS GT pack, is not realistic and many people may be a little disappointed, especially cause we have excellent alternatives for that same driving series from URD and not to forget Chivas art. Ok, to be fair, sound is quite impressive. I don't think there is a car out there, where you can hear so clearly when the second turbo kicks in.

This is a personal opinion and I could be totally off on this. But I think for paid mods we should have more personal opinions put out there, as there is no possibility to test the car before buying. I for one would definitely find it very useful indeed.
I very rarely disagree with the majority of posts you make ales, you are a gold mine of information. But on this one you are way off the mark. I will agree that the cars skin leaves a lot to be desired (can't remember the last time I opened the showroom or watched a replay) I don't think the modder claims to be an artist in that department, the sound needs work but I'm not going to take him to task (the odd drop out needs sorting) on that one either. But the physics are superb, took me an afternoon playing with set-ups to get the car to perform at both Fuji & Suzuka for my driving style. Still have the rest of the Sgt tracks to find set-ups for. Real difficult to compare this to the Shiro as this being based on the 2020 series they are ultimately different cars but if I were to this is better by some margin, I'd even go as far as saying the URD is too tame. Who says these are easy to drive, they aren't, want that, jump in your road car. Masscott, if it's drifting, you aren't pushing the car hard enough there's plenty of mechanical grip and an over abundance of downforce - blame the FIA for having dumbed down the series so DTM cars could compete. Shame, as Sgt 500 racing was the most adrenaline filled, machismo racing genre anywhere on the planet. Japanese macho at it's best, more a tyre war than car - I do hope the modder decides to do both the nsx & supra. Could be a load of bollocks, but I gather the Japanese modder has both access to data & drivers of the current 2020 series. That's why I rate Shaun's radical so highly, he has access to a pro driver racing the thing, not some fantasist on the internet. Having raced both motorcycles & cars, admittedly only at club level I place my faith in drivers and engineers of said cars. They know how the car should perform in the real world and if a simulation of that car gets anywhere close then that's good enough for me. Apologies if I've trod on anyone's toes.... Do you know what I'd really love, someone as good a Jim to sort out an optimised version of Fuji..... Anyone?
Awesome, I've been trying to find kart tracks all week but can I ask, what kart mod are you using? I've tried the one from RD that most people download but there was another one posted very ecently and I thought it was better than any kart mod I've tried in Assetto - it's on RD btw. Yep, just wondering whether there is another kart out there.

Cockburn International Kartway


Karting Sallent

Okayama Kart layouts

SPEEDWORLD EURO-Rennstrecke - Bruck an der Leitha - "Strecke 2"

Kart Villarcayo

Kartodromo Internacional Valencia

Euskadi Karting

Kartodromo Cabo do Mundo

Torremocha (Caceres Karts)

Karting Cardedeu


Mario Kart 8 Royal Raceway

Kartodromo de Registro
I mean, you also said that the model looks bad, but I actually like it more than the URD.. I guess maybe cuz I like the 2020 version more? the sound, thats what I agree on, its not great.

Well, Natsuki said he'll be making a 2020 Supra GT500 for the next one... maybe itll be better?
Good to hear Natsuki is doing the Supra, hopefully the Honda as well, I'll buy both if he does... Yeah, the sound needs work... Skinning I don't care about - usually within days/hours of a cars release someone will do a good skin or two for it, there's one on RD for the Nissan that's good now he's sorted the view from inside the car... What's most important for me is the physics, I want to drive it not stare at it....
Could be that it was out for free, though it's strange a password is needed.
But I was merely responding to the whole of your post.
You posted Riberao Preto a reworked version) before, which is another 'paymod' from Gilles (though the ui does not mention the author/convertor as usual):

I’ve done exactly this, and this is what I use for that kinda thing:

You select the RSS mod, make a ‘tune’ and name the tune after the power unit supplier. I’ve named them after their respective factories

I made one named Wolfsburg for the Volkswagen mod found here:

Then just manually sort out the SFX files for the correct engines using this mod here:

But as a heads up, I found the Formula Hybrid X 2021 sound to be more ‘Hondary’ than the Honda sound in the pack
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if you have AMS2 give the new Bathurst in it a spin, its the first bathurst I have driven in sim that "feels" right in terms of sense of scale and height, the mountian is "high" and does not feel flat.. the sense of actually going up and down the inclines its close to the actual thing (although Ive only ever done it on motorcycles fwiw IRL, so possible my perspective is skewed ), coming up to the esses the drop off view is spot on to the real thing.

Suspect that technically its been scaled a tad too much in "height / Z" (or Y if AMS uses that as up, but, the result is it feels "right", also something familiar about it , think I have been on this version in AC, maybe the "other" one, in terms of geometry, but definately not in terms of height scale.

EDIT: Grabbed a bit of video of one lap, you will see what I mean in the straights, the elevation is quite marked. Give it a sec to upload.

In VR it must be awesome!
Hey guys! So here's my story. Ordered a PC for sim racing a little over a month ago, and it FINALLY arrived yesterday. In the meantime, I had been collecting mod cars and tracks on a hard drive, ready to transfer once I got my PC.

But my PC is telling me I don't have permission to open/copy/etc any of the files on that hard drive, even though I changed the permissions to "Everyone" and I'm using the only user profile on the PC. Anyone come across this and know what I need to change?
Tewie and Rainmaker / Updated by
Adelaide 2011 v1.1
Update shaders and textures
Add skin in kn5 Adelaide Superloop 500 Re-Mix by Fred Basset
Add AI Improved by Pursang
Add 3dgrass and water
Update outline, map and preview

if you'd like to make a donation to my work:

Thanks for the update, but I think there is something not quite right here. Firstly, did you use the latest available 2011 track? Your Readme.txt states version 0.90 was used and you have updated your UI to v1.1. However, the latest version of this track is already v1.1 and has this over 0.9:

Adelaide 2011 for Assetto Corsa
This track was originally converted from F1 Challenge to rFactor by Redhawk and Flaux. It was converted to GTR2 by Khan1670 and enhanced by RacerM. The conversion and the enhancement for Assetto Corsa was done by tewie and Rainmaker.
-replay cameras
-working track map
-support for hot lap mode
-support for time attack mode
-competitive AI made with AC v1.14.4
-23 pit boxes with working pit lane
Get always the latest version here:
If you like it you can send a donation here:

-complete new ai
-new outline in preview
-fixed a wall issue + new walls management
-fixed missing circuit tag (for Content Manager user)

-complete new track conversion

So maybe it did not need as much changing or adding as you thought? I also think the Tarmac is way too dark with your edit (see pics at bottom). One thing I did notice that definitely isn't right, you have lost the ksDiffuse value of nearly every object on the track. This for most things cannot be 0 and yours are nearly all 0. It will be partly why it looks so dark as the sun doesn't get treat correctly on the materials you have it set to 0:


Original Road:


Your road (too dark IMO):


You can grab the latest track here:

PS - The track doesn't need VAO as there is a good one already downloaded by CM if you have that feature enabled, it is by default. Grass FX would be a nice addition though.
In VR it must be awesome!
oh yes, same engine as PC2 so no complaints in that department, but, the best thing is the ffb.. easily the best of any game I own.
what its lacking for though is choice of tracks and cars.. unless of course you into mostly brazzilian cars.
Well, I released what I've done to my Denver Pepsi Center circuit. A ton of stuff has been reworked, both layouts are there (2002-2004 and 2005-2006) with different sponsors in each layout, night lighting, etc. It performs better than the downtown Denver one.

AI is by Dathyr and cameras by DaBaeda. Thanks for your help, and thanks to the community here for encouraging me to keep working on this thing.

Well, I released what I've done to my Denver Pepsi Center circuit. A ton of stuff has been reworked, both layouts are there (2002-2004 and 2005-2006) with different sponsors in each layout, night lighting, etc. It performs better than the downtown Denver one.

AI is by Dathyr and cameras by DaBaeda. Thanks for your help, and thanks to the community here for encouraging me to keep working on this thing.

You don't know how long I've wanted this, thank you.
LOL. Bruce is making massive buses. And hey, why not. :P The interior detail is nice.

Mod by Bruce Kelt
2000 Alexander ALX400 - Volvo B7TL
Specs: Turocharged Diesel With 6-Speeed Automatic..
BHP: 300
NM : 1050
Encryption (None)
CSP latest version is required.!! This will include Dash Animation, And More Lighting Features and Doors Open Command.
3D Shell: Omsi 2 mod. (V3D)
3D Work: V3D
Physics: Dmitrii A. x4fab (Orion VII NG)
Sounds : Ditto from Volvo Racing Trucks...
Pictures : Myself..
Few Skins Are Included.
Archived Template Folder Included.
Any issues found please report directly to name's mentioned above.
Thanks For Checking It Out & Enjoy...
Download Link:

ok I just signed up to this site JUST for the bus mod. Is there any updates to this or any other decker deck london buses?

I am actually a London Bus driver and I would love to drive the old RouteMasters, "Bendy" if they are out there. Currently driving the new LT "Boris" Busses in London. Actually at time of writing I'm just heading out to work now :D *ding ding*

p.s. If you need any reference material on current London Buses I can arrange good quality photos if it will help make this happen
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I very rarely disagree with the majority of posts you make ales, you are a gold mine of information. But on this one you are way off the mark. I will agree that the cars skin leaves a lot to be desired (can't remember the last time I opened the showroom or watched a replay) I don't think the modder claims to be an artist in that department, the sound needs work but I'm not going to take him to task (the odd drop out needs sorting) on that one either. But the physics are superb, took me an afternoon playing with set-ups to get the car to perform at both Fuji & Suzuka for my driving style. Still have the rest of the Sgt tracks to find set-ups for. Real difficult to compare this to the Shiro as this being based on the 2020 series they are ultimately different cars but if I were to this is better by some margin, I'd even go as far as saying the URD is too tame. Who says these are easy to drive, they aren't, want that, jump in your road car. Masscott, if it's drifting, you aren't pushing the car hard enough there's plenty of mechanical grip and an over abundance of downforce - blame the FIA for having dumbed down the series so DTM cars could compete. Shame, as Sgt 500 racing was the most adrenaline filled, machismo racing genre anywhere on the planet. Japanese macho at it's best, more a tyre war than car - I do hope the modder decides to do both the nsx & supra. Could be a load of bollocks, but I gather the Japanese modder has both access to data & drivers of the current 2020 series. That's why I rate Shaun's radical so highly, he has access to a pro driver racing the thing, not some fantasist on the internet. Having raced both motorcycles & cars, admittedly only at club level I place my faith in drivers and engineers of said cars. They know how the car should perform in the real world and if a simulation of that car gets anywhere close then that's good enough for me. Apologies if I've trod on anyone's toes.... Do you know what I'd really love, someone as good a Jim to sort out an optimised version of Fuji..... Anyone?
Very nice post. 👍 So much so, that now I'm gonna have to give this car another shot (would of driven it anyway of course, but now I'm gonna have to give it proper treatment and take special attention to driving and set-up, something I confess did not do to full extent on initial testing, and usually do only on mods that make it on my top driving list). To me when a car doesn't feel right from the start on default setup, I usually don't even bother diving very deep into setups and tweaking as I learned that even though you can do a lot to improve the way it drives for your style of driving, that feeling never goes away. I know, I know, I might miss on a gem here and there because of this kind of thinking, but there is just so many mods out there, and excellent ones at that, that one can not loose time and dwell for days and days trying to find a setup and settings that make you fall in love with car.

But this is what I meant before, that we need more in depth opinions on paid mods, cause everybody can not do full in depth testing to every car that comes along, It would take 24/7 to do that, and very few of us have so much time. And because of that, we all probably miss quite a few excellent mods in the process.

I still think graphically the model is not good. Even sub paar I would say for a paid mod. That opinion I'm not gonna change. It's sloppy and a lot of corners have been cut. And usually if you cut corners here, you cut them elsewhere as well.

Anyway thanks for the post again. I always appreciate when I get a well formulated and argumented disagreeing opinion. I believe you learn the most from those, and that no matter if they are right or wrong.
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if you have AMS2 give the new Bathurst in it a spin, its the first bathurst I have driven in sim that "feels" right in terms of sense of scale and height, the mountian is "high" and does not feel flat.. the sense of actually going up and down the inclines its close to the actual thing (although Ive only ever done it on motorcycles fwiw IRL, so possible my perspective is skewed ), coming up to the esses the drop off view is spot on to the real thing.

Suspect that technically its been scaled a tad too much in "height / Z" (or Y if AMS uses that as up, but, the result is it feels "right", also something familiar about it , think I have been on this version in AC, maybe the "other" one, in terms of geometry, but definately not in terms of height scale.

EDIT: Grabbed a bit of video of one lap, you will see what I mean in the straights, the elevation is quite marked. Give it a sec to upload.

I will actually do a side by side video today of your video and mine of the acc conversion and post it here. Even though I fully get what you are trying to say, by watching your video now and then rewatching mine, I think what your experiencing is just a feeling and that the difference is gonna be very minimal. But I could be totally wrong, that is why a will do the comparison video. And maybe if I get time, add a comparison to real life hotlap. I never drove the track (oh that is a high entry on my bucket list and am so jealous at you right now :lol:), so this is something I would love to try to get to the bottom of. (why am I so obsessed with this track, what the **** is wrong with me :lol:).

I'll give a cross reference from another sport. I live 5 minutes away from a world Cup skiing venue. I can actually see the track through my window right now. So you can imagine I spent quite the amount of time on that track skiing. And every year I watch the race and they do a course presentation with a head cam, I look in disbelief at how flat the course looks on TV or YouTube. I guess the speed, the g-forces, the adrenaline,... makes you experience elevations much more differently IRL. The final straight on this skiing course looks almost like it has no elevation on TV, but let me tell you I fell last year there with my son while riding on a slade, and it took us good 50 meters to come to a full stop. We probably did 2 or 3 full 360 spins along the way. The kid had his entire face scrapped off. Took hit to the emergency room just be on a safe side he didn't hurt himself seriously.

EDIT: Here is a dirty comparison video. Just ignore my total lack of video editing skills. It could be done better, but you are in a slower car, have traffic and use a wide screen aspect ratio. So i had to improvise a little bit. Set my video to 0.9 speed and "waited" for you to catch-up on top of the mountain. To bad you got stuck in traffic going up the mountain. But non the less i think still can be seen that there is not much difference. Especially going down the mountain, where there is a more direct comparison. If anything I think elevations are more expressive in ACC version of the track:

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ok I just signed up to this site JUST for the bus mod. Is there any updates to this or any other decker deck london buses?

I am actually a London Bus driver and I would love to drive the old RouteMasters, "Bendy" if they are out there. Currently driving the new LT "Boris" Busses in London. Actually at time of writing I'm just heading out to work now :D *ding ding*

p.s. If you need any reference material on current London Buses I can arrange good quality photos if it will help make this happen
Bruce Kelt is on facebook and these are being posted on a page called Assetto Corsa Mod Central. I forget what these are converted from but the models are well done. I'm not sure what buses all exist but I'll keep an eye out.
He's done 2 so far with a 3rd on the way.
It was the old kart 100 that has been around for a while but updated by, i think, beezer on here. Hopefully a search will bring it up.

Thing with these kart tracks is, they are a tonne of fun with small cars and even more fun with the SUV's, which i was totally ignoring till i realised how much fun they ar to tank around Mallory Park RX
It was the old kart 100 that has been around for a while but updated by, i think, beezer on here. Hopefully a search will bring it up.

Thing with these kart tracks is, they are a tonne of fun with small cars and even more fun with the SUV's, which i was totally ignoring till i realised how much fun they ar to tank around Mallory Park RX track.

View attachment 943398

The Gothenburg City Race Track created here is good fun for Kart in Assetto, and for super karts Circuit de Ledonen now also does superkarts on that track for real - such a great track updated here a while back. I do find karts difficult In Assetto so it's trying to get the right tracks for them - I will try yours later on - thanks

Do t know if it much different go the othes but this one sort of went under the radar. Here's the rotex kart

The plain 125 the AI works okay - whereas the rotex 125 it doesn't work properly in my experience.
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Thanks for that! I havent tried the Okayama layout nor the very last link track you posted - thanks

Edit: missed Karting Cabo de Mundo alsoand THAT looks a large layout which is what I'm after

Edit No.2: Think I missed one or two others also. So, yep, thanks for this gonna try them later on
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